def createCharTexture(self, char, mode=None): """Create character's texture/bitmap as a Numeric array w/ width and height This uses PyGame and Numeric to attempt to create an anti-aliased luminance texture-map of the given character and return it as (data, width, height). """ try: letter_render = self.font.render(char, 1, (255, 255, 255)) except: traceback.print_exc() return None, font.CharacterMetrics(char, 0, 0) else: # XXX Figure out why this rotate appears to be required :( letter_render = transform.rotate(letter_render, -90.0) colour = surfarray.array3d(letter_render) alpha = surfarray.array_alpha(letter_render) colour[:, :, 1] = alpha colour = colour[:, :, :2] colour = contiguous(colour).astype('B') # This produces what looks like garbage, but displays correctly colour.shape = ( colour.shape[1], colour.shape[0], ) + colour.shape[2:] return colour, font.CharacterMetrics( char, colour.shape[0], colour.shape[1], )
def createChar(self, char, mode=None): """Create the single-character display list""" glyph = self.font.getGlyph(char) if glyph: metrics = font.CharacterMetrics( char, glyph.width / self.getScale(), glyph.height / self.getScale(), ) list = glGenLists(1) if list == 0: raise RuntimeError( """Unable to generate display list for %s""" % (self, )) glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE) try: try: if glyph.outlines and glyph.contours: self.renderGlyph(glyph, mode=mode) else: glyph.renderAdvance(self.getScale()) except Exception: glDeleteLists(list, 1) raise finally: glEndList() return list, metrics else: return None, None
def _createSingleChar(self, wgldc, char, base=None): """Create the single-character (polygonal) display list Note: This is actually used by both the bitmap and polygonal geometry versions, though the metrics returned are rather less than useful for bitmap :( """ if base is None: base = glGenLists(1) metrics = GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT() try: wglUseFontOutlinesW( wgldc, # the win32-specific OpenGL Context handle ord(char), # character to create 1, # create a single character base, # display list to fill self.deviation, self.extrusion, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, metrics, # metrics float structure to be filled ) except: print """couldn't get outline for character""", repr(char) realMetrics = font.CharacterMetrics( char, metrics.gmfCellIncX, metrics.gmfptGlyphOrigin.y + metrics.gmfBlackBoxY, ) return base, realMetrics
def createCharTexture(self, char, mode=None): """Create character's texture/bitmap as a Numeric array w/ width and height This uses PyGame and Numeric to attempt to create an anti-aliased luminance texture-map of the given character and return it as (data, width, height). """ if __debug__:"""Creating texture for %r""", char) dc = wx.MemoryDC() bm = wx.EmptyBitmap(1, 1) dc.SelectObject(bm) dc.SetFont(self.font) width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(char) bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height) dc.SelectObject(bitmap) #~ dc.SetBackgroundMode( wx.TRANSPARENT ) dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID) dc.SetTextForeground('#ffffff') dc.SetTextBackground('#000000') dc.DrawText(char, 0, 0) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) image = wx.ImageFromBitmap(bitmap) #~ import pdb #~ pdb.set_trace() #~ directory = '~/bitmaps' #~ directory = os.path.expanduser( directory ) #~ image.SaveFile( '%s/char%s.png'%(directory,ord(char)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) data = image.GetData() data = frombuffer(data, 'b') data = reshape(data, (height, width, 3)) data = data[::-1, :, :2] assert shape(data) == ( height, width, 2), """Data array has changed shape is %s should be %s""" % ( shape(data), (height, width, 3)) data = data.tobytes() #~ print 'data', repr(data) return data, font.CharacterMetrics( char, width, height, )
def createChar(self, char, mode=None): """Create the single-character display list """ metrics = font.CharacterMetrics( char, GLUT.glutBitmapWidth(self.specifier, ord(char)), self.charHeight) list = glGenLists(1) glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE) try: try: if metrics.char != ' ': GLUT.glutBitmapCharacter(self.specifier, ord(char)) else: glBitmap(0, 0, 0, 0, metrics.width, 0, None) except Exception: glDeleteLists(list, 1) list = None finally: glEndList() return list, metrics