def module_2(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) lines = sorted(file.readlines(), key=len, reverse=True) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + "/" + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(lines) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
def module_1(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: lines = file.readlines() total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "Loaded {} ".format( os.path.basename( print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) output = Utilities().savelocation( "Randomize Lines") + "/" + Utilities().files("Randomizelines") amount = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How many times would you like to randomize?: ". center(self.width).split(":")[0] + ": ") for _ in range(int(amount)): random.shuffle(lines) print(f"[+] Randomized {_} times.".center(self.width), end="\r") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(output + Utilities().currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") as output: output.writelines(lines) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
def module_6(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) email = input( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] What email would you like to add? [Domain [Example:]/Random]" .center(self.width).split("Random]")[0] + 'Random]: ').lower() with open("Settings/Email Providers.json") as json_file: emails = json.load(json_file) for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if email == "random": slines = lines.split(":") username = slines[0] self.to_write.append(username + "@" + random.choice(emails) + ":" + slines[1]) else: slines = lines.split(":") username = slines[0] self.to_write.append(username + "@" + email + ":" + slines[1]) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = Utilities().savelocation( "Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") with open(output + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
def module_5(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) pick = input( "[?] Do you want to add a prefix or a suffix? - [prefix/suffix]: " .center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ') prefixorsuffix = input("[?] What would you like to add?: ".center( self.width).split(":")[0] + ': ') done = [] for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if pick == "prefix": done.append(prefixorsuffix + f"{lines}") else: done = ([ "".join([x.strip(), prefixorsuffix, "\n"]) for x in file.readlines() ]) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = Utilities().savelocation( "Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") with open(output + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(done) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
def module_4(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: pick = input( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Do you want to add or remove commas? - [add/remove]: ". center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ') total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if pick == "remove": lines = re.sub('(,)[^,]*$', "\r", lines.rstrip()) self.to_write.append(lines) else: lines = lines.rstrip() result = "".join(lines) + ",\n" self.to_write.append(result) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None
class EmailToUsername(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.utilities.clear() self.to_write.clear() self.module_1() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Email To Username") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "EmailToUsername") for line in file: lines = line.split(":") self.to_write.append(lines[0].split("@")[0] + ":" + lines[1]) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] lines Converted: %s".rstrip().center(self.width) % total_lines) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class LineCounter(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Count all lines") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Count all lines containing a certain string") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = {"1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()"} if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) word = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "Input the word to search for: ".center( self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) for lines in file: if word not in lines: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Line Counter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "linesCounter") + "[{}]".format(word) with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class DuplicateRemover(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() self.module_1() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) uniquelines = set(file.readlines()) if not len(uniquelines) == total_lines: output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Duplicate Remover") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "DuplicateRemover") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(uniquelines) print("[+] Duplicates Removed: %s".center(self.width) % str(len(uniquelines) - total_lines)) else: print("[-] No duplicates found".center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class ComboParser(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.utilities.clear() self.to_write.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Password:Email/Username -> Email/Username:Password [Works for reversing email:password too]") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Username/email:Password:Email/username -> 2 files [user:pass, email:pass]") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Email Extractor") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()" } if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception: self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): tmp = lines.split(":") self.to_write.append(tmp[0].rstrip() + ':' + tmp[1].rstrip() + '\n') if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Parser") + '/' + self.utilities.files("ComboParser") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): dest = [] dest2 = [] with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): eachlines = lines.split() dest.append(eachlines[2] + ":" + eachlines[1] + "\n") dest2.append(eachlines[0] + ":" + eachlines[1] + "\n") if len(dest) >= 1 and len(dest2) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Parser") + '/' + self.utilities.files("ComboParser1") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(dest) with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Parser") + '/' + self.utilities.files("ComboParser2") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile2: outfile2.writelines(dest2) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): match ="""(?:[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])""", lines) if match: self.to_write.append( + "\n") if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Parser") + '/' + self.utilities.files("ComboParser") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class EmptyLineRemover(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.utilities.clear() self.to_write.clear() self.module_1() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".format(total_lines).rstrip().center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) cleaned = list(filter(lambda x: not re.match(r'^\s*$', x), file.readlines())) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".rstrip().center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") if len(cleaned) >= 1 and len(cleaned) < total_lines: output = self.utilities.savelocation("Empty Line Remover") + "/" + self.utilities.files("EmptylinesRemover") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(cleaned) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Empty Lines Removed: %s".rstrip().center(self.width) % str(int(total_lines) - int(len(cleaned)))) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".rstrip().center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class PasswordFilterer(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 uppercase letter.