class NodeViewer(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): """ node viewer is the widget used for displaying the scene and nodes functions in this class is used internally by the class:`NodeGraphQt.NodeGraph` class. """ moved_nodes = QtCore.Signal(dict) search_triggered = QtCore.Signal(str, tuple) connection_changed = QtCore.Signal(list, list) # pass through signals node_selected = QtCore.Signal(str) data_dropped = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QMimeData, QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeViewer, self).__init__(parent) scene_pos = (SCENE_AREA / 2) * -1 self.setScene(NodeScene(self)) self.setSceneRect(scene_pos, scene_pos, SCENE_AREA, SCENE_AREA) self.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setViewportUpdateMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.FullViewportUpdate) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.resize(1000, 800) self._pipe_layout = PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED self._live_pipe = None self._detached_port = None self._start_port = None self._origin_pos = None self._previous_pos = QtCore.QPoint(self.width(), self.height()) self._prev_selection = [] self._node_positions = {} self._rubber_band = QtWidgets.QRubberBand( QtWidgets.QRubberBand.Rectangle, self ) self._undo_stack = QtWidgets.QUndoStack(self) self._context_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu('main', self) self._context_menu.setStyleSheet(STYLE_QMENU) self._search_widget = TabSearchWidget(self) self._search_widget.search_submitted.connect(self._on_search_submitted) # workaround fix for shortcuts from the non-native menu actions # don't seem to trigger so we create a hidden menu bar. menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(self) menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(False) # shortcuts don't work with "setVisibility(False)". menu_bar.resize(0, 0) menu_bar.addMenu(self._context_menu) self.acyclic = True self.LMB_state = False self.RMB_state = False self.MMB_state = False def __str__(self): return '{}.{}()'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return '{}.{}()'.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) # --- private --- def _set_viewer_zoom(self, value): if value == 0.0: return scale = 0.9 if value < 0.0 else 1.1 zoom = self.get_zoom() if ZOOM_MIN >= zoom: if scale == 0.9: return if ZOOM_MAX <= zoom: if scale == 1.1: return self.scale(scale, scale) def _set_viewer_pan(self, pos_x, pos_y): scroll_x = self.horizontalScrollBar() scroll_y = self.verticalScrollBar() scroll_x.setValue(scroll_x.value() - pos_x) scroll_y.setValue(scroll_y.value() - pos_y) def _combined_rect(self, nodes): group = self.scene().createItemGroup(nodes) rect = group.boundingRect() self.scene().destroyItemGroup(group) return rect def _items_near(self, pos, item_type=None, width=20, height=20): x, y = pos.x() - width, pos.y() - height rect = QtCore.QRect(x, y, width, height) items = [] for item in self.scene().items(rect): if not item_type or isinstance(item, item_type): items.append(item) return items def _on_search_submitted(self, node_type): pos = self.mapToScene(self._previous_pos) self.search_triggered.emit(node_type, (pos.x(), pos.y())) # --- reimplemented events --- def resizeEvent(self, event): super(NodeViewer, self).resizeEvent(event) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.RMB_state = False self._context_menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def mousePressEvent(self, event): alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.LMB_state = True elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.RMB_state = True elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.MMB_state = True self._origin_pos = event.pos() self._previous_pos = event.pos() self._prev_selection = self.selected_nodes() # close tab search if self._search_widget.isVisible(): self.tab_search_toggle() if alt_modifier: return items = self._items_near(self.mapToScene(event.pos()), None, 20, 20) nodes = [i for i in items if isinstance(i, AbstractNodeItem)] # toggle extend node selection. if shift_modifier: for node in nodes: node.selected = not node.selected # update the recorded node positions. self._node_positions.update( {n: n.xy_pos for n in self.selected_nodes()} ) # show selection selection marquee if self.LMB_state and not items: rect = QtCore.QRect(self._previous_pos, QtCore.QSize()) rect = rect.normalized() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self.scene().update(map_rect) self._rubber_band.setGeometry(rect) if not shift_modifier: super(NodeViewer, self).mousePressEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.LMB_state = False elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.RMB_state = False elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.MMB_state = False # hide selection marquee if self._rubber_band.isVisible(): rect = self._rubber_band.rect() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self._rubber_band.hide() self.scene().update(map_rect) # find position changed nodes and emit signal. moved_nodes = { n: xy_pos for n, xy_pos in self._node_positions.items() if n.xy_pos != xy_pos } if moved_nodes: self.moved_nodes.emit(moved_nodes) # reset recorded positions. self._node_positions = {} super(NodeViewer, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if self.MMB_state and alt_modifier: pos_x = (event.x() - self._previous_pos.x()) zoom = 0.1 if pos_x > 0 else -0.1 self._set_viewer_zoom(zoom) elif self.MMB_state or (self.LMB_state and alt_modifier): pos_x = (event.x() - self._previous_pos.x()) pos_y = (event.y() - self._previous_pos.y()) self._set_viewer_pan(pos_x, pos_y) if self.LMB_state and self._rubber_band.isVisible(): rect = QtCore.QRect(self._origin_pos, event.pos()).normalized() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.addRect(map_rect) self._rubber_band.setGeometry(rect) self.scene().setSelectionArea(path, QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape) self.scene().update(map_rect) if shift_modifier and self._prev_selection: for node in self._prev_selection: if node not in self.selected_nodes(): node.selected = True self._previous_pos = event.pos() super(NodeViewer, self).mouseMoveEvent(event) def wheelEvent(self, event): adjust = ( / 120) * 0.1 self._set_viewer_zoom(adjust) def dropEvent(self, event): pos = self.mapToScene(event.pos()) event.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.MoveAction) self.data_dropped.emit( event.mimeData(), QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y())) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): event.ignore() # --- scene events --- def sceneMouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse move event for the scene. - redraw the connection pipe. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ if not self._live_pipe: return if not self._start_port: return pos = event.scenePos() self._live_pipe.draw_path(self._start_port, None, pos) def sceneMousePressEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse press event for the scene (takes priority over viewer event). - detect selected pipe and start connection. - remap Shift and Ctrl modifier. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsScenePressEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ ctrl_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if shift_modifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) elif ctrl_modifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier) if not alt_modifier: pos = event.scenePos() port_items = self._items_near(pos, PortItem, 5, 5) if port_items: port = port_items[0] if not port.multi_connection and port.connected_ports: self._detached_port = port.connected_ports[0] self.start_live_connection(port) if not port.multi_connection: [p.delete() for p in port.connected_pipes] return node_items = self._items_near(pos, AbstractNodeItem, 3, 3) if node_items: node = node_items[0] # record the node positions at selection time. for n in node_items: self._node_positions[n] = n.xy_pos # emit selected node id with LMB. if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.node_selected.emit( if not isinstance(node, BackdropNodeItem): return pipe_items = self._items_near(pos, Pipe, 3, 3) if pipe_items: if not self.LMB_state: return pipe = pipe_items[0] attr = {IN_PORT: 'output_port', OUT_PORT: 'input_port'} from_port = pipe.port_from_pos(pos, True) self._detached_port = getattr(pipe, attr[from_port.port_type]) self.start_live_connection(from_port) self._live_pipe.draw_path(self._start_port, None, pos) pipe.delete() def sceneMouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse release event for the scene. - verify to make a the connection Pipe. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) if not self._live_pipe: return # find the end port. end_port = None for item in self.scene().items(event.scenePos()): if isinstance(item, PortItem): end_port = item break connected = [] disconnected = [] # if port disconnected from existing pipe. if end_port is None: if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # restore connection check. restore_connection = any([ # if same port type. end_port.port_type == self._start_port.port_type, # if connection to itself. end_port.node == self._start_port.node, # if end port is the start port. end_port == self._start_port, # if detached port is the end port. self._detached_port == end_port ]) if restore_connection: if self._detached_port: to_port = self._detached_port or end_port self.establish_connection(self._start_port, to_port) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # register as disconnected if not acyclic. if self.acyclic and not self.acyclic_check(self._start_port, end_port): if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # make connection. if not end_port.multi_connection and end_port.connected_ports: dettached_end = end_port.connected_ports[0] disconnected.append((end_port, dettached_end)) if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) connected.append((self._start_port, end_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() # --- port connections --- def start_live_connection(self, selected_port): """ create new pipe for the connection. (draws the live pipe from the port following the cursor position) """ if not selected_port: return self._start_port = selected_port self._live_pipe = Pipe() self._live_pipe.activate() = PIPE_STYLE_DASHED if self._start_port.type == IN_PORT: self._live_pipe.input_port = self._start_port elif self._start_port == OUT_PORT: self._live_pipe.output_port = self._start_port self.scene().addItem(self._live_pipe) def end_live_connection(self): """ delete live connection pipe and reset start port. (removes the pipe item used for drawing the live connection) """ if self._live_pipe: self._live_pipe.delete() self._live_pipe = None self._start_port = None def establish_connection(self, start_port, end_port): """ establish a new pipe connection. (adds a new pipe item to draw between 2 ports) """ pipe = Pipe() self.scene().addItem(pipe) pipe.set_connections(start_port, end_port) pipe.draw_path(pipe.input_port, pipe.output_port) def acyclic_check(self, start_port, end_port): """ validate the connection so it doesn't loop itself. Returns: bool: True if port connection is valid. """ start_node = start_port.node check_nodes = [end_port.node] io_types = {IN_PORT: 'outputs', OUT_PORT: 'inputs'} while check_nodes: check_node = check_nodes.pop(0) for check_port in getattr(check_node, io_types[end_port.port_type]): if check_port.connected_ports: for port in check_port.connected_ports: if port.node != start_node: check_nodes.append(port.node) else: return False return True # --- viewer --- def tab_search_set_nodes(self, nodes): self._search_widget.set_nodes(nodes) def tab_search_toggle(self): pos = self._previous_pos state = not self._search_widget.isVisible() if state: rect = self._search_widget.rect() new_pos = QtCore.QPoint(pos.x() - rect.width() / 2, pos.y() - rect.height() / 2) self._search_widget.move(new_pos) self._search_widget.setVisible(state) rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self.scene().update(rect) else: self._search_widget.setVisible(state) self.clearFocus() def context_menu(self): return self._context_menu def question_dialog(self, text, title='Node Graph'): dlg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, title, text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) return dlg == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes def message_dialog(self, text, title='Node Graph'): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information( self, title, text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) def load_dialog(self, current_dir=None, ext=None): current_dir = current_dir or os.path.expanduser('~') ext = '*{} '.format(ext) if ext else '' ext_filter = ';;'.join([ 'Node Graph ({}*json)'.format(ext), 'All Files (*)' ]) file_dlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Open Session Setup', dir=current_dir, filter=ext_filter) return file_dlg[0] or None def save_dialog(self, current_dir=None, ext=None): current_dir = current_dir or os.path.expanduser('~') ext_label = '*{} '.format(ext) if ext else '' ext_type = '.{}'.format(ext) if ext else '.json' ext_map = {'Node Graph ({}*json)'.format(ext_label): ext_type, 'All Files (*)': ''} file_dlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, caption='Save Session', dir=current_dir, filter=';;'.join(ext_map.keys()) ) file_path = file_dlg[0] if not file_path: return ext = ext_map[file_dlg[1]] if ext and not file_path.endswith(ext): file_path += ext return file_path def all_pipes(self): pipes = [] for item in self.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, Pipe): pipes.append(item) return pipes def all_nodes(self): nodes = [] for item in self.