コード例 #1
ファイル: iahistogram.py プロジェクト: crowell/straighten
def iahistogram(f):
    """  o Purpose
      Image histogram.

  o Synopsis
      h = iahistogram(f)

  o Input

  o Output

  o Description
  o Examples
      f = iaread('woodlog.pgm')
      h = iahistogram(f)
      g,d = iaplot(h)
      g('set data style boxes')
    from Numeric import asarray,searchsorted,sort,ravel,concatenate,product 
    f = asarray(f)
    n = searchsorted(sort(ravel(f)), range(max(ravel(f))+1))
    n = concatenate([n, [product(f.shape)]])
    h = n[1:]-n[:-1]
    return h
コード例 #2
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def column_degeneracy(a,cutoff=.5):
    """Returns the number of characters that's needed to cover >= cutoff

    a: Numeric array
    cutoff: number that should be covered in the array

    [   [.1 .8  .3],
        [.3 .2  .3],
        [.6 0   .4]]
    if cutoff = .75: column_degeneracy -> [2,1,3]
    if cutoff = .45: column_degeneracy -> [1,1,2]

    WARNING: watch out with floating point numbers. 
    if the cutoff= 0.9 and in the array is also 0.9, it might not be found
    >>> searchsorted(cumsum(array([.6,.3,.1])),.9)
    >>> searchsorted(cumsum(array([.5,.4,.1])),.9)

    If the cutoff value is not found, the result is clipped to the
    number of rows in the array. 
    if not a:
        return []
    b = cumsum(sort(a,0)[::-1])
        degen = [searchsorted(b[:,idx],cutoff) for idx in range(len(b[0]))]
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError, "Array has to be two dimensional"
    #degen contains now the indices at which the cutoff was hit
    #to change to the number of characters, add 1
    return clip(array(degen)+1,0,a.shape[0])
コード例 #3
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def row_degeneracy(a,cutoff=.5):
    """Returns the number of characters that's needed to cover >= cutoff

    a: Numeric array
    cutoff: number that should be covered in the array

    [   [.1 .3  .4  .2],
        [.5 .3  0   .2],
        [.8 0   .1  .1]]
    if cutoff = .75: row_degeneracy -> [3,2,1]
    if cutoff = .95: row_degeneracy -> [4,3,3]

    WARNING: watch out with floating point numbers. 
    if the cutoff= 0.9 and in the array is also 0.9, it might not be found
    >>> searchsorted(cumsum(array([.6,.3,.1])),.9)
    >>> searchsorted(cumsum(array([.5,.4,.1])),.9)

    If the cutoff value is not found, the result is clipped to the
    number of columns in the array.
    if not a:
        return []
        b = cumsum(sort(a)[:,::-1],1)
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError, "Array has to be two dimensional"
    degen = [searchsorted(aln_pos,cutoff) for aln_pos in b]
    #degen contains now the indices at which the cutoff was hit
    #to change to the number of characters, add 1
    return clip(array(degen)+1,0,a.shape[1])
コード例 #4
ファイル: Collection.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def rotationalConstants(self, conf=None):
     """Returns a sorted array of rotational constants A, B, C
     in internal units."""
     from Numeric import sort
     from Units import h, pi
     com, i = self.centerAndMomentOfInertia(conf)
     pmi = i.eigenvalues()
     return sort(h / (8.*pi*pi*pmi))[::-1]