コード例 #1
ファイル: concepts.py プロジェクト: Krande/adapy
def import_into_gmsh_use_nativepointer(obj, geom_repr: str,
                                       model: gmsh.model) -> List[tuple]:
    from OCC.Extend.TopologyUtils import TopologyExplorer

    from ada import PrimBox

    ents = []
    if geom_repr == ElemType.SOLID:
        geom = obj.solid
        t = TopologyExplorer(geom)
        geom_iter = t.solids()
    elif geom_repr == ElemType.SHELL:
        geom = obj.shell if type(obj) not in (PrimBox, ) else obj.geom
        t = TopologyExplorer(geom)
        geom_iter = t.faces()
        geom = obj.line
        t = TopologyExplorer(geom)
        geom_iter = t.edges()

    for shp in geom_iter:
        ents += model.occ.importShapesNativePointer(int(shp.this))

    if len(ents) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No entities found")

    return ents
コード例 #2
def import_as_multiple_shapes(event=None):
    compound = read_step_file(
        os.path.join('..', 'assets', 'models', 'as1_pe_203.stp'))
    t = TopologyExplorer(compound)
    for solid in t.solids():
        color = Quantity_Color(random.random(), random.random(),
                               random.random(), Quantity_TOC_RGB)
        display.DisplayColoredShape(solid, color)
コード例 #3
 def parse_shape(self):
     assert self.shape_type is "Compound"
     self.config['shape'] = self.shape_type
     self.config['data'] = []
     s_id = 1
     t = TopologyExplorer(self.shape)
     for subshape in t.solids():
         solid = Solid(subshape, "Solid", s_id)
         s_id = s_id + 1
コード例 #4
def move_to_box(iname, cname, wname, visualize=False):
    """Move foam to periodic box.

    Works on BREP files. Information about physical volumes is lost.

        iname (str): input filename
        cname (str): output filename with cells
        wname (str): output filename with walls
        visualize (bool): show picture of foam morphology in box if True
    cells = TopoDS_Shape()
    builder = BRep_Builder()
    breptools_Read(cells, iname, builder)
    texp = TopologyExplorer(cells)
    solids = list(texp.solids())

    cells = TopoDS_Compound()

    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(1, -1, -1), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(-1, 0, 0)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(-3, -1, -1), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(1, 0, 0)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(-1, 1, -1), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(0, -1, 0)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(-1, -3, -1), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(0, 1, 0)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(-1, -1, 1), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(0, 0, -1)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(-1, -1, -3), 3, 3, 3).Shape()
    vec = gp_Vec(0, 0, 1)
    solids = slice_and_move(solids, box, vec)
    create_compound(solids, cells, builder)
    breptools_Write(cells, cname)
    if visualize:
        display, start_display, _, _ = init_display()
        display.DisplayShape(cells, update=True)
    box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), 1, 1, 1).Shape()
    walls = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(box, cells).Shape()
    breptools_Write(walls, wname)
    if visualize:
        display, start_display, _, _ = init_display()
        display.DisplayShape(walls, update=True)
コード例 #5
    def importStep(self):
        if (self.display): self.display.EraseAll()
        assembly = readStepFile(self.path + self.name)
        os.system("mkdir " + self.folder)
            self.folder + "/assembly_" + self.name.split('.')[0] + ".stl")

        topoDS_Assembly = TopologyExplorer(assembly)


        for compound in topoDS_Assembly.solids():
            color = Quantity_Color(random.random(), random.random(),
                                   random.random(), Quantity_TOC_RGB)
            if (self.display):
                self.display.DisplayColoredShape(compound, color)
        if (self.display): self.display.FitAll()
        configFile = open('config.json', "w")
        json.dump(self.dataStruct, configFile)
コード例 #6
def slice_and_move(obj, box, vec):
    """Cut, move, and join and object

    One object is cut by another object. Sliced part is moved by a vector.
    Moved part is joined with non-moved part.

        obj (Solid): object to be cut
        box (Solid): object used for cutting
        vec (gp_Vec): vector defining the offset
    print('Solids before slicing: {}'.format(len(obj)))
    newsol = []
    for solid in obj:
        cut = BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(solid, box).Shape()
        comm = BRepAlgoAPI_Common(solid, box).Shape()
        comm = translate_topods_from_vector(comm, vec)
        texp = TopologyExplorer(comm)
        if list(texp.solids()):
    print('Solids after slicing: {}'.format(len(newsol)))
    return newsol
コード例 #7
    def read_file(self):
        """Build tree = treelib.Tree() to facilitate displaying the CAD model and

        constructing the tree view showing the assembly/component relationships.
        Each node of self.tree contains the following:
        (Name, UID, ParentUID, {Data}) where the Data keys are:
        'a' (isAssy?), 'l' (TopLoc_Location), 'c' (Quantity_Color), 's' (TopoDS_Shape)
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        tmodel = TreeModel("STEP")
        self.shape_tool = tmodel.shape_tool
        self.color_tool = tmodel.color_tool

