コード例 #1
 def test_just_one_file_with_title(self):
     tupel = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.hs').read(), HaskellLexer(stripnl=False), 
                            'Haskell Quicksort');
     result = highlightMultiSource((tupel,), MultiSourceFormatter(
     linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=True))
     self.assertFalse(re.search('<span>8</span>', result), "There must be only seven lines of code")
コード例 #2
 def test_just_one_file_without_title(self):
     tupel = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.hs').read(), HaskellLexer(stripnl=False), 
                            'Haskell Quicksort');
     result = highlightMultiSource((tupel,), MultiSourceFormatter(
     linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=False))
     self.assertFalse(re.search('<span>Haskell Quicksort</span>', result), "Result must contain title noting 'Haskell Quicksort'")
     self.assertTrue(re.search('<span>7</span>', result), "There must be seven lines of code")
     self.assertFalse(re.search('<span>8</span>', result), "There must be only seven lines of code")
     self.assertTrue(re.search('<span style="color: #0000FF">quicksort</span>', result), "There must be a function named quicksort highlighted")
コード例 #3
 def test_two_files_with_title(self):
     tupel = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.hs').read(), HaskellLexer(stripnl=False), 
                            'Haskell Quicksort');
     tupel2 = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.java').read(), JavaLexer(), 'Java Quicksort');
     result = highlightMultiSource((tupel,tupel2), MultiSourceFormatter(
     linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=True))
     self.assertTrue(re.search('<span>Java Quicksort</span>', result, MULTILINE), "Result must contain title noting 'Haskell Quicksort'")
     self.assertTrue(re.search('<span style="color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold">java.util.ArrayList</span>', result), "There must be an import java.util.ArrayList")
コード例 #4
    def test_three_files_with_title(self):
        tupel = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.hs').read(), HaskellLexer(stripnl=False), 
                               'Haskell Quicksort');
        tupel2 = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.java').read(), JavaLexer(), 'Java Quicksort');
        tupel3 = CodeLexerTuple(open('test/resources/Quicksort.py').read(), PythonLexer(), 'Python Quicksort');
        result = highlightMultiSource((tupel,tupel2,tupel3), MultiSourceFormatter(
        linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=True))
        #test invariant haskell source
        #test java source
        self.assertTrue(re.search('<span>Java Quicksort</span>', result, MULTILINE), "Result must contain title noting 'Java Quicksort'")
        self.assertTrue(re.search('<span style="color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold">java.util.ArrayList</span>', result), "There must be an import java.util.ArrayList")

        #test python source
        self.assertTrue(re.search('<span>Python Quicksort</span>', result, MULTILINE), "Result must contain title noting 'Python Quicksort'")
        self.assertTrue(re.search('<span style="color: #008000; font-weight: bold">lambda</span>', result), "There must be an lambda keyword denoting an anonymous function")
コード例 #5
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: gixxi/comparareetpendere
This piece of source demonstrates the MultisourceHtmlFormatter that takes three quicksort implementations (python, haskell, java) into account
and produces html output of all implementations side-by-side. The output gets writen to stdout and file output.html

:copyright: Copyright 2013 by [email protected], see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from MultisourceHtmlFormatter import CodeLexerTuple, highlightMultiSource,\
from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer
from pygments.lexers.functional import HaskellLexer
from pygments.lexers.jvm import JavaLexer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    python = open('test/resources/Quicksort.py')
    haskell = open('test/resources/Quicksort.hs')
    java = open('test/resources/Quicksort.java')
    tupel1 = CodeLexerTuple(python.read(), PythonLexer(), 'Python Quicksort');
    tupel2 = CodeLexerTuple(haskell.read(), HaskellLexer(stripnl=False), 'Haskell Quicksort');
    tupel3 = CodeLexerTuple(java.read(), JavaLexer(), 'Java Quicksort');
    result = highlightMultiSource((tupel1,tupel2,tupel3), MultiSourceFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=True))
    open('output.html','w').write("<html><body>" + result + "</body></html>")
コード例 #6
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: gixxi/comparareetpendere
        desc = """
Comparare et Pendere - multisource html formatter based on pygments.
Refer to http://gixxi.github.com/comparareetpendere
        parser = OptionParser(usage = usage, description = desc, option_class = CustomOption);
        parser.add_option('-o', metavar='output filename', action='store', type="writefile",
                help='output filename. output is printed to stdout if not given.')
        parser.add_option('-i', metavar='input filename', action='append', type="readfile",     
                help='input filename of the source code file. Repeat -i <FILENAME> for each file to be included in the formatting process.')
        parser.add_option('-t', metavar='title', action='append', type="string", help='title above the the input file included in the formatted output. Repreat -t <TITLE> for each file to be included in the formatting process. Use quotes \' to for titles containing spaces.')
        parser.add_option('-b', metavar='just body', action='store_true', default=False, help='iff true then only the content within body is contained in the output rather than an html document')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        #constraint: one input file must be given at least
        if not options.i:
                raise OptionValueError("option -i: at least one input file must be provided")

        #constraint: if titles are given at all then their number must match number of input files
        if options.t and len(options.t) != len(options.i):
                raise OptionValueError("option -t: when providing titles at all, the number of titles must be equal to the number of input files given by option -i")

        codeLexerTuples = tuple(yield_codelexertuples(options))
        result = highlightMultiSource(codeLexerTuples, MultiSourceFormatter(
                linenos=True, cssclass="source", noclasses=True, showtitles=True if options.t else False))
        if not options.b:
            result = '<html><body>' + result + '</body></html>'
        if options.o: