コード例 #1
    def mainloop(self):
        # we don't expect non-option arguments
        request = self.request
        # Checks for a template page and sets homepage_default_text
        if self.options.template_page and Page(
                self.request, self.options.template_page).exists():
            homepage_default_text = Page(
                self.request, self.options.template_page).get_raw_body()
            # replace is needed because substitution is done for request.user
            # see option --user
            homepage_default_text = homepage_default_text.replace(
                '@ME@', "%(username)s")
            homepage_default_text = homepage_default_text.replace(
                '@EMAIL@', "<<MailTo(%(obfuscated_mail)s)>>")
            homepage_default_text = '''#acl %(username)s:read,write,delete,revert Default

== %(username)s ==

Email: <<MailTo(%(obfuscated_mail)s)>>
## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank.

        # Check for user
        if self.options.homepage_creator:
            uid = user.getUserId(request, self.options.homepage_creator)
            request.user = user.User(request, uid)
        # Check for Group definition
        members = []
        if self.options.user_homepage:
            members = [
        elif self.options.name_of_group_page:
            members = request.groups.get(self.options.name_of_group_page, [])
        elif self.options.all_users:
            uids = user.getUserList(request)
            members = [user.User(request, uid).name for uid in uids]

        if not members:
            print "No user selected!"

        # loop through members for creating homepages
        for name in members:
            uid = user.getUserId(request, name)
            account = user.User(request, uid)
            homepage_text = homepage_default_text % {
                "username": account.name,
                "obfuscated_mail": encodeSpamSafeEmail(account.email)
            self.write_homepage(account, homepage_text)
コード例 #2
ファイル: homepage.py プロジェクト: Glottotopia/aagd
    def mainloop(self):
        # we don't expect non-option arguments
        request = self.request
        # Checks for a template page and sets homepage_default_text
        if self.options.template_page and Page(self.request, self.options.template_page).exists():
            homepage_default_text = Page(self.request, self.options.template_page).get_raw_body()
            # replace is needed because substitution is done for request.user
            # see option --user
            homepage_default_text = homepage_default_text.replace('@ME@', "%(username)s")
            homepage_default_text = homepage_default_text.replace('@EMAIL@', "<<MailTo(%(obfuscated_mail)s)>>")
            homepage_default_text = '''#acl %(username)s:read,write,delete,revert Default
#format wiki

== %(username)s ==

Email: <<MailTo(%(obfuscated_mail)s)>>
## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank.

        # Check for user
        if self.options.homepage_creator:
            uid = user.getUserId(request, self.options.homepage_creator)
            request.user = user.User(request, uid)
        # Check for Group definition
        members = []
        if self.options.user_homepage:
            members = [self.options.user_homepage, ]
        elif self.options.name_of_group_page:
            members = request.groups.get(self.options.name_of_group_page, [])
        elif self.options.all_users:
            uids = user.getUserList(request)
            members = [user.User(request, uid).name for uid in uids]

        if not members:
            print "No user selected!"

        # loop through members for creating homepages
        for name in members:
            uid = user.getUserId(request, name)
            account = user.User(request, uid)
            homepage_text = homepage_default_text % {
                                                 "username": account.name,
                                                 "obfuscated_mail": encodeSpamSafeEmail(account.email)
            self.write_homepage(account, homepage_text)
コード例 #3
def execute(macro, text):
    request = macro.request
    formatter = macro.formatter
    _ = request.getText

    # return immediately if getting links for the current page
    if request.mode_getpagelinks:
        return ''

    currentyear, currentmonth, currentday, h, m, s, wd, yd, ds = request.user.getTime(
    thispage = formatter.page.page_name
    # does the url have calendar params (= somebody has clicked on prev/next links in calendar) ?
    if 'calparms' in macro.request.args:
        has_calparms = 1  # yes!
        text2 = macro.request.args['calparms']
        cparmpagename, cparmyear, cparmmonth, cparmoffset, cparmoffset2, cparmheight6, cparmanniversary, cparmtemplate = \
            parseargs(request, text2, thispage, currentyear, currentmonth, 0, 0, False, False, u'')
        # Note: cparmheight6 and cparmanniversary are not used, they are just there
        # to have a consistent parameter string in calparms and macro args
        has_calparms = 0

    if text is None:  # macro call without parameters
        text = u''

    # parse and check arguments
    parmpagename, parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset, parmoffset2, parmheight6, anniversary, parmtemplate = \
        parseargs(request, text, thispage, currentyear, currentmonth, 0, 0, False, False, u'')

    # does url have calendar params and is THIS the right calendar to modify (we can have multiple
    # calendars on the same page)?
    #if has_calparms and (cparmpagename,cparmyear,cparmmonth,cparmoffset) == (parmpagename,parmyear,parmmonth,parmoffset):

    # move all calendars when using the navigation:
    if has_calparms and cparmpagename == parmpagename:
        year, month = yearmonthplusoffset(parmyear, parmmonth,
                                          parmoffset + cparmoffset2)
        parmoffset2 = cparmoffset2
        parmtemplate = cparmtemplate
        year, month = yearmonthplusoffset(parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)

    if request.isSpiderAgent and abs(currentyear - year) > 1:
        return ''  # this is a bot and it didn't follow the rules (see below)
    if currentyear == year:
        attrs = {}
        attrs = {
            'rel': 'nofollow'
        }  # otherwise even well-behaved bots will index forever

    # get the calendar
    monthcal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)

    # european / US differences
    months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
              'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')
    # Set things up for Monday or Sunday as the first day of the week
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.MONDAY:
        wkend = (5, 6)
        wkdays = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.SUNDAY:
        wkend = (0, 6)
        wkdays = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')

    colorstep = 85
    p = Page(request, thispage)
    qpagenames = '*'.join(
        [wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(pn) for pn in parmpagename])
    qtemplate = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(parmtemplate)
    querystr = "calparms=%%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,,,%%s" % (parmyear, parmmonth,
    prevlink = p.url(request,
                     querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 1, qtemplate))
    nextlink = p.url(request,
                     querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 1, qtemplate))
    prevylink = p.url(request,
                      querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 12, qtemplate))
    nextylink = p.url(request,
                      querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 12, qtemplate))

    prevmonth = formatter.url(1, prevlink, 'cal-link', **
                              attrs) + '&lt;' + formatter.url(0)
    nextmonth = formatter.url(1, nextlink, 'cal-link', **
                              attrs) + '&gt;' + formatter.url(0)
    prevyear = formatter.url(1, prevylink, 'cal-link', **
                             attrs) + '&lt;&lt;' + formatter.url(0)
    nextyear = formatter.url(1, nextylink, 'cal-link', **
                             attrs) + '&gt;&gt;' + formatter.url(0)

    if parmpagename != [thispage]:
        pagelinks = ''
        r, g, b = (255, 0, 0)
        l = len(parmpagename[0])
        steps = len(parmpagename)
        maxsteps = (255 / colorstep)
        if steps > maxsteps:
            steps = maxsteps
        chstep = int(l / steps)
        st = 0
        while st < l:
            ch = parmpagename[0][st:st + chstep]
            r, g, b = cliprgb(r, g, b)
            link = Page(request, parmpagename[0]).link_to(
                % (r, g, b))
            pagelinks = pagelinks + link
            r, g, b = (r, g + colorstep, b)
            st = st + chstep
        r, g, b = (255 - colorstep, 255, 255 - colorstep)
        for page in parmpagename[1:]:
            link = Page(request, page).link_to(
                % (r, g, b))
            pagelinks = pagelinks + '*' + link
        showpagename = '   %s<BR>\n' % pagelinks
        showpagename = ''
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.SUNDAY:
        resth1 = '  <th colspan="7" class="cal-header">\n' \
                 '%s' \
                 '   %s&nbsp;%s&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;%s</b>&nbsp;%s\n&nbsp;%s\n' \
                 '  </th>\n' % (showpagename, prevyear, prevmonth, months[month-1], str(year), nextmonth, nextyear)
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.MONDAY:
        resth1 = '  <th colspan="7" class="cal-header">\n' \
                 '%s' \
                 '   %s&nbsp;%s&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;/&nbsp;%s</b>&nbsp;%s\n&nbsp;%s\n' \
                 '  </th>\n' % (showpagename, prevyear, prevmonth, str(year), month, nextmonth, nextyear)
    restr1 = ' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % resth1

