コード例 #1
ファイル: solidoffset.py プロジェクト: k-automation/emcfab
def drillWithHolesFaster(shape):
    "returns a shape with a bunch of spheres removed from it"
    box = Bnd.Bnd_Box()
    b = BRepBndLib.BRepBndLib()
    b.Add(shape, box)

    (xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) = box.Get()

    d = 0.05 * ((xMax - xMin))
    di = 3.0 * d
    vec = gp.gp_Vec(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, d))
    cp = None
    compound = TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound()
    builder = BRep.BRep_Builder()
    #drill holes in a rectangular grid
    for x in frange6(xMin, xMax, di):
        for y in frange6(yMin, yMax, di):
            for z in frange6(zMin, zMax, di):
                #make a sphere
                center = gp.gp_Pnt(x, y, z)
                hole = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(center, d).Shape()
                #lets see if a square hole is faster!
                #w = squareWire(center,d );
                #hb = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(w,vec,False,True);
                #hole = hb.Shape();
                builder.Add(compound, hole)

    q = time.clock()
    cut = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(shape, compound)
    if cut.ErrorStatus() == 0:
        print "Cut Took %0.3f sec." % (time.clock() - q)
        return cut.Shape()
        print "Error Cutting: %d" % cut.ErrorStatus()
        return shape
コード例 #2
ファイル: iges.py プロジェクト: bmjjr/OCCDataExchange
    def compound(self):
        """ Create and returns a compound from the _shapes list


        Importing an iges box results in:
        0 solid
        0 shell
        6 faces
        24 edges

        # Create a compound
        compound = TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound()
        brep_builder = BRep.BRep_Builder()
        # Populate the compound
        for shape in self._shapes:
            brep_builder.Add(compound, shape)
        return compound
コード例 #3
 def execute(self):
     input_shape = self.input.shape
     topo = Topo(input_shape)
     self._n_edges = topo.number_of_edges()
     builder = BRepFilletAPI.BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer(input_shape)
     Map = TDF.TDF_LabelMap()
     itr = TDF.TDF_ChildIterator(self.parent_label, True)
     while itr.More():
         sub_label = itr.Value()
     selector = self.selector
     ret = selector.Solve(Map)
     if not ret:
         raise Exception("Failed to solve for edge")
         #print "Failed to solve for edge"
     nt = TNaming.TNaming_Tool()
     selected_shape = nt.CurrentShape(selector.NamedShape())
     selected_edge = TopoDS.TopoDS().Edge(selected_shape)
         face = Topo(input_shape).faces_from_edge(selected_edge).next()
     except RuntimeError:
         raise #not sure how to handle this
     size = self.size
     builder.Add(size, size, selected_edge, face)
     return builder.Shape()
コード例 #4
ファイル: Gcode_Lib.py プロジェクト: k-automation/emcfab

#utility class instances
#available to all methods
#Brep_Tools = BRepTools.BRepTools();
Brep_Tool = BRep.BRep_Tool();
BRepLProp_CurveTool = BRepLProp.BRepLProp_CurveTool();
#TopoDS = TopoDS.TopoDS();
#TopExp = TopExp.TopExp()
#TopExp_Explorer = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer();
ts = TopoDS.TopoDS();

def close(x,y):
	if x == None or y == None:
		return False;
	return abs(x - y ) < TOLERANCE;
def printPoint(point):
	return "x=%0.4f,y=%0.4f,z=%0.4f" % (point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z());
	State machine for creating gcode.
	This class will track the current position, which
	makes it easier to move along a particular path.
コード例 #5
def extrusion(event=None):
    # Make a box
    Box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(400.,250.,300.)
    S = Box.Shape()
    # Choose the first Face of the box
    Ex = TopExp_Explorer()
    F = TopoDS.TopoDS_face(Ex.Current())
    surf = BRep_Tool_Surface(F)
    # Make a plane from this face
    Pl = Handle_Geom_Plane_DownCast(surf)
    Pln = Pl.GetObject()
    # Get the normal of this plane. This will be the direction of extrusion.
    D = Pln.Axis().Direction()
    # Inverse normal
    # Create the 2D planar sketch
    MW = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire()
    p1 = gp_Pnt2d(200.,-100.)
    p2 = gp_Pnt2d(100.,-100.)
    aline = GCE2d_MakeLine(p1,p2).Value()
    Edge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aline,surf,0.,p1.Distance(p2))
    p1 = p2
    p2 = gp_Pnt2d(100.,-200.)
    aline = GCE2d_MakeLine(p1,p2).Value()
    Edge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aline,surf,0.,p1.Distance(p2))
    p1 = p2
    p2 = gp_Pnt2d(200.,-200.)
    aline = GCE2d_MakeLine(p1,p2).Value()
    Edge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aline,surf,0.,p1.Distance(p2))
    p1 = p2
    p2 = gp_Pnt2d(200.,-100.)
    aline = GCE2d_MakeLine(p1,p2).Value()
    Edge4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aline,surf,0.,p1.Distance(p2)) 
    # Build Face from Wire. NB: a face is required to generate a solid.
    MKF = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace()
    MKF.Init(surf,False, 1e-6)
    FP = MKF.Face()
    MKP = BRepFeat_MakePrism(S,FP,F,D,0,True)
    res1 = MKP.Shape()
コード例 #6
ファイル: stl.py プロジェクト: bmjjr/OCCDataExchange
 def read_file(self):
     r"""Read the STL file and stores the result in a TopoDS_Shape"""
     stl_reader = StlAPI.StlAPI_Reader()
     shape = TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape()
     stl_reader.Read(shape, self._filename)
     self._shape = shape
コード例 #7
	Utilties for representing wires and lists of edges in a graph.

from OCC import BRep, gp, GeomAbs, GeomAPI, GCPnts, TopoDS, BRepTools, GeomAdaptor, TopAbs, TopTools, TopExp
from OCC import BRepGProp, BRepLProp, BRepBuilderAPI, BRepPrimAPI, GeomAdaptor, GeomAbs, BRepClass, GCPnts, BRepBuilderAPI, BRepOffsetAPI, BRepAdaptor
import time, os, sys, string, logging
from OCC.Geom import *
brepTool = BRep.BRep_Tool()
topoDS = TopoDS.TopoDS()
import TestDisplay
import itertools
import Wrappers
import time

def hashE(edge):
    return edge.HashCode(1000000)

"an edge in a connected set of edges."

class EdgeNode:

    "an edge node from an edge wrapper"

    def __init__(self, edgeWrapper, type):
コード例 #8
from OCC import TopExp, BRepPrimAPI, TopAbs, TopoDS

box = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10., 20., 30.)
ex = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer(box.Shape(), TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE)

results = []

while ex.More():
    shape = TopoDS.TopoDS().Edge(ex.Current())
    print "is null?", bool(shape.IsNull())

for edge in results:
    print "null now?", bool(edge.IsNull())
コード例 #9
def copy(shape):
    """Return a copy of the shape that does not reference the original shape"""
    new = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Common(shape, cube).Shape()
    comp = TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound(new)
    return subshapes(comp, shape.ShapeType())[0]
コード例 #10
ファイル: brep_reader.py プロジェクト: spechub/Hets
from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import *
from OCC import BRep
from OCC.BRepTools import *
from OCC import TopoDS
from OCC.Message import Message_PrinterOStream
import sys

fileName = 'input.brp'
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
    fileName = sys.argv[1]

brep_instance = BRepTools()
shape = TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape()
builder = BRep.BRep_Builder()
printrerStream = Message_PrinterOStream()
s = printrerStream.GetStream()
brep_instance.Read(shape, str(fileName), builder)
コード例 #11
ファイル: brep.py プロジェクト: bmjjr/OCCDataExchange
 def read_file(self):
     r"""Read the BREP file and stores the result in a TopoDS_Shape"""
     shape = TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape()
     builder = BRep.BRep_Builder()
     BRepTools.breptools_Read(shape, self._filename, builder)
     self._shape = shape
コード例 #12
ファイル: TestCompCurve.py プロジェクト: k-automation/emcfab
        print "testWire2 is not closed."
    TOLERANCE = 0.00001
    curve = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_CompCurve(testWire)

    print "CompCurve is parameterized between %0.5f and %0.5f " % (
        curve.FirstParameter(), curve.LastParameter())
    print "%d Continuity" % curve.Continuity()
    print "%d Intervals(C0)" % curve.NbIntervals(0)
    print "%d Intervals(C1)" % curve.NbIntervals(1)
    print "%d Intervals(C2)" % curve.NbIntervals(2)
    print "%d Intervals(C3)" % curve.NbIntervals(3)

    nB = curve.NbIntervals(2)

    resultEdge = TopoDS.TopoDS_Edge()
    #try to get edge from paramter
    p = 0.5
    eP = curve.Edge(p, resultEdge)
    print "CompCurve Parameter %0.2f = edge parameter %0.2f" % (p, eP)

    #show the selected point also
    point = curve.Value(p)

    #get all of the intervals for the wire
    print "Getting %d Intervals" % nB
    array = TColStd.TColStd_Array1OfReal(1, nB + 2)

    curve.Intervals(array, 2)
    print "Bounding Parameters: ", listFromArray(array)
コード例 #13
ファイル: hatchLib.py プロジェクト: k-automation/emcfab
    def hatch(self):
        """take the a slice and compute hatches
			computing the intersections of wires is very expensive, 
			so it is important to do this as efficently as possible.
			Inputs: a set of boundary wires that define a face,
			        a set of filling wires that cover a bounding box around the face.
				trim covering wires/edges by the boundaries, 
				trim boundaries by intersections with wires
			optimizations so far:
				* use active wire table to detect when to stop computing intersections with wires.
				 each boundary must be activated before computation stops, and a boundary is finished
				 after intersections have been found, and then stop occurring.
			More optimization can be used by Bnd_BoundSortBox-- which would compare all of the bounding
			boxes at once in c++, but with more glue code.
        q = time.clock()
        hatchWires = self._makeHatchLines()

        numCompares = 0
        bbuilder = BRep.BRep_Builder()
        comp = TopoDS.TopoDS_Compound()

