コード例 #1
    def Process ( self, entry ):
        Fills data set 
        ## == getting the next entry from the tree
        if self.GetEntry ( entry ) <=  0 : return 0             ## RETURN 
        if not self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._total =  self.fChain.GetEntries()
            self._logger.info ( "Processing TChain('%s') #entries: %d" % ( self.fChain.GetName() , self._total ) )
            ## decoration:
            from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
            self._progress = ProgressBar ( max_value = self._total   ,
                                           silent    = self._silence )
        if not self._silence :
            if 0 == self._events % 1000 or 0 == entry % 1000 : 
                self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
        self._events += 1
        ## == for more convenience
        bamboo = self.fChain

        ## apply cuts (if needed) 
        if not self . _cuts ( bamboo )  : return 0 

        ## loop over all varibales
        for v in self._variables :

            var    =  v[0]  ## variable 
            vmin   =  v[2]  ## min-value 
            vmax   =  v[3]  ## max-value 
            vfun   =  v[4]  ## accessor-function 

            value  = vfun ( bamboo )
            if not vmin <= value <= vmax :       ## MUST BE IN RANGE!
                self._skip += 1 
                return 0                         ## RETURN 

            var.setVal ( value ) 

        self.data .add ( self.varset )
        return 1 
コード例 #2
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: gitter-badger/ostap
    def __init__(self, files, description="", maxfiles=1000000, silent=False):
        self.files = []
        self.patterns = files
        self.description = description
        self.maxfiles = maxfiles
        self.silent = silent
        if isinstance(files, str): files = [files]
        _files = set()
        for pattern in files:
            _fs = self.globPattern(pattern)
            for _f in _fs:

        if not self.silent:
            logger.info('Loading: %s  #patterns/files: %s/%d' %
                        (self.description, len(files), len(_files)))
        from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
        with ProgressBar(max_value=len(_files), silent=self.silent) as bar:
            self.progress = bar
            for f in _files:
                if len(self.files) < self.maxfiles: self.treatFile(f)
                    logger.warning('Maxfiles limit is reached %s ' %

        if not self.silent:
            logger.info('Loaded: %s' % self)
コード例 #3
    def process(self, task, items, timeout=90000):
        if not isinstance(task, Task):
            raise TypeError("task argument needs to be an 'Task' instance")
        # --- Call the Local initialialization
        # --- Schedule all the jobs ....
        if self.mode == 'cluster':

            from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
            with ProgressBar(max_value=len(items), silent=self.silent) as bar:

                jobs = self.pool.uimap(_ppfunction,
                                       zip([task for i in items], items))

                ##jobs = [self.server.submit(_prefunction, (_ppfunction, task, item), (), ('ROOT','Ostap.ParallelPathos')) for item in items]
                ##jobs = [self.server.submit(_prefunction, (_ppfunction, task, item), (), ('Ostap.Parallel','time')) for item in items]
                ##jobs = [self.server.submit(_prefunction, (_ppfunction, task, item), (_ppfunction,), ('Ostap','time')) for item in items]
                for result, stat in jobs:
                    bar += 1


        elif self.mode == 'multicore':

            start = time.time()
            from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
            with ProgressBar(max_value=len(items), silent=self.silent) as bar:
                jobs = self.pool.uimap(_ppfunction,
                                       zip([task for i in items], items))
                for result, stat in jobs:
                    bar += 1
            end = time.time()

            logger.info('Time elapsed since server creation %f' %
                        (end - start))
        # --- Call the Local Finalize
コード例 #4
ファイル: TreeDeco.py プロジェクト: marromlam/lhcb-software
def _iter_cuts_(self, cuts, first=0, last=_large, progress=False):
    Iterator over ``good events'' in TTree/TChain:
    >>> tree = ... # get the tree
    >>> for i in tree.withCuts ( 'pt>5' ) : print i.y
    Attention: TTree::GetEntry is already invoked for accepted events,
               no need in second call 
    last = min(last, len(self))
    if last < first: return

    pit = cpp.Analysis.PyIterator(self, cuts, first, last)
    if not pit.ok(): raise TypeError("Invalid Formula: %s" % cuts)
    from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
    with ProgressBar(min_value=first, max_value=last,
                     silent=not progress) as bar:

        step = 13.0 * max(bar.width, 101) / (last - first)

