コード例 #1
    def calculateOpticalFlow( self,
        opticalFlowBlockWidth, opticalFlowBlockHeight, 
        opticalFlowRangeWidth, opticalFlowRangeHeight, opticalFlowMethod ):
        numImages = len( self.cameraImages )  
        if numImages <= 0:
            return False  # Nothing to calculate optical flow with
        self.opticalFlowMethod = opticalFlowMethod
        self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(
            opticalFlowBlockWidth, opticalFlowBlockHeight, 
            opticalFlowRangeWidth, opticalFlowRangeHeight )
        # Create arrays to hold the optical flow
        opticalFlowWidth = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlowWidth( self.cameraImages[ 0 ].shape[ 1 ] )
        opticalFlowHeight = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlowHeight( self.cameraImages[ 0 ].shape[ 0 ] )
        opticalFlowArrayShape = ( opticalFlowHeight, opticalFlowWidth, numImages )
        self.opticalFlowArraysX = np.ndarray( shape=opticalFlowArrayShape, dtype=np.float32 )
        self.opticalFlowArraysY = np.ndarray( shape=opticalFlowArrayShape, dtype=np.float32 )

        for imageIdx, image in enumerate( self.cameraImages ):
            opticalFlowArrayX, opticalFlowArrayY = self.processCameraImage( image )
            self.opticalFlowArraysX[ :, :, imageIdx ] = np.array( opticalFlowArrayX )
            self.opticalFlowArraysY[ :, :, imageIdx ] = np.array( opticalFlowArrayY )
        self.opticalFlowCalculated = True
        return True
コード例 #2
 def __init__( self ):
     scriptPath = os.path.dirname( __file__ )
     self.cameraImagePixBuf = None
     self.servoConfigDict = getArmServoConfig()
     self.lastImageGray = None
     self.opticalFlowX = None
     self.opticalFlowY = None
     self.wavingGripper = False
     self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
     self.gripperWaveStartTime = None
     self.lastImage = None
     self.curTestPosIdx = 0
     self.locatingPositions = False
     self.wristAngle = 0.0
     # Connect to the robot via ROS
     #rospy.init_node( 'GripperDetector', anonymous=True )
     # TODO: Move arm to all dictionary
     servoConfigList = [ self.servoConfigDict[ servoName ] for servoName in self.servoConfigDict ]
     self.roboticArm = RoboticArm( gaffa_teleop.LynxmotionArmDescription.ARM_DH_PROXIMAL, servoConfigList )
     self.cameraImageTopic = rospy.Subscriber( "/camera/image", 
         sensor_msgs.msg.Image, self.cameraImageCallback )
     self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(
     self.dataBuffersSetup = False
     self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = None
     self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
     self.gripperHistogram = None
     self.gripperTrackWindow = None
     self.imageIdx = 0
     # Setup the GUI        
     builder = gtk.Builder()
     builder.add_from_file( scriptPath + "/GUI/GripperDetector.glade" )
     self.window = builder.get_object( "winMain" )   
     self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object( "dwgCameraImage" )
     self.btnDetectGripper = builder.get_object( "btnDetectGripper" )
     self.checkShowOpticalFlow = builder.get_object( "checkShowOpticalFlow" )
     self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks = builder.get_object( "checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks" )
     self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking = builder.get_object( "checkShowCAMShiftTracking" )
     self.checkShowGripperProbability = builder.get_object( "checkShowGripperProbability" )
     self.adjNumWaves = builder.get_object( "adjNumWaves" )
     # Set default values
     self.adjNumWaves.set_value( 3 )
     builder.connect_signals( self )
     updateLoop = self.update()
     gobject.idle_add( updateLoop.next )
コード例 #3
import roslib
roslib.load_manifest( 'gripper_detector' )
import rosbag
from roslib.rostime import Time
import cv

from OpticalFlowFilter import OpticalFlowFilter

OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 8    # Range to look outside of a block for motion

opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option( "-p", "--prefix", dest="prefix", default="image_",
                  help="Prefix of output images", metavar="FILE" )
parser.add_option( "-i", "--increment", dest="frameIncrement", default="1",
                  help="Number of frames to advance with each step" )
parser.add_option( "-f", "--format", dest="imageFormat", default="png",
                  help="Image format" )

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

options.frameIncrement = int( options.frameIncrement )
if options.frameIncrement < 1:
コード例 #4
class MainWindow:
    OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 8    # Range to look outside of a block for motion
    GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY = 1.0    # Waves per second
    GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE = math.radians( 20.0 )
    BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH = 100.0   # Should be greater that the total gripper detection time
        ArmPos( {
            "base_rotate" : math.radians( 72.65 ), 
            "shoulder_rotate" : math.radians( 75.99 ), 
            "elbow_rotate" : math.radians( -97.34 ), 
            "wrist_rotate" : math.radians( 80.05 ),
            "gripper_rotate" : math.radians( -0.03 ) },
            ( 100, 85 ) ),
        ArmPos( {
            "base_rotate" : math.radians( 85.0 ), 
            "shoulder_rotate" : math.radians( 72.59 ), 
            "elbow_rotate" : math.radians( -107.21 ), 
            "wrist_rotate" : math.radians( 87.14 ),
            "gripper_rotate" : math.radians( -67.23 ) },
            ( 97, 170 ) ),
        ArmPos( {
            "base_rotate" : math.radians( 0.0 ), 
            "shoulder_rotate" : math.radians( 57.32 ), 
            "elbow_rotate" : math.radians( -116.48 ), 
            "wrist_rotate" : math.radians( 130.12 ),
            "gripper_rotate" : math.radians( 0.00 ) },
            ( 247, 165 ) ) ]
    # Locating Positions states
    LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS = "MovingToTestPos"
    LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER = "DetectingGripper"
    def __init__( self ):
        scriptPath = os.path.dirname( __file__ )
        self.cameraImagePixBuf = None
        self.servoConfigDict = getArmServoConfig()
        self.lastImageGray = None
        self.opticalFlowX = None
        self.opticalFlowY = None
        self.wavingGripper = False
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.gripperWaveStartTime = None
        self.lastImage = None
        self.curTestPosIdx = 0
        self.locatingPositions = False
        self.wristAngle = 0.0
        # Connect to the robot via ROS
        #rospy.init_node( 'GripperDetector', anonymous=True )
        # TODO: Move arm to all dictionary
        servoConfigList = [ self.servoConfigDict[ servoName ] for servoName in self.servoConfigDict ]
        self.roboticArm = RoboticArm( gaffa_teleop.LynxmotionArmDescription.ARM_DH_PROXIMAL, servoConfigList )
        self.cameraImageTopic = rospy.Subscriber( "/camera/image", 
            sensor_msgs.msg.Image, self.cameraImageCallback )
        self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(
        self.dataBuffersSetup = False
        self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = None
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
        self.gripperHistogram = None
        self.gripperTrackWindow = None
        self.imageIdx = 0
        # Setup the GUI        
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file( scriptPath + "/GUI/GripperDetector.glade" )
        self.window = builder.get_object( "winMain" )   
        self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object( "dwgCameraImage" )
        self.btnDetectGripper = builder.get_object( "btnDetectGripper" )
        self.checkShowOpticalFlow = builder.get_object( "checkShowOpticalFlow" )
        self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks = builder.get_object( "checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks" )
        self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking = builder.get_object( "checkShowCAMShiftTracking" )
        self.checkShowGripperProbability = builder.get_object( "checkShowGripperProbability" )
        self.adjNumWaves = builder.get_object( "adjNumWaves" )
        # Set default values
        self.adjNumWaves.set_value( 3 )
        builder.connect_signals( self )
        updateLoop = self.update()
        gobject.idle_add( updateLoop.next )
    def onWinMainDestroy( self, widget, data = None ):  
    def main( self ):
        # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
        # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).
    def cameraImageCallback( self, rosImage ):
        if rosImage.encoding == "rgb8" or rosImage.encoding == "bgr8":
            # Create an OpenCV image to process the data
            curImage = cv.CreateImageHeader( ( rosImage.width, rosImage.height ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 )
            cv.SetData( curImage, rosImage.data, rosImage.step )
            curImageGray = cv.CreateImage( ( rosImage.width, rosImage.height ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 )
            if rosImage.encoding == "bgr8":
                cv.CvtColor( curImage, curImageGray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY )
                cv.CvtColor( curImage, curImageGray, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY )
            # Look for optical flow between this image and the last one
            self.opticalFlowX, self.opticalFlowY = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlow( curImageGray )
            # Draw the optical flow if it's available
            if self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:

                lineColor = cv.CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 )
                blockCentreY = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2
                for y in range( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 0 ] ):
                    blockCentreX = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2
                    for x in range( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 1 ] ):
                        endX = blockCentreX + cv.Get2D( self.opticalFlowX, y, x )[ 0 ]
                        endY = blockCentreY + cv.Get2D( self.opticalFlowY, y, x )[ 0 ]
                        cv.Line( curImage, ( int( blockCentreX ), int( blockCentreY ) ),
                            ( int( endX ), int( endY ) ), lineColor )    
                        blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT    

            # Save the image
            imageBGR = cv.CreateImage( ( rosImage.width, rosImage.height ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 )
            cv.CvtColor( curImage, imageBGR, cv.CV_RGB2BGR )
            cv.SaveImage( "/home/abroun/VideoTemp/frame{0:05}.png".format( self.imageIdx ), imageBGR )
            self.imageIdx += 1

            self.lastImage = curImage

            # Use CAMShift to track the gripper
            gripperProbabilityImage = None
            if self.gripperHistogram != None and self.gripperTrackWindow != None:
                imageRGB = cv.CloneImage( curImage )
                r_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
                g_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
                b_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
                cv.Split( imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None )
                planes = [ r_plane, g_plane, b_plane ]
                backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imageRGB), 8, 1)

                # Run the cam-shift
                    cv.CalcArrBackProject( planes, backproject, self.gripperHistogram )
                except e:
                    print "Got", e
                    print "self.gripperHistogram =", self.gripperHistogram
                if self.gripperTrackWindow[ 2 ] > 0 and self.gripperTrackWindow[ 3 ] > 0:
                    crit = ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
                    (iters, (area, value, rect), track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.gripperTrackWindow, crit)
                    self.gripperTrackWindow = rect
                #print self.gripperTrackWindow
                if self.checkShowGripperProbability.get_active():
                    #cv.Threshold( backproject, backproject, 1, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY )
                    cv.Threshold( backproject, backproject, 128, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO )
                    cv.CvtColor( backproject, imageRGB, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB )
                    gripperProbabilityImage = imageRGB
            # Display the image
            if gripperProbabilityImage != None:
                self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( 
                    gripperProbabilityImage.width*3 )
                self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( 
                    rosImage.step )
            # Resize the drawing area if necessary
            if self.dwgCameraImage.get_size_request() != ( rosImage.width, rosImage.height ):
                self.dwgCameraImage.set_size_request( rosImage.width, rosImage.height )

            self.lastImage = curImage
            # Check to see if we did everything fast enough
            #if self.dataBuffersSetup:
                #testSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx
                #if self.opticalFlowSampleIdx == None:
                    #self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = testSampleIdx
                    ## We expect the sample idx to have advanced by 1 since we were last here
                    #sampleIdxDiff = testSampleIdx - self.opticalFlowSampleIdx
                    #if sampleIdxDiff > 1:
                        #print "Missed {0} samples".format( sampleIdxDiff - 1 )
                    #elif sampleIdxDiff < 1:
                        #print "Not sampling fast enough"
                    #self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = testSampleIdx

            rospy.logerr( "Unhandled image encoding - " + rosImage.encoding )
    def moveArmToJointAnglePosition( self, servoAnglesDict, jointSpeed ):
        self.wristAngle = servoAnglesDict[ "wrist_rotate" ]
        self.roboticArm.setJointAngles( servoAnglesDict, jointSpeed )
    def onBtnGotoSafePosClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False
        servoAnglesDict = {
            "base_rotate" : math.radians( 72.65 ), 
            "shoulder_rotate" : 2.3561944901923448, 
            "elbow_rotate" : -2.748893571891069, 
            "wrist_rotate" : 1.9583014768641922,
            "gripper_rotate" : -0.0004890796739715704

        self.moveArmToJointAnglePosition( servoAnglesDict, math.radians( 1.5 ) )
    def onBtnGotoExperimentPosClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False
        servoAnglesDict = {
            "base_rotate" : math.radians( 72.65 ), 
            "shoulder_rotate" : 1.8248153311815414, 
            "elbow_rotate" : -2.0368307791722984, 
            "wrist_rotate" : 1.2301417017068466,
            "gripper_rotate" : -0.0004890796739715704
        self.moveArmToJointAnglePosition( servoAnglesDict, math.radians( 1.5 ) )
    def onBtnWaveGripperClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False

    def startToDetectGripper( self ):
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
        self.gripperHistogram = None
        self.gripperTrackWindow = None
        self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx
        self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted = False
        self.btnDetectGripper.set_sensitive( False )
        self.totalGripperDetectionTime = \
            + self.adjNumWaves.get_value()/self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY \
            + self.POST_WAVE_WAIT_TIME
        assert self.totalGripperDetectionTime < self.BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = True
    def onBtnDetectGripperClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        if self.dataBuffersSetup \
            and not self.tryingToDetectGripper \
            and not self.wavingGripper:
            self.locatingPositions = False
    def onBtnLocatePositionsClicked( self, widget, data = None ):
        if self.dataBuffersSetup \
            and not self.locatingPositions \
            and not self.tryingToDetectGripper \
            and not self.wavingGripper:
            self.curTestPosIdx = 0
            self.testPosMeasurements = []
            for i in range( len( self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS ) ):
                self.testPosMeasurements.append( [] )
            self.locatingPositions = True
            self.moveToTestPosition( self.curTestPosIdx )
    def onDwgCameraImageExposeEvent( self, widget, data = None ):
        if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None:
            imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget( widget,
                self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height() )
            imgOffsetX = imgRect.x
            imgOffsetY = imgRect.y
            # Get the total area that needs to be redrawn
            imgRect = imgRect.intersect( data.area )
            srcX = imgRect.x - imgOffsetX
            srcY = imgRect.y - imgOffsetY
            widget.window.draw_pixbuf( widget.get_style().fg_gc[ gtk.STATE_NORMAL ],
                self.cameraImagePixBuf, srcX, srcY, 
                imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height )
            # Draw an overlay to show places where the input motion has been detected
            if self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks.get_active() \
                and self.inputSignalDetectedArray != None:
                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 0 ) )
                blockY = imgRect.y
                for y in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ):
                    blockX = imgRect.x
                    for x in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ):
                        if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ y, x ]:
                            points = [ (blockX+int((i*2)%self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH), blockY+2*int((i*2)/self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH)) \
                                for i in range( self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT/4 ) ]
                            widget.window.draw_points( graphicsContext, points )
                        blockX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    blockY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
            # Draw the optical flow if it's available
            if self.checkShowOpticalFlow.get_active() \
                and self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:
                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) )
                blockCentreY = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2
                for y in range( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 0 ] ):
                    blockCentreX = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2
                    for x in range( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 1 ] ):
                        endX = blockCentreX + cv.Get2D( self.opticalFlowX, y, x )[ 0 ]
                        endY = blockCentreY + cv.Get2D( self.opticalFlowY, y, x )[ 0 ]
                        if endY < blockCentreY:
                            # Up is red
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 0, 0 ) )
                        elif endY > blockCentreY:
                            # Down is blue
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 0, 65535 ) )
                            # Static is green
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) )
                        widget.window.draw_line( graphicsContext, 
                            int( blockCentreX ), int( blockCentreY ),
                            int( endX ), int( endY ) )
                        blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT    
            # Draw the CAMShift tracking window
            if self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking.get_active() \
                and self.gripperTrackWindow != None:
                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535/2, 0 ) )
                widget.window.draw_rectangle( graphicsContext, False,
                    self.gripperTrackWindow[ 0 ], self.gripperTrackWindow[ 1 ],
                    self.gripperTrackWindow[ 2 ], self.gripperTrackWindow[ 3 ] )
            # Draw the results of trying to locate positions on the screen using
            # the detect gripper routine
            if self.locatingPositions:
                realWorldPoints = [ p.screenPos for p in self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS ]
                measuredPoints = []
                averagePoints = []
                for posIdx in range( len( self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS ) ):
                    posMeasuredPoints = self.testPosMeasurements[ posIdx ]
                    numMeasuredPoints = len( posMeasuredPoints )
                    if numMeasuredPoints > 0:
                        measuredPoints += posMeasuredPoints
                        accX = 0
                        accY = 0
                        for p in posMeasuredPoints:
                            accX += p[ 0 ]
                            accY += p[ 1 ]
                        averagePoints.append( ( int( accX / numMeasuredPoints ), int( accY / numMeasuredPoints ) ) )
                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 65535, 65535 ) )
                self.drawCircles( widget, graphicsContext, realWorldPoints, 2, True )
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 0, 65535, 0 ) )
                self.drawCircles( widget, graphicsContext, measuredPoints, 2, True )
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color( 65535, 0, 0 ) )
                self.drawCircles( widget, graphicsContext, averagePoints, 2, True )

    def drawCircles( self, widget, graphicsContext, circleCentres, radius, filled ):
        for circleCentre in circleCentres:
            arcX = int( circleCentre[ 0 ] - radius )
            arcY = int( circleCentre[ 1 ] - radius )
            arcWidth = arcHeight = int( radius * 2 )
            widget.window.draw_arc( graphicsContext, 
                filled, arcX, arcY, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, 360 * 64 )

    def getImageRectangleInWidget( self, widget, imageWidth, imageHeight ):
        # Centre the image inside the widget
        widgetX, widgetY, widgetWidth, widgetHeight = widget.get_allocation()
        imgRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight )
        if widgetWidth > imageWidth:
            imgRect.x = (widgetWidth - imageWidth) / 2
            imgRect.width = imageWidth
        if widgetHeight > imageHeight:
            imgRect.y = (widgetHeight - imageHeight) / 2
            imgRect.height = imageHeight
        return imgRect

    def moveToTestPosition( self, testPosIdx ):
        if not self.locatingPositions:
            raise Exception( "Not in correct state" )
            self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS[ testPosIdx ].servoAnglesDict, 
            math.radians( 1.5 ) )
        self.curTestPosIdx = testPosIdx
        self.locatingPositionsState = self.LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS
        self.moveStartTime = time.clock()

    def update( self ):

        UPDATE_FREQUENCY = self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND    # Updates in Hz

        lastTime = time.clock()

        while 1:
            curTime = time.clock()
            if curTime - lastTime >= 1.0 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY:
                lastGripperDisplacement = 0.0
                # Update the wave if active
                if self.wavingGripper:
                    waveTime = curTime - self.gripperWaveStartTime
                    totalWaveTime = self.numWaves / self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY
                    waveFinished = False
                    if waveTime >= totalWaveTime:
                        waveTime = totalWaveTime
                        waveFinished = True
                    # Work out the current displacement from the initial position
                    displacement = self.GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE \
                        * math.sin( waveTime*self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY*2.0*math.pi )
                    lastGripperDisplacement = displacement
                    servoAnglesDict = { "wrist_rotate" : self.wristAngle + displacement }
                    self.roboticArm.setJointAngles( servoAnglesDict )
                    if waveFinished:
                        self.wavingGripper = False
                # Update sample buffers with input and output data
                if not self.dataBuffersSetup:
                    # Update gripper detection if it's on-going
                    if self.tryingToDetectGripper:
                        # Store the data.
                        # NOTE: This all falls apart if we can't process the data fast enough
                        self.gripperAngleBuffer[ self.curSampleIdx ] = lastGripperDisplacement
                        self.opticalFlowBufferX[ :, :, self.curSampleIdx ] = self.opticalFlowX
                        self.opticalFlowBufferY[ :, :, self.curSampleIdx ] = self.opticalFlowY
                        self.curSampleIdx = (self.curSampleIdx + 1)%self.numBufferSamples
                        maxNumGripperDetectionSamples = int( self.totalGripperDetectionTime*self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND )
                        gripperDetectionWaveStartSampleIdx = int( self.GRIPPER_DETECTION_WAVE_START_TIME*self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND )
                        if self.curSampleIdx > self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:
                            gripperDetectionSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx
                            gripperDetectionSampleIdx = len( self.gripperAngleBuffer ) \
                                - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx + self.curSampleIdx
                        if gripperDetectionSampleIdx >= maxNumGripperDetectionSamples:
                            # Put the collected data in order
                            detectedGripperAngleBuffer = np.ndarray(shape=( maxNumGripperDetectionSamples ), dtype=np.float32)
                            opticalFlowBufferShape = ( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 0 ], self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 1 ], maxNumGripperDetectionSamples )
                            detectedOpticalFlowBufferX = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
                            detectedOpticalFlowBufferY = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
                            if self.curSampleIdx > self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:
                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[:] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:self.curSampleIdx]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:,:,:] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[:,:,self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:self.curSampleIdx]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:,:,:] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[:,:,self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:self.curSampleIdx]
                                numSamples = len( self.gripperAngleBuffer ) - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx
                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[:numSamples] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:,:,:numSamples] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[:,:,self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:,:,:numSamples] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[:,:,self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:]
                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[numSamples:] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[:self.curSampleIdx]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:,:,numSamples:] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[:,:,:self.curSampleIdx]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:,:,numSamples:] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[:,:,:self.curSampleIdx]
                            # Try to detect the gripper using the data
                            self.detectGripperWithCollectedData( detectedGripperAngleBuffer,
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX, detectedOpticalFlowBufferY, self.lastImage )  
                            self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
                            self.btnDetectGripper.set_sensitive( True )
                        elif gripperDetectionSampleIdx >= gripperDetectionWaveStartSampleIdx \
                            and not self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted:
                            self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted = self.tryToStartWavingGripper()