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, AbstractNodeItem): nodes.append(item) return nodes def selected_nodes(self): nodes = [] for item in self.scene().selectedItems(): if isinstance(item, AbstractNodeItem): nodes.append(item) return nodes def add_node(self, node, pos=None): pos = pos or (self._previous_pos.x(), self._previous_pos.y()) node.pre_init(self, pos) self.scene().addItem(node) node.post_init(self, pos) def remove_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, AbstractNodeItem): node.delete() def move_nodes(self, nodes, pos=None, offset=None): group = self.scene().createItemGroup(nodes) group_rect = group.boundingRect() if pos: x, y = pos else: pos = self.mapToScene(self._previous_pos) x = pos.x() - y = pos.y() - if offset: x += offset[0] y += offset[1] group.setPos(x, y) self.scene().destroyItemGroup(group) def get_pipes_from_nodes(self, nodes=None): nodes = nodes or self.selected_nodes() if not nodes: return pipes = [] for node in nodes: n_inputs = node.inputs if hasattr(node, 'inputs') else [] n_outputs = node.outputs if hasattr(node, 'outputs') else [] for port in n_inputs: for pipe in port.connected_pipes: connected_node = pipe.output_port.node if connected_node in nodes: pipes.append(pipe) for port in n_outputs: for pipe in port.connected_pipes: connected_node = pipe.input_port.node if connected_node in nodes: pipes.append(pipe) return pipes def center_selection(self, nodes=None): if not nodes: if self.selected_nodes(): nodes = self.selected_nodes() elif self.all_nodes(): nodes = self.all_nodes() if len(nodes) == 1: self.centerOn(nodes[0]) else: rect = self._combined_rect(nodes) self.centerOn(, def get_pipe_layout(self): return self._pipe_layout def set_pipe_layout(self, layout=''): layout_types = { 'curved': PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED, 'straight': PIPE_LAYOUT_STRAIGHT } self._pipe_layout = layout_types.get(layout, 'curved') for pipe in self.all_pipes(): pipe.draw_path(pipe.input_port, pipe.output_port) def reset_zoom(self): self.scale(1.0, 1.0) self.resetMatrix() def get_zoom(self): transform = self.transform() cur_scale = (transform.m11(), transform.m22()) return float('{:0.2f}'.format(cur_scale[0] - 1.0)) def set_zoom(self, value=0.0): if value == 0.0: self.reset_zoom() return zoom = self.get_zoom() if zoom < 0.0: if not (ZOOM_MIN <= zoom <= ZOOM_MAX): return else: if not (ZOOM_MIN <= value <= ZOOM_MAX): return value = value - zoom self._set_viewer_zoom(value) def zoom_to_nodes(self, nodes): rect = self._combined_rect(nodes) self.fitInView(rect, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio) if self.get_zoom() > 0.1: self.reset_zoom()
class NodeViewer(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): moved_nodes = QtCore.Signal(dict) search_triggered = QtCore.Signal(str, tuple) connection_changed = QtCore.Signal(list, list) node_selected = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeViewer, self).__init__(parent) scene_area = 8000.0 scene_pos = (scene_area / 2) * -1 self.setScene(NodeScene(self)) self.setSceneRect(scene_pos, scene_pos, scene_area, scene_area) self.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setViewportUpdateMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.FullViewportUpdate) self._pipe_layout = PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED self._live_pipe = None self._detached_port = None self._start_port = None self._origin_pos = None self._previous_pos = QtCore.QPoint(self.width(), self.height()) self._prev_selection = [] self._node_positions = {} self._rubber_band = QtWidgets.QRubberBand( QtWidgets.QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self._undo_stack = QtWidgets.QUndoStack(self) self._context_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu('nodes', self) self._context_menu.setStyleSheet(STYLE_QMENU) self._search_widget = TabSearchWidget(self) self._search_widget.search_submitted.connect(self._on_search_submitted) # workaround fix on OSX shortcuts from the non-native menu actions # don't seem to trigger so we create a dummy menu bar. if platform == 'darwin': menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(self) menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(False) menu_bar.resize(0, 0) menu_bar.addMenu(self._context_menu) self.acyclic = True self.LMB_state = False self.RMB_state = False self.MMB_state = False def __str__(self): return '{}.{}()'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return '{}.