def run_task(self, fw_spec): # Edison setting # vasp_cmd = ['aprun', '-n', str(fw_spec["_queueadapter"]["mppwidth"]), fw_spec["_fw_env"]['vasp_cmd']] # Vesta setting cobalt_partname = os.environ['COBALT_PARTNAME'] vasp_cmd = [ 'runjob', '-n', str(fw_spec["_queueadapter"]["nnodes"]), '--block', cobalt_partname, '-p', '1', ":", fw_spec["_fw_env"]['vasp_cmd'] ] job = VaspJob(vasp_cmd=vasp_cmd, auto_gamma=False, auto_npar=False) if self["handlers"] == "all": hnames = [ "VaspErrorHandler", "MeshSymmetryErrorHandler", "UnconvergedErrorHandler", "NonConvergingErrorHandler", "PotimErrorHandler", "WalltimeHandler" ] else: hnames = self["handlers"] handlers = [load_class("custodian.vasp.handlers", n)() for n in hnames] c = Custodian(handlers, [job], **self.get("custodian_params", {})) output = chgcar_dir = os.getcwd() MyDB.db_access().connect() collection = MyDB.db_access().collection(fw_spec['collection']) collection.update( { "mp-id": fw_spec["mp-id"], "pair_index": fw_spec["pair_index"] }, {"$set": { "chgcar_dir": chgcar_dir }}) MyDB.db_access().close() return FWAction(stored_data=output)
from pymatgen import Structure, MPRester from MultiFil_edu.settings.db_singleton import MyDB from MultiFil_edu.settings.environ import REPO_ROOT __author__ = 'Ziqin (Shaun) Rong' __version__ = '0.1' __maintainer__ = 'Ziqin (Shaun) Rong' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' if __name__ == '__main__': # Paramters col = 'Mg_MV' input_file = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'production', 'Mg_approx_neb_example.txt') MyDB.db_access().connect() collection = MyDB.db_access().collection(col) summary = [] for doc in collection.find({'status': 'success'}): if 'MEP_energy' in doc.keys(): if 'image_0' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and 'image_1' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and \ 'image_2' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and 'image_3' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and \ 'image_4' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and 'image_5' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and \ 'image_6' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and 'image_7' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys() and \ 'image_8' in doc['MEP_energy'].keys(): if doc['MEP_energy']['image_0']['status'] == 'success' and \ doc['MEP_energy']['image_1']['status'] == 'success' and \ doc['MEP_energy']['image_2']['status'] == 'success' and \ doc['MEP_energy']['image_3']['status'] == 'success' and \ doc['MEP_energy']['image_4']['status'] == 'success' and \
from import Poscar from MultiFil_edu.settings.db_singleton import MyDB __author__ = 'Ziqin (Shaun) Rong' __version__ = '0.1' __maintainer__ = 'Ziqin (Shaun) Rong' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' # This script runs on Remote servers where we keep the backed-up calculated files if __name__ == '__main__': # The collection you want to run this script over col = 'Mg_MV' db = MyDB.db_access() db.connect() collection = db.collection(col) for doc in collection.find({"status": "success"}): if "MEP_energy" in doc.keys(): MEP_energy = doc["MEP_energy"] for i in range(0, 9): if "image_{}".format(i) in doc["MEP_energy"].keys(): try: file_path = doc["MEP_energy"]["image_{}".format(i)]["file_path"].split(':')[1] contcar_struct = Poscar.from_file(os.path.join(file_path, "CONTCAR")).structure MEP_energy["image_{}".format(i)]["CONTCAR_struct"] = contcar_struct.as_dict() except OSError: print("mp-id {}, pair_index {}, image {} has no calculation file".format(doc['mp-id'], doc['pair_index'],
def multifil_wf(mp_id, specie, col): """ :param mp_id: mp_id for fully discharged Li cathode structures :param specie: Moving cation. :param db_scripts: default value to rongzq_fw on :return: a firework workflow to work on Hopper """ MyDB.db_access().connect() collection = MyDB.db_access().collection(col) with MPRester('DbftwqIehya780rm') as m: response = m.get_data(mp_id, prop='structure') formula = m.get_data(mp_id, prop='pretty_formula') struct = response[0]['structure'] struct_copy = struct.copy() end_point_finder = EndPointFinder(struct, specie) end_point_pairs = end_point_finder.get_end_point_pairs() if not end_point_pairs: print("No end point pairs found") return None else: struct_orig = [] for i in range(len(end_point_pairs)): struct_orig.append(struct_copy.copy()) fw_list = [] fw_depend = {} last_fw = None for pair in range(len(end_point_pairs)): (struct_s1, struct_s2, gamma_struct) = end_point_finder.get_gamma_struct( struct_orig[pair], end_point_pairs[pair]) # Insert into the database s1_index = struct_s1.species.index(specie) s2_index = struct_s2.species.index(specie) collection.insert_one({ 'mp-id': mp_id, 'pretty_formula': formula[0]['pretty_formula'], 'gamma_structure': gamma_struct.as_dict(), 'pair_index': pair, 'cation_diffusion_start': struct_s1[s1_index].as_dict(), 'cation_diffusion_end': struct_s2[s2_index].as_dict() }) task1 = WriteGammaInputTask(structure=gamma_struct.as_dict()) task2 = VaspCustodianTask(handlers='all') task3 = PathFinderAnalyze(struct_s1=struct_s1.as_dict(), struct_s2=struct_s2.as_dict()) fw = Firework( [task1, task2, task3], spec={ "mp-id": mp_id, 'cation_diffusion_start': struct_s1[s1_index].as_dict(), 'cation_diffusion_end': struct_s2[s2_index].as_dict(), 'moving_cation': specie.as_dict(), 'pair_index': pair, "collection": col, "_queueadapter": { 'nnodes': 128, 'walltime': '12:00:00', 'queue': 'Q.JCESR', 'job_name': "{}".format(formula[0]['pretty_formula']) } }) fw_list.append(fw) if last_fw is not None: fw_depend[last_fw] = [fw] last_fw = fw wf = Workflow(fw_list, fw_depend) MyDB.db_access().close() return wf
def run_task(self, fw_spec): MyDB.db_access().connect() collection = MyDB.db_access().collection(fw_spec['collection']) with open('vasp.out', 'r') as output: content = output.readlines() examine = content[-2].strip() if examine[0:3] == '1 F': chgcar = Chgcar.from_file('CHGCAR') s1 = self['struct_s1'] s2 = self['struct_s2'] relax_sites = [] for site_i, site in enumerate(s1.sites): if site.specie == fw_spec['moving_cation']: relax_sites.append(site_i) pf = NEBPathfinder(s1, s2, relax_sites=relax_sites, v=ChgcarPotential(chgcar).get_v(), n_images=8) images = pf.images doc = collection.find_one({ 'mp-id': fw_spec["mp-id"], 'pair_index': fw_spec["pair_index"] }) path = [] coordination_number = [] for image in images: struct = Structure.from_dict(doc["gamma_structure"]) site_index = image.species.index(fw_spec['moving_cation']) cation_site = image[site_index] struct.insert(0, cation_site.specie, cation_site.frac_coords, path.append(image[site_index].as_dict()) voro_cn = VoronoiCoordFinder(struct) cn = voro_cn.get_coordination_number(0) coordination_number.append(cn) collection.update( { "mp-id": fw_spec["mp-id"], "pair_index": fw_spec["pair_index"] }, { "$set": { "status": "success", "CN_path": coordination_number, "path": path } }) else: collection.update( { "mp-id": fw_spec["mp-id"], "pair_index": fw_spec["pair_index"] }, {"$set": { "status": "error" }}) MyDB.db_access().close() return FWAction()
def end_point_wf(mp_id, pair_index, image_num, moving_cation, col): """ :param col: collection name :param mp_id: mp_id in the db_scripts :param pair_index: pair_index in the db_scripts :param image_num: index number of the image on the path from the db_scripts :param moving_cation: pymatgen.Element object, represeting the moving cation, e.g. Element('Mg') :return: """ MyDB.db_access().connect() collection = MyDB.db_access().collection(col) doc = collection.find_one({'mp-id': mp_id, 'pair_index': pair_index}) # Calculation that is already successful if 'MEP_energy' in doc.keys() and ("image_{}".format(image_num) in doc['MEP_energy']): if doc['MEP_energy']['image_{}'.format( image_num)]['status'] == 'success': return else: # Calculation that has halted halfway due to errors if 'CONTCAR_struct' in doc['MEP_energy']['image_{}'.format( image_num)].keys(): struct = Structure.from_dict(doc["MEP_energy"][ "image_{}".format(image_num)]["CONTCAR_struct"]) # Calculation that has not been run before else: struct = Structure.from_dict(doc['gamma_structure']) cation_site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(doc['path'][image_num]) struct.insert(0, cation_site.specie, cation_site.frac_coords, properties=doc['path'][image_num]['properties']) else: struct = Structure.from_dict(doc['gamma_structure']) cation_site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(doc['path'][image_num]) struct.insert(0, cation_site.specie, cation_site.frac_coords, properties=doc['path'][image_num]['properties']) task1 = WritePointRunInput(structure=struct.as_dict(), moving_cation=moving_cation.as_dict()) task2 = PointCustodianRun(handlers='all') task3 = PointRunAnalyze() fw = Firework( [task1, task2, task3], spec={ "mp_id": mp_id, "pair_index": pair_index, "image_num": image_num, "collection": col, "_queueadapter": { 'nnodes': 128, 'walltime': '10:00:00', 'queue': 'Q.JCESR', 'job_name': "{}_{}".format(doc["pretty_formula"], image_num) } }) wf_list = [fw] wf_depend = {} wf = Workflow(wf_list, wf_depend) MyDB.db_access().close() return wf