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 number.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 symbol.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[4]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 uppercase and 1 symbol.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[5]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 number and 1 uppercase.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[6]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords that don't contain at least 1 number, 1 uppercase and is shorter than x amount of characters.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[7]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all passwords shorter or longer than x amount of characters.") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[8]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Custom Presets") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX).lower() self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()", "4": "self.module_4()", "5": "self.module_5()", "6": "self.module_6()", "7": "self.module_7()", "8": "self.custom_presets()" } if select.lower() in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] reg =".*[A-Z]+.*", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) pass else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] reg =".*[0-9]+.*", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] reg =".*[\\!$%^&*()_+|~\-=`{}[\]:\";'<>?,./@#]+.*", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_4(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] reg ="((.*[A-Z]+).*([\\!$%^&*()_+|~\-=`{}[\]:\";'<>?,./@#]+.*))", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_5(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] reg ="((.*[A-Z]+).*([0-9]+.*))", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_6(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: amount = int(input("[?] How long should the password minimum be?: ")) total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(':')[1] if len(line) >= amount: reg ="((.*[A-Z]+).*([0-9]+.*))", line) if reg: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_7(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: lonorsho = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Would you like to remove passwords longer or shorter than x?: [Shorter/Longer] ".center(self.width).split("r] ")[0] + "r] ").lower() amount = int(input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How long should the password minimum be?: ".center(self.width).split("?: ")[0] + "?: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX)) total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: if lonorsho == "longer": line = lines.split(':')[1] if len(line) >= amount: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass else: line = lines.split(":")[1] if len(line) <= amount: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass except IndexError: continue print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + '/' + self.utilities.files("PasswordFilterer") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as output: output.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def custom_presets(self): with open("Settings/Password Filterer Presets.json", "r") as file: file = json.load(file) for preset in file: print(preset) preset_selection = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\n[?] Select the preset you would like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) regex = file[preset_selection]['Regex'] with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors='ignore') as f: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(f, total_lines): if file[preset_selection]['Type'].lower() in ("pass", "password", "passw"): line = lines.split(':')[1] elif file[preset_selection]['Type'].lower() in ("email", "emailaddress"): line = lines.split(":")[0] elif file[preset_selection]['Type'].lower() == "line": line = lines reg =, line) if reg: if file[preset_selection]['Group'].lower() != "none": try: reg_g =[preset_selection]['Group']) self.to_write.append(reg_g) except Exception: continue else: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass output = self.utilities.savelocation('Password Filterer') + "/" + self.utilities.files('PasswordFilterer') with open(output + f" [{preset_selection}] " + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'a', errors="ignore") as output_files: output_files.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class ComboSorter(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Sort by lines length") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Sort by lines length [Reversed, longest first]") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Sort alphabetically ") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[4]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Comma adder + remover") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[5]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Add prefix or suffix") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[6]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Add domains to user:pass combos") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()", "4": "self.module_4()", "5": "self.module_5()", "6": "self.module_6()" } if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) start = time.time() lines = sorted(file.readlines(), key=len) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(lines) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) lines = sorted(file.readlines(), key=len, reverse=True) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + "/" + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(lines) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) lines = sorted(file.readlines()) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(lines) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_4(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: pick = input( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Do you want to add or remove commas? - [add/remove]: ". center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ') total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if pick == "remove": lines = re.sub('(,)[^,]*$', "\r", lines.rstrip()) self.to_write.append(lines) else: lines = lines.rstrip() result = "".join(lines) + ",\n" self.to_write.append(result) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(Utilities().savelocation("Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_5(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) pick = input( "[?] Do you want to add a prefix or a suffix? - [prefix/suffix]: " .center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ') prefixorsuffix = input("[?] What would you like to add?: ".center( self.width).split(":")[0] + ': ') done = [] for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if pick == "prefix": done.append(prefixorsuffix + f"{lines}") else: done = ([ "".join([x.strip(), prefixorsuffix, "\n"]) for x in file.readlines() ]) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = Utilities().savelocation( "Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") with open(output + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(done) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_6(self): with open(Utilities().openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = Utilities().rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) email = input( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] What email would you like to add? [Domain [Example:]/Random]" .center(self.width).split("Random]")[0] + 'Random]: ').lower() with open("Settings/Email Providers.json") as json_file: emails = json.load(json_file) for lines in Utilities().progressbar(file, total_lines): if email == "random": slines = lines.split(":") username = slines[0] self.to_write.append(username + "@" + random.choice(emails) + ":" + slines[1]) else: slines = lines.split(":") username = slines[0] self.to_write.append(username + "@" + email + ":" + slines[1]) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = Utilities().savelocation( "Combo Sorter") + '/' + Utilities().files("ComboSorter") with open(output + Utilities().currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class RandomUtilities(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Random string generator") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Number generator") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Line break remover") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[4]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Line break adder") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()", "4": "self.module_4()" } if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): print( "[*] Generating over 25 keys will automatically get saved instead of getting printed." ) amount = int( input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How many would you like to generate?: ")) length = int( input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How long should the string be?: ")) if amount >= 25: output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Random Utilities") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "RandomUtilities") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '[String].txt', 'w') as outfile: start = time.time() for _ in range(amount)[::-1]: self.to_write.append(''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length)) + '\n') print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format( time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: start = time.time() for _ in range(amount)[::-1]: print(Style.RESET_ALL + ''.join( random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length))) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Random Utilities") + "/" + self.utilities.files("RandomUtilities") amount = int( input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Input how many numbers to generate: ".center( self.width).split(":")[0] + ":")) start = time.time() for i in range(amount + 1): self.to_write.append(i) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(str((x)) + '\n' for x in self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as inputf: start = time.time() for lines in inputf: self.to_write.append(lines.replace("\n", " ")) output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Random Utilities") + "/" + self.utilities.files("RandomUtilities") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_4(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as inputf: start = time.time() delimiter = input( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] What delimiter should I split at to add the lines break?: " ) for lines in inputf: try: lines = lines.split(str(delimiter)) a = lines[0] b = lines[1] outputs = a + '\n' + delimiter + b self.to_write.append(outputs) except IndexError: print(f"Unable to split at given delimiter: '{delimiter}'") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Random Utilities") + "/" + self.utilities.files("RandomUtilities") with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w') as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class ComboCleaner(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.utilities.clear() self.to_write.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Replace all ;'s with :'s") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines containing '{' or '}'") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines not containing ':' or ';'") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[4]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines not containing '@'") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[5]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines containing '@'") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[6]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all of the above (Except option 5)") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[7]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines containing a certain string") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[8]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Invalid combo remover [[email protected]: ] or [ :example]") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[9]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Remove all lines longer than or shorter than x") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()", "4": "self.module_4()", "5": "self.module_5()", "6": "self.module_6()", "7": "self.module_7()", "8": "self.module_8()", "9": "self.module_9()" } if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: self.total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(self.total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, self.total_lines): if ';' in lines: line = lines.replace(";", ":") self.to_write.append(line) else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if "{" in lines or "}" in lines: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if ":" in lines or ";" in lines: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_4(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if "@" not in lines: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_5(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if "@" not in lines: self.to_write.append(lines) else: pass if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_6(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines+1).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if "{" in lines or "}" in lines or "@" not in lines: pass else: if ";" in lines: line = lines.replace(';', ':') self.to_write.append(line) else: if ":" not in lines: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_7(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) word = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Input the word to search for: ".center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if word in lines: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + f'{[word]}.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_8(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): try: line = lines.split(":") if line[0] in ("\n", ""): pass elif line[1] in ("\n", ""): pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) except Exception: pass if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_9(self): with open(self.utilities.openfile(), 'r', errors="ignore") as file: pick = input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Would you like to remove lines longer or shorter than x? | [longer/shorter]: ".center(self.width).split(':')[0] + ': ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX).lower() total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center(self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format(total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) if pick == "longer": longest = int(input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How long should the maximum be? ".center(self.width).split('? ')[0] + '? ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX)) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if len(lines) > longest: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) elif pick == "shorter": shortest = int(input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] How long should the shortest be? ".center(self.width).split('? ')[0] + '? ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX)) for lines in self.utilities.progressbar(file, total_lines): if len(lines) < shortest: pass else: self.to_write.append(lines) if len(self.to_write) >= 1: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") with open(self.utilities.savelocation("Combo Cleaner") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboCleaner") + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'w', errors="ignore") as outfile: outfile.writelines(self.to_write) else: print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "No invalid lines were found.".center(self.width)) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()
class ComboSplitter(): def __init__(self): self.to_write = [] self.utilities = Utilities() self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns self.total_lines = None def startup(self): self.to_write.clear() self.utilities.clear() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[1]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Split combos into multiple smaller combos") print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[2]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Split combo into 2 files, user/email + password") print( self.utilities.custom_color() + "[3]" + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + " | Split Email:pass into 3 files, emails, passwords and usernames" ) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "\nPress enter to go back to the main menu.") try: select = input("\n" + self.utilities.custom_color() + "[?] Select the module you'd like to use: " + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX) self.modules = { "1": "self.module_1()", "2": "self.module_2()", "3": "self.module_3()" } if select in self.modules: eval(self.modules[select]) except Exception as e: print(e) self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_1(self): splitlen = int( input(self.utilities.custom_color() + "Input the amount of lines you'd like per file: ".center( self.width).split(':')[0] + ": ")) with open(self.utilities.openfile(), "r", errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print("File contains {} lines.".format(total_lines).center( self.width)) print("Estimated amount of files: {}".format( total_lines / splitlen).split(".")[0].center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) at = 0 count = 0 output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files("ComboSplitter") for lines in file: if count % splitlen == 0: dest = open(output + " - " + str(at) + " - " + self.utilities.currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") at += 1 dest.writelines(lines) count += 1 dest.close() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_2(self): to_write0 = [] to_write1 = [] with open(self.utilities.openfile(), "r", errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "ComboSplitter2Email") output2 = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "ComboSplitter2Password") for lines in file: try: inputlines = lines.split(":") to_write0.append("{}".format(inputlines[0])) to_write1.append("{}\n".format(inputlines[1])) except Exception: pass with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") as file1: file1.writelines(to_write0) with open(output2 + self.utilities.currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") as file2: file2.writelines(to_write1) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".center(self.width - 7).format(time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup() def module_3(self): emails = [] usernames = [] passwords = [] with open(self.utilities.openfile(), "r", errors="ignore") as file: total_lines = self.utilities.rawbigcount( start = time.time() print(self.utilities.custom_color() + f"Loaded {os.path.basename(}".rstrip().center( self.width)) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "File contains {:,} lines.".rstrip().format( total_lines).center(self.width) + Style.RESET_ALL) output = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "ComboSplitter3Email") output2 = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "ComboSplitter3Username") output3 = self.utilities.savelocation( "Combo Splitter") + "/" + self.utilities.files( "ComboSplitter3Password") try: for lines in file: emails.append(lines.split(":")[0] + '\n') usernames.append(lines.split(":")[0].split('@')[0] + '\n') passwords.append(lines.split(":")[1]) except IndexError: pass with open(output + self.utilities.currenttime() + '.txt', 'a', errors="ignore") as outfile1: outfile1.writelines(emails) with open(output2 + self.utilities.currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") as outfile2: outfile2.writelines(usernames) with open(output3 + self.utilities.currenttime() + ".txt", "a", errors="ignore") as outfile3: outfile3.writelines(passwords) print(self.utilities.custom_color() + "[+] Time took: {}".rstrip().center(self.width - 7).format( time.time() - start).split('.')[0] + " seconds") self.utilities.pleasewait() self.startup()