コード例 #1
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: oio14644/CS7637-3
    def translate_object(self, obj, distance):
        obj_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
        obj_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

        for xy in obj.area:
            obj_new.add_pixel((xy[0] + distance[0], xy[1] + distance[1]))

        return obj_new
コード例 #2
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: wachwu/CS7637
    def translate_object(self, obj, distance):
        obj_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
        obj_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

        for xy in obj.area:
            obj_new.add_pixel((xy[0] + distance[0], xy[1] + distance[1]))

        return obj_new
コード例 #3
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: wachwu/CS7637
    def get_solution(self):
        answer = -1

        # *** REAL CODE ***
        # Check for holistic symmetry
        vertical_symmetry_measures = []
        horizontal_symmetry_measures = []
        for solution in self.solutions:
            self.figure_sol = solution
            holistic_image = self.create_merged_image()
        # Check vertical
        max_measure = max(vertical_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return vertical_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1
        # Check horizontal
        max_measure = max(horizontal_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return horizontal_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1

        # Horizontal transforms alone have been sufficient for the practice problems encountered
        transform = self.get_transform()
        print transform[0]
        if transform[0] == 'add':
            fig_sum = self.figure_add(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_sum)

        elif transform[0] == 'subtract':
            fig_diff = self.figure_subtract(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_diff)

        elif transform[0] == 'xor':
            fig_xor = self.figure_xor(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_xor)

        elif transform[0] == 'and':
            fig_and = self.figure_and(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_and)

        elif transform[0] == 'resize':
            # if at this point, only 2 objects in figure
            # Get size of object in question and get scale factor from transform data
            obj = self.figure_h.objects[0]
            width_obj, height_obj = obj.size()
            width_trans, height_trans = transform[1]
            scale = (1 + width_trans / float(width_obj), 1 + height_trans / float(height_obj))

            im = self.figure_h.image
            width, height = im.size
            im_resized = im.resize((int(width * scale[0]), int(height * scale[1])), Image.BILINEAR)
            width_new, height_new = im_resized.size
            width_diff = width_new - width
            height_diff = height_new - height
            box = (width_diff/2, height_diff/2, width_new - width_diff/2, height_new - height_diff/2)
            fig = Figure(im_resized.crop(box))
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'add and translate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            obj1 = self.figure_g.objects[0]
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            init_l_val = 255
            obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
            obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

            # Slide first two objects away from each other
            for coord in obj1.area:
                obj1_new.add_pixel((coord[0] + translate_distance*2, coord[1]))
                obj2_new.add_pixel((coord[0] - translate_distance*2, coord[1]))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)
            for xy in obj1_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj2_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj1.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

            fig = Figure(image_new)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'duplicate and separate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            objs_orig = self.figure_g.objects
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            # Duplicate objects and separate them
            objs_left = []
            objs_right = []
            for obj in objs_orig:
                objs_left.append(self.translate_object(obj, (translate_distance[0], translate_distance[1])))
                objs_right.append(self.translate_object(obj, (-translate_distance[0], translate_distance[1])))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_left_right = self.image_from_objects(size, objs_left + objs_right)

            fig = Figure(image_left_right)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            size = self.figure_g.image.size
            im_centroid = (size[0]/2, size[1]/2)
            max_x = 0
            for obj in self.figure_g.objects:
                if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                    if obj.max_x > max_x:
                        max_x = obj.max_x
            max_distance = int(size[0]/2)

            for i in xrange(int(max_distance/4 - 1), max_distance, 2):
                objects_new = []
                for obj in self.figure_g.objects:
                    # On the left side
                    if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                        obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (i, 0))
                    # On the right side
                        obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (-i, 0))
                image_new = self.image_from_objects(size, objects_new)
                for solution in self.solutions:
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, solution.image):
                        answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1

        elif transform[0] == 'rotate figures in row':
            figure_to_match = transform[1]
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(figure_to_match)

        elif transform[0] == "shape count combination":
            req_shape, req_count = transform[1]

            for solution in self.solutions:
                # Check that solution meets shape/count requirements
                if len(solution.objects) == req_count and solution.objects[0] == req_shape:
                    answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1

        return answer
コード例 #4
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: oio14644/CS7637-3
    def get_solution(self):
        answer = -1

        # *** REAL CODE ***
        # Check for holistic symmetry
        vertical_symmetry_measures = []
        horizontal_symmetry_measures = []
        for solution in self.solutions:
            self.figure_sol = solution
            holistic_image = self.create_merged_image()
        # Check vertical
        max_measure = max(vertical_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return vertical_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1
        # Check horizontal
        max_measure = max(horizontal_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return horizontal_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1

        # Horizontal transforms alone have been sufficient for the practice problems encountered
        transform = self.get_transform(self.figure_a, self.figure_b,

        # These values used later on

        if transform[0] == 'resize':
            # if at this point, only 2 objects in figure
            # Get size of object in question and get scale factor from transform data
            obj = self.figure_h.objects[1]
            width_obj, height_obj = obj.size()
            width_trans, height_trans = transform[1]
            scale = (1 + width_trans / float(width_obj),
                     1 + height_trans / float(height_obj))

            im = self.figure_h.image
            width, height = im.size
            im_resized = im.resize(
                (int(width * scale[0]), int(height * scale[1])),
            width_new, height_new = im_resized.size
            width_diff = width_new - width
            height_diff = height_new - height
            box = (width_diff / 2, height_diff / 2, width_new - width_diff / 2,
                   height_new - height_diff / 2)
            fig = Figure(im_resized.crop(box))
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'add and translate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            obj1 = self.figure_g.objects[1]
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            init_l_val = 255
            obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
            obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

            # Slide first two objects away from each other
            for coord in obj1.area:
                    (coord[0] + translate_distance * 2, coord[1]))
                    (coord[0] - translate_distance * 2, coord[1]))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)
            for xy in obj1_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj2_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj1.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

            fig = Figure(image_new)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            for solution in self.solutions:
                num_dark_obj = 0
                for obj in solution.objects:
                    if obj.l_val < 128:
                        num_dark_obj += 1
                if num_dark_obj < 2:

                size = solution.image.size
                im_centroid = (size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2)
                max_distance = size[0] / 2
                for i in xrange(2, max_distance, 2):
                    objects_new = []
                    for obj in solution.objects:
                        if obj.l_val < 128:
                            # On the left side
                            if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                                obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (i, 0))
                            # On the right side
                                obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (-i, 0))

                    image_new = self.image_from_objects(size, objects_new)
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, solution.image):
                        answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1
                        return answer

        return answer
コード例 #5
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: oio14644/CS7637-3
    def get_transform(self, figure1, figure2, figure3):

        *** TEST CODE ***
        # Take difference of images and show result
        fig_diff = Figure(ImageChops.difference(figure1.image, figure2.image))

        # Check for resizing
        if len(figure1.objects) == len(figure2.objects) == len(
                figure3.objects) == 2:
            # Check for simple shape resize
            obj1 = figure1.objects[1]
            obj2 = figure2.objects[1]
            obj3 = figure3.objects[1]

            obj1_size = obj1.size()
            obj2_size = obj2.size()
            obj3_size = obj3.size()

            xy_diff_23 = (obj3_size[0] - obj2_size[0],
                          obj3_size[1] - obj2_size[1])
            xy_diff_12 = (obj2_size[0] - obj1_size[0],
                          obj2_size[1] - obj1_size[1])

            if abs(xy_diff_23[0] - xy_diff_12[0]) < 3 and abs(
                    xy_diff_23[1] - xy_diff_12[1]) < 3:
                resize_amount = ((xy_diff_23[0] + xy_diff_12[0]) / 2,
                                 (xy_diff_23[1] + xy_diff_12[1]) / 2)
                return ['resize', resize_amount]

        if len(figure1.objects) >= 2:
            # Check for Add + Horizontal Slide
            obj1 = figure1.objects[1]
            size = figure1.image.size
            width_image = size[0]
            width_obj = obj1.size()[0]
            max_slide_distance = (width_image / 2) - (width_obj / 2)

            for i in xrange(0, max_slide_distance, 2):
                init_l_val = 255
                obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
                obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
                obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
                obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

                # Slide first two objects away from each other
                for coord in obj1.area:
                    obj1_new.add_pixel((coord[0] + i, coord[1]))
                    obj2_new.add_pixel((coord[0] - i, coord[1]))
                image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)

                # Make new image with translated objects
                    for xy in obj1_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
                    for xy in obj2_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
                except IndexError:

                # Check if it is correct
                if self.is_equal(image_new, figure2.image):
                    image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)

                    # Translate objects again
                    for xy in obj1_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel((xy[0] + i, xy[1]), 0)
                    for xy in obj2_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel((xy[0] - i, xy[1]), 0)
                    # Add third object
                    for xy in obj1.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

                    # Check that transformation propagates to 3rd figure
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, figure3.image):
                        slide_distance = i
                        return ['add and translate', slide_distance]

        # Check for Horizontal Pass Through
        result = self.horizontal_pass_through(figure1, figure2, figure3)
        if result[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            return result

        return ['no transform found']
コード例 #6
    def get_solution(self):
        answer = -1

        # *** REAL CODE ***
        # Check for holistic symmetry
        vertical_symmetry_measures = []
        horizontal_symmetry_measures = []
        for solution in self.solutions:
            self.figure_sol = solution
            holistic_image = self.create_merged_image()
        # Check vertical
        max_measure = max(vertical_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return vertical_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1
        # Check horizontal
        max_measure = max(horizontal_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return horizontal_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1

        # Horizontal transforms alone have been sufficient for the practice problems encountered
        transform = self.get_transform()
        print transform[0]
        if transform[0] == 'add':
            fig_sum = self.figure_add(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_sum)

        elif transform[0] == 'subtract':
            fig_diff = self.figure_subtract(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_diff)

        elif transform[0] == 'xor':
            fig_xor = self.figure_xor(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_xor)

        elif transform[0] == 'and':
            fig_and = self.figure_and(self.figure_g, self.figure_h)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig_and)

        elif transform[0] == 'resize':
            # if at this point, only 2 objects in figure
            # Get size of object in question and get scale factor from transform data
            obj = self.figure_h.objects[0]
            width_obj, height_obj = obj.size()
            width_trans, height_trans = transform[1]
            scale = (1 + width_trans / float(width_obj),
                     1 + height_trans / float(height_obj))

            im = self.figure_h.image
            width, height = im.size
            im_resized = im.resize(
                (int(width * scale[0]), int(height * scale[1])),
            width_new, height_new = im_resized.size
            width_diff = width_new - width
            height_diff = height_new - height
            box = (width_diff / 2, height_diff / 2, width_new - width_diff / 2,
                   height_new - height_diff / 2)
            fig = Figure(im_resized.crop(box))
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'add and translate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            obj1 = self.figure_g.objects[0]
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            init_l_val = 255
            obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
            obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

            # Slide first two objects away from each other
            for coord in obj1.area:
                    (coord[0] + translate_distance * 2, coord[1]))
                    (coord[0] - translate_distance * 2, coord[1]))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)
            for xy in obj1_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj2_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj1.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

            fig = Figure(image_new)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'duplicate and separate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            objs_orig = self.figure_g.objects
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            # Duplicate objects and separate them
            objs_left = []
            objs_right = []
            for obj in objs_orig:
                        obj, (translate_distance[0], translate_distance[1])))
                        obj, (-translate_distance[0], translate_distance[1])))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_left_right = self.image_from_objects(size,
                                                       objs_left + objs_right)

            fig = Figure(image_left_right)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            size = self.figure_g.image.size
            im_centroid = (size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2)
            max_x = 0
            for obj in self.figure_g.objects:
                if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                    if obj.max_x > max_x:
                        max_x = obj.max_x
            max_distance = int(size[0] / 2)

            for i in xrange(int(max_distance / 4 - 1), max_distance, 2):
                objects_new = []
                for obj in self.figure_g.objects:
                    # On the left side
                    if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                        obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (i, 0))
                    # On the right side
                        obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (-i, 0))
                image_new = self.image_from_objects(size, objects_new)
                for solution in self.solutions:
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, solution.image):
                        answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1

        elif transform[0] == 'rotate figures in row':
            figure_to_match = transform[1]
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(figure_to_match)

        elif transform[0] == "shape count combination":
            req_shape, req_count = transform[1]

            for solution in self.solutions:
                # Check that solution meets shape/count requirements
                if len(solution.objects
                       ) == req_count and solution.objects[0] == req_shape:
                    answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1

        return answer
コード例 #7
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: wachwu/CS7637
    def get_solution(self):
        answer = -1

        # *** REAL CODE ***
        # Check for holistic symmetry
        vertical_symmetry_measures = []
        horizontal_symmetry_measures = []
        for solution in self.solutions:
            self.figure_sol = solution
            holistic_image = self.create_merged_image()
        # Check vertical
        max_measure = max(vertical_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return vertical_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1
        # Check horizontal
        max_measure = max(horizontal_symmetry_measures)
        if max_measure > self.threshold:
            return horizontal_symmetry_measures.index(max_measure) + 1

        # Horizontal transforms alone have been sufficient for the practice problems encountered
        transform = self.get_transform(self.figure_a, self.figure_b, self.figure_c)