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(self.filename)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        logger.info('Number of labels at root : %i', labels.Length())
            rootlabel = labels.Value(1) # First label at root
        except RuntimeError:
        name = self.getName(rootlabel)
        logger.info('Name of root label: %s', name)
        isAssy = self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(rootlabel)
        logger.info("First label at root holds an assembly? %s", isAssy)
        if isAssy:
            # If first label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assembly.
            # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
            # there is no need to examine other labels at root explicitly.
            topLoc = TopLoc_Location()
            topLoc = self.shape_tool.GetLocation(rootlabel)
            entry = rootlabel.EntryDumpToString()
            logger.debug("Entry: %s", entry)
            logger.debug("Top assy name: %s", name)
            # Create root node for top assy
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(name, newAssyUID, None,
                                  {'a': True, 'l': None, 'c': None, 's': None})
            topComps = TDF_LabelSequence() # Components of Top Assy
            subchilds = False
            isAssy = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(rootlabel, topComps, subchilds)
            logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s", isAssy)
            logger.debug("Number of components: %s", topComps.Length())
            logger.debug("Is Reference? %s", self.shape_tool.IsReference(rootlabel))
            if topComps.Length():
                self.findComponents(rootlabel, topComps)
            # Labels at root can hold solids or compounds (which are 'crude' assemblies)
            # Either way, we will need to create a root node in self.tree
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                                  newAssyUID, None,
                                  {'a': True, 'l': None, 'c': None, 's': None})
            self.assyUidStack = [newAssyUID]
            for j in range(labels.Length()):
                label = labels.Value(j+1)
                name = self.getName(label)
                isAssy = self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
                logger.debug("Label %i is assembly?: %s", j+1, isAssy)
                shape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(label)
                color = self.getColor(shape)
                isSimpleShape = self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(label)
                logger.debug("Is Simple Shape? %s", isSimpleShape)
                shapeType = shape.ShapeType()
                logger.debug("The shape type is: %i", shapeType)
                if shapeType == 0:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                    topo = TopologyExplorer(shape)
                    #topo = aocutils.topology.Topo(shape)
                    logger.debug("Nb of compounds : %i", topo.number_of_compounds())
                    logger.debug("Nb of solids : %i", topo.number_of_solids())
                    logger.debug("Nb of shells : %i", topo.number_of_shells())
                    newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                    for i, solid in enumerate(topo.solids()):
                        name = "P%s" % str(i+1)
                        self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                              {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                               'c': color, 's': solid})
                elif shapeType == 2:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SOLID")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                           'c': color, 's': shape})
                elif shapeType == 3:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SHELL")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                           'c': color, 's': shape})

        return tmodel.doc  # <class 'OCC.Core.TDocStd.TDocStd_Document'>
コード例 #8
def extract_subshapes(shp_):
    t = TopologyExplorer(shp_)
    return list(t.solids())
コード例 #9
print("  * single thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_single)
print("  * multi thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_multi)
print("  * muti/single=%.2f%%" % (delta_multi / delta_single * 100))

# TEST 2 : other step, with a loop over each subshape
print("TEST 2 ===")
shp3 = read_step_file(
    os.path.join('..', 'examples', 'models',
shp4 = read_step_file(
    os.path.join('..', 'examples', 'models',

topo1 = TopologyExplorer(shp3)
t4 = time.monotonic()
for solid in topo1.solids():
    o = Tesselator(solid)
    o.Compute(parallel=False, mesh_quality=0.5)
t5 = time.monotonic()
delta_single = t5 - t4

topo2 = TopologyExplorer(shp4)
t6 = time.monotonic()
for solid in topo2.solids():
    o = Tesselator(solid)
    o.Compute(parallel=True, mesh_quality=0.5)
t7 = time.monotonic()
delta_multi = t7 - t6

print("Test 2 Results:")
print("  * single thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_single)
コード例 #10
t3 = time.monotonic()
delta_multi = t3 - t2

print("Test 1 Results:")
print("  * single thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_single)
print("  * multi thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_multi)
print("  * muti/single=%.2f%%" % (delta_multi / delta_single * 100))

# TEST 2 : other step, with a loop over each subshape
print("TEST 2 ===")
shp3 = read_step_file(step_file)
shp4 = read_step_file(step_file)

topo1 = TopologyExplorer(shp3)
t4 = time.monotonic()
for solid in topo1.solids():
    o = Tesselator(solid)
    o.Compute(parallel=False, mesh_quality=0.5)
t5 = time.monotonic()
delta_single = t5-t4

topo2 = TopologyExplorer(shp4)
t6 = time.monotonic()
for solid in topo2.solids():
    o = Tesselator(solid)
    o.Compute(parallel=True, mesh_quality=0.5)
t7 = time.monotonic()
delta_multi = t7 - t6

print("Test 2 Results:")
print("  * single thread runtime: %.2fs" % delta_single)
コード例 #11
# In[ ]:

from OCC.Display.WebGl.jupyter_renderer import JupyterRenderer, format_color
from OCC.Extend.TopologyUtils import TopologyExplorer
from OCC.Extend.DataExchange import read_step_file