                # Update the Locating Positions state machine
                if self.locatingPositions:
                    if self.locatingPositionsState == self.LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS:
                        if curTime - self.moveStartTime > 3.0:
                            # Arm should have got to the position and settled by now
                            self.locatingPositionsState = self.LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER
                    elif self.locatingPositionsState == self.LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER:
                        if not self.tryingToDetectGripper:
                            # Gripper detection has finished, measure the position of the gripper
                            numDetectedSignals = 0
                            accX = 0
                            accY = 0
                            for rowIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ):
                                rowY = rowIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT/2
                                for colIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ):
                                    colX = colIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH/2
                                    if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ rowIdx, colIdx ]:
                                        numDetectedSignals += 1
                                        accX += colX
                                        accY += rowY
                            if numDetectedSignals > 0:
                                measuredPos = ( accX / numDetectedSignals, accY / numDetectedSignals )
                                self.testPosMeasurements[ self.curTestPosIdx ].append( measuredPos )
                            # Now move on to the next test position
                            newTestPosIdx = (self.curTestPosIdx + 1)%len( self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS )
                            self.moveToTestPosition( newTestPosIdx )

                # Save the time
                lastTime = curTime
            yield True
        yield False
    def attemptToSetupDataBuffers( self ):
        if self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:
            # Optical flow has started so we have enough data to setup our buffers
            self.numBufferSamples = int( self.BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH*self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND )
            self.gripperAngleBuffer = np.ndarray(shape=( self.numBufferSamples ), dtype=np.float32)
            opticalFlowBufferShape = ( self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 0 ], self.opticalFlowX.shape[ 1 ], self.numBufferSamples )
            self.opticalFlowBufferX = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
            self.opticalFlowBufferY = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
            self.curSampleIdx = 0
            self.dataBuffersSetup = True
    def tryToStartWavingGripper( self ):
        waveStarted = False
        if self.wavingGripper == False:
            self.numWaves = self.adjNumWaves.get_value()
            self.gripperWaveStartTime = time.clock()
            self.wavingGripper = True
            waveStarted = True
        return waveStarted
    def detectGripperWithCollectedData( self, detectedGripperAngleBuffer,
        detectedOpticalFlowBufferX, detectedOpticalFlowBufferY, imageRGB ):
        t1 = time.time()
        maxLag = int( self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG * self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND )
        correlationsX = np.apply_along_axis( crossCorrelateComplete, 2, 
            detectedOpticalFlowBufferX, detectedGripperAngleBuffer, maxLag )
        correlationsY = np.apply_along_axis( crossCorrelateComplete, 2, 
            detectedOpticalFlowBufferY, detectedGripperAngleBuffer, maxLag )
        t2 = time.time()
        print 'Correlation took %0.3f ms' % ((t2-t1)*1000.0)
        # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis
        maxCorrelationArrayX = np.maximum.reduce( np.absolute( correlationsX ), axis=2 )
        maxCorrelationArrayY = np.maximum.reduce( np.absolute( correlationsY ), axis=2 )
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = np.frompyfunc( isInputSignalPresent, 2, 1 )(
            maxCorrelationArrayX, maxCorrelationArrayY )
        # Build a histogram for the gripper  
        self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist( 
            [ 256/8, 256/8, 256/8 ], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [ (0,255), (0,255), (0,255) ], 1 )
        r_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
        g_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
        b_plane = cv.CreateMat( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1 )
        cv.Split( imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None )
        planes = [ r_plane, g_plane, b_plane ]

        maskArray = np.zeros(shape=( imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width ), dtype=np.uint8 )
        for rowIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ):
            for colIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ):
                if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ rowIdx, colIdx ]:
                    rowStartIdx = rowIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
                    rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
                    colStartIdx = colIdx*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    maskArray[ rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx ] = 255

        cv.CalcHist( [ cv.GetImage( i ) for i in planes ], 
            self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=maskArray )
        minX = 1000
        maxX = 0
        minY = 1000
        maxY = 0
        numMotionBlocks = 0
        # Create the track window from the blocks where motion was detected
        for rowIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 0 ] ):
            for colIdx in range( self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[ 1 ] ):
                if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[ rowIdx, colIdx ]:
                    if rowIdx < minY: minY = rowIdx
                    if rowIdx > maxY: maxY = rowIdx
                    if colIdx < minX: minX = colIdx
                    if colIdx > maxX: maxX = colIdx
                    numMotionBlocks += 1
        if numMotionBlocks > 0:
            windowX = minX*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
            windowY = minY*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
            windowWidth = (maxX+1-minX)*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
            windowHeight = (maxY+1-minY)*self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
            self.gripperTrackWindow = ( windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight )
コード例 #5
class InputSequence:
    '''A sequence of images and a sequence of servo angles read from a bag file''' 
    def __init__( self, bagFilename ):
        self.servoAngleTimes = []
        self.servoAngleData = []
        self.cameraImages = []
        self.imageTimes = []
        # Optical flow variables
        self.opticalFlowArraysX = None
        self.opticalFlowArraysY = None
        self.opticalFlowMethod = None
        self.opticalFlowFilter = None
        self.opticalFlowCalculated = False
        # Extract messages from the bag
        startTime = None
        lastAngleTime = -1.0
        lastCameraTime = -1.0
        bag = rosbag.Bag( bagFilename )
        for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():
            if startTime == None:
                startTime = t
            bagTime = t - startTime
            bagTimeSec = bagTime.to_sec()
            if msg._type == "arm_driver_msgs/SetServoAngles" \
                and bagTimeSec - lastAngleTime > 0.01:
                lastAngleTime = bagTimeSec
                self.servoAngleTimes.append( bagTimeSec )
                servoAngle = msg.servoAngles[ 0 ].angle
                self.servoAngleData.append( servoAngle )
            elif msg._type == "sensor_msgs/Image" \
                and bagTimeSec - lastCameraTime > 0.01:

                lastCameraTime = bagTimeSec
                self.imageTimes.append( bagTimeSec )
                # Convert the image to a numpy array
                if msg.encoding == "rgb8" or msg.encoding == "bgr8":
                    image = np.fromstring( msg.data, dtype=np.uint8 )
                    image.shape = ( msg.height, msg.width, 3 )
                    if msg.encoding == "bgr8":
                        # BGR to RGB
                        image = np.copy( image[ :, :,[2,1,0] ] )
                    self.cameraImages.append( image )
                    rospy.logerr( "Unhandled image encoding - " + rosImage.encoding )
        del bag     
        self.servoAngleData = Utils.normaliseSequence( self.servoAngleData )
    def addDistractorObjects( self, distractors, randomSeed = None ):
        if randomSeed != None:
            random.seed( randomSeed )
        for distractor in distractors:
            distractorRadius = int( distractor.radius )
            distractorDim = distractorRadius*2 + 1
            i = np.indices( ( distractorDim, distractorDim ) ) - distractorRadius
            distractorIndices = np.where( i[0]*i[0] + i[1]*i[1] <= distractorRadius*distractorRadius )
            startPos = ( int( distractor.startPos[ 0 ] ), int( distractor.startPos[ 1 ] ) )
            endPos = ( int( distractor.endPos[ 0 ] ), int( distractor.endPos[ 1 ] ) )
            frequency = distractor.frequency
            distractorData = np.array( 
                np.random.rand( distractorDim, distractorDim )*255, dtype=np.int8 )
            # Add the distractor to the image
            for imageIdx, image in enumerate( self.cameraImages ):
                time = self.imageTimes[ imageIdx ]
                offset = math.cos( time*frequency*2.0*math.pi )
                offset = (1.0 - offset) / 2.0
                posX = int( startPos[ 0 ] + offset*(endPos[ 0 ] - startPos[ 0 ]) )
                posY = int( startPos[ 1 ] + offset*(endPos[ 1 ] - startPos[ 1 ]) )
                imageTargetIndices = ( 
                    distractorIndices[ 0 ] - distractorRadius + posX,
                    distractorIndices[ 1 ] - distractorRadius + posY )
                image[ imageTargetIndices[ 0 ], imageTargetIndices[ 1 ], 0 ] = distractorData[ distractorIndices ]
                image[ imageTargetIndices[ 0 ], imageTargetIndices[ 1 ], 1 ] = distractorData[ distractorIndices ]
                image[ imageTargetIndices[ 0 ], imageTargetIndices[ 1 ], 2 ] = distractorData[ distractorIndices ]

    def calculateOpticalFlow( self,
        opticalFlowBlockWidth, opticalFlowBlockHeight, 
        opticalFlowRangeWidth, opticalFlowRangeHeight, opticalFlowMethod ):
        numImages = len( self.cameraImages )  
        if numImages <= 0:
            return False  # Nothing to calculate optical flow with
        self.opticalFlowMethod = opticalFlowMethod
        self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(
            opticalFlowBlockWidth, opticalFlowBlockHeight, 
            opticalFlowRangeWidth, opticalFlowRangeHeight )
        # Create arrays to hold the optical flow
        opticalFlowWidth = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlowWidth( self.cameraImages[ 0 ].shape[ 1 ] )
        opticalFlowHeight = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlowHeight( self.cameraImages[ 0 ].shape[ 0 ] )
        opticalFlowArrayShape = ( opticalFlowHeight, opticalFlowWidth, numImages )
        self.opticalFlowArraysX = np.ndarray( shape=opticalFlowArrayShape, dtype=np.float32 )
        self.opticalFlowArraysY = np.ndarray( shape=opticalFlowArrayShape, dtype=np.float32 )

        for imageIdx, image in enumerate( self.cameraImages ):
            opticalFlowArrayX, opticalFlowArrayY = self.processCameraImage( image )
            self.opticalFlowArraysX[ :, :, imageIdx ] = np.array( opticalFlowArrayX )
            self.opticalFlowArraysY[ :, :, imageIdx ] = np.array( opticalFlowArrayY )
        self.opticalFlowCalculated = True
        return True
    def processCameraImage( self, image ):
        opticalFlowArrayX = None
        opticalFlowArrayY = None
        # Create an OpenCV image to process the data
        curImageGray = cv.CreateImage( ( image.shape[ 1 ], image.shape[ 0 ] ), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 )
        cv.CvtColor( cv.fromarray( image ), curImageGray, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY )
        # Look for optical flow between this image and the last one
        opticalFlowArrayX, opticalFlowArrayY = \
            self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlow( curImageGray, self.opticalFlowMethod )
        return ( opticalFlowArrayX, opticalFlowArrayY )
コード例 #6
import roslib
import rosbag
from roslib.rostime import Time
import cv

from OpticalFlowFilter import OpticalFlowFilter

OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 8  # Range to look outside of a block for motion

opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH,

parser = OptionParser()
                  help="Prefix of output images",
                  help="Number of frames to advance with each step")
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self):

        scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.cameraImagePixBuf = None
        self.servoConfigDict = getArmServoConfig()
        self.lastImageGray = None
        self.opticalFlowX = None
        self.opticalFlowY = None
        self.wavingGripper = False
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.gripperWaveStartTime = None
        self.lastImage = None
        self.curTestPosIdx = 0
        self.locatingPositions = False

        self.wristAngle = 0.0

        # Connect to the robot via ROS
        # rospy.init_node( 'GripperDetector', anonymous=True )

        # TODO: Move arm to all dictionary
        servoConfigList = [self.servoConfigDict[servoName] for servoName in self.servoConfigDict]
        self.roboticArm = RoboticArm(gaffa_teleop.LynxmotionArmDescription.ARM_DH_PROXIMAL, servoConfigList)

        self.cameraImageTopic = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/image", sensor_msgs.msg.Image, self.cameraImageCallback)

        self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(

        self.dataBuffersSetup = False
        self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = None
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
        self.gripperHistogram = None
        self.gripperTrackWindow = None
        self.imageIdx = 0

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(scriptPath + "/GUI/GripperDetector.glade")

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object("dwgCameraImage")
        self.btnDetectGripper = builder.get_object("btnDetectGripper")
        self.checkShowOpticalFlow = builder.get_object("checkShowOpticalFlow")
        self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks = builder.get_object("checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks")
        self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking = builder.get_object("checkShowCAMShiftTracking")
        self.checkShowGripperProbability = builder.get_object("checkShowGripperProbability")
        self.adjNumWaves = builder.get_object("adjNumWaves")

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()

コード例 #8
class MainWindow:

    OPTICAL_FLOW_RANGE_WIDTH = 8  # Range to look outside of a block for motion

    GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY = 1.0  # Waves per second
    GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE = math.radians(20.0)

    BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH = 100.0  # Should be greater that the total gripper detection time

                "base_rotate": math.radians(72.65),
                "shoulder_rotate": math.radians(75.99),
                "elbow_rotate": math.radians(-97.34),
                "wrist_rotate": math.radians(80.05),
                "gripper_rotate": math.radians(-0.03),
            (100, 85),
                "base_rotate": math.radians(85.0),
                "shoulder_rotate": math.radians(72.59),
                "elbow_rotate": math.radians(-107.21),
                "wrist_rotate": math.radians(87.14),
                "gripper_rotate": math.radians(-67.23),
            (97, 170),
                "base_rotate": math.radians(0.0),
                "shoulder_rotate": math.radians(57.32),
                "elbow_rotate": math.radians(-116.48),
                "wrist_rotate": math.radians(130.12),
                "gripper_rotate": math.radians(0.00),
            (247, 165),

    # Locating Positions states
    LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS = "MovingToTestPos"
    LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER = "DetectingGripper"

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self):

        scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.cameraImagePixBuf = None
        self.servoConfigDict = getArmServoConfig()
        self.lastImageGray = None
        self.opticalFlowX = None
        self.opticalFlowY = None
        self.wavingGripper = False
        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.gripperWaveStartTime = None
        self.lastImage = None
        self.curTestPosIdx = 0
        self.locatingPositions = False

        self.wristAngle = 0.0

        # Connect to the robot via ROS
        # rospy.init_node( 'GripperDetector', anonymous=True )

        # TODO: Move arm to all dictionary
        servoConfigList = [self.servoConfigDict[servoName] for servoName in self.servoConfigDict]
        self.roboticArm = RoboticArm(gaffa_teleop.LynxmotionArmDescription.ARM_DH_PROXIMAL, servoConfigList)

        self.cameraImageTopic = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/image", sensor_msgs.msg.Image, self.cameraImageCallback)

        self.opticalFlowFilter = OpticalFlowFilter(

        self.dataBuffersSetup = False
        self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = None
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
        self.gripperHistogram = None
        self.gripperTrackWindow = None
        self.imageIdx = 0

        # Setup the GUI
        builder = gtk.Builder()
        builder.add_from_file(scriptPath + "/GUI/GripperDetector.glade")

        self.window = builder.get_object("winMain")
        self.dwgCameraImage = builder.get_object("dwgCameraImage")
        self.btnDetectGripper = builder.get_object("btnDetectGripper")
        self.checkShowOpticalFlow = builder.get_object("checkShowOpticalFlow")
        self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks = builder.get_object("checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks")
        self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking = builder.get_object("checkShowCAMShiftTracking")
        self.checkShowGripperProbability = builder.get_object("checkShowGripperProbability")
        self.adjNumWaves = builder.get_object("adjNumWaves")

        # Set default values


        updateLoop = self.update()


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onWinMainDestroy(self, widget, data=None):

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def main(self):
        # All PyGTK applications must have a gtk.main(). Control ends here
        # and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or mouse event).

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def cameraImageCallback(self, rosImage):

        if rosImage.encoding == "rgb8" or rosImage.encoding == "bgr8":

            # Create an OpenCV image to process the data
            curImage = cv.CreateImageHeader((rosImage.width, rosImage.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
            cv.SetData(curImage, rosImage.data, rosImage.step)

            curImageGray = cv.CreateImage((rosImage.width, rosImage.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)

            if rosImage.encoding == "bgr8":
                cv.CvtColor(curImage, curImageGray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
                cv.CvtColor(curImage, curImageGray, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)

            # Look for optical flow between this image and the last one
            self.opticalFlowX, self.opticalFlowY = self.opticalFlowFilter.calcOpticalFlow(curImageGray)

            # Draw the optical flow if it's available
            if self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:

                lineColor = cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 0)

                blockCentreY = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2
                for y in range(self.opticalFlowX.shape[0]):

                    blockCentreX = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2
                    for x in range(self.opticalFlowX.shape[1]):

                        endX = blockCentreX + cv.Get2D(self.opticalFlowX, y, x)[0]
                        endY = blockCentreY + cv.Get2D(self.opticalFlowY, y, x)[0]

                        cv.Line(curImage, (int(blockCentreX), int(blockCentreY)), (int(endX), int(endY)), lineColor)

                        blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH

                    blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT

            # Save the image
            imageBGR = cv.CreateImage((rosImage.width, rosImage.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(curImage, imageBGR, cv.CV_RGB2BGR)
            cv.SaveImage("/home/abroun/VideoTemp/frame{0:05}.png".format(self.imageIdx), imageBGR)
            self.imageIdx += 1

            self.lastImage = curImage

            # Use CAMShift to track the gripper
            gripperProbabilityImage = None
            if self.gripperHistogram != None and self.gripperTrackWindow != None:

                imageRGB = cv.CloneImage(curImage)

                r_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
                g_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
                b_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
                cv.Split(imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None)
                planes = [r_plane, g_plane, b_plane]

                backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imageRGB), 8, 1)

                # Run the cam-shift
                    cv.CalcArrBackProject(planes, backproject, self.gripperHistogram)
                except e:
                    print "Got", e
                    print "self.gripperHistogram =", self.gripperHistogram

                if self.gripperTrackWindow[2] > 0 and self.gripperTrackWindow[3] > 0:
                    crit = (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
                    (iters, (area, value, rect), track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.gripperTrackWindow, crit)
                    self.gripperTrackWindow = rect

                # print self.gripperTrackWindow

                if self.checkShowGripperProbability.get_active():
                    # cv.Threshold( backproject, backproject, 1, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY )
                    cv.Threshold(backproject, backproject, 128, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO)

                    cv.CvtColor(backproject, imageRGB, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
                    gripperProbabilityImage = imageRGB

            # Display the image
            if gripperProbabilityImage != None:
                self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(
                    gripperProbabilityImage.width * 3,
                self.cameraImagePixBuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(
                    rosImage.data, gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, rosImage.width, rosImage.height, rosImage.step

            # Resize the drawing area if necessary
            if self.dwgCameraImage.get_size_request() != (rosImage.width, rosImage.height):
                self.dwgCameraImage.set_size_request(rosImage.width, rosImage.height)

            self.lastImage = curImage

            # Check to see if we did everything fast enough
            # if self.dataBuffersSetup:
            # testSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx

            # if self.opticalFlowSampleIdx == None:
            # self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = testSampleIdx
            # else:
            ## We expect the sample idx to have advanced by 1 since we were last here
            # sampleIdxDiff = testSampleIdx - self.opticalFlowSampleIdx
            # if sampleIdxDiff > 1:
            # print "Missed {0} samples".format( sampleIdxDiff - 1 )
            # elif sampleIdxDiff < 1:
            # print "Not sampling fast enough"

            # self.opticalFlowSampleIdx = testSampleIdx

            rospy.logerr("Unhandled image encoding - " + rosImage.encoding)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def moveArmToJointAnglePosition(self, servoAnglesDict, jointSpeed):

        self.wristAngle = servoAnglesDict["wrist_rotate"]
        self.roboticArm.setJointAngles(servoAnglesDict, jointSpeed)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnGotoSafePosClicked(self, widget, data=None):

        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False

        servoAnglesDict = {
            "base_rotate": math.radians(72.65),
            "shoulder_rotate": 2.3561944901923448,
            "elbow_rotate": -2.748893571891069,
            "wrist_rotate": 1.9583014768641922,
            "gripper_rotate": -0.0004890796739715704,

        self.moveArmToJointAnglePosition(servoAnglesDict, math.radians(1.5))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnGotoExperimentPosClicked(self, widget, data=None):

        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False

        servoAnglesDict = {
            "base_rotate": math.radians(72.65),
            "shoulder_rotate": 1.8248153311815414,
            "elbow_rotate": -2.0368307791722984,
            "wrist_rotate": 1.2301417017068466,
            "gripper_rotate": -0.0004890796739715704,

        self.moveArmToJointAnglePosition(servoAnglesDict, math.radians(1.5))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnWaveGripperClicked(self, widget, data=None):

        self.tryingToDetectGripper = False
        self.locatingPositions = False


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def startToDetectGripper(self):

