def intersection(shp1: TopoDS_Shape, shp2: Union[TopoDS_Shape, gp.GP3d]) -> TopoDS_Shape: """ Most Robust TopoDS intersection BRepAlgoAPI_Common will only return if the intersection is solid. BRepAlgoAPI_Section will work for face-on-face similar issue with GeomAPI is documented here: :param: shp1 - TopoDS_Shape1 :param: shp2 - TopoDS_Shape2 BRepAlgoAPI_Section(TopoDS_Shape const &,TopoDS_Shape const &,BOPAlgo_PaveFiller const &,Standard_Boolean const) BRepAlgoAPI_Section(TopoDS_Shape const &,TopoDS_Shape const &,Standard_Boolean const) BRepAlgoAPI_Section(TopoDS_Shape const &,gp_Pln const &,Standard_Boolean const) BRepAlgoAPI_Section(TopoDS_Shape const &,Handle_Geom_Surface const &,Standard_Boolean const) BRepAlgoAPI_Section(Handle_Geom_Surface const &,TopoDS_Shape const &,Standard_Boolean const) BRepAlgoAPI_Section(Handle_Geom_Surface const &,Handle_Geom_Surface const &,Standard_Boolean const) returns wires representing the intersection """ intrs = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(shp1, shp2) if intrs.BuilderCanWork() is True: intrs.Build() # todo add isDone check (maybe ??) # intrs.FuseEdges() intrs.RefineEdges() shp = intrs.Shape() intrs.Destroy() return shp
def splitwire(base, in_edge): sect = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(base, in_edge) sect.Build() sect.RefineEdges() edge = sect.Shape() splt = BRepFeat_SplitShape(base) Ex = TopExp_Explorer(edge, TopAbs_VERTEX) while Ex.More(): # print(Ex.Current()) Sx = TopExp_Explorer(base, TopAbs_EDGE) while Sx.More(): if sect.HasAncestorFaceOn1(Ex.Current(), Sx.Current()): print('add', Ex.Current(), Sx.Current()) splt.Add(Ex.Current(), Sx.Current()) Sx.Next() Ex.Next() splt.Build() return splt.Shape()