{}()'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) # --- private methods --- def _set_viewer_zoom(self, value): if value == 0.0: return scale = 0.9 if value < 0.0 else 1.1 zoom = self.get_zoom() if ZOOM_MIN >= zoom: if scale == 0.9: return if ZOOM_MAX <= zoom: if scale == 1.1: return self.scale(scale, scale) def _set_viewer_pan(self, pos_x, pos_y): scroll_x = self.horizontalScrollBar() scroll_y = self.verticalScrollBar() scroll_x.setValue(scroll_x.value() - pos_x) scroll_y.setValue(scroll_y.value() - pos_y) def _combined_rect(self, nodes): group = self.scene().createItemGroup(nodes) rect = group.boundingRect() self.scene().destroyItemGroup(group) return rect def _items_near(self, pos, item_type=None, width=20, height=20): x, y = pos.x() - width, pos.y() - height rect = QtCore.QRect(x, y, width, height) items = [] for item in self.scene().items(rect): if not item_type or isinstance(item, item_type): items.append(item) return items def _on_search_submitted(self, node_type): pos = self.mapToScene(self._previous_pos) self.search_triggered.emit(node_type, (pos.x(), pos.y())) # --- re-implemented methods --- def resizeEvent(self, event): super(NodeViewer, self).resizeEvent(event) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.RMB_state = False self.modify_context_menu() self._context_menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def mousePressEvent(self, event): alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.LMB_state = True elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.RMB_state = True elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.MMB_state = True self._origin_pos = event.pos() self._previous_pos = event.pos() self._prev_selection = self.selected_nodes() # close tab search if self._search_widget.isVisible(): self.tab_search_toggle() if alt_modifier: return items = self._items_near(self.mapToScene(event.pos()), None, 20, 20) nodes = [i for i in items if isinstance(i, AbstractNodeItem)] # toggle extend node selection. if shift_modifier: for node in nodes: node.selected = not node.selected # update the recorded node positions. self._node_positions.update({n: n.pos for n in self.selected_nodes()}) # show selection selection marquee if self.LMB_state and not items: rect = QtCore.QRect(self._previous_pos, QtCore.QSize()) rect = rect.normalized() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self.scene().update(map_rect) self._rubber_band.setGeometry(rect) if not shift_modifier: super(NodeViewer, self).mousePressEvent(event) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: # emit specific node selected signal if self.selected_nodes(): self.node_selected.emit() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.LMB_state = False elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.RMB_state = False elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton: self.MMB_state = False # hide selection marquee if self._rubber_band.isVisible(): rect = self._rubber_band.rect() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self._rubber_band.hide() self.scene().update(map_rect) # find position changed nodes and emit signal. moved_nodes = { n: pos for n, pos in self._node_positions.items() if n.pos != pos } if moved_nodes: self.moved_nodes.emit(moved_nodes) # reset recorded positions. self._node_positions = {} super(NodeViewer, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if self.MMB_state or (self.LMB_state and alt_modifier): pos_x = (event.x() - self._previous_pos.x()) pos_y = (event.y() - self._previous_pos.y()) self._set_viewer_pan(pos_x, pos_y) elif self.RMB_state: pos_x = (event.x() - self._previous_pos.x()) zoom = 0.1 if pos_x > 0 else -0.1 self._set_viewer_zoom(zoom) if self.LMB_state and self._rubber_band.isVisible(): rect = QtCore.QRect(self._origin_pos, event.pos()).normalized() map_rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.addRect(map_rect) self._rubber_band.setGeometry(rect) self.scene().setSelectionArea(path, QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape) self.scene().update(map_rect) if shift_modifier and self._prev_selection: for node in self._prev_selection: if node not in self.selected_nodes(): node.selected = True self._previous_pos = event.pos() super(NodeViewer, self).mouseMoveEvent(event) def wheelEvent(self, event): adjust = ( / 120) * 0.1 self._set_viewer_zoom(adjust) # def dropEvent(self, event): # if event.mimeData().hasFormat('component/name'): # drop_str = str(event.mimeData().data('component/name')) # drop_pos = event.pos() # def dragEnterEvent(self, event): # if event.mimeData().hasFormat('component/name'): # event.accept() # def dragMoveEvent(self, event): # if event.mimeData().hasFormat('component/name'): # event.accept() # --- viewer methods --- def start_live_connection(self, selected_port): """ create new pipe for the