        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = None
        self.gripperHistogram = None
        self.gripperTrackWindow = None
        self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx
        self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted = False
        self.totalGripperDetectionTime = (
            + self.adjNumWaves.get_value() / self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY
            + self.POST_WAVE_WAIT_TIME
        assert self.totalGripperDetectionTime < self.BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH

        self.tryingToDetectGripper = True

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnDetectGripperClicked(self, widget, data=None):

        if self.dataBuffersSetup and not self.tryingToDetectGripper and not self.wavingGripper:

            self.locatingPositions = False

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onBtnLocatePositionsClicked(self, widget, data=None):

        if (
            and not self.locatingPositions
            and not self.tryingToDetectGripper
            and not self.wavingGripper

            self.curTestPosIdx = 0
            self.testPosMeasurements = []
            for i in range(len(self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS)):

            self.locatingPositions = True

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def onDwgCameraImageExposeEvent(self, widget, data=None):

        if self.cameraImagePixBuf != None:

            imgRect = self.getImageRectangleInWidget(
                widget, self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_width(), self.cameraImagePixBuf.get_height()

            imgOffsetX = imgRect.x
            imgOffsetY = imgRect.y

            # Get the total area that needs to be redrawn
            imgRect = imgRect.intersect(data.area)

            srcX = imgRect.x - imgOffsetX
            srcY = imgRect.y - imgOffsetY


            # Draw an overlay to show places where the input motion has been detected
            if self.checkShowDetectedMotionBlocks.get_active() and self.inputSignalDetectedArray != None:

                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 65535, 0))

                blockY = imgRect.y
                for y in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]):

                    blockX = imgRect.x
                    for x in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]):

                        if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[y, x]:
                            points = [
                                    blockX + int((i * 2) % self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH),
                                    blockY + 2 * int((i * 2) / self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH),
                                for i in range(self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 4)

                            widget.window.draw_points(graphicsContext, points)

                        blockX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH

                    blockY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT

            # Draw the optical flow if it's available
            if self.checkShowOpticalFlow.get_active() and self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:

                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0, 65535, 0))

                blockCentreY = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2
                for y in range(self.opticalFlowX.shape[0]):

                    blockCentreX = self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2
                    for x in range(self.opticalFlowX.shape[1]):

                        endX = blockCentreX + cv.Get2D(self.opticalFlowX, y, x)[0]
                        endY = blockCentreY + cv.Get2D(self.opticalFlowY, y, x)[0]

                        if endY < blockCentreY:
                            # Up is red
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 0, 0))
                        elif endY > blockCentreY:
                            # Down is blue
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0, 0, 65535))
                            # Static is green
                            graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0, 65535, 0))

                            graphicsContext, int(blockCentreX), int(blockCentreY), int(endX), int(endY)

                        blockCentreX += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH

                    blockCentreY += self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT

            # Draw the CAMShift tracking window
            if self.checkShowCAMShiftTracking.get_active() and self.gripperTrackWindow != None:

                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 65535 / 2, 0))


            # Draw the results of trying to locate positions on the screen using
            # the detect gripper routine
            if self.locatingPositions:

                realWorldPoints = [p.screenPos for p in self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS]
                measuredPoints = []
                averagePoints = []

                for posIdx in range(len(self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS)):
                    posMeasuredPoints = self.testPosMeasurements[posIdx]
                    numMeasuredPoints = len(posMeasuredPoints)

                    if numMeasuredPoints > 0:
                        measuredPoints += posMeasuredPoints

                        accX = 0
                        accY = 0
                        for p in posMeasuredPoints:
                            accX += p[0]
                            accY += p[1]
                        averagePoints.append((int(accX / numMeasuredPoints), int(accY / numMeasuredPoints)))

                graphicsContext = widget.window.new_gc()
                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 65535, 65535))
                self.drawCircles(widget, graphicsContext, realWorldPoints, 2, True)

                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0, 65535, 0))
                self.drawCircles(widget, graphicsContext, measuredPoints, 2, True)

                graphicsContext.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(65535, 0, 0))
                self.drawCircles(widget, graphicsContext, averagePoints, 2, True)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def drawCircles(self, widget, graphicsContext, circleCentres, radius, filled):

        for circleCentre in circleCentres:

            arcX = int(circleCentre[0] - radius)
            arcY = int(circleCentre[1] - radius)
            arcWidth = arcHeight = int(radius * 2)

            widget.window.draw_arc(graphicsContext, filled, arcX, arcY, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, 360 * 64)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def getImageRectangleInWidget(self, widget, imageWidth, imageHeight):

        # Centre the image inside the widget
        widgetX, widgetY, widgetWidth, widgetHeight = widget.get_allocation()

        imgRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, widgetWidth, widgetHeight)

        if widgetWidth > imageWidth:
            imgRect.x = (widgetWidth - imageWidth) / 2
            imgRect.width = imageWidth

        if widgetHeight > imageHeight:
            imgRect.y = (widgetHeight - imageHeight) / 2
            imgRect.height = imageHeight

        return imgRect

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def moveToTestPosition(self, testPosIdx):

        if not self.locatingPositions:
            raise Exception("Not in correct state")

        self.moveArmToJointAnglePosition(self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS[testPosIdx].servoAnglesDict, math.radians(1.5))

        self.curTestPosIdx = testPosIdx
        self.locatingPositionsState = self.LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS
        self.moveStartTime = time.clock()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def update(self):

        UPDATE_FREQUENCY = self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND  # Updates in Hz

        lastTime = time.clock()

        while 1:

            curTime = time.clock()

            if curTime - lastTime >= 1.0 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY:

                lastGripperDisplacement = 0.0

                # Update the wave if active
                if self.wavingGripper:

                    waveTime = curTime - self.gripperWaveStartTime
                    totalWaveTime = self.numWaves / self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY
                    waveFinished = False

                    if waveTime >= totalWaveTime:

                        waveTime = totalWaveTime
                        waveFinished = True

                    # Work out the current displacement from the initial position
                    displacement = self.GRIPPER_WAVE_AMPLITUDE * math.sin(
                        waveTime * self.GRIPPER_WAVE_FREQUENCY * 2.0 * math.pi
                    lastGripperDisplacement = displacement

                    servoAnglesDict = {"wrist_rotate": self.wristAngle + displacement}

                    if waveFinished:
                        self.wavingGripper = False

                # Update sample buffers with input and output data
                if not self.dataBuffersSetup:

                    # Update gripper detection if it's on-going
                    if self.tryingToDetectGripper:
                        # Store the data.
                        # NOTE: This all falls apart if we can't process the data fast enough
                        self.gripperAngleBuffer[self.curSampleIdx] = lastGripperDisplacement
                        self.opticalFlowBufferX[:, :, self.curSampleIdx] = self.opticalFlowX
                        self.opticalFlowBufferY[:, :, self.curSampleIdx] = self.opticalFlowY