        _t = pit.tree()
        _o = _t
        while _t:

            yield _t
            _t = pit.next()  ## advance to the next entry

            if progress:
                current = pit.current() - 1  ## get the current entry index
                if not _t                          \
                       or  _t != _o                \
                       or current - first   < 120  \
                       or last    - current < 120  \
                       or 0 == current % 100000    \
                       or 0 == int ( step * ( current - first ) ) % 5  :

                    ## show progress bar
                    _o = _t

        if progress: bar.update_amount(last)

    del pit
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, files, description="", maxfiles=1000000, silent=False):
        self.files = []
        self.patterns = files
        self.description = description
        self.maxfiles = maxfiles
        self.silent = silent
        if isinstance(files, str): files = [files]
        _files = set()
        for pattern in files:
            ## experimental feature: try to match files on CERN EOS
            if 0 <= pattern.find('/eos/lhcb/'):
                if  0 <= pattern.find ( '*' ) or 0 <= pattern.find ( '?' ) or \
                       0 <= pattern.find ( '[' ) or 0 <= pattern.find ( ']' )  :
                        'Globbing might not work for EOS-files "%s"' % pattern)
                    from Ostap.EOS import EOS
                    with EOS() as eos:
                        for f in eos.iglob(pattern, root=True):
                for f in glob.iglob(pattern):

        if not self.silent:
            logger.info('Loading: %s  #patterns/files: %s/%d' %
                        (self.description, len(files), len(_files)))
        from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
        with ProgressBar(max_value=len(_files), silent=self.silent) as bar:
            self.progress = bar
            for f in _files:
                if len(self.files) < self.maxfiles: self.treatFile(f)
                    logger.warning('Maxfiles limit is reached %s ' %

        if not self.silent:
            logger.info('Loaded: %s' % self)
コード例 #6
class SelectorWithVars(SelectorWithCuts) :
    """ Create and fill the basic dataset for RooFit
    #  variables = [ ... ]
    #  ## add a variable 'my_name1' from the tree/chain 
    #  variables += [ 
    #   #  name       descriptor           min-value , max-value  
    #   ( 'my_name1' , 'my_description1' , low       , high     )
    #   ]
    #  ## get a variable 'my_name' from the tree/chain with accessor function,
    #  ## e.g. rescale it on-fligh
    #  variables += [ 
    #   #  name       descriptor           min-value , max-value , access function   
    #   ( 'my_name2' , 'my_description2' , low       , high      , lambda s : s.my_name2/1000 )
    #   ]
    #  ## get  less trivial expression
    #  variables += [ 
    #   #  name       descriptor           min-value , max-value , access function   
    #   ( 'my_name3' , 'my_description3' , low       , high      , lambda s : s.var1+s.var2 ) 
    #  ]
    #  ## any function that gets Tchain/Tree and avaluated to double.
    #  #  e.g. it coudl be TMVAReader
    #  def myvar ( chain ) : ....
    #  variables += [ 
    #   #  name       descriptor           min-value , max-value , access function   
    #   ( 'my_name4' , 'my_description4' , low       , high      , myvar ) 
    #  ]
    #  ## add already booked variables: 
    #  v5 = ROOT.RooRealVal( 'my_name5' )
    #  variables += [  ( v5 , lambda s : s.var5 ) ]
    #  ## add already booked variables: 
    #  v6 = ROOT.RooRealVal( 'my_name6' )
    #  variables += [  ( v6                     ) ] ## get variable 'my_name6'
    #  #
    #  ## finally create selector
    #  # 
    #  selector = SelectorWithVars (
    #             variables                             ,
    #             selection = ' chi2vx<30 && pt>2*GeV ' ,  ## filtering
    #            )
    #  chain = ...
    #  chain.process ( selector )
    #  dataset = selector.dataset
    ## constructor 
    def __init__ ( self                           ,
                   variables                      ,  ## list of variables  
                   selection                      ,  ## Tree-selection 
                   cuts         = lambda s : True ,
                   name         = ''              ,
                   fullname     = ''              ,
                   silence      = False           ) :
        if not     name :
            from   Ostap.PyRoUts import dsID 
            name = dsID()
        if not fullname : fullname = "%s/%s " % ( __name__ , name )

