コード例 #1
    def test_randomSequence(self):
        """randomSequence: 99% of new frequencies should be within 3*SD"""
        r_num, c_num = 100,20
        num_elements = r_num*c_num
        r = random([r_num,c_num])
        p = Profile(r,alpha[:c_num])
        d = p.Data
        n = 1000
        #Test only works on normalized profile, b/c of 1-d below
        means = n*d
        three_stds = sqrt(d*(1-d)*n)*3

        a = Alignment([p.randomSequence() for x in range(n)])

        def absoluteProfile(alignment,char_order):
            f = a.columnFrequencies()
            res = zeros([len(f),len(char_order)])
            for row, freq in enumerate(f):
                for i in freq:
                    col = char_order.index(i)
                    res[row, col] = freq[i]
            return res

        ap = absoluteProfile(a,p.CharOrder)
        failure = abs(ap-means) > three_stds
        assert sum(sum(failure))/num_elements <= 0.01
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def calc_contingency_expected(matrix):
        """Calculates expected frequencies from a table of observed frequencies

        The input matrix is a dict2D object and represents a frequency table
        with different variables in the rows and columns. (observed
        frequencies as values)
        The expected value is calculated with the following equation:
            Expected = row_total x column_total / overall_total
        The returned matrix (dict2D) has lists of the observed and the 
        expected frequency as values
        #transpose matrix for calculating column totals
        t_matrix = matrix.copy()

        overall_total = sum(list(matrix.Items))
        #make new matrix for storing results
        result = matrix.copy()

        #populate result with expected values
        for row in matrix:
            row_sum = sum(matrix[row].values())
            for item in matrix[row]:
                column_sum = sum(t_matrix[item].values())
                #calculate expected frequency
                Expected = (row_sum * column_sum)/overall_total
                result[row][item] = [result[row][item]]
        return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def regress_origin(x,y):
    """Returns coefficients to regression "y=ax+b" passing through origin.

    Requires vectors x and y of same length.
    See p. 351 of Zar (1999) Biostatistical Analysis.

    returns slope, intercept as a tuple.
    return sum(x*y)/sum(x*x), 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: ctuna/ring
  def go(self, xn):
    if (self.x == None):
      self.x = ones(len(self.b)) * xn * 1.0
      self.y = ones(len(self.a)) * xn * 1.0 * sum(self.b) / (1+sum(self.a))

    self.x = concatenate([[xn], self.x[:-1]])
    yn = dot(self.b, self.x) - dot(self.a, self.y)
    self.y = concatenate([[yn], self.y[:-1]])
    return yn
コード例 #5
def msum(ar):
    Take the sum of an array of arbitrary dimension. Works for
    slices and other arrays where ar.flat is undefined.
    from Numeric import sum
    if len(ar.shape) == 1:
        return sum(ar)
        return sum([msum(x) for x in ar])
コード例 #6
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
 def _alpha_scaled(self,obsIndices):
     """ computes forward values"""
     B = self.B
     A = self.A
     alpha_t = B[obsIndices[0]] * self.pi                # (19)
     scaling_factors = [sum(alpha_t)]
     alpha_scaled = [alpha_t/scaling_factors[-1]]             
     for o in obsIndices[1:]:
         alpha_t = matrixmultiply(alpha_scaled[-1],A)*B[o]  # (92a)
         alpha_scaled.append(alpha_t/scaling_factors[-1])      # (92b)
     return alpha_scaled,scaling_factors
コード例 #7
ファイル: geometry.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def center_of_mass_one_array(data,weight_idx=-1):
    """Calculates the center of mass for a dataset

    data should be an array of x1,...,xn,r coordinates, where r is the 
        weight of the point
    data = array(data)
    coord_idx = range(data.shape[1])
    del coord_idx[weight_idx]
    coordinates = take(data,(coord_idx),1)
    weights = take(data,(weight_idx,),1)
    return sum(coordinates * weights)/sum(weights)
コード例 #8
ファイル: geometry.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def center_of_mass_two_array(coordinates,weights):
    """Calculates the center of mass for a set of weighted coordinates

