コード例 #1
DureeBrevet = 20
SchemeVersion = '20140101' #for the url to the classification scheme

ListeBrevet = [] # The patent List

#opening request file, reading parameters
with open("..//requete.cql", "r") as fic:
    contenu = fic.readlines()
    for lig in contenu:
        #if not lig.startswith('#'):
            if lig.count('request:')>0:
            if lig.count('DataDirectory:')>0:
               ndf = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
            if lig.count('GatherContent')>0:
                Gather = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
            if lig.count('GatherBiblio')>0:
                GatherBiblio = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
            if lig.count('GatherPatent')>0:
                GatherPatent = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
            if lig.count('GatherFamilly')>0:
                GatherFamilly = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
            if lig.count('OPSGatherContentsv2-Iramuteq')>0:
                IsEnableScript = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
            if lig.count('OPSGatherContentsV2-Images')>0:
                IsEnableScript = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())

rep = ndf

ResultListPath = '..//DATA//'+rep+'//PatentBiblios'#Lists'
ResultPathContent = '..//DATA//'+rep+'//PatentContents'
コード例 #2
@author: dreymond

import os
from P2N_Lib import ReturnBoolean

with open("..//requete.cql", "r") as fic:
    contenu = fic.readlines()
    for lig in contenu:
        #if not lig.startswith('#'):
        if lig.count('request:') > 0:
            requete = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('DataDirectory:') > 0:
            ndf = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('FusionIramuteq2') > 0:
            IsEnableScript = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())

rep = ndf
ResultListPath = '..//DATA//' + rep + '//PatentBiblios'  #Lists'
ResultPathContent = '..//DATA//' + rep + '//PatentContents'
temporPath = '..//DATA//' + rep + '//tempo'
ResultBiblioPath = '..//DATA//' + rep + '//PatentBiblios'

def GenereListeFichiers(rep):
    """ prend un dossier en paramètre (chemin absolu) et génère la liste
    complète des fichiers TXT de l'arborescence"""
    import os
    listeFicFR = []
    listeFicEN = []
    listeFicUNK = []
コード例 #3
@author: dreymond

from P2N_Lib import ReturnBoolean

with open("..//Requete.cql", "r") as fic:
    contenu = fic.readlines()
    for lig in contenu:
        #if not lig.startswith('#'):
        if lig.count('request:') > 0:
            requete = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('DataDirectory:') > 0:
            ndf = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('GatherContent') > 0:
            Gather = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherBiblio') > 0:
            GatherBiblio = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherPatent') > 0:
            GatherPatent = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherFamilly') > 0:
            GatherFamilly = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('InventorNetwork') > 0:
            P2NInv = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('ApplicantNetwork') > 0:
            AppP2N = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('ApplicantInventorNetwork') > 0:
            P2NAppInv = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('InventorCrossTechNetwork') > 0:
            P2NInvCT = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('CompleteNetwork') > 0:
コード例 #4
Networks["_Applicant"] = [False, ["applicant-nice"]]
Networks["_Inventor"] = [False, ["inventor-nice"]]

ListeBrevet = []
#ouverture fichier de travail
#On récupère la requête et les noms des fichiers de travail
with open("..//Requete.cql", "r") as fic:
    contenu = fic.readlines()
    for lig in contenu:
        #if not lig.startswith('#'):
        if lig.count('request:') > 0:
            requete = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('DataDirectory:') > 0:
            ndf = lig.split(':')[1].strip()
        if lig.count('GatherContent') > 0:
            Gather = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherBiblio') > 0:
            GatherBiblio = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherPatent') > 0:
            GatherPatent = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('GatherFamilly') > 0:
            GatherFamilly = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('InventorNetwork') > 0:
            Networks["_Inventor"][0] = ReturnBoolean(lig.split(':')[1].strip())
        if lig.count('ApplicantNetwork') > 0:
            Networks["_Applicant"][0] = ReturnBoolean(
        if lig.count('ApplicantInventorNetwork') > 0:
            Networks["_ApplicantInventor"][0] = ReturnBoolean(
        if lig.count('InventorCrossTechNetwork') > 0: