コード例 #1
ファイル: GraphGenerator.py プロジェクト: racecar-labs/lab4
def euclidean_halton_graph(n, radius, bases, lower, upper, source, target,

    manager = ObstacleManager(mapFile)

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    upper = numpy.array(upper)
    lower = numpy.array(lower)
    scale = upper - lower
    offset = lower

    position = []

    numVertices = 0
    haltonIndex = 1

    if source is not None:
        num_vertices += 1
    if target is not None:
        num_vertices += 1

    while numVertices < n:
        p = wrap_around(
                [halton_sequence_value(haltonIndex, base) for base in bases]))
        p = p * scale + offset

        if manager.get_state_validity(p):
            numVertices += 1

        haltonIndex += 1

    state = [" ".join(str(x) for x in p) for p in position]

    for i in range(n):
        node_id = i
        G.add_node(str(node_id), state=state[i])

    for i in range(n - 1):
        print i
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[i], position[j],
                                            1.0 / model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            euclideanLength = numpy.linalg.norm(position[i][0:2] -
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(i), str(j), length=str(edgeLength))
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[j], position[i],
                                            1.0 / model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(j), str(i), length=str(edgeLength))
    return G
コード例 #2
def euclidean_halton_graph(n, radius, bases, lower, upper, source, target,
                           mapFile, car_width, car_length, collision_delta):
    manager = ObstacleManager(mapFile, car_width, car_length, collision_delta)

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    upper = numpy.array(upper)
    lower = numpy.array(lower)
    scale = upper - lower
    offset = lower

    position = []

    numVertices = 0
    haltonIndex = 1

    if source is not None:
        num_vertices += 1
    if target is not None:
        num_vertices += 1

    print '[GraphGenerator] Populating node...'
    while numVertices < n:
        p = wrap_around(
                [halton_sequence_value(haltonIndex, base) for base in bases]))
        p = p * scale + offset

        if manager.get_state_validity(p):
            numVertices += 1

        haltonIndex += 1

    state = [" ".join(str(x) for x in p) for p in position]

    for i in range(n):
        node_id = i
        G.add_node(str(node_id), state=state[i])

    print '[Graph Generator] Generating KD Tree...'
    position = numpy.array(position)
    tree = spatial.KDTree(position)

    print '[GraphGenerator] Populating edges...'
    for i in xrange(n):
        distances, indices = tree.query(position[numpy.newaxis, i],
        distances = distances.squeeze()
        indices = indices.squeeze()

        edgeCount = 0
        for j in xrange(indices.shape[0]):
            if indices[j] >= len(position):
            if distances[j] > numpy.finfo(float).eps:
                edgeLength = numpy.linalg.norm(position[i] -
                G.add_edge(str(i), str(indices[j]), length=str(edgeLength))

                edgeCount += 1
        print '[GraphGenerator] %d of %d nodes complete, edges: %d' % (
            i, n, edgeCount)

    print '[GraphGenerator] Graph generation complete'
    return G
コード例 #3
def euclidean_halton_graph(n, radius, bases, lower, upper, source, target, mapFile):

    manager = ObstacleManager(mapFile)

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    upper = numpy.array(upper)
    lower = numpy.array(lower)
    scale = upper-lower
    offset = lower

    print("scale", scale)

    position = []

    numVertices = 0
    haltonIndex = 1

    if source is not None:
      print("source", source)
      numVertices += 1
    if target is not None:
      print("target", target)
      numVertices += 1

    print('num vertices', numVertices)
    print('n', n)
    while numVertices < n:
        p = wrap_around(numpy.array([halton_sequence_value(haltonIndex,base) for base in bases]))
        p = p * scale + offset

        if manager.get_state_validity(p):
            numVertices += 1

        haltonIndex += 1
    print("position", position)
    print("position", [type(p) for p in position])
    state = [" ".join(str(x) for x in p) for p in position]

    for i in range(n):
        node_id = i
        G.add_node(str(node_id), state = state[i])

    for i in range(n-1):
        print i
        for j in range(i+1,n):
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[i], position[j], 1.0/model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            euclideanLength = numpy.linalg.norm(position[i][0:2] - position[j][0:2])
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(i), str(j), length = str(edgeLength))
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[j], position[i], 1.0/model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(j), str(i), length = str(edgeLength))
    pos = {}
    for n in list(G.nodes(data = True)):
      pose = numpy.array(map(float, n[1]['state'].split(' ')))
      pxl_pose = Utils.our_world_to_map(pose, mapFile.info)
      pos[n[0]] = (pxl_pose[0], pxl_pose[1])
    return G, pos
コード例 #4
def euclidean_uniform_graph(n, radius, bases, lower, upper, source, target, mapFile):

    manager = ObstacleManager(mapFile)

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    upper = numpy.array(upper)
    lower = numpy.array(lower)
    scale = upper-lower
    offset = lower

    print("scale", scale)

    position = []

    numVertices = 0

    if source is not None:
      print("source", source)
      numVertices += 1
    if target is not None:
      print("target", target)
      numVertices += 1

    valid_xs, valid_ys, _ = np.where(manager.mapImageBW == 0)
    random_indices = np.arange(valid_xs.shape[0])
    selected_xs, selected_ys = valid_xs[random_indices], valid_ys[random_indices]
    selected_thetas = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, valid_xs.shape[0])

    print('num vertices', numVertices)
    print('n', n)
    selected_configs = np.column_stack((selected_xs, selected_ys, selected_thetas))
    Utils.map_to_world(selected_configs, mapFile.info)
    for p in selected_configs:

        if manager.get_state_validity(p):
            numVertices += 1

        if numVertices >= n:

    print("position", position)
    print("position", [type(p) for p in position])
    state = [" ".join(str(x) for x in p) for p in position]

    for i in range(n):
        node_id = i
        G.add_node(str(node_id), state = state[i])

    for i in range(n-1):
        print i
        for j in range(i+1,n):
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[i], position[j], 1.0/model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            euclideanLength = numpy.linalg.norm(position[i][0:2] - position[j][0:2])
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(i), str(j), length = str(edgeLength))
            edgeLength = Dubins.path_length(position[j], position[i], 1.0/model.TURNING_RADIUS)
            if edgeLength < radius:
                G.add_edge(str(j), str(i), length = str(edgeLength))
    pos = {}
    for n in list(G.nodes(data = True)):
      pose = numpy.array(map(float, n[1]['state'].split(' ')))
      pxl_pose = Utils.our_world_to_map(pose, mapFile.info)
      pos[n[0]] = (pxl_pose[0], pxl_pose[1])
    return G, pos
コード例 #5
class HaltonEnvironment(object):

  def __init__(self, mapMsg, graphFile, source, target):

    # Setup member variables
    self.source = source
    self.target = target
    self.manager = ObstacleManager(mapMsg)

    # Generate the Graph on the fly if required
    self.radius = 100
    if graphFile is None:
      n = 500
      bases = [2,3,5] # Should be prime numbers
      lower = [0,0,0] # The lowest possible values for the config
      upper = [64,75,2*numpy.pi] # The highest possible values for the config

      G = GraphGenerator.euclidean_halton_graph(n, self.radius, bases, lower, upper, source, target, mapMsg) # Create the graph
      nx.write_graphml(G, "haltonGraph.graphml") # Save the graph
      self.graph = nx.read_graphml("haltonGraph.graphml") # Read the graph (that we just saved, probably not necessary)

      # Check if graph file exists
      if not os.path.isfile(graphFile):
        print "ERROR: graph file not found!"
      self.graph = nx.read_graphml(graphFile) # Load the graph
      print "graph loaded"
      # Insert source and target if provided
      if source is not None:
        GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [source], self.radius)

      if target is not None:
        GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [target], self.radius)
  # Prepares the graph for planning from source to target
  # source: the starting position of the car (in meters and radians)
  # target: the target position of the car (in meters and radians)
  def set_source_and_target(self, source, target):
    self.source = source
    self.target = target
    GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [source, target], self.radius)  

  # Get the configuration associated with a node id
  def get_config(self, vid):
    return [float(a) for a in self.graph.node[str(vid)]["state"].split()]

  # Get a list of the configurations that are reachable from the configuration corresponding to vid
  def get_successors(self, vid):
    successors = [int(i) for i in self.graph.neighbors(str(vid))]
    freeSuccessors = []
    for i in successors:
      config1 = self.get_config(vid)
      config2 = self.get_config(i)
      if self.manager.get_edge_validity(config1, config2):

    return freeSuccessors

  # Check if a config is valid
  # config2D: The configuration to check (in meters and radians)
  def get_state_validity(self, config2D):
    return self.manager.get_state_validity(config2D)

  # Get the distance between two nodes
  def get_distance(self, vid1, vid2):
    G = self.graph
    return float(G[str(vid1)][str(vid2)]['length'])

  # Get the heuristic value
  def get_heuristic(self, vid, tid):
    config1 = self.get_config(vid)
    config2 = self.get_config(tid)
    return Dubins.path_length(config1, config2, 1.0/model.TURNING_RADIUS)
コード例 #6
class HaltonEnvironment(object):
    def __init__(self, mapMsg, graphFile, source, target, car_width,
                 car_length, neighbor_radius, collision_delta):

        # Setup member variables
        self.source = source
        self.target = target
        self.manager = ObstacleManager(mapMsg, car_width, car_length,
        # Generate the Graph on the fly if required
        self.radius = neighbor_radius
        if graphFile is None:
            n = 500
            bases = [2, 3]
            lower = [0, 0]
            upper = [64, 75]

            G = GraphGenerator.euclidean_halton_graph(n, self.radius, bases,
                                                      lower, upper, source,
                                                      target, mapMsg,
                                                      car_width, car_length,
            nx.write_graphml(G, "haltonGraph.graphml")
            self.graph = nx.read_graphml("haltonGraph.graphml")

            # Check if graph file exists
            if not os.path.isfile(graphFile):
                "ERROR: map file not found!"
            self.graph = nx.read_graphml(graphFile)

            if source is not None:
                GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [source],

            if target is not None:
                GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [target],

    def set_source_and_target(self, source, target):
        self.source = source
        self.target = target
        GraphGenerator.insert_vertices(self.graph, [source, target],

    def get_config(self, vid):
        return [float(a) for a in self.graph.node[str(vid)]["state"].split()]

    def get_successors(self, vid):
        successors = [int(i) for i in self.graph.neighbors(str(vid))]
        return successors

    def get_state_validity(self, config2D):
        return self.manager.get_state_validity(config2D)

    def get_distance(self, vid1, vid2):
        G = self.graph
        return float(G[str(vid1)][str(vid2)]['length'])

    def get_heuristic(self, vid, tid):
        config1 = self.get_config(vid)
        config2 = self.get_config(tid)
        return numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(config1) - numpy.array(config2))