コード例 #1
	def _doGet(self):

			PM = QRzarPlayerMapper()

			if self.arg is not None:
				if self.arg.isdigit():
					# Get the user by ID
					player = PM.find(self.arg)
					raise BadRequest("Players must be requested by ID")

				if player is not None:
					return self._response(Depth.build(player, self.depth), CODE.OK)
					raise NotFound("This player does not exist")


				offset = 0
				players = PM.findAll(offset, offset+50)

				if players is None:
					raise NotFound("There are no players on this system.")

				playerslist = []
				for player in playerslist:
					playerslist.append(Depth.build(player, self.depth))

				playerslist = {"players": playerslist, "pagination_offset": offset, "max_perpage": 50}

				return self._response(playerslist, CODE.OK)

		except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
				raise ServerError("Unable to search the player database (%s: %s)" % e.args[0], e.args[1])
コード例 #2
def main():
    from Common.config import TopHatConfig

    # setup the config
    kwargs = {"path": "/home/specialk/Dev/tophat/config.py"}

    # do the other stuff
    from Model.Mapper.qrzargamemapper import QRzarGameMapper
    from Model.Mapper.usermapper import UserMapper
    from Model.Mapper.killmapper import KillMapper
    from Model.Mapper.qrzarplayermapper import QRzarPlayerMapper
    from Model.Mapper.apitokenmapper import ApitokenMapper
    from Model.Mapper.objectwatcher import ObjectWatcher

    # Get All the current Users from the database
    UM = UserMapper()
    users = UM.findAll()
    for usr in users:
        print usr

    GM = QRzarGameMapper()
    games = GM.findAll()
    for game_ in games:
        print game_

    KM = KillMapper()
    kills = KM.findAll()

    for kill_ in kills:
        print kill_

    PM = QRzarPlayerMapper()
    players = PM.findAll()

    for player_ in players:
        print player_

    ATM = ApitokenMapper()
    tokens = ATM.findAll()
    for token in tokens:
        print token

    usr1 = UM.find(1)