def add_carmichael_pfd(n): Lsub_n.append(n) this_n = len(Lsub_n)-1 Lsub_pfd.append([(2,1)]) #if (n+1) in primes_list: if sum(1 for div in divisorGen(n+1))==2: #first look if n+1 is prime, if yes add Lsub_pfd[this_n].append((n+1,1)) if n in powers_of_2_list: #also check if this new value is a power of 2 Lsub_pfd[this_n].append((2,2+int(math.log(n,2)))) #print Lsub_pfd divisors_fcn = list(divisorGen(n)) #aggregate the prime fact decomps of the max_pfd for each divisor #merge like primes by keeping the max value for a p_list_fcn = [] a_list_fcn = [] for j in divisors_fcn: if j!=1 and j!=n: if j not in Lsub_n: add_carmichael_pfd(j) this_j = Lsub_n.index(j) for p_a_fcn in Lsub_pfd[this_j]: if len(p_a_fcn)>0: if p_a_fcn[0] in p_list_fcn: p_list_id_fcn = p_list_fcn.index(p_a_fcn[0]) a_list_fcn[p_list_id] = max(a_list_fcn[p_list_id_fcn],p_a_fcn[1]) else: p_list_fcn.append(p_a_fcn[0]) a_list_fcn.append(p_a_fcn[1]) #print p_list_fcn #print a_list_fcn for j in xrange(len(p_list_fcn)): if not p_list_fcn[j]==2: #p=2 has a different formula a_list_fcn[j] = max_pow( n / carmichael_1fact(p_list_fcn[j],a_list_fcn[j]) ,p_list_fcn[j]) + a_list_fcn[j]
print 'have ' + str(total+1) + ' lambda(p**1) values: ' + str(t3-t2) #print lambda_list t5 =t3 #begin Lsub_list at 0 Lsub_list = [0,2,24,2] Lsub_pfd = [[],[(2,1)],[(2,3),(3,1)],[(2,1)]] for n in range(4,total+1): #for each calculation of L_sub[n], iterate through all divisors of n #for each divisor, get the prime factor decomposition (pfd) st. L_sub[divisor] = p1**a1 * .. * pn**an #for each prime, p get the max value a, s.t. a = max(a_divisor1, ..., a_divisor_n) #if n+1 is prime, then include (n+1)**1 in the pdf for L_sub[n] #if not prime, attach (2,1) ... this saves us from using an "if statement" as we iterate below Lsub_pfd.append([(2,1)]) #if (n+1) in primes_list: if sum(1 for div in divisorGen(n+1)): #first look if n+1 is prime, if yes add Lsub_pfd[n].append((n+1,1)) if n in powers_of_2_list: #also check if this new value is a power of 2 Lsub_pfd[n].append((2,2+int(math.log(n,2)))) #print Lsub_pfd divisors = list(divisorGen(n)) #aggregate the prime fact decomps of the max_pfd for each divisor #merge like primes by keeping the max value for a p_list = [] a_list = [] for i in divisors:
''' Created on Nov 22, 2015 @author: Trader ''' from PE003_Largest_Prime_Factor import divisorGen a_list = [] #for i in range(11,28123+1): for i in range(11,28123+1): if 2*i < sum(divisorGen(i)): a_list.append(i) print 'done abundant list' print len(a_list) print max(a_list) sum_list = [] for i in xrange(len(a_list)): for j in xrange(i, len(a_list)): if not i+j in sum_list: sum_list.append(i+j) print 'done the sum list' print len(sum_list) not_sum_list = [] for i in range(28123): if not i in sum_list: not_sum_list.append(i) print sum(not_sum_list)
''' Created on Nov 22, 2015 @author: Trader ''' from PE003_Largest_Prime_Factor import divisorGen d_list=[0,1] for i in range(2,10000+1): d_list.append(sum(divisorGen(i))-i) a_list = [] for i in range(2,10000+1): if i not in a_list: if i<>d_list[i]: if d_list[i] <10001: if d_list[d_list[i]]==i: a_list.append(i) a_list.append(d_list[i]) print a_list print sum(a_list)