# In[ ]:

shp = read_step_file(
    os.path.join('..', 'assets', 'models', 'RC_Buggy_2_front_suspension.stp'))

# In[ ]:

my_renderer = JupyterRenderer(size=(700, 700))

# In[ ]:

# loop over subshapes so that each subshape is meshed/displayed
t = TopologyExplorer(shp)
for solid in t.solids():
    # random colors, just for fun
    random_color = format_color(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255),
                                randint(0, 255))

# In[ ]:

コード例 #12
ファイル: stepXD.py プロジェクト: 2572724988/cadviewer
    def read_file(self):
        """Build self.tree (treelib.Tree()) containing CAD data read from a step file.

        Each node of self.tree contains the following:
        (Name, UID, ParentUID, {Data}) where the Data keys are:
        'a' (isAssy?), 'l' (TopLoc_Location), 'c' (Quantity_Color), 's' (TopoDS_Shape)
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        doc = TDocStd_Document(TCollection_ExtendedString("STEP"))

        # Create the application
        app = XCAFApp_Application_GetApplication()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), doc)

        # Get root shapes
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        self.color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
        layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
        l_materials = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(self.filename)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        # Test round trip by writing doc back to another file.
        logger.info("Doing a 'short-circuit' Round Trip test")
        doctype = type(doc)  # <class 'OCC.Core.TDocStd.TDocStd_Document'>
        logger.info(f"Writing {doctype} back to another STEP file")

        # Save doc to file (for educational purposes) (not working yet)
        logger.debug("Saving doc to file")
        savefilename = TCollection_ExtendedString('../doc.txt')
        app.SaveAs(doc, savefilename)

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()

        self.shape_tool = shape_tool
        logger.info('Number of labels at root : %i' % labels.Length())
            label = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root
        except RuntimeError:
        name = self.getName(label)
        logger.info('Name of root label: %s' % name)
        isAssy = shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
        logger.info("First label at root holds an assembly? %s" % isAssy)
        if isAssy:
            # If first label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assembly.
            # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
            # No need to examine other labels at root explicitly.
            topLoc = TopLoc_Location()
            topLoc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)
            entry = label.EntryDumpToString()
            logger.debug("Entry: %s" % entry)
            logger.debug("Top assy name: %s" % name)
            # Create root node for top assy
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(name, newAssyUID, None, {
                'a': True,
                'l': None,
                'c': None,
                's': None
            topComps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Top Assy
            subchilds = False
            isAssy = shape_tool.GetComponents(label, topComps, subchilds)
            logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s" % isAssy)
            logger.debug("Number of components: %s" % topComps.Length())
            logger.debug("Is Reference? %s" % shape_tool.IsReference(label))
            if topComps.Length():
                self.findComponents(label, topComps)
            # Labels at root can hold solids or compounds (which are 'crude' assemblies)
            # Either way, we will need to create a root node in self.tree
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(os.path.basename(self.filename), newAssyUID,
                                  None, {
                                      'a': True,
                                      'l': None,
                                      'c': None,
                                      's': None
            self.assyUidStack = [newAssyUID]
            for j in range(labels.Length()):
                label = labels.Value(j + 1)
                name = self.getName(label)
                isAssy = shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
                logger.debug("Label %i is assembly?: %s" % (j + 1, isAssy))
                shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label)
                color = self.getColor(shape)
                isSimpleShape = self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(label)
                logger.debug("Is Simple Shape? %s" % isSimpleShape)
                shapeType = shape.ShapeType()
                logger.debug("The shape type is: %i" % shapeType)
                if shapeType == 0:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                    topo = TopologyExplorer(shape)
                    #topo = aocutils.topology.Topo(shape)
                    logger.debug("Nb of compounds : %i" %
                    logger.debug("Nb of solids : %i" % topo.number_of_solids())
                    logger.debug("Nb of shells : %i" % topo.number_of_shells())
                    newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                    for i, solid in enumerate(topo.solids()):
                        name = "P%s" % str(i + 1)
                        self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                              self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                                  'a': False,
                                                  'l': None,
                                                  'c': color,
                                                  's': solid
                elif shapeType == 2:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SOLID")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                              'a': False,
                                              'l': None,
                                              'c': color,
                                              's': shape
                elif shapeType == 3:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SHELL")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                              'a': False,
                                              'l': None,
                                              'c': color,
                                              's': shape
        return True