        #print "Time to Make hatch Lines: %0.3f" % ( time.clock() - q )

        for b in self.boundaryWires:
            bbuilder.Add(comp, b)

        #print "There are %d boundary wires, %d hatch wires" % ( len(self.boundaryWires),len(hatchWires)  )
        #intersect each line with each boundary

        brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape()

        for hatchLine in hatchWires:

            interSections = []
            #list of intersections for just this single hatch line
            closePoints = []
            #extrema that are not intersectionsf or this single hatch line

            numCompares += 1
            result = brp.Perform()
				tricky thing: for a given hatch line ( whether a line or a string of hexes ),
				we want to check for both intersections and close points that would result in overdrawing.
				if the line has zero intersections, then it is not in play, and should not be considered.
				if the line has at least one intersection, then it is in play, and extrema that are not intersections should
				also be included for later processing.
            if result and brp.Value(
            ) < 0.050:  #if < tolerance we have an intersection. if < filament width we have a close sitation
                #print "intersection found, distance = %0.6f" % brp.Value()
                #TODO need to handle the somewhat unusual cases that the intersection is
                #on a vertex
                for k in range(1, brp.NbSolution() + 1):
                    if brp.Value(
                    ) < 0.001:  #there is at least one intersection on this wire. there may also be extrema
                        #print "spot on match"
                        #make the node
                        #quite complex depending on where exactly the intersection is.
                        if brp.SupportTypeShape1(
                                k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
                            #well this sux-- have to check to ensure that the edge is not a local
                            #minimum or maximum also.
                            if OCCUtil.isEdgeLocalMinimum(
                                    brp.ParOnEdgeS1(k), brp.PointOnShape1(k)):
                                print "Warning: edge appears to be a local min/max.  Is it a tangent?"
                                #self.boundaryIntersectionsByEdge = {} #boundary intersections, hashed by edges
                                    brp.ParOnEdgeS1(k), brp.PointOnShape1(k))

                        if brp.SupportTypeShape2(
                                k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
                            if brp.SupportTypeShape1(
                                    k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsVertex:
                                #the intersection is on a vertex of the boundary.
                                vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape1(k))

                            #otherwise, vertex was not a local minimum, or was on an edge
                            poe = eg.PointOnAnEdge(
                                brp.ParOnEdgeS2(k), brp.PointOnShape2(k))

                        elif brp.SupportTypeShape2(
                                k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsVertex:
                            #how on earth to handle this one?
                            #this actually means that a vertex can also have an infill node attached to it!
                            #for right now let's just ignore it.
                            print "WARNING: intersection on vertex of hatch line!"
                            raise ValueError(
                                "I dont know how to handle this kind of intersection"
                    else:  #brp.Value is between 0.001 and 0.05
                        #print "intersection is close";
                        #we know this is a place where the boundary is close to a fill contour.
                        #our goal is to eventually remove it from the list. Support1 is the boundary.
                        #print "found extremum close but not intersecting, distance = %0.3f" %  ( brp.Value() )
                        if brp.SupportTypeShape1(
                                k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
                            poeBound = eg.PointOnAnEdge(
                                brp.SupportOnShape1(k), brp.ParOnEdgeS1(k),
                                (poeBound, 'EDGE', brp.SupportOnShape2(k)))
                        elif brp.SupportTypeShape2(
                                k) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsVertex:
                            #here a vertex is closest to a fill line.
                            poeBound = eg.PointOnAnEdge(
                                brp.SupportOnShape1(k), 0,
                                (poeBound, 'VERTEX', brp.SupportOnShape2(k)))

            if len(interSections) % 2 == 1:
                print "Detected Odd Number of intersection points. This is ignored for now."

            if len(interSections) == 0:
                #print "Hatch has no intersections-- discarding";

            #at this point we have all the intersections for this hatch line.
            #we also know we have at least one intersection.

            if len(closePoints) > 0:
                #there were extrema ( points where this hatch is close to a boundary but doesnt intersect.
                #we do this here instead of inline because we have to avoid hatch lines that are close, but do not actually
                #intersect a wire. ( ie, they are 'just outside' of the boundary )
                for cp in closePoints:
                    self.graphBuilder.addPointsTooClose(cp[0], cp[1])
                    #display.DisplayShape(cp[0].edge );
                    #display.DisplayShape(cp[2] );

            #add the edges 'inside' the shape to the graph
            #print "Splitting wire by %d intersection points" % len(interSections )
            edgesInside = []
            edgesInside = eg.splitWire(hatchLine, interSections)

            #returned value is a list of lists. each entry is a chain of edges
            for e in edgesInside:

            #test to see if we can break out of the loop.
            #we can stop if we've hit each boundary at least once
            #if len(interSections) == 0 and (len(boundariesFound) ==  len(self.boundaryWires)):
            #	continueHatching = False;

        print "%d Total Intersections computed." % (numCompares)
コード例 #14
 def _readSTL(self, inputFileName):
     ts = TopoDS.TopoDS()
     shape = TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape()
     stl_reader = StlAPI.StlAPI_Reader()
     stl_reader.Read(shape, inputFileName)
     return shape