コード例 #1
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def correlation(x_items, y_items):
    """Returns Pearson correlation between x and y, and its significance."""
    sum_x = sum_y = sum_x_sq = sum_y_sq = sum_xy = n = 0
    for x, y in zip(x_items, y_items):
        n += 1
        sum_x += x
        sum_x_sq += x * x
        sum_y += y
        sum_y_sq += y * y
        sum_xy += x * y
        r = 1.0 * ((n * sum_xy) - (sum_x * sum_y)) / \
           (sqrt((n * sum_x_sq)-(sum_x*sum_x))*sqrt((n*sum_y_sq)-(sum_y*sum_y)))
    except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError): #no variation
        r = 0.0
    #check we didn't get a naughty value for r due to rounding error
    if r > 1.0:
        r = 1.0
    elif r < -1.0:
        r = -1.0
    if n < 3:
        prob = 1
            t = r/sqrt((1 - (r*r))/(n-2))
            prob = tprob(t, n-2)
        except ZeroDivisionError: #r was presumably 1
            prob = 0
    return (r, prob)
コード例 #2
ファイル: jigs_motors.py プロジェクト: vcsrc/nanoengineer
    def writepov(self, file, dispdef):
        if self.hidden: return
        if self.is_disabled(): return  #bruce 050421
        c = self.posn()
        a = self.axen()

        xrot = -atan2(a[1], sqrt(1 - a[1] * a[1])) * 180 / pi
        yrot = atan2(a[0], sqrt(1 - a[0] * a[0])) * 180 / pi

        file.write("lmotor(" \
                   + povpoint([self.width *  0.5, self.width *  0.5, self.length *  0.5]) + "," \
                   + povpoint([self.width * -0.5, self.width * -0.5, self.length * -0.5]) + "," \
                   + "<0.0, " + str(yrot) + ", 0.0>," \
                   + "<" + str(xrot) + ", 0.0, 0.0>," \
                   + povpoint(c) + "," \
                   + "<" + str(self.color[0]) + "," + str(self.color[1]) + "," + str(self.color[2]) + ">)\n")

        for a in self.atoms:
            if vlen(
                    c - a.posn()
            ) > 0.001:  #bruce 060808 add condition to see if this fixes bug 719 (two places in this file)
                file.write("spoke(" + povpoint(c) + "," + povpoint(a.posn()) +
                           "," + str(self.sradius) + ",<" +
                           str(self.color[0]) + "," + str(self.color[1]) +
                           "," + str(self.color[2]) + ">)\n")
コード例 #3
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
def txt_sqrt(norm, numeric=False):
    if numeric:
        return repr(sqrt(norm))
        if sqrt(norm) % 1 == 0:
            return str(sqrt(norm))
            return "sqrt(" + str(norm.nom) + ("./" + str(norm.denom)) * (norm.denom != 1) + ")"
コード例 #4
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
def txt_sqrt(norm, numeric=False):
    if numeric:
        return repr(sqrt(norm))
        if sqrt(norm) % 1 == 0:
            return str(sqrt(norm))
            return 'sqrt(' + str(norm.nom) + \
                   ('./' + str(norm.denom)) * (norm.denom != 1) + ')'
コード例 #5
def txt_sqrt(norm, numeric=False):
    if numeric:
        return repr(sqrt(norm))
        if sqrt(norm) % 1 == 0:
            return str(sqrt(norm))
            return 'sqrt(' + str(norm.nom) + \
                   ('./' + str(norm.denom)) * (norm.denom != 1) + ')'
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
 def test_euclidean_distance(self):
     """euclidean_distance: should return dist between 2 vectors or matrices
     a = array([3,4])
     b = array([8,5])
     c = array([[2,3],[4,5]])
     d = array([[1,5],[8,2]])
コード例 #7
    def _getinfo_TEST(self): # please leave in for debugging POV-Ray lmotor macro. mark 060324
        a = self.axen()
        xrot = -atan2(a[1], sqrt(1-a[1]*a[1]))*180/pi
        yrot = atan2(a[0], sqrt(1-a[0]*a[0]))*180/pi

        return  "[Object: Linear Motor] [Name: " + str(self.name) + "] " + \
                "[Force = " + str(self.force) + " pN] " + \
                "[Stiffness = " + str(self.stiffness) + " N/m] " + \
                "[Axis = " + str(self.axis[0]) + ", " +  str(self.axis[1]) + ", " +  str(self.axis[2]) + "]" + \
                "[xRotation = " + str(xrot) + ", yRotation = " + str(yrot) + "]"
コード例 #8
def stats(data):
    Assumes a matrix of data with variables on the columns
    and observations on the rows.  Returns the mean,
    variance and standard error of the data.
    from Numeric import average, sqrt
    mean = average(data)
    var = average((data - mean)**2)
    stderr = sqrt(var) / sqrt(len(data))
    return mean, var, stderr
コード例 #9
ファイル: object_picker.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
 def over_line(line):
     # can't use the line bbox because it covers the entire extent
     # of the line
     xdata = line.transx.positions(line.get_xdata())
     ydata = line.transy.positions(line.get_ydata())
     distances = sqrt((x - xdata)**2 + (y - ydata)**2)
     return min(distances) < epsilon
コード例 #10
def init_cube():
    drawing_globals.cubeVertices = cubeVertices = [[-1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                                                   [-1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                                   [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                                   [1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                                                   [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0],
                                                   [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
                                                   [1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
                                                   [1.0, -1.0, -1.0]]

    #bruce 051117: compute this rather than letting a subroutine hardcode it as
    # a redundant constant
    flatCubeVertices = []
    for threemore in cubeVertices:
    flatCubeVertices = list(flatCubeVertices)  #k probably not needed
    drawing_globals.flatCubeVertices = flatCubeVertices

    if 1:  # remove this when it works
        flatCubeVertices_hardcoded = [
            -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
            -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
        assert flatCubeVertices == flatCubeVertices_hardcoded

    sq3 = sqrt(3.0) / 3.0
    drawing_globals.cubeNormals = [[-sq3, sq3, -sq3], [-sq3, sq3, sq3],
                                   [sq3, sq3, sq3], [sq3, sq3, -sq3],
                                   [-sq3, -sq3, -sq3], [-sq3, -sq3, sq3],
                                   [sq3, -sq3, sq3], [sq3, -sq3, -sq3]]
    drawing_globals.cubeIndices = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2],
                                   [2, 6, 7, 3], [0, 3, 7, 4], [4, 7, 6, 5]]

コード例 #11
ファイル: sigProc.py プロジェクト: golfit/work-archive
def corrcoef(*args):
    corrcoef(X) where X is a matrix returns a matrix of correlation
    coefficients for each row of X.
    corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are vectors returns the matrix or
    correlation coefficients for x and y.

    Numeric arrays can be real or complex

    The correlation matrix is defined from the covariance matrix C as

    r(i,j) = C[i,j] / (C[i,i]*C[j,j])

    if len(args) == 2:
        X = transpose(array([args[0]] + [args[1]]))
    elif len(args == 1):
        X = args[0]
        raise RuntimeError, 'Only expecting 1 or 2 arguments'

    C = cov(X)
    d = resize(diagonal(C), (2, 1))
    r = divide(C, sqrt(matrixmultiply(d, transpose(d))))[0, 1]
        return r.real
    except AttributeError:
        return r
コード例 #12
    def Length(self):
	"""Length of vector

	Returns the length of the vector generated by the basis.
	from Numeric import sqrt
	return sqrt(self.InnerProduct(self))
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_daubfilt.py プロジェクト: uniomni/CV
    def test_vanishing_moments(self):
        """Test that coefficients in lp satisfy the
           vanishing moments condition

        from daubfilt import daubfilt, number_of_filters

        for i in range(number_of_filters):
            D = 2*(i+1)

            P = D/2  # Number of vanishing moments
            N = P-1  # Dimension of nullspace of the matrix A
            R = P+1  # Rank of A, R = D-N = P+1 equations
            lp, hp = daubfilt(D)

            # Condition number of A grows with P, so we test only
            # the first 6 (and eps is slightly larger than machine precision)

            A    = zeros((R,D), Float)  # D unknowns, D-N equations
            b    = zeros((R,1), Float)  # Right hand side
            b[0] = sqrt(2)                
            A[0,:] = ones(D, Float)   # Coefficients must sum to sqrt(2)
            for p in range(min(P,6)): # the p'th vanishing moment (Cond Ap)
                for k in range(D):            
                    A[p+1,k] = (-1)**m * k**p;

            assert allclose(b, mvmul(A,lp))         
コード例 #14
    def test_randomSequence(self):
        """randomSequence: 99% of new frequencies should be within 3*SD"""
        r_num, c_num = 100,20
        num_elements = r_num*c_num
        r = random([r_num,c_num])
        p = Profile(r,alpha[:c_num])
        d = p.Data
        n = 1000
        #Test only works on normalized profile, b/c of 1-d below
        means = n*d
        three_stds = sqrt(d*(1-d)*n)*3

        a = Alignment([p.randomSequence() for x in range(n)])

        def absoluteProfile(alignment,char_order):
            f = a.columnFrequencies()
            res = zeros([len(f),len(char_order)])
            for row, freq in enumerate(f):
                for i in freq:
                    col = char_order.index(i)
                    res[row, col] = freq[i]
            return res

        ap = absoluteProfile(a,p.CharOrder)
        failure = abs(ap-means) > three_stds
        assert sum(sum(failure))/num_elements <= 0.01
コード例 #15
 def over_line(line):
     # can't use the line bbox because it covers the entire extent
     # of the line
     xdata = line.transx.positions(line.get_xdata())
     ydata = line.transy.positions(line.get_ydata())
     distances = sqrt((x - xdata) ** 2 + (y - ydata) ** 2)
     return min(distances) < epsilon
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def test_euclidean_distance_unexpected(self):
        """euclidean_distance: works always when frames are aligned. UNEXPECTED!
        a = array([3,4])
        b = array([8,5])
        c = array([[2,3],[4,5]])
        d = array([[1,5],[8,2]])
        e = array([[4,5],[4,5],[4,5]])
        f = array([1,1,1,1,1])

コード例 #17
    def Length(self):
        """Length of vector

	Returns the length of the vector generated by the basis.
        from Numeric import sqrt
        return sqrt(self.InnerProduct(self))
コード例 #18
def init_diamond():
    # a chunk of diamond grid, to be tiled out in 3d
    drawing_globals.sp0 = sp0 = 0.0
    #bruce 051102 replaced 1.52 with this constant (1.544),
    #  re bug 900 (partial fix.)
    drawing_globals.sp1 = sp1 = DIAMOND_BOND_LENGTH / sqrt(3.0)
    sp2 = 2.0*sp1
    sp3 = 3.0*sp1
    drawing_globals.sp4 = sp4 = 4.0*sp1

    digrid=[[[sp0, sp0, sp0], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
            [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp2, sp2, sp0]],
            [[sp2, sp2, sp0], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
            [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp4, sp0]],
            [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
            [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
            [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp0, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp0, sp2, sp2], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
            [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp2, sp4, sp2]],
            [[sp2, sp4, sp2], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
            [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
            [[sp4, sp0, sp4], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
            [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp2, sp2, sp4]],
            [[sp2, sp2, sp4], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
            [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp0, sp4, sp4]]]
    drawing_globals.digrid = A(digrid)
    drawing_globals.DiGridSp = sp4
コード例 #19
ファイル: handles.py プロジェクト: ematvey/NanoEngineer-1
 def findHandles_exact(self, p1, p2, cutoff = 0.0, backs_ok = 1, offset = V(0,0,0)):
     return a list of (dist, handle) pairs, in arbitrary order,
     which includes, for each handle (spherical surface) hit by the ray from p1 thru p2,
     its front-surface intersection with the ray,
     unless that has dist < cutoff and backs_ok,
     in which case include its back-surface intersection
     (unless *that* has dist < cutoff).
     #e For now, just be simple, don't worry about speed.
     # Someday we can preprocess self.handlpos using Numeric functions,
     # like in nearSinglets and/or findSinglets
     # (I have untested prototype code for this in extrude-outs.py).
     hh = self.handles
     res = []
     v = norm(p2-p1)
     ## is this modifying the vector in-place, causing a bug?? offset += self.origin # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     ## I don't know, but one of the three instances of += was doing this!!! probably i was resetting the atom or mol pos....
     offset = offset + self.origin # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     radius_multiplier = self.radius_multiplier
     for (pos,radius,info) in hh:
         ## bug in this? pos += offset
         pos = pos + offset
         radius *= radius_multiplier
         dist, wid = orthodist(p1, v, pos)
         if radius >= wid: # the ray hits the sphere
             delta = sqrt(radius*radius - wid*wid)
             front = dist - delta # depth from p1 of front surface of sphere, where it's hit
             if front >= cutoff:
             elif backs_ok:
                 back = dist + delta
                 if back >= cutoff:
     return res
コード例 #20
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def t_two_sample (a, b, tails=None, exp_diff=0):
    """Returns t, prob for two INDEPENDENT samples of scores a, and b.  
    From Sokal and Rohlf, p 223.  

    Usage:   t, prob = t_two_sample(a,b, tails, exp_diff)

    t is a float; prob is a probability.
    a and b should be lists of observations (numbers) supporting Mean, Count,
    and Variance. Need not be equal.
    tails should be None (default), 'high', or 'low'.
    exp_diff should be the expected difference in means (a-b); 0 by default.
        #see if we need to back off to the single-observation for single-item
        n1 = a.Count
        if n1 < 2:
            return t_one_observation(a.Sum, b, tails, exp_diff)
        n2 = b.Count
        if n2 < 2:
            return t_one_observation(b.Sum, a, reverse_tails(tails), exp_diff)
        #otherwise, calculate things properly
        x1 = a.Mean
        x2 = b.Mean
        df = n1+n2-2
        svar = ((n1-1)*a.Variance + (n2-1)*b.Variance)/df
        t = (x1-x2-exp_diff)/sqrt(svar*(1/n1 + 1/n2))
    except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
        #bail out if the sample sizes are wrong, the values aren't numeric or
        #aren't present, etc.
        return (None, None)
    prob = t_tailed_prob(t, df, tails)
    return t, prob
コード例 #21
def init_diamond():
    # a chunk of diamond grid, to be tiled out in 3d
    drawing_globals.sp0 = sp0 = 0.0
    #bruce 051102 replaced 1.52 with this constant (1.544),
    #  re bug 900 (partial fix.)
    drawing_globals.sp1 = sp1 = DIAMOND_BOND_LENGTH / sqrt(3.0)
    sp2 = 2.0 * sp1
    sp3 = 3.0 * sp1
    drawing_globals.sp4 = sp4 = 4.0 * sp1

    digrid = [[[sp0, sp0, sp0], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
              [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp2, sp2, sp0]],
              [[sp2, sp2, sp0], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
              [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp4, sp0]],
              [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
              [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
              [[sp2, sp0, sp2], [sp1, sp1, sp1]],
              [[sp1, sp1, sp1], [sp0, sp2, sp2]],
              [[sp0, sp2, sp2], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
              [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp2, sp4, sp2]],
              [[sp2, sp4, sp2], [sp3, sp3, sp1]],
              [[sp3, sp3, sp1], [sp4, sp2, sp2]],
              [[sp4, sp0, sp4], [sp3, sp1, sp3]],
              [[sp3, sp1, sp3], [sp2, sp2, sp4]],
              [[sp2, sp2, sp4], [sp1, sp3, sp3]],
              [[sp1, sp3, sp3], [sp0, sp4, sp4]]]
    drawing_globals.digrid = A(digrid)
    drawing_globals.DiGridSp = sp4
コード例 #22
def min_dist(coord, surface):
    Return minimum distance between coord
    and surface.
    d2=sum(d*d, 1)
    return sqrt(min(d2))
コード例 #23
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
 def __str__(self):
     n = self.norm
     sn = sqrt(n)
     if int(sn) == sn:
         string = repr(sn) + "/sqrt(pi)"
         string = "sqrt(" + repr(n.nom) + ("./" + repr(n.denom)) * (n.denom != 1) + "/pi)"
     return string
コード例 #24
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
 def __str__(self):
     n = self.norm
     sn = sqrt(n)
     if int(sn) == sn:
         string = repr(sn) + '/sqrt(pi)'
         string = 'sqrt(' + repr(n.nom) + \
                  ('./' + repr(n.denom)) * (n.denom != 1) + '/pi)'
     return string
コード例 #25
ファイル: Peptide.py プロジェクト: vcsrc/nanoengineer
    def computeEndPointsFromChunk(self, chunk, update = True):
        Derives and returns the endpoints and radius of a Peptide chunk.
        @param chunk: a Peptide chunk
        @type  chunk: Chunk
        @return: endPoint1, endPoint2 and radius
        @rtype: Point, Point and float

        @note: computing the endpoints works fine when n=m or m=0. Otherwise,
               the endpoints can be slightly off the central axis, especially
               if the Peptide is short.
        @attention: endPoint1 and endPoint2 may not be the original endpoints,
                    and they may be flipped (opposites of) the original
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs
        # (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]), it's best to just use
        # the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None

        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis) # needed
        center = chunk._get_center()
        points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot( points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:,2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]

        # Adjust the endpoints such that the ladder rungs (rings) will fall
        # on the ring segments.
        # TO DO: Fix drawPeptideLadder() to offset the first ring, then I can
        # remove this adjustment. --Mark 2008-04-12
        z_adjust = self.getEndPointZOffset()
        min_z += z_adjust
        max_z -= z_adjust

        endpoint1 = center + min_z * axis
        endpoint2 = center + max_z * axis

        if update:
            #print "Original endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
            self.setEndPoints(endpoint1, endpoint2)
            #print "New endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()

        return (endpoint1, endpoint2, radius)
コード例 #26
 def __str__(self):
     n = self.norm
     sn = sqrt(n)
     if int(sn) == sn:
         string = repr(sn) + '/sqrt(pi)'
         string = 'sqrt(' + repr(n.nom) + \
                  ('./' + repr(n.denom)) * (n.denom != 1) + '/pi)'
     return string
コード例 #27
ファイル: Peptide.py プロジェクト: alaindomissy/nanoengineer
    def computeEndPointsFromChunk(self, chunk, update=True):
        Derives and returns the endpoints and radius of a Peptide chunk.
        @param chunk: a Peptide chunk
        @type  chunk: Chunk
        @return: endPoint1, endPoint2 and radius
        @rtype: Point, Point and float

        @note: computing the endpoints works fine when n=m or m=0. Otherwise,
               the endpoints can be slightly off the central axis, especially
               if the Peptide is short.
        @attention: endPoint1 and endPoint2 may not be the original endpoints,
                    and they may be flipped (opposites of) the original
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs
        # (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]), it's best to just use
        # the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None

        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis)  # needed
        center = chunk._get_center()
        points = chunk.atpos - center  # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot(points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:, 0] ** 2 + v[:, 1] ** 2

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:, 2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]

        # Adjust the endpoints such that the ladder rungs (rings) will fall
        # on the ring segments.
        # TO DO: Fix drawPeptideLadder() to offset the first ring, then I can
        # remove this adjustment. --Mark 2008-04-12
        z_adjust = self.getEndPointZOffset()
        min_z += z_adjust
        max_z -= z_adjust

        endpoint1 = center + min_z * axis
        endpoint2 = center + max_z * axis

        if update:
            # print "Original endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
            self.setEndPoints(endpoint1, endpoint2)
            # print "New endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()

        return (endpoint1, endpoint2, radius)
コード例 #28
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def norm(a):
    """Returns the norm of a matrix or vector

    Calculates the Euclidean norm of a vector.
    Applies the Frobenius norm function to a matrix 
    (a.k.a. Euclidian matrix norm)

    a = Numeric array
    return sqrt(sum((a*a).flat))
コード例 #29
    def compute_memo(self, chunk):
        If drawing chunk in this display mode can be optimized by precomputing some info from chunk's appearance,
        compute that info and return it.
           If this computation requires preference values, access them as env.prefs[key],
        and that will cause the memo to be removed (invalidated) when that preference value is changed by the user.
           This computation is assumed to also depend on, and only on, chunk's appearance in ordinary display modes
        (i.e. it's invalidated whenever havelist is). There is not yet any way to change that,
        so bugs will occur if any ordinarily invisible chunk info affects this rendering,
        and potential optimizations will not be done if any ordinarily visible info is not visible in this rendering.
        These can be fixed if necessary by having the real work done within class Chunk's _recompute_ rules,
        with this function or drawchunk just accessing the result of that (and sometimes causing its recomputation),
        and with whatever invalidation is needed being added to appropriate setter methods of class Chunk.
        If the real work can depend on more than chunk's ordinary appearance can, the access would need to be in drawchunk;
        otherwise it could be in drawchunk or in this method compute_memo.
        # for this example, we'll turn the chunk axes into a cylinder.
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]),
        # it's best to just use the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(
        )  # needed (unless we're sure it's already unit length, which is likely)
        center = chunk.center
        points = chunk.atpos - center  # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot(points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:, 0]**2 + v[:, 1]**2
        ## r_xy = sqrt(r_xy_2) # not needed

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:, 2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        bcenter = chunk.abs_to_base(center)
        # return, in chunk-relative coords, end1, end2, and radius of the cylinder, and color.
        color = chunk.color
        if color is None:
            color = V(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        # make sure it's longer than zero (in case of a single-atom chunk); in fact, add a small margin all around
        # (note: this is not sufficient to enclose all atoms entirely; that's intentional)
        margin = 0.2
        min_z -= margin
        max_z += margin
        radius += margin
        return (bcenter + min_z * axis, bcenter + max_z * axis, radius, color)
コード例 #30
def m2rotaxis(m):
    Return angles, axis pair that corresponds to rotation matrix m.
    # Angle always between 0 and pi
    # Sense of rotation is defined by axis orientation
    t=max(-1, t)
    t=min(1, t)
    if angle<1e-15:
        # Angle is 0
        return 0.0, Vector(1,0,0)
    elif angle<pi:
        # Angle is smaller than pi
        return angle, axis
        # Angle is pi - special case!
        if m00>m11 and m00>m22:
        elif m11>m00 and m11>m22:
        return pi, axis
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_tree.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def test_setWeightedProperty(self):
        """setWeightedProperty should calculate and set correct property"""
        leaf_dict = {'d':2, 'e':1, 'g':6, 'h':7}
        means_dict = leaf_dict.copy()
        c_val = (2.0/1+1.0/4+6.0/2)/(1/1+1.0/4+1.0/2)
        delta = 0.01
        a_val = (c_val/delta + 7.0/2)/(1.0/delta + 1.0/2)
        means_dict.update({'f':6, 'c':c_val, 'b':c_val, 'a':a_val})
        c_stdev =sqrt(((2-c_val)**2 +(1-c_val)**2 + (6-c_val)**2)/3)
        stdevs_dict = {'d':0, 'e':0, 'g':0, 'f':0, \
            'c': c_stdev, 'b':0, 'h':0, \

        def set_leaf_f(node):
            return leaf_dict[node.Data]

        r = self.TreeRoot
        r.setWeightedProperty(set_leaf_f, 'x', branch_delta=delta)
        for node in r.traverse(self_before=False, self_after=True):
            self.assertEqual(node.xWeightedMean, means_dict[node.Data])
            self.assertFloatEqual(node.xWeightedStdev, stdevs_dict[node.Data])
コード例 #32
ファイル: jigs_motors.py プロジェクト: ematvey/NanoEngineer-1
    def writepov(self, file, dispdef):
        if self.hidden: return
        if self.is_disabled(): return #bruce 050421
        c = self.posn()
        a = self.axen()

        xrot = -atan2(a[1], sqrt(1-a[1]*a[1]))*180/pi
        yrot =  atan2(a[0], sqrt(1-a[0]*a[0]))*180/pi

        file.write("lmotor(" \
                   + povpoint([self.width *  0.5, self.width *  0.5, self.length *  0.5]) + "," \
                   + povpoint([self.width * -0.5, self.width * -0.5, self.length * -0.5]) + "," \
                   + "<0.0, " + str(yrot) + ", 0.0>," \
                   + "<" + str(xrot) + ", 0.0, 0.0>," \
                   + povpoint(c) + "," \
                   + "<" + str(self.color[0]) + "," + str(self.color[1]) + "," + str(self.color[2]) + ">)\n")

        for a in self.atoms:
            if vlen(c - a.posn()) > 0.001: #bruce 060808 add condition to see if this fixes bug 719 (two places in this file)
                file.write("spoke(" + povpoint(c) + "," + povpoint(a.posn())  + "," + str (self.sradius) +
                           ",<" + str(self.color[0]) + "," + str(self.color[1]) + "," + str(self.color[2]) + ">)\n")
コード例 #33
    def __sub__(self, other):
        Calculate distance between two atoms.
            >>> distance=atom1-atom2

        @param other: the other atom
        @type other: L{Atom}
        return sqrt(sum(diff*diff))
コード例 #34
    def compute_memo(self, chunk):
        If drawing chunk in this display mode can be optimized by precomputing some info from chunk's appearance,
        compute that info and return it.
           If this computation requires preference values, access them as env.prefs[key],
        and that will cause the memo to be removed (invalidated) when that preference value is changed by the user.
           This computation is assumed to also depend on, and only on, chunk's appearance in ordinary display modes
        (i.e. it's invalidated whenever havelist is). There is not yet any way to change that,
        so bugs will occur if any ordinarily invisible chunk info affects this rendering,
        and potential optimizations will not be done if any ordinarily visible info is not visible in this rendering.
        These can be fixed if necessary by having the real work done within class Chunk's _recompute_ rules,
        with this function or drawchunk just accessing the result of that (and sometimes causing its recomputation),
        and with whatever invalidation is needed being added to appropriate setter methods of class Chunk.
        If the real work can depend on more than chunk's ordinary appearance can, the access would need to be in drawchunk;
        otherwise it could be in drawchunk or in this method compute_memo.
        # for this example, we'll turn the chunk axes into a cylinder.
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]),
        # it's best to just use the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis) # needed (unless we're sure it's already unit length, which is likely)
        center = chunk.center
        points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot( points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2
        ## r_xy = sqrt(r_xy_2) # not needed

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:,2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        bcenter = chunk.abs_to_base(center)
        # return, in chunk-relative coords, end1, end2, and radius of the cylinder, and color.
        color = chunk.color
        if color is None:
            color = V(0.5,0.5,0.5)
        # make sure it's longer than zero (in case of a single-atom chunk); in fact, add a small margin all around
        # (note: this is not sufficient to enclose all atoms entirely; that's intentional)
        margin = 0.2
        min_z -= margin
        max_z += margin
        radius += margin
        return (bcenter + min_z * axis, bcenter + max_z * axis, radius, color)
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_daubfilt.py プロジェクト: uniomni/CV
    def test_conservation_of_area(self):
        """Test that coefficients in lp satisfy the dilation equation

        from daubfilt import daubfilt, number_of_filters

        for p in range(number_of_filters):
            D = 2*(p+1)
            lp, hp = daubfilt(D)

            err = abs(sum(lp)-sqrt(2))
            #assert abs(err) <= epsilon, 'Error == %e' %err
            assert allclose(err, 0), 'Error == %e' %err    
コード例 #36
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
def gauss_potential_to_string(l, m, numeric=False):
    """Return string representation of the potential of  a generalized