    coordinates should be an array of coordinates
    weights should be an array of weights. Should have same number of items
        as the coordinates. Can be either row or column.
    coordinates = array(coordinates)
    weights = array(weights)
        return sum(coordinates * weights)/sum(weights)
    except ValueError:
        weights = weights[:,NewAxis]
        return sum(coordinates * weights)/sum(weights)
コード例 #9
def entropy(X):
    Computes the entropy of a histogram contained in sequence X.
    from Numeric import log, sum

    def fn(x):
        if x == 0:
            return 0
            return x * (log(x) / log(2))

    P = X / float(sum(X))
    return -sum(map(fn, P))
コード例 #10
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def chi_square_from_Dict2D(data):
    """Chi Square test on a Dict2D

    data is a Dict2D. The values are a list of the observed (O)
    and expected (E) frequencies,(can be created with calc_contingency_expected)

    The chi-square value (test) is the sum of (O-E)^2/E over the items in data

    degrees of freedom are calculated from data as:
    (r-1)*(c-1) if cols and rows are both > 1
    otherwise is just 1 - the # of rows or columns
    (whichever is greater than 1)
    test =  sum([((item[0] - item[1]) * (item[0] - item[1]))/item[1] \
                   for item in data.Items])
    num_rows = len(data)
    num_cols = len([col for col in data.Cols])
    if num_rows == 1:
        df = num_cols - 1
    elif num_cols == 1:
        df = num_rows - 1
    elif num_rows == 0 or num_cols == 0:
        raise ValueError, "data matrix must have data"
        df = (len(data) - 1) * (len([col for col in data.Cols]) - 1)
    return test, chi_high(test, df)
コード例 #11
def analyse_transitions(T):
    from Numeric import zeros
    states, actions, results = T.shape

    entropies = zeros((states, actions)) * 0.0
    counts = zeros((states, actions)) * 0.0
    max_prob = zeros((states, actions)) * 0.0
    max_act = zeros((states, actions)) * 0.0

    for s in range(states):
        for a in range(actions):
            entropies[s, a] = entropy(normalize_sum(T[s, a]))
            counts[s, a] = sum(T[s, a])
            max_prob[s, a] = max(normalize_sum(T[s, a]))
            max_act[s, a] = argmax(normalize_sum(T[s, a]))

    print '       : ',
    for c in 'FBLR':
        print '%10s' % c,
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------'

    for r in range(states):
        print '%6d' % r, ': ',
        for c in range(actions):
            print '%6.2f (%2d)' % (max_prob[r, c], max_act[r, c]),
コード例 #12
ファイル: usage.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
 def positionalGC(self, purge_unwanted=True):
     """Returns GC, P1, P2 P3. Use purge_unwanted=False to get raw counts."""
     p = self.positionalBases(purge_unwanted)
     result = [i['G'] + i['C'] for i in p]
     average = sum(result)/3
     return [average] + result
コード例 #13
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: BerkeleyAutomation/cafe
def eigenvalue_vec(v):
    @param v: Vector of number data.
    @type v: Numeric array     
    @return: (transpose(v) * v) the eigen-value of "matrix" v as float or int
    return sum(v * v);
コード例 #14
ファイル: gauss_quad.py プロジェクト: rfinn/pythonCode
def quad(func, a, b, n=5):
    """val = quad(func,a,b,n=5)

    Integrate func(x) from a to b using Gaussian Quadrature of order n.
    [x, w] = P_roots(n)
    y = (b - a) * (x + 1) / 2.0 + a
    return (b - a) / 2.0 * sum(w * func(y))
コード例 #15
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: BerkeleyAutomation/cafe
def eigenvalue_vec(v):
    @param v: Vector of number data.
    @type v: Numeric array     
    @return: (transpose(v) * v) the eigen-value of "matrix" v as float or int
    return sum(v * v)
コード例 #16
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: kshmirko/pca_module
def vec_inner(v):
    @param v: Vector of number data.
    @type v: Numeric array     
    @return: transpose(v) * v (float or int)
    return sum(v * v);
コード例 #17
def min_dist(coord, surface):
    Return minimum distance between coord
    and surface.
    d2=sum(d*d, 1)
    return sqrt(min(d2))
コード例 #18
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def safe_sum_p_log_p(a, base=None):
    """Calculates p * log(p) safely for an array that may contain zeros."""
    flat = ravel(a)
    nz = take(flat, nonzero(flat))
    logs = log(nz)
    if base:
        logs /= log(base)
    return sum(nz * logs)
コード例 #19
def weightedMean(data, sigma):
    """Weighted mean of a sequence of numbers with given standard deviations.

    |data| is a list of measurements,
    |sigma| a list with corresponding standard deviations.

    Returns weighted mean and corresponding standard deviation.
    from Numeric import array, Float, sqrt, sum
    if len(data) != len(sigma):
        raise ValueError
    data = 1. * Numeric.array(data)
    sigma = 1. * Numeric.array(sigma)
    nom = sum(data / sigma**2)
    denom = sum(1. / sigma**2)
    mean = nom / denom
    sig = sqrt(1. / denom)
    return mean, sig
コード例 #20
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def _score_profile(self, profile, offset=0):
        """Returns score of the profile against the input_profile.

        profile: Profile of a sequence or alignment that has to be scored
        offset: where to start the matching procedure

        This function doesn't do any input validation. That is done in 'score'
        See method 'score' for more information.
        data = self.Data
        self_l = len(data) #profile length
        other_l = len(profile.Data) #other profile length
        result = []
        for start in range(offset,other_l-self_l+1):
            stop = start + self_l
            slice = profile.Data[start:stop,:]
        return array(result)
コード例 #21
ファイル: usage.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     """Normalizes key and treats T=U."""
     key = self.Mask(key)
     if len(key) == 2:  #pair of bases, e.g. GC for GC content
         dup = BaseUsage(self)
         return sum([dup.get(i,0) for i in key])
         return super(CodonUsage, self).__getitem__(key)
コード例 #22
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def fisher(probs):
    """Uses Fisher's method to combine multiple tests of a hypothesis.

    -2 * SUM(ln(P)) gives chi-squared distribution with 2n degrees of freedom.
        return chi_high(-2 * sum(map(log, probs)), 2 * len(probs))
    except OverflowError, e:
        return 0.0 
コード例 #23
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def norm(a):
    """Returns the norm of a matrix or vector

    Calculates the Euclidean norm of a vector.
    Applies the Frobenius norm function to a matrix 
    (a.k.a. Euclidian matrix norm)

    a = Numeric array
    return sqrt(sum((a*a).flat))
コード例 #24
ファイル: usage.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def fingerprint(self, which_blocks='quartets', include_mean=True,\
        """Returns fingerprint data for fingerprint plots.
        which_blocks: whether to include only the usual 4-codon quartets (the
                      default), the split blocks only, or all blocks.
        include_mean: whether to include the mean (True).
        normalize:    whether to normalize so that the quartets sum to 1 (True)
        if which_blocks == 'split':
            blocks = self.SplitBlocks
        elif which_blocks == 'quartets':
            blocks = self.SingleAABlocks
        elif which_blocks == 'all':
            blocks = self.Blocks
            raise "Got invalid option %s for which_blocks:\n" % which_blocks+\
                    "  (valid options: 'split', 'quartets', 'all')."
        result = []
        for b in blocks:    #iterates over doublet string
            U, C, A, G = [self[b+i] for i in 'UCAG']
            all = U+C+A+G
            if G+C:
                g_ratio = G/(G+C)
                g_ratio = 0.5

            if A+U:
                a_ratio = A/(A+U)
            result.append([g_ratio, a_ratio, all])
        result = array(result)
        if normalize:   #make the shown bubbles sum to 1
            sum_ = sum(result[:,-1])
            if sum_:
                result[:,-1] /= sum_
        if include_mean: #calculate mean from all codons
            third = self.positionalBases().Third
            U, C, A, G = [third[i] for i in 'UCAG']
            if G+C:
                g_ratio = G/(G+C)
                g_ratio = 0.5
            if A+U:
                a_ratio = A/(A+U)
            result = concatenate((result, array([[g_ratio,a_ratio,1]])))
        return result
コード例 #25
 def run(self):
     "Superimpose the coordinate sets."
     if self.coords is None or self.reference_coords is None:
         raise Exception, "No coordinates set."
     # center on centroid
     # correlation matrix
     a=matrixmultiply(transpose(coords), reference_coords)
     u, d, vt=singular_value_decomposition(a)
     self.rot=transpose(matrixmultiply(transpose(vt), transpose(u)))
     # check if we have found a reflection
     if determinant(self.rot)<0:
         self.rot=transpose(matrixmultiply(transpose(vt), transpose(u)))
     self.tran=av2-matrixmultiply(av1, self.rot)
コード例 #26
    def __sub__(self, other):
        Calculate distance between two atoms.
            >>> distance=atom1-atom2

        @param other: the other atom
        @type other: L{Atom}
        return sqrt(sum(diff*diff))
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_daubfilt.py プロジェクト: uniomni/CV
    def test_conservation_of_area(self):
        """Test that coefficients in lp satisfy the dilation equation

        from daubfilt import daubfilt, number_of_filters

        for p in range(number_of_filters):
            D = 2*(p+1)
            lp, hp = daubfilt(D)

            err = abs(sum(lp)-sqrt(2))
            #assert abs(err) <= epsilon, 'Error == %e' %err
            assert allclose(err, 0), 'Error == %e' %err    
コード例 #28
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def hamming_distance(x,y):
    """Returns the Hamming distance between two arrays.

    The Hamming distance is the number of characters which differ between
    two sequences (arrays).
    WARNING: This function truncates the longest array to the length of 
    the shortest one.
    ABC, ABB -> 1
    shortest = min(map(len,[x,y]))
    return sum(x[:shortest] != y[:shortest])
コード例 #29
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
 def _ksi(self,obsIndices,alpha,beta):
     N = self.N
     A = self.A
     B = self.B
     ksi = []
     for t in range(len(obsIndices)-1):
         ksi_t = zeros((N,N),Float)
         obs = obsIndices[t+1]
         for i in range(N):
             for j in range(N):
                 #print t,i,j,alpha[t][i],A[i,j],B[obs][j],beta[t+1][j],alpha[t][i]*A[i,j]*B[obs][j]*beta[t+1][j]
                 #print t,i,j,len(obsIndices),len(alpha)
                 ksi_t[i,j] = alpha[t][i]*A[i,j]*B[obs][j]*beta[t+1][j] # numerator of (37)
         ksi_t /= sum(reshape(ksi_t,(N*N,))) # normalization of (37)
     return ksi
コード例 #30
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: kshmirko/pca_module
def mat_prod(A, x):
    @param A: 2-dimensional matrix of number data.
    @type A: Numeric array 
    @param x: Vector of number data.
    @type x: Numeric array         

    @return: b of (Ax = b). Product of:  matrix A (m,n) * vector x (n) = vector b (m)
    #m = A.shape[0]
    #b = zeros((m), float)
    # calc: Ax = b
    #for i in range(m):
    #    b[i] = sum(A[i,:]*x)

    return array([sum(a[:]*x) for a in A])
コード例 #31
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def column_uncertainty(a):
    """Returns uncertainty (Shannon's entropy) for each column in a in BITS

    a: Numeric array (has to be 2-dimensional)

    The uncertainty is calculated in BITS not NATS!!!

    Will return 0 for every empty row, but an empty array for every empty column,
    thanks to this sum behavior:
    >>> sum(array([[]]),1)
    >>> sum(array([[]]))
    zeros((0,), 'l')

    if len(a.shape) < 2:
        raise ValueError, "Array has to be two-dimensional"
    return sum(safe_p_log_p(a))
コード例 #32
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: BerkeleyAutomation/cafe
def mat_prod(A, x):
    @param A: 2-dimensional matrix of number data.
    @type A: Numeric array 
    @param x: Vector of number data.
    @type x: Numeric array         

    @return: b of (Ax = b). Product of:  matrix A (m,n) * vector x (n) = vector b (m)
    #m = A.shape[0]
    #b = zeros((m), float)

    # calc: Ax = b
    #for i in range(m):
    #    b[i] = sum(A[i,:]*x)

    return array(map(lambda a: sum(a[:] * x), A))
コード例 #33
ファイル: usage.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def rscu(self):
        """Normalizes self in-place to RSCU, relative synonymous codon usage.

        RSCU divides the frequency of each codon to the sum of the freqs for
        that codon's amino acid.
        gc = self.GeneticCode
        syn = gc.Synonyms
        aa_sums = {}
        for key, codons in syn.items():
            aa_sums[key] = sum([self[c] for c in codons])
        for codon in self:
                curr = self[codon]
                self[codon] = curr/aa_sums[gc[codon]]
            except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError):
        return self
コード例 #34
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
def G_ind(m, williams=False):
    """Returns G test for independence in an r x c table.
    Requires input data as a Numeric array. From Sokal and Rohlf p 738.
    f_ln_f_elements = safe_sum_p_log_p(m)
    f_ln_f_rows = safe_sum_p_log_p(sum(m))
    f_ln_f_cols = safe_sum_p_log_p(sum(m,1))
    tot = sum(ravel(m))
    f_ln_f_table = tot * log(tot)

    df = (len(m)-1) * (len(m[0])-1)
    G = 2*(f_ln_f_elements-f_ln_f_rows-f_ln_f_cols+f_ln_f_table)
    if williams:
        q = 1+((tot*sum(1.0/sum(m,1))-1)*(tot*sum(1.0/sum(m))-1)/ \
        G = G/q
    return G, chi_high(max(G,0), df)
コード例 #35
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/old-cogent
    def _score_indices(self, seq_indices, offset=0):
        """Returns score of the profile for each slice of the seq_indices
        seq_indices: translation of sequence into indices that match the 
        characters in the CharOrder of the profile
        offset: where to start the matching procedure

        This function doesn't do any input validation. That is done in 'score'
        See method 'score' for more information.
        data = self.Data
        pl = len(data) #profile length (number of positions)
        sl = len(seq_indices)

        r = range(pl) #fixed range
        result = []
        for starting_pos in range(offset, len(seq_indices)-pl+1):
            slice = seq_indices[starting_pos:starting_pos+pl]
            result.append(sum(array([data[i] for i in zip(r,slice)])))
        return array(result)
コード例 #36
    def test_normalizeSequences(self):
        """normalizeSequences: should normalize or raise appropriate error
        p = self.full.copy()
        p = self.empty_row.copy()
        p = self.empty_col.copy()
        p = Profile(array([[0.0],[0.0]]),"AB")

        #negative numbers!!!!!!
        p1 = Profile(array([[3,4],[-2,-3]]),"AB")
        p2 = Profile(array([[3,4],[-3,-3]]),"AB")
コード例 #37
    def test_normalizePositions(self):
        """normalizePositions: should normalize or raise appropriate error
        p = self.full.copy()
        p = self.empty_col.copy()
        p = self.empty_row.copy()
        p = Profile(array([[0.0,0.0]]),"AB")

        #negative numbers!!!!!!
        p1 = Profile(array([[3,-2],[4,-3]]),"AB")
        p2 = Profile(array([[3,-3],[4,-3]]),"AB")
コード例 #38
def pastel(colour, weight=2.4):
    """ Convert colour into a nice pastel shade"""
    rgb = asarray(colorConverter.to_rgb(colour))
    # scale colour
    maxc = max(rgb)
    if maxc < 1.0 and maxc > 0:
        # scale colour
        scale = 1.0 / maxc
        rgb = rgb * scale
    # now decrease saturation
    total = sum(rgb)
    slack = 0
    for x in rgb:
        slack += 1.0 - x

    # want to increase weight from total to weight
    # pick x s.t.  slack * x == weight - total
    # x = (weight - total) / slack
    x = (weight - total) / slack

    rgb = [c + (x * (1.0 - c)) for c in rgb]

    return rgb
コード例 #39
def L2norm(ar):
    from Numeric import dot, sqrt
    return sqrt(sum(ar**2))
コード例 #40
ファイル: pca_module.py プロジェクト: BerkeleyAutomation/cafe
def nipals_arr(X, PCs, threshold, E_matrices):
    @param X: 2-dimensional matrix of number data. 
    @type X: Numeric array
    @param PCs: Number of Principal Components.
    @type PCs: int
    @param threshold: Convergence check value. For checking on convergence to zero (e.g. 0.000001). 
    @type threshold: float
    @param E_matrices: If E-matrices should be retrieved or not. E-matrices (for each PC) or explained_var (explained variance for each PC).
    @type E_matrices: bool
    @return: (Scores, Loadings, E)

    (rows, cols) = shape(X)

    maxPCs = min(rows, cols)  # max number of PCs is min(objects, variables)
    if maxPCs < PCs: PCs = maxPCs  # change to maxPCs if PCs > maxPCs

    Scores = zeros((rows, PCs), Float)  # all Scores (T)
    Loadings = zeros((PCs, cols), Float)  # all Loadings (P)

    E = X.copy()  #E[0]  (should already be mean centered)

    if E_matrices:
        Error_matrices = zeros((PCs, rows, cols),
                               Float)  # all Error matrices (E)
        explained_var = zeros((PCs), Float)
        tot_explained_var = 0

        # total object residual variance for PC[0] (calculating from E[0])
        e_tot0 = 0  # for E[0] the total object residual variance is 100%
        for k in range(rows):
            e_k = E[k, :]**2
            e_tot0 += sum(e_k)

    t = get_column(E)  # extract a column
    p = zeros((cols), Float)

    # do iterations (0, PCs)
    for i in range(PCs):
        convergence = False
        ready_for_compare = False
        E_t = transpose(E)

        while not convergence:
            _temp = eigenvalue_vec(t)
            p = mat_prod(
                E_t, t) / _temp  # ..................................... step 1

            _temp = eigenvalue_vec(p)**(-0.5)
            p = p * _temp  # .................................................... step 2

            _temp = eigenvalue_vec(p)
            t = mat_prod(
                E, p) / _temp  # ....................................... step 3

            eigenval_new = eigenvalue_vec(t)
            if not ready_for_compare:
                ready_for_compare = True
            else:  # ready for convergence check
                if (eigenval_new -
                        eigenval_old) < threshold * eigenval_new:  # ... step 4
                    convergence = True
            eigenval_old = eigenval_new

            E, t, p)  # .............................................. step 5

        # add Scores and Loadings for PC[i] to the collection of all PCs
        Scores[:, i] = t
        Loadings[i, :] = p

        if E_matrices:
            # complete error matrix
            # can calculate object residual variance (row-wise) or variable resiudal variance (column-wise)
            # total residual variance can also be calculated

            Error_matrices[i] = E.copy()

            # total object residual variance for E[i]
            e_tot = 0
            for k in range(rows):
                e_k = E[k, :]**2
                e_tot += sum(e_k)
            tot_obj_residual_var = (e_tot / e_tot0)
            explained_var[i] = 1 - tot_obj_residual_var - tot_explained_var
            tot_explained_var += explained_var[i]

    if E_matrices:
        return Scores, Loadings, Error_matrices
        return Scores, Loadings, explained_var
コード例 #41
def normalize_sum(ar):
    d = float(sum(ar))
    if d == 0:
        return ar * 0.0
    return ar / d
コード例 #42
def _dist(p, q):
    diff = p - q
    return sqrt(sum(diff * diff))
コード例 #43
def norm(ar, L=2):
    return sum(abs(ar)**L)**(1.0 / L)