        ## create the logger 
        from   Ostap.Logger           import getLogger
        self._logger = getLogger ( fullname ) 

        ## instantiate the base class
        SelectorWithCuts.__init__ ( self , selection ) ## initialize the base

        ## keep the cuts
        self._cuts   = cuts

        ## variables
        self.varset      = ROOT.RooArgSet()
        self._variables  = []
        ## add the variables one by one 
        for v in variables : self.addVariable ( *v )

        ## Book dataset
        self.data    = ROOT.RooDataSet (
            name      ,
            fullname  , 
        ## it is still very puzzling for me: should this line be here at all??
        ROOT.SetOwnership ( self.data  , False )
        self._events   = 0
        self._progress = None 
        self._total    = 1
        self._skip     = 0 
        self._silence  = silence

    ## delete the selector, try to clear and delete the dataset 
    def __del__    ( self  )  :
        if hasattr ( self , 'data' ) and self.data : 
            del self.data
    ## get the dataset 
    def dataset   ( self  ) :
        """ Get the data-set """ 
        return self.data
    ## the only one actually important method 
    def Process ( self, entry ):
        Fills data set 
        ## == getting the next entry from the tree
        if self.GetEntry ( entry ) <=  0 : return 0             ## RETURN 
        if not self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._total =  self.fChain.GetEntries()
            self._logger.info ( "Processing TChain('%s') #entries: %d" % ( self.fChain.GetName() , self._total ) )
            ## decoration:
            from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
            self._progress = ProgressBar ( max_value = self._total   ,
                                           silent    = self._silence )
        if not self._silence :
            if 0 == self._events % 1000 or 0 == entry % 1000 : 
                self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
        self._events += 1
        ## == for more convenience
        bamboo = self.fChain

        ## apply cuts (if needed) 
        if not self . _cuts ( bamboo )  : return 0 

        ## loop over all varibales
        for v in self._variables :

            var    =  v[0]  ## variable 
            vmin   =  v[2]  ## min-value 
            vmax   =  v[3]  ## max-value 
            vfun   =  v[4]  ## accessor-function 

            value  = vfun ( bamboo )
            if not vmin <= value <= vmax :       ## MUST BE IN RANGE!
                self._skip += 1 
                return 0                         ## RETURN 

            var.setVal ( value ) 

        self.data .add ( self.varset )
        return 1 

    ## add declared variable to RooDataSet 
    def addVariable ( self , var , *args ) :
        Add decared variable to RooDataSet 
        if   isinstance ( var , str ) :      ## just the name of variable   
            vname = var            ## name 
            vdesc = args[0]        ## description 
            vmin  = args[1]        ## min-value 
            vmax  = args[2]        ## max-value 
            ## accessor function
            if 3 < len ( args ) : vfun = args[3]
            else                : vfun = lambda s : getattr( s , vname )
            var = ROOT.RooRealVar ( vname , vdesc , vmin , vmax )

        elif isinstance ( var , ROOT.RooRealVar ) : # variable itself 

            vname = var.GetName  () ## name 
            vdesc = var.GetTitle () ## description
            vmin  = var.getMin   () ## min-value 
            vmax  = var.getMax   () ## max-value 
            ## accessor function
            if 0 < len ( args ) : vfun = args[0]
            else                : vfun = lambda s : getattr( s , vname )

        else :

            self._logger.error   ( 'Invalid variable description!' )
            raise AttributeError ( 'Invalid variable description!' ) 
        ## finally the entry
        self.varset.add      ( var ) 
        self._variables += [ ( var , vdesc , vmin , vmax , vfun ) ] 

    def Terminate ( self  ) :
        if self._progress :
        if not self._silence : 
            self._logger.info (
                'Events Processed/Total/Skept %d/%d/%d\nCUTS: "%s"' % (
                self._events ,
                self._total  ,
                self._skip   , 
                self.cuts () ) ) 
        if not len ( self.data ) :
            self._logger.warning("Empty dataset!")
        if 0 != self.GetAbort() :
            self._logger.error('Process has been aborted!')
    def Init    ( self, chain ) :
        if self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
        return SelectorWithCuts.Init ( self , chain ) 

    def Begin          ( self , tree = None ) :
        if self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
    def SlaveBegin     ( self , tree        ) :
        if self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
    def Notify         ( self ) :
        if self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
    def SlaveTerminate ( self               ) :
        if self._progress and not self._silence :
            self._progress.update_amount ( self.event () )
コード例 #7
    def GetTuple(self, chain):

            " ----> The following general mask will be applyied to the chain : \n"
        print('-- muon : {}'.format(
        print('-- Jpsi : {}'.format(
        print('-- other : {}'.format(self.filter_mask['other'].split('**')))
        print("\n *** You may also want to check \n"
              " *** AnnaTupleFilterJpsiPbPbV2::IsInLuminosityRegion() \n"
              " *** and AnnaTupleFilterJpsiPbPbV2::IsMuonsGhosts() \n"
              " *** where other cuts are also defined \n")

        ntuple = self.CreateTuple()
        okBranch = self.CheckChainBranch(chain)
        if okBranch is False:
            error(' attributes are missing')
            return None

        # counters
        entry_number = 0
        entry_exlude = 0
        tot_entries = chain.GetEntriesFast()
        muon_all = list()

        print(' --- Start running over events ...')
        with ProgressBar(max_value=tot_entries, silent=False) as bar:
            for entry in chain:
                entry_number += 1

                ok_lumi, v_OWNPV, v_ENDVERTEX = self.IsInLuminosityRegion(
                    entry_number, entry)
                if ok_lumi is False:
                    info("entry {} does not pass the luminosity cut".format(
                    entry_exlude += 1

                ok_muon = self.PassMuonCuts(entry_number, entry)
                if ok_muon is False:
                    info("entry {} do not pass muons cut".format(entry_number))
                    entry_exlude += 1

                # Check muon ghost probability
                is_ghost = self.IsMuonsGhosts(entry_number, entry, muon_all)
                if is_ghost is True:
                    info("entry {} most likely have ghosts".format(
                    entry_exlude += 1

                ok_mother = self.PassMuonCuts(entry_number, entry)
                if ok_mother is False:
                        "entry {} do not pass mother cut".format(entry_number))
                    entry_exlude += 1

                # Prepare Data
                rho = v_OWNPV.Perp()
                v_OWNPV -= v_ENDVERTEX
                dZ = (getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_ENDVERTEX_Z') -
                      getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_OWNPV_Z')) * 1e-3
                tZ = dZ * 3096.916 / (
                    getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_PZ') * TMath.C())

                ntuple.Fill(getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_MM'),
                            getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_PT'),
                            getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_Y'),
                            getattr(entry, self.mother_leaf + '_OWNPV_Z'),
                            v_OWNPV.Mag(), dZ, tZ,
                            getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PIDmu'),
                            getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PIDmu'),
                            getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PIDK'),
                            getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PIDK'),
                            getattr(entry, 'eHcal'), getattr(entry, 'eEcal'),
                            getattr(entry, 'nVeloClusters'))

            ' --- Done ! Ran over {} events with {:.1f}% removed from cuts !'.
                   float(entry_exlude) / float(entry_number) * 100))
        return ntuple
コード例 #8
def irun(nEvents,
         accept=lambda: True,
    """Run over events till certain number of good events is found
    >>> def accept_function () : 
    >>> for i in irun ( 100 , accept_function ) :
    ...         hdr = get('/Event/Rec/Header')
    ...         print hdr.runNumber(), hdr.eventNumber()

    e.g. one can select events with at least 2 J/psi:
    good_events = lambda : 2<= len(get('/Event/PSIX/Phys/SelDetachedPsisForBandQ/Particles'))
    The command can be useful in scripts 
    with Action(preAction, postAction):