       The potential is determined by::

          m        m ^    _           m ^
         v [g (r) Y (r) ](r) = v (r) Y (r)
          l  l     l         l     l  l

               4 pi /  -l-1 /r    l+2         l /oo   1-l      \ 
       v (r) = ---- | r     | dx x   g (r) + r  | dx x   g (r) |
        l      2l+1 \       /0        l         /r        l    /
    v_l = [
        [Q(4, 1), 1],
        [Q(4, 3), 1, 2],
        [Q(4, 15), 3, 6, 4],
        [Q(4, 105), 15, 30, 20, 8],
        [Q(4, 945), 105, 210, 140, 56, 16],
        [Q(4, 10395), 945, 1890, 1260, 504, 144, 32],

    norm, xyzs = Y_collect(l, m)

    string = txt_sqrt(norm.norm, numeric) + "*" + (l != 0) * "("
    if numeric:
        string += repr(v_l[l][1] * sqrt(pi))
        string += str(v_l[l][1]) + "*sqrt(pi)"
    string += "*erf(sqrt(a)*r)"

    if len(v_l[l]) > 2:
        string += "-("
        for n, coeff in enumerate(v_l[l][2:]):
            if n == 0:
                string += str(coeff)
                string += "+" + str(coeff) + "*(sqrt(a)*r)**%d" % (2 * n)
        string += ")*sqrt(a)*r*exp(-a*r2)"

    if l == 0:
        string += "/r"
    elif l == 1:
        string += ")/r/r2*" + to_string(l, xyzs)
        string += ")/r/r2**%d*" % l + to_string(l, xyzs)

    return string
コード例 #37
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
def gauss_potential_to_string(l, m, numeric=False):
    """Return string representation of the potential of  a generalized

       The potential is determined by::

          m        m ^    _           m ^
         v [g (r) Y (r) ](r) = v (r) Y (r)
          l  l     l         l     l  l

               4 pi /  -l-1 /r    l+2         l /oo   1-l      \ 
       v (r) = ---- | r     | dx x   g (r) + r  | dx x   g (r) |
        l      2l+1 \       /0        l         /r        l    /
    v_l = [
        [Q(4, 1), 1],
        [Q(4, 3), 1, 2],
        [Q(4, 15), 3, 6, 4],
        [Q(4, 105), 15, 30, 20, 8],
        [Q(4, 945), 105, 210, 140, 56, 16],
        [Q(4, 10395), 945, 1890, 1260, 504, 144, 32],

    norm, xyzs = Y_collect(l, m)

    string = txt_sqrt(norm.norm, numeric) + '*' + (l != 0) * '('
    if numeric:
        string += repr(v_l[l][1] * sqrt(pi))
        string += str(v_l[l][1]) + '*sqrt(pi)'
    string += '*erf(sqrt(a)*r)'

    if len(v_l[l]) > 2:
        string += '-('
        for n, coeff in enumerate(v_l[l][2:]):
            if n == 0:
                string += str(coeff)
                string += '+' + str(coeff) + '*(sqrt(a)*r)**%d' % (2 * n)
        string += ')*sqrt(a)*r*exp(-a*r2)'

    if l == 0:
        string += '/r'
    elif l == 1:
        string += ')/r/r2*' + to_string(l, xyzs)
        string += ')/r/r2**%d*' % l + to_string(l, xyzs)

    return string
コード例 #38
    def plot_avg(self,x=None,y=None,title=None,replot=False,step=1,

        Plot the average over a set of Y values with error bars
        indicating the 95% confidence interval of the sample mean at
        each point. (i.e. stderr * 1.96)

        y = A sequence of sequences of Y values to average.
            If not all sequences are of equal length, the length
            of the shortest sequence is used for all.
        x = (optional) A single sequence of X values corresponding to
            the Ys.
        title = The title of the average plot.
        replot = Keep the old contents of the plot window.
                 default = False
        step = Plot the average at every Nth point. (default = 1)
        errorbars = What statistic to use for error bars, one of:
                    'conf'   -> 95% confidence interval (stderr * 1.96)
                    'stderr' -> Standard error
                    'stddev  -> Standard deviation
                    'var'    -> Variance
        from Numeric import concatenate as join
        N = min(map(len,y))
        mean,var,stderr = utils.stats(join([array([a[:N]]) for a in y],axis=0))

        if replot:
            self.current_style += 1
            self.current_style = 1

                  with='lines %d'%self.current_style,
        if not x:
            x = range(len(mean))

        if errorbars == 'conf':
            bars = stderr * 1.96
        elif errorbars == 'stderr':
            bars = stderr
        elif errorbars == 'stddev':
            bars = sqrt(var)
        elif errorbars == 'var':
            bars = var
            raise 'Unknown error bar type: "%s"' % errorbars
        self.plot(pts=zip(x,mean,bars),with='errorbars %d'%self.current_style,
コード例 #39
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def t_one_observation(x, sample, tails=None, exp_diff=0):
    """Returns t-test for significance of single observation versus a sample.
    Equation for 1-observation t (Sokal and Rohlf 1995 p 228):
    t = obs - mean - exp_diff / (var * sqrt((n+1)/n)) 
    df = n - 1
        n = sample.Count
        t = (x - sample.Mean - exp_diff)/sample.StandardDeviation/sqrt((n+1)/n)
    except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
        return (None, None)
    prob = t_tailed_prob(t, n-1, tails)
    return t, prob
コード例 #40
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def t_one_sample(a,popmean=0, tails=None):
    """Returns t for ONE group of scores a, given a population mean.

    Usage:   t, prob = t_one_sample(a, popmean, tails)

    t is a float; prob is a probability.
    a should support Mean, StandardDeviation, and Count.
    popmean should be the expected mean; 0 by default.
    tails should be None (default), 'high', or 'low'.
        n = a.Count
        t = (a.Mean - popmean)/(a.StandardDeviation/sqrt(n))
    except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
        return None, None
    prob = t_tailed_prob(t, n-1, tails)
    return t, prob
コード例 #41
def construct_spherical_code(lmax=3):
    """Method for generating the code in gpaw/spherical_harmonics.py"""
    YL = []
    norms = []
    for L in range((lmax+1)**2):
        #norm, xyzs = Y_collect(*L_to_lm(L))
        norm, xyzs = Y_collect2(*L_to_lm(L))
        YL.append(zip(xyzs.values(), xyzs.keys()))

    print('Y_L = [')
    for L, Y in enumerate(YL):
        l = sqrt(L)
        if l % 1 == 0:
            print('  #' + 'spdfghijklmn'[int(l)] + ':')
        print('  %s,' % Y)
    print('norms =', norms)
コード例 #42
def weightedMean(data, sigma):
    """Weighted mean of a sequence of numbers with given standard deviations.

    |data| is a list of measurements,
    |sigma| a list with corresponding standard deviations.

    Returns weighted mean and corresponding standard deviation.
    from Numeric import array, Float, sqrt, sum
    if len(data) != len(sigma):
        raise ValueError
    data = 1. * Numeric.array(data)
    sigma = 1. * Numeric.array(sigma)
    nom = sum(data / sigma**2)
    denom = sum(1. / sigma**2)
    mean = nom / denom
    sig = sqrt(1. / denom)
    return mean, sig
コード例 #43
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
def construct_spherical_code(lmax=3):
    """Method for generating the code in gpaw/spherical_harmonics.py"""
    YL = []
    norms = []
    for L in range((lmax + 1)**2):
        #norm, xyzs = Y_collect(*L_to_lm(L))
        norm, xyzs = Y_collect2(*L_to_lm(L))
        YL.append(zip(xyzs.values(), xyzs.keys()))

    print('Y_L = [')
    for L, Y in enumerate(YL):
        l = sqrt(L)
        if l % 1 == 0:
            print('  #' + 'spdfghijklmn'[int(l)] + ':')
        print('  %s,' % Y)
    print('norms =', norms)
コード例 #44
    def test_distance(self):
        """distance: should return correct distance between the profiles
        p1 = Profile(array([[2,4],[3,1]]), "AB")
        p2 = Profile(array([[4,6],[5,3]]), "AB")
        p3 = Profile(array([[4,6],[5,3],[1,1]]), "AB")
        p4 = Profile(array([2,2]),"AB")
        p5 = Profile(array([2,2,2]),"AB")
        p6 = Profile(array([[]]),"AB")

        #Raises error when frames are not aligned
        self.assertRaises(ProfileError, p1.distance,p3)
コード例 #45
def pca(M):
    "Perform PCA on M, return eigenvectors and eigenvalues, sorted."
    T, N = shape(M)
    # if there are fewer rows T than columns N, use snapshot method
    if T < N:
        C = dot(M, t(M))
        evals, evecsC = eigenvectors(C)
        # HACK: make sure evals are all positive
        evals = where(evals < 0, 0, evals)
        evecs = 1. / sqrt(evals) * dot(t(M), t(evecsC))
        # calculate covariance matrix
        K = 1. / T * dot(t(M), M)
        evals, evecs = eigenvectors(K)
    # sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, descending order
    order = (argsort(evals)[::-1])
    evecs = take(evecs, order, 1)
    evals = take(evals, order)
    return evals, t(evecs)
コード例 #46
def init_icos():
    global icosa, icosix

    # the golden ratio
    global phi
    phi = (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
    vert = norm(V(phi, 0, 1))
    a = vert[0]
    b = vert[1]
    c = vert[2]

    # vertices of an icosahedron
    icosa = ((-a, b, c), (b, c, -a), (b, c, a), (a, b, -c), (-c, -a, b),
             (-c, a, b), (b, -c, a), (c, a, b), (b, -c, -a), (a, b, c),
             (c, -a, b), (-a, b, -c))
    icosix = ((9, 2, 6), (1, 11, 5), (11, 1, 8), (0, 11, 4), (3, 1, 7),
              (3, 8, 1), (9, 3, 7), (0, 6, 2), (4, 10, 6), (1, 5, 7),
              (7, 5, 2), (8, 3, 10), (4, 11, 8), (9, 7, 2), (10, 9, 6),
              (0, 5, 11), (0, 2, 5), (8, 10, 4), (3, 9, 10), (6, 0, 4))
コード例 #47
 def findHandles_exact(self,
                       offset=V(0, 0, 0)):
     @return: a list of (dist, handle) pairs, in arbitrary order, which
     includes, for each handle (spherical surface) hit by the ray from p1
     thru p2, its front-surface intersection with the ray, unless that has
     dist < cutoff and backs_ok, in which case include its back-surface
     intersection (unless *that* has dist < cutoff).
     #e For now, just be simple, don't worry about speed.
     # Someday we can preprocess self.handlpos using Numeric functions,
     # like in nearSinglets and/or findSinglets
     # (I have untested prototype code for this in extrude-outs.py).
     hh = self.handles
     res = []
     v = norm(p2 - p1)
     # is this modifying the vector in-place, causing a bug??
     ## offset += self.origin # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     # I don't know, but one of the three instances of += was doing this!!!
     # probably i was resetting the atom or mol pos....
     offset = offset + self.origin  # treat our handles' pos as relative to this
     radius_multiplier = self.radius_multiplier
     for (pos, radius, info) in hh:
         ## bug in this? pos += offset
         pos = pos + offset
         radius *= radius_multiplier
         dist, wid = orthodist(p1, v, pos)
         if radius >= wid:  # the ray hits the sphere
             delta = sqrt(radius * radius - wid * wid)
             front = dist - delta  # depth from p1 of front surface of sphere, where it's hit
             if front >= cutoff:
                 res.append((front, (pos, radius, info)))
             elif backs_ok:
                 back = dist + delta
                 if back >= cutoff:
                     res.append((back, (pos, radius, info)))
     return res
コード例 #48
def pca(M):
    from Numeric import take, dot, shape, argsort, where, sqrt, transpose as t
    from LinearAlgebra import eigenvectors
    "Perform PCA on M, return eigenvectors and eigenvalues, sorted."
    T, N = shape(M)
    # if there are less rows T than columns N, use
    # snapshot method
    if T < N:
        C = dot(M, t(M))
        evals, evecsC = eigenvectors(C)
        # HACK: make sure evals are all positive
        evals = where(evals < 0, 0, evals)
        evecs = 1./sqrt(evals) * dot(t(M), t(evecsC))
        # calculate covariance matrix
        K = 1./T * dot(t(M), M)
        evals, evecs = eigenvectors(K)
    # sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, decending order
    order = (argsort(evals)[::-1])
    evecs = take(evecs, order, 1)
    evals = take(evals, order)
    return evals, t(evecs)
コード例 #49
    def scale(self):
        Return the maximum distance from self's geometric center
        to any point in self (i.e. the corner-center distance).

        Note: This is the radius of self's bounding sphere,
        which is as large as, and usually larger than, the
        bounding sphere of self's contents.

        Note: self's box dimensions are slightly larger than
        needed to enclose its data, due to hardcoded constants
        in its construction methods. [TODO: document, make optional]
        if not self.data: return 10.0

        dd = 0.5 * subtract.reduce(self.data)
        # dd = halfwidths in each dimension (x,y,z)
        x = sqrt(dd[0] * dd[0] + dd[1] * dd[1] + dd[2] * dd[2])
        # x = half-diameter of bounding sphere of self
        #return max(x, 2.0)
        return x
コード例 #50
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
def L_to_lm(L):
    """convert L index to (l, m) index"""
    l = int(sqrt(L))
    m = L - l**2 - l
    return l, m
コード例 #51
ファイル: sharmonic.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
 def __float__(self):
     return sqrt(self.norm / pi)
コード例 #52
def _dist(p, q):
    diff = p - q
    return sqrt(sum(diff * diff))
コード例 #53
ファイル: sigProc.py プロジェクト: golfit/work-archive
def norm(x):
    return sqrt(dot(x, x))
コード例 #54
    def _buildResiduum(self, mol, zmatrix, n_atoms, phi, psi, init_pos,
        Builds cartesian coordinates for an amino acid from the internal
        coordinates table.

