コード例 #1
## does not work in access
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_Receipt.txt')
		if commonBits.version()  == 'MsAccess':
			select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('ComboBox1', 'CSV')
##		select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[RHTAR297853      96010019809740000112204.03.200520.28.10000005965IN                              000000000000000000000000000                    00013776000000002800000002800                    NNY0000028 L96010082005-03-04-], [RDTAR211853      9601001980974000000022013240000000000001EN00000002800000100000000049200EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR297853      91110019809740000000220132400000000000015036000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015043000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015045000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015065000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015069000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015072000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015076000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR21153       96010019809740000000220132400000000000015079000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015094000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015128000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015151000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015173000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015180000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-]]')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		select_menu('Edit>>Change Layout')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		#select('ComboBox1', 'Ams')
		select('ComboBox2', 'ams Receipt')
		if commonBits.version()  != 'MsAccess':
			select('Table', 'cell:114 - 9|Act Recv Qty Rs,4(3)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[RH, TAR, 297853, 9601, 112204.03., 200520.2, 8.100, 0, 5965IN, , ,           0000000000000000, 0, 00                    00013776000000002800000002800                    NNY0000028 L96010082005-03-04-], [RD, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, EN00, 2800, 100000, 00004920, 0EQBD180 2005-03-04-20.30., 5.644995, 000000014000131760], [RS, TAR, 297853, 9111, 2201324, 0, 1, 5036, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5043, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5045, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5057, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5065, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5069, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5072, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5076, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 21153, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5079, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5094, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5128, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5151, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5173, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5180, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ]]')
		if commonBits.version()  != 'MsAccess':
			select('Table', 'cell:114 - 9|Act Recv Qty Rs,4(3)')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Ams')
		select('ComboBox2', 'ams Receipt')
コード例 #2
ファイル: UnknownMainframeVB.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() +  'DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin')
		select('ComboBox2', 'Unknown Mainframe VB')
##		click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 3, 29)

		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
		select_menu('View>>Table View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[?V Geelong                                         NYNNNN], [?Q Coffs Harbour                                   NYNNNN], [?Q Mackay                                          NYNNNN], [??V Ballarat                                        NYNNNN]]')
##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[?V Geelong                                         NYNNNN], [?Q Coffs Harbour                                   NYNNNN], [?Q Mackay                                          NYNNNN], [??V Ballarat                                        NYNNNN]]'}
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
		assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '147')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
		assert_p('Table', 'ColumnCount', '1')
		select('Table', 'rows:[0,1,2,3],columns:[1 - 1|Data]')
		select('ComboBox2', 'DTAR1000 VB')
		assert_p('Table', 'ColumnCount', '9')

コード例 #3
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        select('Table', 'rows:[5,8,11,14],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        #		rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,8')
        #		select('Table', 'rows:[5,8,11,14],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
        #		select('Table2', 'rows:[5,8,11,14],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,3(Penrith)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '58 Leland Street', 'Row 1,5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,3(Miranda)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'NSW', 'Row 1,8')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,3(St Marys)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '2760', 'Row 3,7')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,5(Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Miranda', 'Row 2,6')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,5(Charles Hackett Drive)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'St Mary\'s', 'Row 3,6')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,6(Miranda)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5019, 5037, 5060, 5078], [ST, ST, ST, ST], [Penrith, Miranda, St Marys, Warringah Mall], [Penrith, Westfield Shoppingtown, St. Mary\'s, Frenchs Forest], [58 Leland Street, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Charles Hackett Drive, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive], [Penrith, Miranda, St Mary\'s, Frenchs Forest], [2750, 2228, 2760, 2086], [NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,6(Miranda)')
        select('Table', 'rows:[5,8,11,14],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
コード例 #4
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits

    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Layout')
        select('Table', 'cell:Record Name,0(ams PO Download)')
        doubleclick('Table', 'Record Name,0')
        select('TextField', 'ams PO Down%')
        select('TabbedPane', 'Extras')
        #select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records')
        select('TextField1', '%')
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[ams PO Download, ], [ams PO Download: Allocation, Allocation Line], [ams PO Download: Detail, PO Download: Detail], [ams PO Download: Header, PO Download: Header]]')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[ams PO Download, ], [ams PO Download: Allocation, Allocation Line], [ams PO Download: Detail, PO Download: Detail], [ams PO Download: Header, PO Download: Header]]'

        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'ams PO Download', 'Record Name,0')
        select('TextField', 'ams PO Downl%')
        assert_p('TextField2', 'Text', 'ams PO Download')
        select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:Child Name,1(0)')
        click('Edit Child')
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', 'ams PO Download: Header')
        assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', 'Allocation Line')
コード例 #5
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzCsvTest5.csv')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'zzzCsvTest5')

        select('Table', 'cell:2|Array 1 (; and colon),1(2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6)')
        select('TextField', '2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6')
        keystroke('TextField', 'Tab')
        select('Table', 'cell:3|Field 3,1(333)')
               'cell:2|Array 1 (; and colon),1(2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6)')
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6')
        select('Table', 'cell:3|Field 3,1(333)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77], [1, 2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 777], [111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77], [1, 2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 777]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:3|Field 3,1(333)')
               'cell:2|Array 1 (; and colon),1(2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6)')
        #select('Table', 'cell:2|Array 1 (; and colon),1(2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Content',
                 '[[2, 3 55 3, 4, ], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, ]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:3|Field 3,1(333)')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Full Line')
            'cell:Full Line,1(1|2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777)'
        assert_p('Table', 'Text',
                 '1|2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777',
                 'Full Line,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Full Line,2(111|22|33|44|55|66|77)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '111|22|33|44|55|66|77', 'Full Line,2')
            'cell:Full Line,3(1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777)'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[111|22|33|44|55|66|77], [1|2;3 55 3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777], [111|22|33|44|55|66|77], [1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777]]'
            'cell:Full Line,3(1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777)'

        if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +
コード例 #6
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
            commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract2.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Data') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sort'))
        ##		select('List', 'ams Store')
        select('Table', 'Loc Type', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'Loc Nbr', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(Loc Nbr)')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Ringwood)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5839, DC, DC - Taras Ave, , 30-68 Taras Ave, Altona North, 3025, VIC, A], [TAR, 5850, DC, VIC West Ad Support, , Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [TAR, 5966, DC, Huntingwood DC, Huntingwood DC, 35 Huntingwood Drive, Huntingwood, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5967, DC, Hendra DC, Hendra DC, Cnr Headly Ave & Nudgee Road, Hendra, 4011, QLD, A], [TAR, 5968, DC, Beverly DC, Beverly DC, 117 Main Street, Beverly, 5009, SA, A], [TAR, 5002, ST, Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour, Cnr. Park Beach Road & Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour, 2450, NSW, A], [TAR, 5012, ST, Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, A], [TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5030, ST, Epping, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. High & Cooper Streets, Epping, 3076, VIC, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5054, ST, Highpoint City, Laverton, Lot 2, Cnr Lt Boundry & Old Geelong Road, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [TAR, 5062, ST, Castletown, Townsville, Cnr. Woolcock St. & Kings Road, Townsville, 4810, QLD, A], [TAR, 5096, ST, Canberra Civic, Target Canberra, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra, 2601, ACT, A], [TAR, 5138, ST, Cairns Central, Cairns, Cnr. McLeod & Aplin Streets, Cairns, 4870, QLD, A], [TAR, 5141, ST, The Willows, Thuringowa Central, Cnr Thuringowa Drive &  Range Rd, Thuringowa Central, 4817, QLD, A], [TAR, 5146, ST, Palmerston, Palmerston Shopping Centre, Temple Terrace, Palmerston, 0830, NT, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Ringwood)')

        if window(
                commonBits.fl('Save Changes to file: ' +
                              commonBits.sampleDir() +
コード例 #7
ファイル: FullEdit_Filter2.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'
	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
		commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		select('Table1', 'Loc Nbr', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
		select('Table1', '1', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0')
		select('Table1', 'Loc Nbr', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1')
		select('Table1', '2', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',1')
		select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',1()')

		select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,5(Strathpine - Not Yet Open)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Strathpine - Not Yet Open', '10 - 35|Loc Name,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Robina)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, 5129, ST, Macquarie, Maquarie Centre, Dock 2, Talavera Road,  North Ryde, 2113, NSW, A], [TAR, 5162, ST, Tuggeranong, Hyperdome Shopping Centre, Pitman Street, Tuggernong, 2900, NSW, A], [TAR, 5012, ST, Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, A], [TAR, 5152, ST, Mornington, Mornington, Cnr Franklin & Gordon Streets, Momington, 3931, VIC, A], [TAR, 5132, ST, Glenorchy, Derwent Park, Lot 12-13 Riverside Industrial Estate, Derwent park, 7009, TAS, A], [TAR, 5172, ST, Strathpine - Not Yet Open, Chermside Shopping Centre, G ie Rd, , Strathpine, 4032, QLD, A], [TAR, 5126, ST, Robina, Robina Town Centre, Robina Parkway, Robina, 4226, QLD, A], [TAR, 5021, ST, Tea Tree Plaza, Myer Tea Tree Plaza, 976 North East Road, Modbury, 5092, SA, A], [TAR, 5127, ST, Marion, Adelaide Airport, Frank Collopy Court, Adelaide Airport, 5950, SA, A], [TAR, 5142, ST, Hollywood Plaza, Hollywood Plaza Shopping Centre, Winzor Road, Salisbury Downs, 5108, SA, A], [TAR, 5128, ST, Rockingham, Rockingham Shopping Centre., Cnr. Read Street & Council Avenue, Rockingham, 6168, WA, A], [TAR, 5192, ST, Wetherill Park, , , , , , A]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,7(Tea Tree Plaza)')
		assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '12')
		select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,7(Tea Tree Plaza)')
コード例 #8
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
		commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
		select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6],columns:[8 - 2|Loc Type]')
		select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6],columns:[8 - 2|Loc Type]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,3(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC', 'Row 1,2')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,3(WA Ad Support)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'WA Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,3(Bankstown)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Condell Park', 'Row 3,6')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 4,3(Penrith)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Row 4,6')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,4(Bankstown)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033], [DC, DC, ST, ST, ST], [NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown], [, , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong], [, , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place], [, , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong], [, , 2200, 2750, 2148], [, , NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,4(Bankstown)')
		select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6],columns:[8 - 2|Loc Type]')
コード例 #9
ファイル: FullEdit_csvArray1.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzCsvTest4.csv')
		commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'zzzCsvTest4')

		select('Table', 'cell:2|Array 1 (; and |),1(2;3;4|1;2;3;4|4;5;6)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[2, 3, 4, ], [1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, ]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:4|Array 2 (;),1(2;3;4;5;6)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		#select('Table', 'cell:A,2(4)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:4|Array 2 (;),1(2;3;4;5;6)')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '2;3;4;5;6')
		#assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77], [1, 2;3 44 5;4|1;2;3;4|4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4 55 66;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 1|33|33|11], [111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 1|2|1], [1, 2;3;4|1;2;3;4|4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 11|2|11]]')
コード例 #10
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        from Modules import commonBits

        click(commonBits.fl('Choose File'))

        if window('Open'):
            select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')

        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')

        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,2(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'NSW North Sydney Ad Support',
                 '10 - 35|Loc Name,2')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,2(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text',
                 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,2(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,2(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
コード例 #11
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        ##		select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type]')
        select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[8 - 2|Loc Type]')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' +
            commonBits.fl('Column View #{Selected Records#}'))
        #		select('Table2', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,3(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'NSW North Sydney Ad Support', 'Row 1,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,5()')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [, , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [, , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [, , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [, , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,5()')
        #		select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type]')
        #		select('Table', 'rows:[2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type]')
コード例 #12
ファイル: SaveAsHtm1tbl.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')

		select('ComboBox2', 'ams Store')

		select('Table', 'rows:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
		select_menu('File>>Export as HTML 1 tbl')
###		select('Table2', 'rows:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
		assert_p('FileChooser', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt.html')
		assert_p('TabbedPane', 'Text', 'Html')
		assert_p('TabbedPane', 'Enabled', 'true')
		assert_p('Single Table', 'Enabled', 'true')
		if commonBits.isVersion80():
			assert_p('CheckBox5', 'Text', 'true')
			assert_p('CheckBox6', 'Text', 'true')
			assert_p('CheckBox4', 'Text', 'true')
			assert_p('CheckBox5', 'Text', 'true')
		assert_p('CheckBox4', 'Enabled', 'true')
		assert_p('CheckBox5', 'Enabled', 'true')
		assert_p('Single Table', 'Text', 'true')
		assert_p('Single Table', 'Enabled', 'true')
		click(commonBits.fl('Save File')
コード例 #13
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'MF_VB_Test.bin')
        select('ComboBox2', 'Unknown Mainframe VB')
            'cell:1 - 1|Data,1(TAR5019STPenrith                            Penrith                                 58 Leland Street                        Penrith                            2750      NSWA)'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR5015STBankstown                          Bankstown                               Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street          Condell Park                       2200      NSWA], [TAR5019STPenrith                            Penrith                                 58 Leland Street                        Penrith                            2750      NSWA], [TAR5033STBlacktown                          Marayong                                Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place                Marayong                           2148      NSWA], [TAR5035STRockdale                           Building B,  Portside DC                2-8 Mc Pherson Street                   Botany                             2019      NSWA], [TAR5037STMiranda                            Westfield Shoppingtown                  Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway          Miranda                            2228      NSWA], [TAR5052STEastwood                           Marayong Offsite Reserve                11 Melissa Place                        Marayong                           2148      NSWA]]'
            'cell:1 - 1|Data,1(TAR5019STPenrith                            Penrith                                 58 Leland Street                        Penrith                            2750      NSWA)'
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Full Line')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR5015STBankstown                          Bankstown                               Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street          Condell Park                       2200      NSWA], [TAR5019STPenrith                            Penrith                                 58 Leland Street                        Penrith                            2750      NSWA], [TAR5033STBlacktown                          Marayong                                Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place                Marayong                           2148      NSWA], [TAR5035STRockdale                           Building B,  Portside DC                2-8 Mc Pherson Street                   Botany                             2019      NSWA], [TAR5037STMiranda                            Westfield Shoppingtown                  Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway          Miranda                            2228      NSWA], [TAR5052STEastwood                           Marayong Offsite Reserve                11 Melissa Place                        Marayong                           2148      NSWA]]'
        ##		select('Table', '')
        rightclick('Table', 'Full Line,2')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
            'Table', 'Text',
            'TAR5033STBlacktown                          Marayong                                Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place                Marayong                           2148      NSWA',
コード例 #14
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'DTAR020')
        select_menu('View>>Sorted Field Tree')
        #		select('List', 'DTAR020')
        select('Table', 'STORE-NO', 'Field,0')
        select('Table', 'DEPT-NO', 'Field,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(DEPT-NO)')
        click('Build Tree')
        #select('JTreeTable', '')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'KEYCODE-NO,1')
        select_menu('Expand Tree')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)')
        select_menu('View>>Record View #{Selected Records#}')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(61664713)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '59', 'Data,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(61664713)')
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(61684613)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:Data,0(61684613)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(61684613)')
コード例 #15
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin')
        select_menu('View>>Sorted Field Tree')
        #		select('List', 'DTAR020')
        select('Table', 'QTY-SOLD', 'Field,0')
        select('Table', 'STORE-NO', 'Field,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(STORE-NO)')
        click('Build Tree')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)')
        select_menu('View>>Record View #{Selected Records#}')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,0(63674861)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:Data,0(63674861)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(2.70)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '2.70', 'Data,5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(2.70)')
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '1')
コード例 #16
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'DTAR020')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sorted Field Tree'))
        #		select('List', 'DTAR020')
        select('Table', 'STORE-NO', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'DEPT-NO', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(DEPT-NO)')
        click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree'))
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' +
            commonBits.fl('Table View #{Selected Records#}'))
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
        select('Table', 'cell:1 - 8|KEYCODE-NO,2(61684613)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [63644339, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 12.65], [67674686, 59, 40118, 929, 1, 3.99], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [62684217, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 9.99], [64624770, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 2.59]]'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [63644339, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 12.65], [67674686, 59, 40118, 929, 1, 3.99], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [62684217, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 9.99], [64624770, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 2.59]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:1 - 8|KEYCODE-NO,2(61684613)')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)')
コード例 #17
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_PODownload_20050101.txt')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',2')
            'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',1(ams PO Download: Header)')
        select('Table1', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',6')
        select('Table1', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',7')
        select('Table1', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',1')
        select('Table1', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',0')
        select('Table1', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',5')
        #select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Include') + ',5(false)')
        select('Table', 'cell:30 - 6|Entry Date,4(040929)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '040929', '30 - 6|Entry Date,6')
        select('Table', 'cell:48 - 4|Department,6(200)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[4338, 233863, 040929, 290, 050103, 050107, , , , OPTIONS PL, C, FT], [4338, 233872, 040929, 290, 050103, 050107, , , , OPTIONS PL, C, FT], [4468, 255906, 040929, 290, 050103, 050107, , , , OPTIONS PL, C, FT], [4448, 290908, 040929, 290, 050103, 050107, , , , OPTIONS PL, C, FT], [4228, 292210, 040929, 290, 050103, 050107, , , , OPTIONS PL, C, FT], [5220, 211984, 040929, 200, 050103, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [5110, 211985, 040929, 200, 050103, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [5110, 211987, 040929, 200, 050103, 050106, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [13112, 211549, 041005, 220, 050103, 050108, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [13312, 211555, 041005, 220, 050103, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [12212, 222556, 041005, 220, 050103, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [1312, 211617, 041005, 220, 050103, 050117, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:52 - 6|Expected Reciept Date,8(050103)')
        assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '12')
        select('Table', 'cell:52 - 6|Expected Reciept Date,8(050103)')
        select('Table2', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(null)')
コード例 #18
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'rows:[1,2,3],columns:[8 - 2|Loc Type]')
        rightclick('Table', '8 - 2|Loc Type,2')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Cut Record#{s#}'))
        select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,2(ST)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Campbelltown)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,6')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Paste Record#{s#}'))
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Campbelltown)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B,  Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'rows:[7,8],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,8')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Copy Record#{s#}'))
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,11(Ashfield)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,11')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Paste Record#{s#} Prior'))
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,10(Warringah Mall)')
        assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '15')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,12(Blacktown)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B,  Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'rows:[9,10,11,12],columns:[10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,11')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Delete Record#{s#}'))
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,7(Penrith)')
        assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '11')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,8(Blacktown)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,8(Blacktown)')

        if window(
                commonBits.fl('Save Changes to file: ' +
                              commonBits.sampleDir() +
コード例 #19
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() +  'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
		commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,0(Brand Id)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Brand Id', 'Field,0')
		select('Table', 'false', 'Include,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:Include,0(false)')
		###assert_p('Table1', 'Text', 'false', 'Include,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:Include,0(false)')
		click('Uncheck Fields')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,2(Loc Type)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Loc Type', 'Field,2')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,2(Loc Type)')
		click('Check Fields')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,3(Loc Name)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Loc Name', 'Field,3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,3(Loc Name)')
		select('Table1', 'Loc Type', 'Field,0')
		select('Table1', 'dc', 'Value,0')
		select('Table1', 'cell:Value,0()')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'WA Ad Support', '10 - 35|Loc Name,3')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'State Warehouse SA', '10 - 35|Loc Name,16')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', ' Building B, Portside Distribution Ce', '45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1,20')
		##select('List', 'ams Store')
		select('Table', 'Loc Name', 'Field,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,0(Loc Name)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Canning Vale DC', '10 - 35|Loc Name,1')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Huntingwood DC', '10 - 35|Loc Name,6')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Canning Vale DC', '10 - 35|Loc Name,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1(5965)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5965', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1(5965)')
##		select('Table1', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1(5965)')
##		select('List', 'ams Store')
		select('Table', 'Loc Nbr', 'Field,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:Field,0(Loc Nbr)')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5109)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5109', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1(5700)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5700', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,2(5839)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5839', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,2')
		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,2(5839)')
コード例 #20
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzAms_LocDownload_tab.csv')
		commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'Generic CSV - enter details')

		if window(''):
			select('CheckBox', 'true')
			select('Table', 'rows:[0,1],columns:[Brand_Id,Loc_Nbr,Loc_Type,Loc_Name]')
##			rightclick('Table', 'Loc_Name,1')
			select('Table', 'cell:Loc_Name,3(WA Ad Support)')
			assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'WA Ad Support', 'Loc_Name,3')
			select('Table', 'cell:Loc_Name,6(Blacktown)')
			assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Blacktown', 'Loc_Name,6')
			select('Table', 'cell:Loc_Name,6(Blacktown)')






		select('Table', 'cell:5|Loc_Addr_Ln1,8(Westfield Shoppingtown)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Campbelltown Mall', '5|Loc_Addr_Ln1,13')
		select('Table', 'cell:5|Loc_Addr_Ln1,13(Campbelltown Mall)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Campbelltown Mall', '5|Loc_Addr_Ln1,13')
		select('Table', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[4|Loc_Name]')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Column View #{Selected Records#}'))
##		select('Table2', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[4|Loc_Name]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,5(58 Leland Street)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '58 Leland Street', 'Row 1,5')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,6( 11 Melissa Place)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Marayong', 'Row 2,7')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,6( 11 Melissa Place)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR], [5019, 5033, 5035], [ST, ST, ST], [Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [Penrith, Marayong, Building B], [58 Leland Street, Dock 2,   Portside DC], [Penrith,  11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [2750, Marayong, Botany], [NSW, 2148, 2019], [A, NSW, NSW], [, A, A]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,6( 11 Melissa Place)')
		assert_p('Table', 'ColumnCount', '3')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,6(2-8 Mc Pherson Street)')
		assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '11')
		select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,2(ST)')
		select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',2(Loc_Type)')
		assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[Brand_Id, 1, ], [Loc_Nbr, 2, ], [Loc_Type, 3, ], [Loc_Name, 4, ], [Loc_Addr_Ln1, 5, ], [Loc_Addr_Ln2, 6, ], [Loc_Addr_Ln3, 7, ], [Loc_Postcode, 8, ], [Loc_State, 9, ], [Loc_Actv_Ind, 10, ], [K, 11, ]]')
		select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',2(Loc_Type)')
		select('Table', 'rows:[5,6,7],columns:[4|Loc_Name]')
コード例 #21
ファイル: FullEdit_Find3.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,0')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        #click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 202, 9)
        select('TextField', 'West')
        select('TextField1', 'West_')
        assert_p('TextField2', 'Text',
                 'You must specify a specific field when using replace')
        select('ComboBox', 'All Fields')
        #select('Table', '')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West_ Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West_ Ad Support', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West_ Ad Support)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5850, 5850], [Loc Type, 8, 2, DC, DC], [Loc Name, 10, 35, VIC West_ Ad Support, VIC West_ Ad Support], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, , ], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Laverton, Laverton], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 3028, 3028], [Loc State, 170, 3, VIC, VIC], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West_ Ad Support)')
        #		click('Find1')
        #		click('Find1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(Westfield Shoppingtown)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5037, 5037], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Miranda, Miranda], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Westfield Shoppingtown, Westfield Shoppingtown], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Miranda, Miranda], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2228, 2228], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(Westfield Shoppingtown)')
        click('Replace Find')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(Northumberland Street)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Northumberland Street', 'Data,5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(Westfield Phoenix Plaza)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway)')

        if window('Save Changes to file: ' + commonBits.sampleDir() +
コード例 #22
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Xml' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'AmsLocationTest1.xml')
##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',4')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))##		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',6')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))
		select('LayoutCombo', 'item')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , AMSLOCATIONTEST1.cbl, , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , 173, 01, Ams-Vendor, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , 3, 03, Brand, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 41, 03, Location-Details, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , 4, 05, Location-Number, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 2, 05, Location-Type, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 35, 05, Location-Name, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 128, 03, Full-Address, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , 1, 03, Location-Active, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'level,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Hide Column'))
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , AMSLOCATIONTEST1.cbl, , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , 173, Ams-Vendor, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , 3, Brand, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 41, Location-Details, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , 4, Location-Number, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 2, Location-Type, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 35, Location-Name, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 128, Full-Address, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , 1, Location-Active, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'name,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Hide Column'))
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , AMSLOCATIONTEST1.cbl, , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , 173, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , 3, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 41, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , 4, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 2, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 35, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 128, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , 1, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'position,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Hide Column'))
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'storage-length,6')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Hide Column'))
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , AMSLOCATIONTEST1.cbl, , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , ], [, , , , 173, , , , ], [, , , , 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 41, , , , ], [, , , , 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 128, , , , ], [, , , , 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'display-length,6')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Hide Column'))
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , ], [, , , , , , , ], [, , , , x(3), , True, ], [, , , , , , , ], [, , , , 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , XX, , True, ], [, , , , X(35), , True, ], [, , , , , , , ], [, , , , X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'picture,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Column') + '>>name')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , ], [, , , , Ams-Vendor, , , , ], [, , , , Brand, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , Location-Details, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Number, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , Location-Type, XX, , True, ], [, , , , Location-Name, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , Full-Address, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Active, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'picture,6')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Column') + '>>position')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , ], [, , , , Ams-Vendor, 1, , , , ], [, , , , Brand, 1, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , Location-Details, 4, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Number, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , Location-Type, 8, XX, , True, ], [, , , , Location-Name, 10, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , Full-Address, 45, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Active, 173, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'position,8')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Column') + '>>storage-length')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , ], [, , , , Ams-Vendor, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , Brand, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , Location-Details, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Number, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , Location-Type, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , Location-Name, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , Full-Address, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , Location-Active, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'storage-length,8')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Column') + '>>level')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , 01, Ams-Vendor, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , 03, Brand, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 03, Location-Details, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , 05, Location-Number, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 05, Location-Type, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 05, Location-Name, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 03, Full-Address, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , 03, Location-Active, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
#		select('JTreeTable', '')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'name,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Column') + '>>display-length')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , AMSLOCATIONTEST1.cbl, , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , * Location Download, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , ******************************, , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , 173, 01, Ams-Vendor, 1, 173, , , , ], [, , , , 3, 03, Brand, 1, 3, x(3), , True, ], [, , , , 41, 03, Location-Details, 4, 41, , , , ], [, , , , 4, 05, Location-Number, 4, 4, 9(4), true, True, ], [, , , , 2, 05, Location-Type, 8, 2, XX, , True, ], [, , , , 35, 05, Location-Name, 10, 35, X(35), , True, ], [, , , , 128, 03, Full-Address, 45, 128, , , , ], [, , , , 1, 03, Location-Active, 173, 1, X, , True, ]]')
コード例 #23
ファイル: GotoLine.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
        rightclick('Table', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,5')
        #		select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5019, 5019], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, 58 Leland Street, 58 Leland Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2750, 2750], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '6')
        #		select('Table', '')
        rightclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4')
        ##		zzz
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Goto Line'))
        select('TextField', '20')
            commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' +
        assert_p('JTableHeader', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Field'),
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5093, 5093], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Liverpool, Liverpool], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Westfield Phoenix Plaza, Westfield Phoenix Plaza], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Northumberland Street, Northumberland Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Liverpool, Liverpool], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2170, 2170], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        ##		select('Table', '')
        rightclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Goto Line'))
        select('TextField', '35')
            commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' +
        assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '35')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5011, 5011], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Cessnock, Cessnock], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Cessnock City Centre, Cessnock City Centre], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Cnr. North Avenue & Darwin Street, Cnr. North Avenue & Darwin Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Cessnock, Cessnock], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2325, 2325], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
            commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' +
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
コード例 #24
ファイル: FullEdit_csv3.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzCsvTest5.csv')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'zzzCsvTest5')
        select('Table', 'cell:3|Field 3,0(33)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77], [1, 2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 777], [111, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77], [1, 2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6, 333, 2;3;4;5;6, 555, 1:2:3, 777]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:5|Field 5,0(55)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '55', '5|Field 5,0')
        select('Table', 'cell:5|Field 5,0(55)')
        rightclick('Table', '1|Field 1,0')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:5|Field 5,0(55)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,0(111)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:Text,0(111)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,2(33)')
        #assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Field 1, 1, , 111, 111], [Array 1 (; and :), 2, , 22, 22], [Field 3, 3, , 33, 33], [Array 2 (;), 4, , 44, 44], [Field 5, 5, , 55, 55], [Array 3 (:), 6, , 66, 66], [Field 7, 7, , 77, 77]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,2(33)')
        assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '111|22|33|44|55|66|77')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,1(2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6', 'Text,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,2(333)')
        #assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Field 1, 1, , 1, 1], [Array 1 (; and :), 2, , 2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6, 2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6], [Field 3, 3, , 333, 333], [Array 2 (;), 4, , 2;3;4;5;6, 2;3;4;5;6], [Field 5, 5, , 555, 555], [Array 3 (:), 6, , 1:2:3, 1:2:3], [Field 7, 7, , 777, 777]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Text,2(333)')
        assert_p('TextArea', 'Text',
        select('LayoutCombo', 'Full Line')
        select('Table', 'cell:Full Line,0(111|22|33|44|55|66|77)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '111|22|33|44|55|66|77', 'Full Line,0')
            'cell:Full Line,1(1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777)'
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[111|22|33|44|55|66|77], [1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777], [111|22|33|44|55|66|77], [1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777]]'
            'cell:Full Line,1(1|2;3;4:1;2;3;4:4;5;6|333|2;3;4;5;6|555|1:2:3|777)'
コード例 #25
ファイル: FullEdit_Sort1.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5015)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,0')
        ##		select('List', 'ams Store')
        select('Table', 'Loc Name', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(Loc Name)')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,0(Ashfield)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B,  Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A]]'
        #		select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,1(Bankstown)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bankstown', '10 - 35|Loc Name,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,1(Bankstown)')
        ##doubleclick('LineList$HeaderToolTips', '45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1')
        doubleclick('BaseDisplay$HeaderToolTips', '45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1')
        select('Table', 'cell:45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1,1(Bankstown)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B,  Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1,1(Bankstown)')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Data') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sort'))
        #		select('Table1', 'cell:45 - 40|Loc Addr Ln1,1(Bankstown)')
        #		select('List', 'ams Store')
        select('Table', 'Loc Nbr', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(Loc Nbr)')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1(5019)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5019', '4 - 4|Loc Nbr,1')
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,2(5033)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B,  Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,2(5033)')

        if window(
                commonBits.fl('Save Changes to file: ' +
                              commonBits.sampleDir() +
コード例 #26
ファイル: FullEdit_Basic3.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):

               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        click('Choose File')

        if window('Open'):

        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'ams Store')

        select('Table', 'cell:4 - 4|Loc Nbr,0(5839)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,0')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC - Taras Ave', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(30-68 Taras Ave)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5839, 5839], [Loc Type, 8, 2, DC, DC], [Loc Name, 10, 35, DC - Taras Ave, DC - Taras Ave], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, , ], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, 30-68 Taras Ave, 30-68 Taras Ave], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Altona North, Altona North], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 3025, 3025], [Loc State, 170, 3, VIC, VIC], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(30-68 Taras Ave)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Kalgoorlie (not yet open))')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5193, 5193], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Kalgoorlie (not yet open), Kalgoorlie (not yet open)], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Shopping Centre, Shopping Centre], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Cnr Cassidy and Egan Streets, Cnr Cassidy and Egan Streets], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Kalgoorlie, Kalgoorlie], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 6430, 6430], [Loc State, 170, 3, WA, WA], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Kalgoorlie (not yet open))')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC - Taras Ave', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Bankstown)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bankstown', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Bankstown)')
コード例 #27
ファイル: FullEdit_Record_1.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'utf8a_Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'utf8_ams Store')
        select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,1(VIC West Ad Support)')
        rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,1')
        select_menu('Edit Record')
        ##	select('Table1', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,1(VIC West Ad Support)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')

        if commonBits.isMissingCol():
            assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '9')
            assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '10')

        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,4()')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,4()')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(DC)')

        if commonBits.isMissingCol():
            assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '9')
            assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '10')

        select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(DC)')
        assert_p('Table', 'ColumnCount', '5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,2(DC)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Kalgoorlie (not yet open))')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Kalgoorlie (not yet open)', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(Kalgoorlie (not yet open))')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC - Taras Ave', 'Data,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
コード例 #28
ファイル: RecordTree3.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Record Based Tree'))
        #		select('Table', '1', commonBits.fl('Parent Record') + ',0')
        #		select('Table', '0', commonBits.fl('Parent Record') + ',2')
        select('Table', 'ams PO Download: Header',
               commonBits.fl('Parent Record') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'ams PO Download: Detail',
               commonBits.fl('Parent Record') + ',2')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Parent Record') + ',2(0)')
        select('LayoutCombo', 'ams PO Download: Detail')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,1(45350.0000)')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' +
            commonBits.fl('Table View #{Selected Records#}'))
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,1(45350.0000)')
        select('Table', 'cell:15 - 4|DC Number 2,2(5037)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[H1, 4535, 6, 2280, 222, , 200, 50, 10205010, 7596, 6, LAD, IES KNIC, FT, , , , , ], [D1, 1, 60000006, 2281, 48320000, 0222, 45310000, 5, 45400000, 16, 207, 5348, , 5614, 531, D, ONKEY 24, -6, 607 SHWL], [S1, 5019, 1, 5037, 1, 5078, 1, 5085, 1, 5091, 1, 5093, 1, 5095, 1, 51 D, ONKEY 24, -6, 607 SHWL], [S1, 5171, 1, 5177, 1, 5136, 1, 5145, 1, 5096, 1, , 0, , 0, , 0, , 0], [D1, 0, 80000000, 1, 48320000, 6222, 49440000, 5, 45400000, 8, 207, 5349, , 6561, 4944, M, ILK 24-0, 660, 7 SHWL W], [S1, 5019, 1, 5037, 1, 5091, 1, 5093, 1, 5129, 1, 5177, 1, 5145, 1, , 0, , 0], [D1, 10, 80000000, 1, 48320000, 6222, 50710000, 5, 45400001, 8, 207, 5350, , 6561, 5071, M, .ROSE 24, -6, 607 SHWL], [S1, 5015, 2, 5019, 5, 5035, 2, 5037, 4, 5052, 2, 5055, 2, 5060, 2, 5070, 2, 5074, 4], [S1, 5078, 5, 5081, 2, 5090, 2, 5091, 4, 5093, 4, 5095, 4, 5129, 4, 5144, 4, 5165, 2], [S1, 5303, 2, 5169, 2, 5171, 3, 5177, 4, 5016, 2, 5089, 4, 5136, 3, 5011, 2, 5046, 2], [S1, 5145, 4, 5096, 3, 5162, 2, 5163, 2, 5164, 2, 5192, 2, 5150, 2, 5175, 2, , 0], [D1, 0, 80000000, 1, 48320000, 5222, 51560000, 5, 45400000, 8, 207, 5351, , 5561, 5156, M, .ROSE 24, -6, 607 SHWL], [S1, 5019, 1, 5037, 1, 5091, 1, 5093, 1, 5129, 1, 5177, 1, 5145, 1, , 0, , 0]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:15 - 4|DC Number 2,5(5037)')
        assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '13')
        select('Table', 'cell:15 - 4|DC Number 2,5(5037)')
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,3(45352.0000)')
        rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Pack Qty,3')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,4(30.0000)')
            commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' +
            commonBits.fl('Table View #{Selected Records#}'))
        select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,4(30.0000)')
        select('Table', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,1(5036)')
        #assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[D1, 3, 0, 2, 92680000, 4584, 66800000, 7, 27200000, 30, 212, 736, , 4561, 5156, C, ONCERTO, BLAC, K LEATHE], [S1, 5036, 2, 5043, 3, 5057, 1, 5065, 2, 5069, 2, 5076, 3, 5079, 1, 5094, 3, 5128, 3], [S1, 5151, 3, 5180, 2, 5173, 1, , 0, , 0, , 0, , 0, , 0, , 0]]')
        select('Table', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,2(5151)')
        rightclick('Table', '3 - 4|DC Number 1,2')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,2(5151)')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(5180)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Record Type, 1, 2, S1, S1], [DC Number 1, 3, 4, 5151, 5151], [Pack Quantity 1, 7, 8, 3, 00000003], [DC Number 2, 15, 4, 5180, 5180], [Pack Quantity 2, 19, 8, 2, 00000002], [DC Number 4, 39, 4, 5173, 5173], [Pack Quantity 4, 43, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 5, 51, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 5, 55, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 6, 63, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 6, 67, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 7, 75, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 7, 79, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 8, 87, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 8, 91, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 9, 99, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 9, 103, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 10, 111, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 10, 115, 8, 0, 00000000]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(5180)')
コード例 #29
ファイル: ColumnView.py プロジェクト: java-tools/jrec
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window('Record Editor'):

               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'utf8a_Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'utf8_ams Store')

            'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type,10 - 35|Loc Name]'
        select_menu('View>>Column View #{Selected Records#}')
        ##		select('Table2', 'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type,10 - 35|Loc Name]')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,3(DC - Taras Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DC', 'Row 1,2')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,3(VIC West Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 3,3(NSW North Sydney Ad Support)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Row 2,3')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 2,5(Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd', 'Row 2,5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 1,5(30-68 Taras Ave)')
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A]]')
        if commonBits.isMissingCol():
            ##			assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW]]')
                'Table', 'Content',
                '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW]]'
                'Table', 'Content',
                '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A]]'
                'Table', 'Content',
                '[[TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR, TAR], [5839, 5850, 5853, 5866, 5015, 5019, 5033, 5035], [DC, DC, DC, DC, ST, ST, ST, ST], [DC - Taras Ave, VIC West Ad Support, NSW North Sydney Ad Support, WA Ad Support, Bankstown, Penrith, Blacktown, Rockdale], [, , , , Bankstown, Penrith, Marayong, Building B,  Portside DC], [30-68 Taras Ave, Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, , , Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, 58 Leland Street, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street], [Altona North, Laverton, , , Condell Park, Penrith, Marayong, Botany], [3025, 3028, , , 2200, 2750, 2148, 2019], [VIC, VIC, , , NSW, NSW, NSW, NSW], [A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A]]'

        select('Table', 'cell:Row 5,5(Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', '58 Leland Street', 'Row 6,5')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Row 6,6')
        select('Table', 'cell:Row 6,5(58 Leland Street)')
            'rows:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],columns:[4 - 4|Loc Nbr,8 - 2|Loc Type,10 - 35|Loc Name]'
コード例 #30
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'cell:1 - 3|Brand Id,2(TAR)')
        rightclick('Table', '1 - 3|Brand Id,2')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:1 - 3|Brand Id,2(TAR)')
        select('TextField', 'liverpool')
        ##		click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 170, 14)
        ##		click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 271, 7)
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(Liverpool)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Liverpool', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3')
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(Westfield Phoenix Plaza)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Northumberland Street',
                 commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5')
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(Northumberland Street)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5093, 5093], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Liverpool, Liverpool], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Westfield Phoenix Plaza, Westfield Phoenix Plaza], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Northumberland Street, Northumberland Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Liverpool, Liverpool], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2170, 2170], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(Northumberland Street)')
        ##		click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 224, 20)
        select('TextField', 'target')
        ##		click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 406, 15)
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(Target Canberra)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Target Canberra',
                 commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4')
            'Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') +
            ',5(Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave)')
        assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Canberra', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',6')
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',6(Canberra)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5096, 5096], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Canberra Civic, Canberra Civic], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Target Canberra, Target Canberra], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Canberra, Canberra], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2601, 2601], [Loc State, 170, 3, ACT, ACT], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',6(Canberra)')
        select('Table', 'cell:1 - 3|Brand Id,2(TAR)')