def parse_MOL2_Bonds(self, bondlines): """ Function to build the bonds object using the bond record of the mol2 file.""" bondlines = map(string.split, bondlines) for bd in bondlines: at1 = self.mol.atmNum[int(bd[1])] at2 = self.mol.atmNum[int(bd[2])] if at1.isBonded(at2): continue bond = Bond(at1, at2, check=0) bond.type = bd[3] try: bond.bondOrder = int(bd[3]) except: if bd[3] == 'ar': bond.bondOrder = 'aromatic' elif bd[3] == 'am': bond.bondOrder = 'amide' else: bond.bondOrder = bd[3] self.mol.bondsflag = 1 self.mol.hasBonds = 1
def parse_MOL2_Bonds(self, bondlines): """ Function to build the bonds object using the bond record of the mol2 file.""" bondlines = map(string.split, bondlines) for bd in bondlines: at1 = self.mol.atmNum[int(bd[1])] at2 = self.mol.atmNum[int(bd[2])] if at1.isBonded(at2): continue bond = Bond(at1, at2, check=0) bond.type = bd[3] try: bond.bondOrder = int(bd[3]) except: if bd[3]=='ar': bond.bondOrder = 'aromatic' elif bd[3]=='am': bond.bondOrder = 'amide' else: bond.bondOrder = bd[3] self.mol.bondsflag = 1 self.mol.hasBonds = 1
def getMolecule(self, molInd): molecules = [] if molInd == len(self.molIndex) - 1: lastLine = -1 else: lastLine = self.molIndex[molInd + 1] # lines fotr that molecule lines = self.allLines[self.molIndex[molInd]:lastLine] lineIndex = 0 atomsSeen = {} # dict of atom types and number of atoms seen # parser header molName = lines[lineIndex].strip() lineIndex += 3 # create molecule mol = Protein(name=molName) = lines[lineIndex + 1] mol.comment = lines[lineIndex + 1] #self.mol.parser = self chain = Chain(id='1', parent=mol, top=mol) res = Residue(type='UNK', number='1', parent=chain, top=mol) mol.levels = [Protein, Chain, Residue, Atom] # parse count line line = lines[lineIndex] assert line[ 33: 39] == " V2000", "Format error: only V2000 is suported, got %s" % line[ 33:39] nba = int(line[0:3]) # number of atoms nbb = int(line[3:6]) # number of bonds nbal = int(line[6:9]) # number of atom lists ccc = int(line[12:15]) # chiral flag: 0=not chiral, 1=chiral sss = int(line[15:18]) # number of stext entries lineIndex += 1 # parse atoms for anum in range(nba): line = lines[lineIndex] element = line[31:34].strip() if element in atomsSeen: atomsSeen[element] += 1 else: atomsSeen[element] = 1 atom = Atom(name='%s_%s' % (element, atomsSeen[element]), parent=res, chemicalElement=element, top=mol) atom._coords = [[ float(line[0:10]), float(line[10:20]), float(line[20:30]) ]] atom._charges['sdf'] = int(line[35:38]) atom.chargeSet = 'sdf' mol.allAtoms.append(atom) atom.massDiff = int(line[34:36]) atom.stereo = int(line[38:41]) atom.hcount = line[41:44] atom.valence = int(line[47:50]) atom.hetatm = 1 atom.occupancy = 0.0 atom.temperatureFactor = 0.0 lineIndex += 1 # parse bonds for bnum in range(nba): line = lines[lineIndex] at1 = mol.allAtoms[int(line[0:3]) - 1] at2 = mol.allAtoms[int(line[3:6]) - 1] if at1.isBonded(at2): continue bond = Bond(at1, at2, check=0) bond.bondOrder = int(line[6:9]) #1 = Single, 2 = Double, #3 = Triple, 4 = Aromatic, #5 = Single or Double, #6 = Single or Aromatic, #7 = Double or Aromatic, 8 = Any bond.stereo = int(line[9:12]) #Single bonds: 0 = not stereo, #1 = Up, 4 = Either, #6 = Down, Double bonds: 0 = Use x-, y-, z-coords #from atom block to determine cis or trans, #3 = Cis or trans (either) double bond bond.topo = int(line[15:18]) # 0 = Either, 1 = Ring, 2 = Chain try: bond.ReactionCenter = int(line[18:21]) except ValueError: bond.ReactionCenter = 0 #0 = unmarked, 1 = a center, -1 = not a center, #Additional: 2 = no change, #4 = bond made/broken, #8 = bond order changes #12 = 4+8 (both made/broken and changes); #5 = (4 + 1), 9 = (8 + 1), and 13 = (12 + 1) # "M END" and properties are not parsed at this point self.mol = mol mname = strRpr = mname + ':::' mol.allAtoms.setStringRepr(strRpr) strRpr = mname + ':' mol.chains.setStringRepr(strRpr) for c in mol.chains: cname = strRpr = mname + ':' + cname + ':' c.residues.setStringRepr(strRpr) for r in c.residues: rname = strRpr = mname + ':' + cname + ':' + rname + ':' r.atoms.setStringRepr(strRpr) molList = mol.setClass() molList.append(mol) mol.parser = self for n in name = n + ',' name = name[:-1] molList.setStringRepr(name) strRpr = name + ':::' molList.allAtoms.setStringRepr(strRpr) return molList