        ## get application manager:
        _g = appMgr()
        sc = SUCCESS
        evnt = True
        iev = 0
        nev = 0

        from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar, RunningBar

        with Action(preRun_actions(), postRun_actions()):

            with RunAction():

                use_rbar = running
                use_pbar = progress and 1 < nEvents and not running

                pbar = ProgressBar(max_value=nEvents, silent=not use_pbar)
                rbar = RunningBar(silent=not use_rbar)

                while sc.isSuccess() and evnt and (nEvents < 0
                                                   or iev < nEvents):

                    sc = _next_event_(1)
                    if sc.isFailure(): break  ## BREAK
                    evnt = get('/Event')
                    if not evnt:
                        if sc.isSuccess(): sc.setCode(2)
                        break  ## BREAK!

                    pbar += 1
                    rbar += 1
                    nev += 1  ## total number of event

                    if 0 < EvtMax < nev: break  ## BREAK

                    if 0 == nev % 1000000:
                        logger.fatal('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                     (nev, iev))
                    elif 0 == nev % 100000:
                        logger.error('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                     (nev, iev))
                    elif 0 == nev % 10000:
                        logger.warning('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                       (nev, iev))
                    elif 0 == nev % 5000:
                        logger.info('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                    (nev, iev))
                    elif 0 == nev % 1000:
                        logger.debug('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                     (nev, iev))
                    elif 0 == nev % 500:
                        logger.verbose('irun: run over %d, found %s ' %
                                       (nev, iev))

                    ## check
                    if accept():  ## GOOD EVENT!
                        iev += 1
                        yield evnt, iev, nev  ## retun
コード例 #9
def makePlots ( the_func        ,
                particle        ,  
                stripping       ,
                polarity        ,
                trackcuts       ,
                runMin=0        ,
                runMax   =   -1 ,
                verbose  = True ,
                maxFiles =   -1 ):

    from PIDPerfScripts.DataFuncs import CheckStripVer, CheckMagPol, CheckPartType  
    CheckStripVer ( stripping )
    CheckMagPol   ( polarity  )
    CheckPartType ( particle  )

    # Create dictionary holding:
    # - Reconstruction version    ['RecoVer']
    # - np.array of:
    #        - MagUp run limits   ['UpRuns']
    #        - MagDown run limits ['DownRuns']
    from PIDPerfScripts.DataFuncs import GetRunDictionary
    DataDict = GetRunDictionary ( stripping , particle , verbose = verbose )

    if trackcuts and  0 < runMin : trackcuts +=' && runNumber>=%d ' % runMin
    if trackcuts and  0 < runMax : trackcuts +=' && runNumber<=%d ' % runMax
    # Determine min and max file indicies
    if runMax < runMin : runMax = None 
    from PIDPerfScripts.DataFuncs import GetMinMaxFileDictionary
    IndexDict = GetMinMaxFileDictionary( DataDict , polarity ,
                                         runMin   , runMax   ,
                                         maxFiles , verbose  )
    # Append runNumber limits to TrackCuts
    logger.debug ( 'Track Cuts: %s ' % trackcuts ) 

    # Declare default list of PID plots
    plots      =   []
    minEntries = 1000

    # Loop over all calibration subsamples

    mn = IndexDict['minIndex']
    mx = IndexDict['maxIndex']

    from Ostap.Utils        import memory,NoContext
    logger.info('Start the loop over %d datafiles %s %s %s ' % ( mx - mn + 1  ,
                                                                 particle     ,
                                                                 stripping    ,
                                                                 polarity   ) )
    from Ostap.progress_bar import ProgressBar
    with ProgressBar( mn , mx+1 , 100 , mode='fixed' )  as bar :
        for index in xrange ( mn , mx + 1 ) :
            bar += 1
            manager = memory() if verbose else NoContext()
            with manager :
                dataset = getDataSet ( particle  ,
                                       stripping ,
                                       polarity  ,
                                       trackcuts , 
                                       index     ,
                                       verbose = verbose )
                if not dataset : continue 
                plots = the_func ( particle ,
                                   dataset  ,
                                   plots    ,
                                   verbose  )
                dataset.reset  ()
                dataset.store  ().reset () 
                dataset.store  ().Reset () 
                dataset.Delete ()
                if dataset : del dataset
    return plots