コード例 #1
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: trelau/AFEM
    def __init__(self, pnt, crv, tol=1.0e-10):
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv)
        tool = Extrema_ExtPC(pnt, adp_crv.object, tol)

        if not tool.IsDone():
            msg = 'Extrema between point and curve failed.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._nsol = tool.NbExt()
        results = []
        for i in range(1, self._nsol + 1):
            di = sqrt(tool.SquareDistance(i))
            ext_pnt = tool.Point(i)
            gp_pnt = ext_pnt.Value()
            ui = ext_pnt.Parameter()
            pi = CheckGeom.to_point(gp_pnt)
            results.append((di, ui, pi))

        results.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

        self._dmin = results[0][0]
        self._dmax = results[-1][0]
        self._dist = [row[0] for row in results]
        self._prms = [row[1] for row in results]
        self._pnts = [row[2] for row in results]
コード例 #2
def _distance_point_to_curve(point, curve):
    Find the minimum distance between a point and a curve.
    # OCC extrema.
    adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(curve)
    ext_pc = Extrema_ExtPC(point, adp_crv.object)
    if not ext_pc.IsDone():
        return None

    # Find the minimum result.
    n_ext = ext_pc.NbExt()
    for i in range(1, n_ext + 1):
        if ext_pc.IsMin(i):
            d = ext_pc.SquareDistance(i)
            return sqrt(d)

    return None