コード例 #1
def movie_launcher():
    """[summary: launch the script to scrap all information of imb movie platform]
    entity = Movie()  # instantiation of the movie objet
    for step in range(1, 13117,
                      50):  # we loop into 13117 movies that contains the imb
        # build the url of each page
        url = 'https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?at=0&num_votes=5000,&sort=user_rating,desc&start=' + str(
            step) + '&title_type=feature'
        res = requests.get(url)

        if res.ok:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'),
                                 'html.parser')  # we get the soup content
            tags = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'lister-item-content'})
            for tag in tags:
                r = requests.get(
                )  # 'https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/?ref_=adv_li_tt'
                if r.ok:
                    content = BeautifulSoup(
                        r.text, 'html.parser')  # we get the soup content
                    manager = Manager(
                        [content, tag])  # initialization of Manager  of movie
                        entity)  # convert the current objet to dictionnary
                    )  # register the current entity of movie into the csv file
コード例 #2
 def test_getMovieById(self):
     if self.controller.getMovieById('11111111') is False:
         self.controller.addMovie('11111111', 'sfsdfsf', 'sdfdsfsfdsfdsfs',
         Movie('11111111', 'sfsdfsf', 'sdfdsfsfdsfdsfs', 'action'))
    def updateMovieId(self, movieId, newId):
                A functions that updates a movie's ID and also provides data validation
            :param movieId: integer
            :param newId: intege
            :return: True if the movie was updated, False, otherwise
            movieId = int(movieId)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Error: \n Movie Id cannot be string")
            newId = int(newId)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Error: \n New Movie Id cannot be string")

        item = self.getItemById(movieId)
        newItem = self.getItemById(newId)

        if newItem:
            raise ValueError("Error:\n The given id is already taken")
        if item is not False:
            item = Movie(*item)
            item.id = newId
            return self.updateItemById(movieId, item)
コード例 #4
 def test_strMovie(self):
     self.movie.id = 3
     self.movie.genre = 'action'
     self.movie.title = 'Titanic4'
     self.movie.description = 'supers'
     m = Movie(3, 'sd', 'sds', 'action')
     self.assertNotEqual(m, self.movie)
     m = self.movie
     self.assertEqual(m, self.movie)
     self.assertEqual(str(self.movie), '3, Titanic4, supers, action')
コード例 #5
 def test_search(self):
     c = MovieController(Repository("testSearch", "d"))
     c.addItem(Movie(3, "action", "sdf", "family"))
     self.assertEqual(c.searchMovieByGenre("action"), [])
     self.assertEqual(c.searchMovieByTitle("d"), [])
     self.assertEqual(c.searchMovieByDescription("descriere"), [])
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.searchMovieByDescription, "")
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.searchMovieByGenre, "")
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.searchMovieByTitle, "")
 def addMovie(self, movieId, title, description, genre):
         A function that validates and adds a movie to the repository
     :param movieId: integer
     :param title: string / cannot be empty
     :param description: string / cannot be empty
     :param genre: one of MOVIE_GENRE
     :return: True if the movie was added with success, raises errors if there are any validation problems
     if MovieValidator.validate(movieId, title, description, genre):
         movieId = int(movieId)
         movie = Movie(movieId, title, description, genre)
         if self.repo.getItemById(int(movieId)) is not False:
             raise ValueError("Error:\n The given id is already taken")
         return True
 def updateMovieGenre(self, movieId, newGenre):
             A functions that updates a movie's genre and also provides data validation
         :param movieId: integer
         :param newGenre: string // cannot be empty
         :return: True if the movie was updated, False, otherwise
     if ',' in newGenre:
         raise ValueError(
             "Error:\n Parameters should not contain the ',' character")
         movieId = int(movieId)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("Error: \n Movie Id cannot be string")
     if newGenre not in MOVIE_GENRE:
         raise ValueError("Error: \n Movie genre isn't valid")
     item = self.getItemById(movieId)
     if item is not False:
         item = Movie(*item)
         item.genre = newGenre
         return self.repo.updateItemById(movieId, item)
コード例 #8
 def setUp(self):
     self.movie = Movie(3, 'Titanic4', 'supers', 'action')
     self.repo = Repository('testMovies', 'testMovies')
     self.controller = MovieController(self.repo)
     if self.controller.getMovieById(77) is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(772) is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(773) is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(23) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("23", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById('233333') is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(20) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("20", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(200) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("200", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(90) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("90", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(123) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("123", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(234) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("234", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(33) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("33", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(90) is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(323) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("323", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(929) is not False:
     if self.controller.getMovieById(33) is False:
         self.controller.addMovie("333", "title", "description", "action")
     if self.controller.getMovieById(939) is not False:
 def updateMovieName(self, movieId, movieTitle):
         A functions that updates a movie's title and also provides data validation
     :param movieId: integer
     :param movieTitle: string // cannot be empty
     :return: True if the movie was updated, False, otherwise
     if ',' in movieTitle:
         raise ValueError(
             "Error:\n Parameters should not contain the ',' character")
         movieId = int(movieId)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("Error:\n Movie id must be integer")
     if len(movieTitle.strip()) == 0:
         raise ValueError("Error: \n Movie Title should not be empty")
     item = self.getItemById(movieId)
     if item is not False:
         item = Movie(*item)
         if len(movieTitle.strip()) > 0:
             item.title = movieTitle
             return self.updateItemById(int(movieId), item)
         raise ValueError("Error:\n Movie Id cannot be find")
コード例 #10
 def test_UpdateMovie5(self):
     self.controller.addItem(Movie(20000000000, "sds", "sdfs", "action"))
コード例 #11
 def test_UpdateMovie4(self):
     self.controller.addItem(Movie(20000000000, "sds", "sdfs", "action"))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.controller.updateMovie, '23',
                       '233333', "", "sdfsdfssfs", "action")
コード例 #12
 def test_GetAllMovies(self):
     repo2 = Repository('movieUpdateTest', "test2")
     movie = Movie("2", "223", '22320', 'action')
     controller2 = MovieController(repo2)
     l = controller2.getAllMovies()
     self.assertEqual(controller2.getAllMovies(), [movie])