        mol is a chunk to which the amino acid will be added.

        zmatrix is an internal coordinates array corresponding to a given amino acid.
        n_atoms is a number of atoms to be build + 3 dummy atoms.

        phi is a peptide bond PHI angle.
        psi is a peptide bond PSI angle.

        init_pos are optional postions of previous CA, C and O atoms.

        symbol is a current amino acid symbol (used for proline case)

        Note: currently, it doesn't rebuild bonds, so inferBonds has to be called after.
        Unfortunately, the proper bond order can not be correctly recognized this way.

        if mol == None:

        if not init_pos:  # assign three previous atom positions
            for i in range(0, 3):
                self.coords[i][0] = self.prev_coords[i][0]
                self.coords[i][1] = self.prev_coords[i][1]
                self.coords[i][2] = self.prev_coords[i][2]
        else:  # if no prev_coords are given, compute the first three atom positions
            num, name, atom_name, atom_type, \
               atom_c, atom_b, atom_a, r, a, t = zmatrix[1]
            self.coords[0][0] = 0.0
            self.coords[0][1] = 0.0
            self.coords[0][2] = 0.0
            self.coords[1][0] = r
            self.coords[1][1] = 0.0
            self.coords[1][2] = 0.0
            ccos = cos(DEG2RAD * a)
            num, name, atom_name, atom_type, \
               atom_c, atom_b, atom_a, r, a, t = zmatrix[2]
            if atom_c == 1:
                self.coords[2][0] = self.coords[0][0] + r * ccos
                self.coords[2][0] = self.coords[0][0] - r * ccos
            self.coords[2][1] = r * sin(DEG2RAD * a)
            self.coords[2][2] = 0.0
            for i in range(0, 3):
                self.prev_coords[i][0] = self.coords[i][0] + init_pos[0]
                self.prev_coords[i][1] = self.coords[i][1] + init_pos[1]
                self.prev_coords[i][2] = self.coords[i][2] + init_pos[2]

        for n in range(3, n_atoms):
            # Generate all coordinates using three previous atoms
            # as a frame of reference,
            num, name, atom_name, atom_type, \
               atom_c, atom_b, atom_a, r, a, t = zmatrix[n]

            cosa = cos(DEG2RAD * a)
            xb = self.coords[atom_b][0] - self.coords[atom_c][0]
            yb = self.coords[atom_b][1] - self.coords[atom_c][1]
            zb = self.coords[atom_b][2] - self.coords[atom_c][2]
            rbc = 1.0 / sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb + zb * zb)

            if abs(cosa) >= 0.999:
                # Linear bond case
                # Skip angles, just extend along the bond.
                rbc = r * rbc * cosa
                self.coords[n][0] = self.coords[atom_c][0] + xb * rbc
                self.coords[n][1] = self.coords[atom_c][1] + yb * rbc
                self.coords[n][2] = self.coords[atom_c][2] + zb * rbc
                xa = self.coords[atom_a][0] - self.coords[atom_c][0]
                ya = self.coords[atom_a][1] - self.coords[atom_c][1]
                za = self.coords[atom_a][2] - self.coords[atom_c][2]

                xyb = sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb)

                inv = False
                if xyb < 0.001:
                    xpa = za
                    za = -xa
                    xa = xpa
                    xpb = zb
                    zb = -xb
                    xb = xpb
                    xyb = sqrt(xb * xb + yb * yb)
                    inv = True

                costh = xb / xyb
                sinth = yb / xyb
                xpa = xa * costh + ya * sinth
                ypa = ya * costh - xa * sinth
                sinph = zb * rbc
                cosph = sqrt(abs(1.0 - sinph * sinph))
                xqa = xpa * cosph + za * sinph
                zqa = za * cosph - xpa * sinph
                yza = sqrt(ypa * ypa + zqa * zqa)
                if yza < 1e-8:
                    coskh = 1.0
                    sinkh = 0.0
                    coskh = ypa / yza
                    sinkh = zqa / yza

                # Apply the peptide bond conformation
                if symbol != "P":
                    if name == "N  " and not init_pos:
                        t = self.prev_psi + 0.0
                    if name == "O  ":
                        t = psi + 180.0
                    if name == "HA " or name == "HA2":
                        t = 120.0 + phi
                    if name == "CB " or name == "HA3":
                        t = 240.0 + phi
                    if name == "C  ":
                        t = phi
                    # proline
                    if name == "N  " and not init_pos:
                        t = self.prev_psi + 0.0
                    if name == "O  ":
                        t = psi + 180.0
                    if name == "CA ":
                        t = phi - 120.0
                    if name == "CD ":
                        t = phi + 60.0

                sina = sin(DEG2RAD * a)
                sind = -sin(DEG2RAD * t)
                cosd = cos(DEG2RAD * t)

                # Apply the bond length.
                xd = r * cosa
                yd = r * sina * cosd
                zd = r * sina * sind

                # Compute the atom position using bond and torsional angles.
                ypd = yd * coskh - zd * sinkh
                zpd = zd * coskh + yd * sinkh
                xpd = xd * cosph - zpd * sinph
                zqd = zpd * cosph + xd * sinph
                xqd = xpd * costh - ypd * sinth
                yqd = ypd * costh + xpd * sinth

                if inv:
                    tmp = -zqd
                    zqd = xqd
                    xqd = tmp

                self.coords[n][0] = xqd + self.coords[atom_c][0]
                self.coords[n][1] = yqd + self.coords[atom_c][1]
                self.coords[n][2] = zqd + self.coords[atom_c][2]

                if self.nterm_hydrogen:
                    # It is a hack for the first hydrogen atom
                    # to make sure the bond length is correct.
                    self.nterm_hydrogen.setposn(self.nterm_hydrogen.posn() +
                                                0.325 * norm(V(xqd, yqd, zqd)))
                    self.nterm_hydrogen = None

                ax = self.coords[n][0]
                ay = self.coords[n][1]
                az = self.coords[n][2]

                # Store previous coordinates for the next building step
                if not init_pos:
                    if name == "N  ":
                        self.prev_coords[0][0] = self.coords[n][0]
                        self.prev_coords[0][1] = self.coords[n][1]
                        self.prev_coords[0][2] = self.coords[n][2]
                    if name == "CA ":
                        self.prev_coords[1][0] = self.coords[n][0]
                        self.prev_coords[1][1] = self.coords[n][1]
                        self.prev_coords[1][2] = self.coords[n][2]
                    if name == "C  ":
                        self.prev_coords[2][0] = self.coords[n][0]
                        self.prev_coords[2][1] = self.coords[n][1]
                        self.prev_coords[2][2] = self.coords[n][2]

                # Add a new atom to the molecule
                atom = Atom(
                    V(self.coords[n][0], self.coords[n][1], self.coords[n][2]),