        # These values used later on

        if transform[0] == 'resize':
            # if at this point, only 2 objects in figure
            # Get size of object in question and get scale factor from transform data
            obj = self.figure_h.objects[1]
            width_obj, height_obj = obj.size()
            width_trans, height_trans = transform[1]
            scale = (1 + width_trans / float(width_obj), 1 + height_trans / float(height_obj))

            im = self.figure_h.image
            width, height = im.size
            im_resized = im.resize((int(width * scale[0]), int(height * scale[1])), Image.BILINEAR)
            width_new, height_new = im_resized.size
            width_diff = width_new - width
            height_diff = height_new - height
            box = (width_diff/2, height_diff/2, width_new - width_diff/2, height_new - height_diff/2)
            fig = Figure(im_resized.crop(box))
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'add and translate':
            translate_distance = transform[1]
            obj1 = self.figure_g.objects[1]
            size = self.figure_g.image.size

            init_l_val = 255
            obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
            obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
            obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

            # Slide first two objects away from each other
            for coord in obj1.area:
                obj1_new.add_pixel((coord[0] + translate_distance*2, coord[1]))
                obj2_new.add_pixel((coord[0] - translate_distance*2, coord[1]))

            # Make new image with translated objects
            image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)
            for xy in obj1_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj2_new.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
            for xy in obj1.area:
                image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

            fig = Figure(image_new)
            answer = self.find_most_similar_solution(fig)

        elif transform[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            for solution in self.solutions:
                num_dark_obj = 0
                for obj in solution.objects:
                    if obj.l_val < 128:
                        num_dark_obj += 1
                if num_dark_obj < 2:

                size = solution.image.size
                im_centroid = (size[0]/2, size[1]/2)
                max_distance = size[0]/2
                for i in xrange(2, max_distance, 2):
                    objects_new = []
                    for obj in solution.objects:
                        if obj.l_val < 128:
                            # On the left side
                            if obj.centroid[0] < im_centroid[0]:
                                obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (i, 0))
                            # On the right side
                                obj_new = self.translate_object(obj, (-i, 0))

                    image_new = self.image_from_objects(size, objects_new)
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, solution.image):
                        answer = self.solutions.index(solution) + 1
                        return answer

        return answer
コード例 #8
ファイル: Agent.py プロジェクト: wachwu/CS7637
    def get_transform(self, figure1, figure2, figure3):


        *** TEST CODE ***
        # Take difference of images and show result
        fig_diff = Figure(ImageChops.difference(figure1.image, figure2.image))

        # Check for resizing
        if len(figure1.objects) == len(figure2.objects) == len(figure3.objects) == 2:
            # Check for simple shape resize
            obj1 = figure1.objects[1]
            obj2 = figure2.objects[1]
            obj3 = figure3.objects[1]

            obj1_size = obj1.size()
            obj2_size = obj2.size()
            obj3_size = obj3.size()

            xy_diff_23 = (obj3_size[0] - obj2_size[0], obj3_size[1] - obj2_size[1])
            xy_diff_12 = (obj2_size[0] - obj1_size[0], obj2_size[1] - obj1_size[1])

            if abs(xy_diff_23[0] - xy_diff_12[0]) < 3 and abs(xy_diff_23[1] - xy_diff_12[1]) < 3:
                resize_amount = ((xy_diff_23[0] + xy_diff_12[0]) / 2, (xy_diff_23[1] + xy_diff_12[1]) / 2)
                return ['resize', resize_amount]

        if len(figure1.objects) >= 2:
            # Check for Add + Horizontal Slide
            obj1 = figure1.objects[1]
            size = figure1.image.size
            width_image = size[0]
            width_obj = obj1.size()[0]
            max_slide_distance = (width_image / 2) - (width_obj / 2)

            for i in xrange(0, max_slide_distance, 2):
                init_l_val = 255
                obj1_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
                obj2_new = Object((0, 0), 0)
                obj1_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))
                obj2_new.remove_pixel((0, 0))

                # Slide first two objects away from each other
                for coord in obj1.area:
                    obj1_new.add_pixel((coord[0] + i, coord[1]))
                    obj2_new.add_pixel((coord[0] - i, coord[1]))
                image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)

                # Make new image with translated objects
                    for xy in obj1_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
                    for xy in obj2_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)
                except IndexError:

                # Check if it is correct
                if self.is_equal(image_new, figure2.image):
                    image_new = Image.new('L', size, color=init_l_val)

                    # Translate objects again
                    for xy in obj1_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel((xy[0] + i, xy[1]), 0)
                    for xy in obj2_new.area:
                        image_new.putpixel((xy[0] - i, xy[1]), 0)
                    # Add third object
                    for xy in obj1.area:
                        image_new.putpixel(xy, 0)

                    # Check that transformation propagates to 3rd figure
                    if self.is_equal(image_new, figure3.image):
                        slide_distance = i
                        return ['add and translate', slide_distance]

        # Check for Horizontal Pass Through
        result = self.horizontal_pass_through(figure1, figure2, figure3)
        if result[0] == 'horizontal pass through':
            return result

        return ['no transform found']