コード例 #1
def age_in_seconds(column_name, org_id):
    query = "SELECT {} FROM notch_crm.reports_configuration where orgid ={};".format(
        column_name, org_id)
    new_company_definition = mySqlConnection.read_query(
        mySqlConnection.connection, query)
    new_company_definition = new_company_definition[0][0]
    return new_company_definition * 86400
コード例 #2
def get_user_deals(org_id, user_id):
    all_deals_query = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = {} and creatorid = {}".format(org_id,user_id)
    all_deals = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection, all_deals_query)
    return  all_deals
コード例 #3
def get_org_deals(orgId):

    all_deals_query = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = {};".format(orgId)
    all_deals = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection, all_deals_query)
    return all_deals
コード例 #4
from NotchReports import mySqlConnection
from datetime import datetime, date, time

a_query = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.activity_log where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364;"

#for a in
d_year = 2020
t_query ="SELECT * FROM notch_crm.activity_log where teamid = 16405 and creatorid = 16364"
a = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection, a_query)

result = {}
for each in a:
    datee = each[5]
    datee =  datetime.strptime(datee, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    Yr = datee.year
    if Yr == 2020:
        typpe = each[15]
        if typpe in result:
            result[typpe] += 1
        else: result[typpe] = 1
    else: pass


コード例 #5
def all_deals_lost_yearly(orgid, creatorid, year):
    all_deals_lost_yearly = "SELECT creatorid, actual_closed_date, created_date, comment FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = {} and creatorid = {} " \
     "and curr_stage = 'Lost' and actual_closed_date like '{}%';".format(orgid, creatorid,year)
    all_deals = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection,
    return len(all_deals)
コード例 #6
from NotchReports import mySqlConnection
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date
from math import floor
import calendar
from pprint import pprint

t_query = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364 and curr_stage = 'Won';"
new_query = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364 and curr_stage = 'Won' and actual_closed_date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-19-01';"

all_data = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection, new_query)
win_lists = []
if len(all_data) < 1:
    print('no data was returned for the query sent')

    print('There are ', len(all_data), 'records in this list \n')

    for each in all_data:
        time_to_win = {}
        d_code = each[0]
        cr_date = each[8]
        cl_date = each[31]
        deal_name = each[16]

        y = datetime.strptime(cr_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        z = calendar.timegm(y.utctimetuple())

        x = datetime.strptime(cl_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        m = calendar.timegm(x.utctimetuple())
        result = m - z
コード例 #7
from NotchReports import mySqlConnection
from pprint import pprint
import math

getDealsquery = "SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400;"

org_deals = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection,getDealsquery)
get_all_deals = mySqlConnection.read_query(mySqlConnection.connection, getDealsquery)

#SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400
#SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364 and created_date like '2020%';
#SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364 and created_date like '2020%' and curr_stage = 'Lost';
#SELECT * FROM notch_crm.deals where orgid = 16400 and creatorid = 16364 and created_date like '2020%' and curr_stage = 'Won';

#ownername = 23
#ownerId: 9
#actual_date =
#created_date = 8
#currstage = 10
#owners [16364, 16376]
#teams []

owner = "16376"
mydeals = []
for each in org_deals:
    owner_id = each[9]
    if owner_id == owner:
    else: pass

dealinfo = {}