コード例 #1
 def move(self, state):
     mark = None
     if state.getState() == Const.STATE_TURN_O:
         mark = Const.MARK_O
     if state.getState() == Const.STATE_TURN_X:
         mark = Const.MARK_X
     if mark == None:
         raise ValueError("state must be playable")
     board = state.getBoard()
     playable = []
     for row in range(Const.ROWS):
         for col in range(Const.COLS):
             if board[row][col] == Const.MARK_NONE:
                 playable.append([row, col])
     #Instead of just picking a random spot. First check if there is a winnable Move
     tempMove = Move(0, 0, mark)
     for i in range(len(playable)):
         tempMove.play(playable[i][0], playable[i][0])
         #if the spot makes X win then it returns the move
         if self._state.getState() == Const.STATE_WIN_X:
             return tempMove
         #otherwise undo and try the next on
     spot = random.randint(0, len(playable) - 1)
     return Move(playable[spot][0], playable[spot][1], mark)