                # Create temporary attributes for proper bond assignment.
                atom._is_aromatic = False
                atom._is_single = False

                if atom_type == "sp2a":
                    atom_type = "sp2"
                    atom._is_aromatic = True

                if atom_type == "sp2s":
                    atom_type = "sp2"
                    atom._is_single = True


                if name == "CA ":
                    # Set c-alpha flag for protein main chain visualization.
                    atom._protein_ca = True
                    atom._protein_ca = False

                if name == "CB ":
                    # Set c-alpha flag for protein main chain visualization.
                    atom._protein_cb = True
                    atom._protein_cb = False

                if name == "N  ":
                    # Set c-alpha flag for protein main chain visualization.
                    atom._protein_n = True
                    atom._protein_n = False

                if name == "C  ":
                    # Set c-alpha flag for protein main chain visualization.
                    atom._protein_c = True
                    atom._protein_c = False

                if name == "O  ":
                    # Set c-alpha flag for protein main chain visualization.
                    atom._protein_o = True
                    atom._protein_o = False

                # debug - output in PDB format
                # print "ATOM  %5d  %-3s %3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % ( n, name, "ALA", ' ', res_num, coords[n][0], coords[n][1], coords[n][2])

        self.prev_psi = psi  # Remember previous psi angle.

        self.length += 1  # Increase the amino acid counter.

コード例 #55
def L2norm(ar):
    from Numeric import dot, sqrt
    return sqrt(sum(ar**2))
コード例 #56
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from scipy.signal.ltisys import lti, lsim
from matplotlib.pylab import save, randn
from Numeric import sqrt, array, arange

n = 128
Q = 1.
R = 1.
w = 0.3 * sqrt(Q) * randn(n)
v = 0.2 * sqrt(R) * randn(n)
ureq = array([[-1.743] * n])

t = arange(0, 0.9999, 1. / 128)
#Generator().generateSin(n, 3, 33) #-0.37727

u = ureq + w

#A, B, C, D = [[-6.,-25.], [1.,0.]], [[1.],[0.]], [[0., 1.]], [[0.]]
#sys=lti(A, B, C, D)
#y = lsim(sys, u, t)
yv = u + v

##save('Q.txt', Q)
##save('R.txt', R)
save('w.txt', w)
save('v.txt', v)
save('yv.txt', yv)
save('u.txt', u)
save('ureq.txt', ureq)
コード例 #57
    def addInternal(self, i, na, nb, nc, r, theta, phi):
        Add another point, given its internal coordinates.  Once added
        via this routine, the cartesian coordinates for the point can
        be retrieved with getCartesian().

        @param i: Index of the point being added.  After this call, a
                  call to getCartesian with this index value will
                  succeed.  Index values less than 4 are ignored.
                  Index values should be presented here in sequence
                  beginning with 4.

        @param na: Index value for point A.  Point 'i' will be 'r'
                   distance units from point A.

        @param nb: Index value for point B.  Point 'i' will be located
                   such that the angle i-A-B is 'theta' degrees.

        @param nc: Index value for point C.  Point 'i' will be located
                      such that the torsion angle i-A-B-C is 'torsion'

        @param r: Radial distance (in same units as resulting
                  cartesian coordinates) between A and i.

        @param theta: Angle in degrees of i-A-B.

        @param phi: Torsion angle in degrees of i-A-B-C

        if (i < 4):

        if (i != self._nextIndex):
            raise IndexError, "next index is %d not %r" % (self._nextIndex, i)

        cos_theta = cos(DEG2RAD * theta)
        xb = self._coords[nb][0] - self._coords[na][0]
        yb = self._coords[nb][1] - self._coords[na][1]
        zb = self._coords[nb][2] - self._coords[na][2]
        rba = 1.0 / sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb)

        if abs(cos_theta) >= 0.999:
            # Linear case
            # Skip angles, just extend along A-B.
            rba = r * rba * cos_theta
            xqd = xb * rba
            yqd = yb * rba
            zqd = zb * rba
            xc = self._coords[nc][0] - self._coords[na][0]
            yc = self._coords[nc][1] - self._coords[na][1]
            zc = self._coords[nc][2] - self._coords[na][2]

            xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb)

            inv = False
            if xyb < 0.001:
                # A-B points along the z axis.
                tmp = zc
                zc = -xc
                xc = tmp
                tmp = zb
                zb = -xb
                xb = tmp
                xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb)
                inv = True

            costh = xb / xyb
            sinth = yb / xyb
            xpc = xc * costh + yc * sinth
            ypc = yc * costh - xc * sinth
            sinph = zb * rba
            cosph = sqrt(abs(1.0- sinph * sinph))
            xqa = xpc * cosph + zc * sinph
            zqa = zc * cosph - xpc * sinph
            yzc = sqrt(ypc * ypc + zqa * zqa)
            if yzc < 1e-8:
                coskh = 1.0
                sinkh = 0.0
                coskh = ypc / yzc
                sinkh = zqa / yzc

            sin_theta = sin(DEG2RAD * theta)
            sin_phi = -sin(DEG2RAD * phi)
            cos_phi = cos(DEG2RAD * phi)

            # Apply the bond length.
            xd = r * cos_theta
            yd = r * sin_theta * cos_phi
            zd = r * sin_theta * sin_phi

            # Compute the atom position using bond and torsional angles.
            ypd = yd * coskh - zd * sinkh
            zpd = zd * coskh + yd * sinkh
            xpd = xd * cosph - zpd * sinph
            zqd = zpd * cosph + xd * sinph
            xqd = xpd * costh - ypd * sinth
            yqd = ypd * costh + xpd * sinth

            if inv:
                tmp = -zqd
                zqd = xqd
                xqd = tmp

        self._coords[i][0] = xqd + self._coords[na][0]
        self._coords[i][1] = yqd + self._coords[na][1]
        self._coords[i][2] = zqd + self._coords[na][2]
        self._nextIndex = self._nextIndex + 1
コード例 #58
ファイル: draw_grid_lines.py プロジェクト: vcsrc/nanoengineer
#              |                  .                 .
#              |                 .                   .
#              |                .                     .
#              |               .                       .
#    sic_yU  -(0) . . . . . (2)                         (5)
#              |               .                       .
#              |                .                     .
#              |                 .                   .
#              |                  .                 .
#              |                   .               .
#         0  --+------+------|-----(1)-----|-----(6)-----|---
#              |             |             |             |
#              0          sic_uLen     2*sic_uLen    3*sic_uLen
sic_uLen = 1.8  # Si-C bond length (I think)
sic_yU = sic_uLen * sqrt(3.0) / 2
sic_vpdat = [[0.0 * sic_uLen, 1.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [1.5 * sic_uLen, 0.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [1.0 * sic_uLen, 1.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [1.5 * sic_uLen, 2.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [2.5 * sic_uLen, 2.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [3.0 * sic_uLen, 1.0 * sic_yU, 0.0],
             [2.5 * sic_uLen, 0.0 * sic_yU, 0.0]]

def setup_draw_grid_lines():
    This must be called in whichever GL display list context will be drawn in.

    See comment in drawer.setup_drawer about problems with calling this
    in more than one GL context. For now, it shouldn't be.