connection. """ if not selected_port: return self._start_port = selected_port self._live_pipe = Pipe() self._live_pipe.activate() = PIPE_STYLE_DASHED if self._start_port.type == IN_PORT: self._live_pipe.input_port = self._start_port elif self._start_port == OUT_PORT: self._live_pipe.output_port = self._start_port self.scene().addItem(self._live_pipe) def end_live_connection(self): """ delete live connection pipe and reset start port. """ if self._live_pipe: self._live_pipe.delete() self._live_pipe = None self._start_port = None def establish_connection(self, start_port, end_port): """ establish a new pipe connection. """ pipe = Pipe() self.scene().addItem(pipe) pipe.set_connections(start_port, end_port) pipe.draw_path(pipe.input_port, pipe.output_port) def acyclic_check(self, start_port, end_port): """ validate the connection doesn't loop itself and returns True if port connection is valid. """ start_node = start_port.node check_nodes = [end_port.node] io_types = {IN_PORT: 'outputs', OUT_PORT: 'inputs'} while check_nodes: check_node = check_nodes.pop(0) for check_port in getattr(check_node, io_types[end_port.port_type]): if check_port.connected_ports: for port in check_port.connected_ports: if port.node != start_node: check_nodes.append(port.node) else: return False return True def sceneMouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse move event for the scene. - redraw the connection pipe. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ if not self._live_pipe: return if not self._start_port: return pos = event.scenePos() self._live_pipe.draw_path(self._start_port, None, pos) def sceneMousePressEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse press event for the scene (takes priority over viewer). - detect selected pipe and start connection. - remap Shift and Ctrl modifier. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsScenePressEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ ctrl_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier alt_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_modifier = event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if shift_modifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) elif ctrl_modifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier) if not alt_modifier: pos = event.scenePos() port_items = self._items_near(pos, PortItem, 5, 5) if port_items: port = port_items[0] if not port.multi_connection and port.connected_ports: self._detached_port = port.connected_ports[0] self.start_live_connection(port) if not port.multi_connection: [p.delete() for p in port.connected_pipes] return node_items = self._items_near(pos, AbstractNodeItem, 3, 3) if node_items: # record the node positions at selection time. for n in node_items: self._node_positions[n] = n.pos if not isinstance(node_items[0], BackdropNodeItem): return pipe_items = self._items_near(pos, Pipe, 3, 3) if pipe_items: pipe = pipe_items[0] attr = {IN_PORT: 'output_port', OUT_PORT: 'input_port'} from_port = pipe.port_from_pos(pos, True) to_port = getattr(pipe, attr[from_port.port_type]) if not from_port.multi_connection and from_port.connected_ports: self._detached_port = from_port.connected_ports[0] elif not to_port.multi_connection: self._detached_port = to_port self.start_live_connection(from_port) self._live_pipe.draw_path(self._start_port, None, pos) pipe.delete() def sceneMouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ triggered mouse release event for the scene. - verify to make a the connection Pipe. Args: event (QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): The event handler from the QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene """ if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: event.setModifiers(QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) if not self._live_pipe: return # find the end port. end_port = None for item in self.scene().items(event.scenePos()): if isinstance(item, PortItem): end_port = item break connected = [] disconnected = [] # if port disconnected from existing pipe. if end_port is None: if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # restore connection check. restore_connection = any([ # if same port type. end_port.port_type == self._start_port.port_type, # if connection to itself. end_port.node == self._start_port.node, # if end port is the start port. end_port == self._start_port, # if detached port is the end port. self._detached_port == end_port ]) if restore_connection: if self._detached_port: to_port = self._detached_port or end_port self.establish_connection(self._start_port, to_port) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # register as disconnected if not acyclic. if self.acyclic and not self.acyclic_check(self._start_port, end_port): if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() return # make connection. if not end_port.multi_connection and end_port.connected_ports: dettached_end = end_port.connected_ports[0] disconnected.append((end_port, dettached_end)) if self._detached_port: disconnected.append((self._start_port, self._detached_port)) connected.append((self._start_port, end_port)) self.connection_changed.emit(disconnected, connected) self._detached_port = None self.end_live_connection() def tab_search_set_nodes(self, nodes): self._search_widget.set_nodes(nodes) def tab_search_toggle(self): pos = self._previous_pos state = not self._search_widget.isVisible() if state: rect = self._search_widget.rect() new_pos = QtCore.QPoint(pos.x() - rect.width() / 2, pos.y() - rect.height() / 2) self._search_widget.move(new_pos) self._search_widget.setVisible(state) rect = self.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect() self.scene().update(rect) else: self._search_widget.setVisible(state) self.clearFocus() def modify_context_menu(self): """to be overridden at a higher level, intended to allow context menu to show different items based on well context """ pass def context_menu(self): return ContextMenu(self, self._context_menu) def question_dialog(self, title, text): dlg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, title, text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) return dlg == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes def message_dialog(self, text, title='node graph'): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, title, text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) def all_pipes(self): pipes = [] for item in self.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, Pipe): pipes.append(item) return pipes def all_nodes(self): nodes = [] for item in self.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, AbstractNodeItem): nodes.append(item) return nodes def selected_nodes(self): nodes = [] for item in self.scene().selectedItems(): if isinstance(item, AbstractNodeItem): nodes.append(item) return nodes def add_node(self, node, pos=None): pos = pos or (self._previous_pos.x(), self._previous_pos.y()) node.pre_init(self, pos) self.scene().addItem(node) node.post_init(self, pos) def remove_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, AbstractNodeItem): node.delete() def move_nodes(self, nodes, pos=None, offset=None): group = self.scene().createItemGroup(nodes) group_rect = group.boundingRect() if pos: x, y = pos else: pos = self.mapToScene(self._previous_pos) x = pos.x() - y = pos.y() - if offset: x += offset[0] y += offset[1] group.setPos(x, y) self.scene().destroyItemGroup(group) def get_pipes_from_nodes(self, nodes=None): nodes = nodes or self.selected_nodes() if not nodes: return pipes = [] for node in nodes: n_inputs = node.inputs if hasattr(node, 'inputs') else [] n_outputs = node.outputs if hasattr(node, 'outputs') else [] for port in n_inputs: for pipe in port.connected_pipes: connected_node = pipe.output_port.node if connected_node in nodes: pipes.append(pipe) for port in n_outputs: for pipe in port.connected_pipes: connected_node = pipe.input_port.node if connected_node in nodes: pipes.append(pipe) return pipes def center_selection(self, nodes=None): if not nodes: if self.selected_nodes(): nodes = self.selected_nodes() elif self.all_nodes(): nodes = self.all_nodes() if len(nodes) == 1: self.centerOn(nodes[0]) else: rect = self._combined_rect(nodes) self.centerOn(, def get_pipe_layout(self): return self._pipe_layout def set_pipe_layout(self, layout=''): layout_types = { 'curved': PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED, 'straight': PIPE_LAYOUT_STRAIGHT } self._pipe_layout = layout_types.get(layout, 'curved') for pipe in self.all_pipes(): pipe.draw_path(pipe.input_port, pipe.output_port) def reset_zoom(self): self.scale(1.0, 1.0) self.resetMatrix() def get_zoom(self): transform = self.transform() cur_scale = (transform.m11(), transform.m22()) return float('{:0.2f}'.format(cur_scale[0] - 1.0)) def set_zoom(self, value=0.0): if value == 0.0: self.reset_zoom() return zoom = self.get_zoom() if zoom < 0.0: if not (ZOOM_MIN <= zoom <= ZOOM_MAX): return else: if not (ZOOM_MIN <= value <= ZOOM_MAX): return value = value - zoom self._set_viewer_zoom(value) def zoom_to_nodes(self, nodes): rect = self._combined_rect(nodes) self.fitInView(rect, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio) if self.get_zoom() > 0.1: self.reset_zoom()