    r7 = range(7)
    restd2 = []
    for wkday in r7:
        wday = _(wkdays[wkday])
        if wkday in wkend:
            cssday = "cal-weekend"
            cssday = "cal-workday"
        restd2.append('  <td class="%s">%s</td>\n' % (cssday, wday))
    restr2 = ' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % "".join(restd2)

    if parmheight6:
        while len(monthcal) < 6:
            monthcal = monthcal + [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

    maketip_js = []
    restrn = []
    for week in monthcal:
        restdn = []
        for wkday in r7:
            day = week[wkday]
            if not day:
                restdn.append('  <td class="cal-invalidday">&nbsp;</td>\n')
                page = parmpagename[0]
                if anniversary:
                    link = "%s/%02d-%02d" % (page, month, day)
                    link = "%s/%4d-%02d-%02d" % (page, year, month, day)
                daypage = Page(request, link)
                if daypage.exists() and request.user.may.read(link):
                    csslink = "cal-usedday"
                    query = {}
                    r, g, b, u = (255, 0, 0, 1)
                    daycontent = daypage.get_raw_body()
                    header1_re = re.compile(r'^\s*=\s(.*)\s=$',
                                            re.MULTILINE)  # re.UNICODE
                    titletext = []
                    for match in header1_re.finditer(daycontent):
                        if match:
                            title = match.group(1)
                            title = wikiutil.escape(title).replace("'", "\\'")
                    tipname_unescaped = link.replace("'", "\\'")
                    link = wikiutil.escape(link).replace("'", "\\'")
                    tipname = link
                    tiptitle = link
                    tiptext = '<br>'.join(titletext)
                    maketip_js.append("maketip('%s','%s','%s');" %
                                      (tipname, tiptitle, tiptext))
                    attrs = {
                        'onMouseOver': "tip('%s')" % tipname_unescaped,
                        'onMouseOut': "untip()"
                    csslink = "cal-emptyday"
                    if parmtemplate:
                        query = {'action': 'edit', 'template': parmtemplate}
                        query = {}
                    r, g, b, u = (255, 255, 255, 0)
                    if wkday in wkend:
                        csslink = "cal-weekend"
                    attrs = {'rel': 'nofollow'}
                for otherpage in parmpagename[1:]:
                    otherlink = "%s/%4d-%02d-%02d" % (otherpage, year, month,
                    otherdaypage = Page(request, otherlink)
                    if otherdaypage.exists():
                        csslink = "cal-usedday"
                        if u == 0:
                            r, g, b = (r - colorstep, g, b - colorstep)
                            r, g, b = (r, g + colorstep, b)
                r, g, b = cliprgb(r, g, b)
                style = 'background-color:#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)
                fmtlink = formatter.url(1, daypage.url(request,
                                                       query), csslink, **
                                        attrs) + str(day) + formatter.url(0)
                if day == currentday and month == currentmonth and year == currentyear:
                    cssday = "cal-today"
                    fmtlink = "<b>%s</b>" % fmtlink  # for browser with CSS probs
                    cssday = "cal-nottoday"
                restdn.append('  <td style="%s" class="%s">%s</td>\n' %
                              (style, cssday, fmtlink))
        restrn.append(' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % "".join(restdn))

    restable = '<table border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">\n<col width="14%%" span="7">%s%s%s</table>\n'
    restable = restable % (restr1, restr2, "".join(restrn))

    if maketip_js:
        tip_js = '''<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
''' % '\n'.join(maketip_js)
        tip_js = ''

    result = """\
<script type="text/javascript" src="%s/common/js/infobox.js"></script>
<div id="%s" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:20; top:-999em; left:0px;"></div>
""" % (request.cfg.url_prefix_static, formatter.make_id_unique('infodiv'),
       tip_js, restable)
    return formatter.rawHTML(result)
コード例 #4
def execute(macro, text):
    request = macro.request
    formatter = macro.formatter
    _ = request.getText

    # return immediately if getting links for the current page
    if request.mode_getpagelinks:
        return ''

    currentyear, currentmonth, currentday, h, m, s, wd, yd, ds = request.user.getTime(time.time())
    thispage = formatter.page.page_name
    # does the url have calendar params (= somebody has clicked on prev/next links in calendar) ?
    if 'calparms' in macro.request.args:
        has_calparms = 1 # yes!
        text2 = macro.request.args['calparms']
        cparmpagename, cparmyear, cparmmonth, cparmoffset, cparmoffset2, cparmheight6, cparmanniversary, cparmtemplate = \
            parseargs(request, text2, thispage, currentyear, currentmonth, 0, 0, False, False, u'')
        # Note: cparmheight6 and cparmanniversary are not used, they are just there
        # to have a consistent parameter string in calparms and macro args
        has_calparms = 0

    if text is None: # macro call without parameters
        text = u''

    # parse and check arguments
    parmpagename, parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset, parmoffset2, parmheight6, anniversary, parmtemplate = \
        parseargs(request, text, thispage, currentyear, currentmonth, 0, 0, False, False, u'')

    # does url have calendar params and is THIS the right calendar to modify (we can have multiple
    # calendars on the same page)?
    #if has_calparms and (cparmpagename,cparmyear,cparmmonth,cparmoffset) == (parmpagename,parmyear,parmmonth,parmoffset):

    # move all calendars when using the navigation:
    if has_calparms and cparmpagename == parmpagename:
        year, month = yearmonthplusoffset(parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset + cparmoffset2)
        parmoffset2 = cparmoffset2
        parmtemplate = cparmtemplate
        year, month = yearmonthplusoffset(parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)

    if request.isSpiderAgent and abs(currentyear - year) > 1:
        return '' # this is a bot and it didn't follow the rules (see below)
    if currentyear == year:
        attrs = {}
        attrs = {'rel': 'nofollow' } # otherwise even well-behaved bots will index forever

    # get the calendar
    monthcal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)

    # european / US differences
    months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')
    # Set things up for Monday or Sunday as the first day of the week
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.MONDAY:
        wkend = (5, 6)
        wkdays = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.SUNDAY:
        wkend = (0, 6)
        wkdays = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')

    colorstep = 85
    p = Page(request, thispage)
    qpagenames = '*'.join([wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(pn) for pn in parmpagename])
    qtemplate = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(parmtemplate)
    querystr = "calparms=%%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,,,%%s" % (parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)
    prevlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 1, qtemplate))
    nextlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 1, qtemplate))
    prevylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 12, qtemplate))
    nextylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 12, qtemplate))

    prevmonth = formatter.url(1, prevlink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '&lt;' + formatter.url(0)
    nextmonth = formatter.url(1, nextlink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '&gt;' + formatter.url(0)
    prevyear = formatter.url(1, prevylink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '&lt;&lt;' + formatter.url(0)
    nextyear = formatter.url(1, nextylink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '&gt;&gt;' + formatter.url(0)

    if parmpagename != [thispage]:
        pagelinks = ''
        r, g, b = (255, 0, 0)
        l = len(parmpagename[0])
        steps = len(parmpagename)
        maxsteps = (255 / colorstep)
        if steps > maxsteps:
            steps = maxsteps
        chstep = int(l / steps)
        st = 0
        while st < l:
            ch = parmpagename[0][st:st+chstep]
            r, g, b = cliprgb(r, g, b)
            link = Page(request, parmpagename[0]).link_to(request, ch,
                        style='background-color:#%02x%02x%02x;color:#000000;text-decoration:none' % (r, g, b))
            pagelinks = pagelinks + link
            r, g, b = (r, g+colorstep, b)
            st = st + chstep
        r, g, b = (255-colorstep, 255, 255-colorstep)
        for page in parmpagename[1:]:
            link = Page(request, page).link_to(request, page,
                        style='background-color:#%02x%02x%02x;color:#000000;text-decoration:none' % (r, g, b))
            pagelinks = pagelinks + '*' + link
        showpagename = '   %s<BR>\n' % pagelinks
        showpagename = ''
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.SUNDAY:
        resth1 = '  <th colspan="7" class="cal-header">\n' \
                 '%s' \
                 '   %s&nbsp;%s&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;%s</b>&nbsp;%s\n&nbsp;%s\n' \
                 '  </th>\n' % (showpagename, prevyear, prevmonth, months[month-1], str(year), nextmonth, nextyear)
    if calendar.firstweekday() == calendar.MONDAY:
        resth1 = '  <th colspan="7" class="cal-header">\n' \
                 '%s' \
                 '   %s&nbsp;%s&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;/&nbsp;%s</b>&nbsp;%s\n&nbsp;%s\n' \
                 '  </th>\n' % (showpagename, prevyear, prevmonth, str(year), month, nextmonth, nextyear)
    restr1 = ' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % resth1

    r7 = range(7)
    restd2 = []
    for wkday in r7:
        wday = _(wkdays[wkday])
        if wkday in wkend:
            cssday = "cal-weekend"
            cssday = "cal-workday"
        restd2.append('  <td class="%s">%s</td>\n' % (cssday, wday))
    restr2 = ' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % "".join(restd2)

    if parmheight6:
        while len(monthcal) < 6:
            monthcal = monthcal + [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

    maketip_js = []
    restrn = []
    for week in monthcal:
        restdn = []
        for wkday in r7:
            day = week[wkday]
            if not day:
                restdn.append('  <td class="cal-invalidday">&nbsp;</td>\n')
                page = parmpagename[0]
                if anniversary:
                    link = "%s/%02d-%02d" % (page, month, day)
                    link = "%s/%4d-%02d-%02d" % (page, year, month, day)
                daypage = Page(request, link)
                if daypage.exists() and request.user.may.read(link):
                    csslink = "cal-usedday"
                    query = {}
                    r, g, b, u = (255, 0, 0, 1)
                    daycontent = daypage.get_raw_body()
                    header1_re = re.compile(r'^\s*=\s(.*)\s=$', re.MULTILINE) # re.UNICODE
                    titletext = []
                    for match in header1_re.finditer(daycontent):
                        if match:
                            title = match.group(1)
                            title = wikiutil.escape(title).replace("'", "\\'")
                    tipname_unescaped = link.replace("'", "\\'")
                    link = wikiutil.escape(link).replace("'", "\\'")
                    tipname = link
                    tiptitle = link
                    tiptext = '<br>'.join(titletext)
                    maketip_js.append("maketip('%s','%s','%s');" % (tipname, tiptitle, tiptext))
                    attrs = {'onMouseOver': "tip('%s')" % tipname_unescaped,
                             'onMouseOut': "untip()"}
                    csslink = "cal-emptyday"
                    if parmtemplate:
                        query = {'action': 'edit', 'template': parmtemplate}
                        query = {}
                    r, g, b, u = (255, 255, 255, 0)
                    if wkday in wkend:
                        csslink = "cal-weekend"
                    attrs = {'rel': 'nofollow'}
                for otherpage in parmpagename[1:]:
                    otherlink = "%s/%4d-%02d-%02d" % (otherpage, year, month, day)
                    otherdaypage = Page(request, otherlink)
                    if otherdaypage.exists():
                        csslink = "cal-usedday"
                        if u == 0:
                            r, g, b = (r-colorstep, g, b-colorstep)
                            r, g, b = (r, g+colorstep, b)
                r, g, b = cliprgb(r, g, b)
                style = 'background-color:#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)
                fmtlink = formatter.url(1, daypage.url(request, query), csslink, **attrs) + str(day) + formatter.url(0)
                if day == currentday and month == currentmonth and year == currentyear:
                    cssday = "cal-today"
                    fmtlink = "<b>%s</b>" % fmtlink # for browser with CSS probs
                    cssday = "cal-nottoday"
                restdn.append('  <td style="%s" class="%s">%s</td>\n' % (style, cssday, fmtlink))
        restrn.append(' <tr>\n%s </tr>\n' % "".join(restdn))

    restable = '<table border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">\n<col width="14%%" span="7">%s%s%s</table>\n'
    restable = restable % (restr1, restr2, "".join(restrn))

    if maketip_js:
        tip_js = '''<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
''' % '\n'.join(maketip_js)
        tip_js = ''

    result = """\
<script type="text/javascript" src="%s/common/js/infobox.js"></script>
<div id="%s" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:20; top:-999em; left:0px;"></div>
""" % (request.cfg.url_prefix_static, formatter.make_id_unique('infodiv'), tip_js, restable)
    return formatter.rawHTML(result)