                        self.curSampleIdx = (self.curSampleIdx + 1) % self.numBufferSamples

                        maxNumGripperDetectionSamples = int(self.totalGripperDetectionTime * self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND)
                        gripperDetectionWaveStartSampleIdx = int(
                            self.GRIPPER_DETECTION_WAVE_START_TIME * self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND

                        if self.curSampleIdx > self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:
                            gripperDetectionSampleIdx = self.curSampleIdx - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx
                            gripperDetectionSampleIdx = (
                                len(self.gripperAngleBuffer) - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx + self.curSampleIdx

                        if gripperDetectionSampleIdx >= maxNumGripperDetectionSamples:

                            # Put the collected data in order
                            detectedGripperAngleBuffer = np.ndarray(
                                shape=(maxNumGripperDetectionSamples), dtype=np.float32

                            opticalFlowBufferShape = (
                            detectedOpticalFlowBufferX = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
                            detectedOpticalFlowBufferY = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)

                            if self.curSampleIdx > self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx:
                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[:] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[
                                    self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx : self.curSampleIdx
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:, :, :] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[
                                    :, :, self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx : self.curSampleIdx
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:, :, :] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[
                                    :, :, self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx : self.curSampleIdx
                                numSamples = len(self.gripperAngleBuffer) - self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx
                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[:numSamples] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[
                                    self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx :
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:, :, :numSamples] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[
                                    :, :, self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx :
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:, :, :numSamples] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[
                                    :, :, self.gripperDetectionStartSampleIdx :

                                detectedGripperAngleBuffer[numSamples:] = self.gripperAngleBuffer[: self.curSampleIdx]
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferX[:, :, numSamples:] = self.opticalFlowBufferX[
                                    :, :, : self.curSampleIdx
                                detectedOpticalFlowBufferY[:, :, numSamples:] = self.opticalFlowBufferY[
                                    :, :, : self.curSampleIdx

                            # Try to detect the gripper using the data

                            self.tryingToDetectGripper = False

                        elif (
                            gripperDetectionSampleIdx >= gripperDetectionWaveStartSampleIdx
                            and not self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted

                            self.gripperDetectionWaveStarted = self.tryToStartWavingGripper()

                # Update the Locating Positions state machine
                if self.locatingPositions:
                    if self.locatingPositionsState == self.LPS_MOVING_TO_TEST_POS:

                        if curTime - self.moveStartTime > 3.0:
                            # Arm should have got to the position and settled by now
                            self.locatingPositionsState = self.LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER

                    elif self.locatingPositionsState == self.LPS_DETECTING_GRIPPER:

                        if not self.tryingToDetectGripper:

                            # Gripper detection has finished, measure the position of the gripper
                            numDetectedSignals = 0
                            accX = 0
                            accY = 0

                            for rowIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]):

                                rowY = rowIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT / 2
                                for colIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]):

                                    colX = colIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH / 2
                                    if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[rowIdx, colIdx]:
                                        numDetectedSignals += 1
                                        accX += colX
                                        accY += rowY

                            if numDetectedSignals > 0:
                                measuredPos = (accX / numDetectedSignals, accY / numDetectedSignals)

                            # Now move on to the next test position
                            newTestPosIdx = (self.curTestPosIdx + 1) % len(self.TEST_ARM_POSITIONS)

                # Save the time
                lastTime = curTime

            yield True

        yield False

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def attemptToSetupDataBuffers(self):

        if self.opticalFlowX != None and self.opticalFlowY != None:

            # Optical flow has started so we have enough data to setup our buffers
            self.numBufferSamples = int(self.BUFFER_TIME_LENGTH * self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND)

            self.gripperAngleBuffer = np.ndarray(shape=(self.numBufferSamples), dtype=np.float32)

            opticalFlowBufferShape = (self.opticalFlowX.shape[0], self.opticalFlowX.shape[1], self.numBufferSamples)
            self.opticalFlowBufferX = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)
            self.opticalFlowBufferY = np.ndarray(shape=opticalFlowBufferShape, dtype=np.float32)

            self.curSampleIdx = 0
            self.dataBuffersSetup = True

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def tryToStartWavingGripper(self):

        waveStarted = False
        if self.wavingGripper == False:
            self.numWaves = self.adjNumWaves.get_value()
            self.gripperWaveStartTime = time.clock()
            self.wavingGripper = True
            waveStarted = True

        return waveStarted

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def detectGripperWithCollectedData(
        self, detectedGripperAngleBuffer, detectedOpticalFlowBufferX, detectedOpticalFlowBufferY, imageRGB

        t1 = time.time()

        maxLag = int(self.MAX_CORRELATION_LAG * self.SAMPLES_PER_SECOND)
        correlationsX = np.apply_along_axis(
            crossCorrelateComplete, 2, detectedOpticalFlowBufferX, detectedGripperAngleBuffer, maxLag
        correlationsY = np.apply_along_axis(
            crossCorrelateComplete, 2, detectedOpticalFlowBufferY, detectedGripperAngleBuffer, maxLag

        t2 = time.time()
        print "Correlation took %0.3f ms" % ((t2 - t1) * 1000.0)

        # Detect the input signal based on the correlation in the x and y axis
        maxCorrelationArrayX = np.maximum.reduce(np.absolute(correlationsX), axis=2)
        maxCorrelationArrayY = np.maximum.reduce(np.absolute(correlationsY), axis=2)
        self.inputSignalDetectedArray = np.frompyfunc(isInputSignalPresent, 2, 1)(
            maxCorrelationArrayX, maxCorrelationArrayY

        # Build a histogram for the gripper
        self.gripperHistogram = cv.CreateHist(
            [256 / 8, 256 / 8, 256 / 8], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)], 1

        r_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
        g_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
        b_plane = cv.CreateMat(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
        cv.Split(imageRGB, r_plane, g_plane, b_plane, None)
        planes = [r_plane, g_plane, b_plane]

        maskArray = np.zeros(shape=(imageRGB.height, imageRGB.width), dtype=np.uint8)
        for rowIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]):
            for colIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]):

                if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[rowIdx, colIdx]:
                    rowStartIdx = rowIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
                    rowEndIdx = rowStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
                    colStartIdx = colIdx * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
                    colEndIdx = colStartIdx + self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH

                    maskArray[rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx] = 255

        cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(i) for i in planes], self.gripperHistogram, 0, mask=maskArray)

        minX = 1000
        maxX = 0
        minY = 1000
        maxY = 0
        numMotionBlocks = 0

        # Create the track window from the blocks where motion was detected
        for rowIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[0]):
            for colIdx in range(self.inputSignalDetectedArray.shape[1]):

                if self.inputSignalDetectedArray[rowIdx, colIdx]:

                    if rowIdx < minY:
                        minY = rowIdx
                    if rowIdx > maxY:
                        maxY = rowIdx
                    if colIdx < minX:
                        minX = colIdx
                    if colIdx > maxX:
                        maxX = colIdx
                    numMotionBlocks += 1

        if numMotionBlocks > 0:
            windowX = minX * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
            windowY = minY * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT
            windowWidth = (maxX + 1 - minX) * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_WIDTH
            windowHeight = (maxY + 1 - minY) * self.OPTICAL_FLOW_BLOCK_HEIGHT

            self.gripperTrackWindow = (windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight)