コード例 #1
ファイル: PERIxmlGen.py プロジェクト: karavan66/PerfTrack
def translateRun(runFile, runXML):
        iF = open(runFile, 'r')
        print "in transateRun: Unable to open %s for reading." % runFile

    attrs = AttrVal()

    # get the attribute value pairs
    line = iF.readline()
    while line != '':
        # get this value
        nvlist = re.split('=', line, 1)
        if len(nvlist) == 1:
            [n] = nvlist
            [n, v] = nvlist
            attrs.addPair(n, v)
        line = iF.readline()


    if attrs.getFirst()[0] != "RunDataBegin":
        raise PTexception("Missing RunDataBegin in run data file for: %s" %
    if attrs.getLast()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
        raise PTexception("Missing RunDataEnd in run data file for: %s" %
    # make a peri object
    peri = PERIxml()

    # create the run
    run = peri.createRun()

    getRunData(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
        getSubmissionData(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
        getFileSystems(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
        getLibraries(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
        getInputDecks(attrs, peri, run)

コード例 #2
def translateRun(runFile, runXML):
       iF = open(runFile,'r')
       print "in transateRun: Unable to open %s for reading." % runFile

    attrs = AttrVal()

    # get the attribute value pairs
    line = iF.readline()
    while line != '':
        # get this value
        nvlist = re.split('=', line, 1)
        if len(nvlist) == 1:
           [n] = nvlist
           [n,v] = nvlist
        line = iF.readline()


    if attrs.getFirst()[0] != "RunDataBegin":
       raise PTexception("Missing RunDataBegin in run data file for: %s" % runFile)
    if attrs.getLast()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
       raise PTexception("Missing RunDataEnd in run data file for: %s" % runFile) 
    # make a peri object
    peri = PERIxml()

    # create the run
    run = peri.createRun()

    getRunData(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
       getSubmissionData(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
       getFileSystems(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
       getLibraries(attrs, peri, run)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "RunDataEnd":
       getInputDecks(attrs, peri, run)

コード例 #3
ファイル: PERIxmlGen.py プロジェクト: karavan66/PerfTrack
def translateBuild(buildFile, buildXML):
        iF = open(buildFile, 'r')
        print "in transateBuild: Unable to open %s for reading." % buildFile

    attrs = AttrVal()

    # get the attribute value pairs
    line = iF.readline()
    while line != '':
        # get this value
        nvlist = re.split('=', line, 1)
        if len(nvlist) == 1:
            [n] = nvlist
            [n, v] = nvlist
            attrs.addPair(n, v)
        line = iF.readline()


    if attrs.getFirst()[0] != "BuildDataBegin":
        raise PTexception("Missing BuildDataBegin in build data file: %s" %
    if attrs.getLast()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
        raise PTexception("Missing BuildDataEnd in build data file: %s" %

    # create a peri object
    peri = PERIxml()

    # create the build
    build = peri.createBuild()

    getBuildData(attrs, build, peri)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
        getCompilerData(attrs, peri)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
        getLibraries(attrs, peri, build)

コード例 #4
def translateBuild(buildFile, buildXML):
       iF = open(buildFile,'r')
       print "in transateBuild: Unable to open %s for reading." % buildFile

    attrs = AttrVal()

    # get the attribute value pairs
    line = iF.readline()
    while line != '':
        # get this value
        nvlist = re.split('=', line, 1)
        if len(nvlist) == 1:
           [n] = nvlist
           [n,v] = nvlist
        line = iF.readline()


    if attrs.getFirst()[0] != "BuildDataBegin":
       raise PTexception("Missing BuildDataBegin in build data file: %s" % buildFile) 
    if attrs.getLast()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
       raise PTexception("Missing BuildDataEnd in build data file: %s" % buildFile)

    # create a peri object
    peri = PERIxml()

    # create the build 
    build = peri.createBuild()

    getBuildData(attrs, build, peri)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
       getCompilerData(attrs, peri)
    if attrs.getCurrent()[0] != "BuildDataEnd":
       getLibraries(attrs, peri, build)

コード例 #5
def main(argv=None):

    __version__ = '1.0.1'

    ## parse the command line
    usage = "%prog  systemScan [-h] [-d] [-m module name] [-f config file] [-p]"
    #version = "%prog 1.0.1"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog " + __version__)
    parser.add_option ("-d", "--debug", dest="debugMode", \
                       help="Enable debug mode", default=1)
    parser.add_option ("-m", "--module", dest="module", \
                       help="Name of Python module containing attribute " +\
                       "classes to load. The default file is pt_proc.", \
    parser.add_option ("-f", "--configfile", dest="configFile", \
                       help="Name of configuration file containing machine " +\
                       "configuration data.  The default file for PTdf is ./iMDL.cfg."\
                       " The default for PERI xml is ./PERIiMDL.cfg. Look in "\
                       "the perftrack/share directory for example files.", \
    parser.add_option ("-o", "--outfile", dest="outputFile", \
                       help="Name of output file. Default name is " +\
                       "systemScan.ptdf (or systemScan.xml if PERI output is "\
                       " selected).", default="systemScan.ptdf")
    parser.add_option ("-p", "--peri", dest="PERIxml", action="store_true",\
                       help="Change output format to PERI xml. Default is PTdf."\

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    _debug = options.debugMode
    attrModule = options.module
    configFileName = options.configFile
    if options.PERIxml:
        outputFormat = "PERIxml"
        outputFileName = options.outputFile.replace(".ptdf", ".xml")
        if options.configFile == "iMDL.cfg":
            configFileName = "PERIiMDL.cfg"
        from PERIxml import PERIxml
        outputFormat = "PTdf"
        outputFileName = options.outputFile

    ## unknown string
    unknownStr = "Unknown"
    dqStr = '"'
    sqStr = "'"

    # Create Logging object
    logObj = gmLogger.gmlog()
    logObj.gmLogWrite(2, "Host System Method Version: " + __version__)

    # Load the user specified attribute module
    logObj.gmLogWrite(0, "Loading Atribute Module Name: " + attrModule)
    moduleObj = _get_mod(attrModule)
    logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Loaded Atribute Module Name: " + attrModule + \
                      " " + moduleObj.__version__)

    # Create the MDL objects
    m_mdl = iMDL.imdl(configFileName, outputFormat)
    if outputFormat == "PTdf":
        ptdf_mdl = ptdf.PerfTrackDataFormat()
    elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":
        peri = PERIxml()

    # Get all the class definitions in the user specified module
    # We only want the class definitions that are a child
    # of superclass baseAttrib. Create a dictionary of class instances
    # indexed by resource type
    # that we know are attribute gathering functions.
    attribFuncsByType = {}
    for key in moduleObj.__dict__:
        # Dont look at special attributes or attributes that are not class objects
        if key[0:2] != "__" and type(
                moduleObj.__dict__[key]) == types.ClassType:
            # Dont get the super class
            if key != "baseAttrib":
                # Only get class objects that are children of the super class
                if issubclass(moduleObj.__dict__[key], \
                    logObj.gmLogWrite(0, "Found Attribute Object: " + key)
                    if moduleObj.__dict__[key]().attribFuncReq():
                        continue  # the function does not work on this system, so ignore
                    # get the resource type the function gathers data for
                    restype = \
                       m_mdl.getResourceTypeFor(key,"") #TODO 2nd arg is supposed
                    restype = PTcommon.cws(restype)
                    #to be attribute Name, but it's not used in the function,
                    # so it doesn't matter
                    # if you don't get type from MDL, ask the object
                    if restype == unknownStr:
                        restype = moduleObj.__dict__[key](
                        restype = restype.strip("'")
                        logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Resource Type determined by object " + \
                            0, "Resource Type determined by iMDL " + restype)
                    restype = PTcommon.cws(restype)

                    #TODO get restype from the MDL
                    if restype.upper() in attribFuncsByType.keys():
                        attribFuncsByType[restype.upper()].append((key, \
                        attribFuncsByType[restype.upper()] = [
                            (key, moduleObj.__dict__[key]())

    #print attribFuncsByType

    resources = m_mdl.getResources()
    if resources == unknownStr:
        print "No resource names were found for this system. Perhaps you forgot to specify a configuration file with the -f option?"

    for resName, resType in resources:
        logObj.gmLogWrite(0, "Working on resource " + resName)
        attribFuncs = []
            attribFuncs = attribFuncsByType[resType.upper()]
                0, "There are no attribute functions for " + resName)
        resourceTypeHierarchy = \
        if resourceTypeHierarchy != unknownStr:
            ## Populate the hierarchy with real resource names.
            ## At this point, the only resource name we know is
            ## the resource name of the leaf node.
            ## We must ask the iMDL for all the parent names.
            ## The MDL also has the ability to override what we think
            ## the leaf node name is now.

            ##  create the parent names one at a time
            ## from the type hierarchy
            resourceNameHierarchy = ""
            for key1 in resourceTypeHierarchy.split("/"):
                if len(key1) > 0:
                    tmpResourceName = \
                    resourceNameHierarchy = resourceNameHierarchy + "/" + \
            resourceNameHierarchy = resourceNameHierarchy + "/" + resName.strip(
            resourceNameHierarchy = PTcommon.cws(resourceNameHierarchy)
            logObj.gmLogWrite(0, "Resource Name Hierarchy has been " + \
               "constructed: " + resourceNameHierarchy)
            #print "Resource Name Hierarchy has been constructed: " + \

        logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"iMDL determined Resource Type: " + resType + \
                          " Hierarchy is " + resourceTypeHierarchy)

        resourceTypeHierarchy = resourceTypeHierarchy + "/" + resType.strip(
        #print "Resource Type Hierarchy has been constructed: " + \

        if outputFormat == "PTdf":
                     [1:]] = resourceTypeHierarchy.split("/")[1:]
        elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":

        for fname, instance in attribFuncs:
            attributeName = m_mdl.getAttribNameFor(fname)
            #print attributeName
            if attributeName == unknownStr:
                attributeName = instance.attribDefaultName()
                logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Attribute Name determined by object. " +\
                logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Attribute Name determined by iMDL. " + \
            attributeName = PTcommon.cws(attributeName)
            # check if there's a resource name override in the config file
            # for this attribute function
            tmpResourceName = m_mdl.getOverrideResourceNameHierarchyFor(key)
            if tmpResourceName == unknownStr:
                tmpResourceName = resourceNameHierarchy
                tmpResourceName = PTcommon.cws(tmpResourceName)
            #print "final resourcename is %s" % tmpResourceName

            # Get the attribute value this object returns. Finally!!
            ## This is the call to run the data collection method
            attributeValue = instance.attribFunc(resName)
            if not isinstance(attributeValue, list):
                attributeValue = PTcommon.cws(str(attributeValue))
               future work: support multi-item return (i.e. list, tuples,)
            #print "attributeValue is %s" % (attributeValue)

            if outputFormat == "PTdf":
                # Convert to something the ptdf object can use.
                #print "resourceTypeHierarchy: %s" % resourceTypeHierarchy

                tmpType = resourceTypeHierarchy.strip("'")
                tmpTypeList = tmpType.split("/")
                #print "Type List: " + str(tmpTypeList)

                #print "resourceNameHierarchy: %s" % resourceNameHierarchy
                tmpName = resourceNameHierarchy.strip("'")
                tmpNameList = tmpName.split("/")

                try:  #list.index() throws exception if not found
                    ind = tmpNameList.index('')
                    del tmpNameList[ind]
                except ValueError:
                if tmpNameList[0] == dqStr:
                    #print "!!! found a multi word rnh !!!"
                    tmpNameList[1] = dqStr + tmpNameList[1]
                    #print tmpNameList[0] + " --- " + tmpNameList[1]
                    del tmpNameList[0]

                #print "Name List: " + str(tmpNameList)

                ## create the PTDF
                ## Create the Resource Type and Name
                ptdf_mdl[tmpNameList] = tmpTypeList
                #print "ptdf_mdl" + str(tmpNameList) + " = " + str(tmpTypeList)
                ## Add the attribute name and value
                ptdf_mdl[tmpNameList][attributeName.strip("'")] = \
                #print "ptdf_mdl" + str(tmpNameList) + "[" + \
            elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":
                peri.addAttribute(resourceNameHierarchy, resourceTypeHierarchy,

    # Write the PTDF file
    if outputFormat == "PTdf":
        oFile = open(outputFileName, "w")
    elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":

    logObj.gmLogWrite(3, "Host System Method")
コード例 #6
def main (argv=None):

   __version__ = '1.0.1'

   ## parse the command line
   usage = "%prog  systemScan [-h] [-d] [-m module name] [-f config file] [-p]" 
   #version = "%prog 1.0.1"
   parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog " + __version__)
   parser.add_option ("-d", "--debug", dest="debugMode", \
                      help="Enable debug mode", default=1)
   parser.add_option ("-m", "--module", dest="module", \
                      help="Name of Python module containing attribute " +\
                      "classes to load. The default file is pt_proc.", \
   parser.add_option ("-f", "--configfile", dest="configFile", \
                      help="Name of configuration file containing machine " +\
                      "configuration data.  The default file for PTdf is ./iMDL.cfg."\
                      " The default for PERI xml is ./PERIiMDL.cfg. Look in "\
                      "the perftrack/share directory for example files.", \
   parser.add_option ("-o", "--outfile", dest="outputFile", \
                      help="Name of output file. Default name is " +\
                      "systemScan.ptdf (or systemScan.xml if PERI output is "\
                      " selected).", default="systemScan.ptdf")
   parser.add_option ("-p", "--peri", dest="PERIxml", action="store_true",\
                      help="Change output format to PERI xml. Default is PTdf."\

   (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
   _debug = options.debugMode
   attrModule = options.module
   configFileName = options.configFile
   if options.PERIxml:
      outputFormat = "PERIxml"
      outputFileName = options.outputFile.replace(".ptdf",".xml")
      if options.configFile == "iMDL.cfg":
         configFileName = "PERIiMDL.cfg"
      from PERIxml import PERIxml
      outputFormat = "PTdf"
      outputFileName = options.outputFile

   ## unknown string
   unknownStr = "Unknown"
   dqStr      = '"'
   sqStr      = "'"

   # Create Logging object
   logObj = gmLogger.gmlog()
   logObj.gmLogWrite(2,"Host System Method Version: " + __version__)

   # Load the user specified attribute module
   logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Loading Atribute Module Name: " + attrModule)
   moduleObj = _get_mod(attrModule)
   logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Loaded Atribute Module Name: " + attrModule + \
                     " " + moduleObj.__version__)

   # Create the MDL objects
   m_mdl = iMDL.imdl(configFileName, outputFormat)
   if outputFormat == "PTdf":
      ptdf_mdl = ptdf.PerfTrackDataFormat()
   elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":
      peri = PERIxml() 

   # Get all the class definitions in the user specified module
   # We only want the class definitions that are a child
   # of superclass baseAttrib. Create a dictionary of class instances
   # indexed by resource type
   # that we know are attribute gathering functions.
   attribFuncsByType = {}
   for key in moduleObj.__dict__:
      # Dont look at special attributes or attributes that are not class objects
      if key[0:2] != "__" and type(moduleObj.__dict__[key]) == types.ClassType:
         # Dont get the super class
         if key != "baseAttrib":
            # Only get class objects that are children of the super class
            if issubclass(moduleObj.__dict__[key], \
               logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Found Attribute Object: " + key)
               if moduleObj.__dict__[key]().attribFuncReq():
                  continue  # the function does not work on this system, so ignore
               # get the resource type the function gathers data for
               restype = \
                  m_mdl.getResourceTypeFor(key,"") #TODO 2nd arg is supposed
               restype = PTcommon.cws(restype)
                  #to be attribute Name, but it's not used in the function,
                  # so it doesn't matter
               # if you don't get type from MDL, ask the object
               if restype == unknownStr:
                  restype = moduleObj.__dict__[key]().attribDefaultResourceType()
                  restype = restype.strip("'")
                  logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Resource Type determined by object " + \
                  logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Resource Type determined by iMDL " + restype)
               restype = PTcommon.cws(restype)

               #TODO get restype from the MDL
               if restype.upper() in attribFuncsByType.keys(): 
                  attribFuncsByType[restype.upper()].append((key, \
                  attribFuncsByType[restype.upper()] = [(key,moduleObj.__dict__[key]())]

   #print attribFuncsByType

   resources = m_mdl.getResources()
   if resources == unknownStr:
      print "No resource names were found for this system. Perhaps you forgot to specify a configuration file with the -f option?"

   for resName,resType in resources:
      logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Working on resource " + resName)
      attribFuncs = []
         attribFuncs = attribFuncsByType[resType.upper()]
         logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"There are no attribute functions for " + resName)
      resourceTypeHierarchy = \
      if resourceTypeHierarchy != unknownStr:
         ## Populate the hierarchy with real resource names.
         ## At this point, the only resource name we know is
         ## the resource name of the leaf node.
         ## We must ask the iMDL for all the parent names.
         ## The MDL also has the ability to override what we think
         ## the leaf node name is now.

         ##  create the parent names one at a time
         ## from the type hierarchy
         resourceNameHierarchy = ""
         for key1 in resourceTypeHierarchy.split("/"):
            if len(key1) > 0:
               tmpResourceName = \
               resourceNameHierarchy = resourceNameHierarchy + "/" + \
         resourceNameHierarchy = resourceNameHierarchy + "/" + resName.strip("'")
         resourceNameHierarchy = PTcommon.cws(resourceNameHierarchy)
         logObj.gmLogWrite(0, "Resource Name Hierarchy has been " + \
            "constructed: " + resourceNameHierarchy)
         #print "Resource Name Hierarchy has been constructed: " + \

      logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"iMDL determined Resource Type: " + resType + \
                        " Hierarchy is " + resourceTypeHierarchy)

      resourceTypeHierarchy = resourceTypeHierarchy + "/" + resType.strip("'")
      #print "Resource Type Hierarchy has been constructed: " + \
      if outputFormat == "PTdf":
         ptdf_mdl[resourceNameHierarchy.split('/')[1:]] = resourceTypeHierarchy.split("/")[1:]
      elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":
         peri.createPERIelement(resourceNameHierarchy, resourceTypeHierarchy)

      for fname,instance in attribFuncs:
         attributeName = m_mdl.getAttribNameFor(fname)
         #print attributeName
         if attributeName == unknownStr:
            attributeName = instance.attribDefaultName()
            logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Attribute Name determined by object. " +\
            logObj.gmLogWrite(0,"Attribute Name determined by iMDL. " + \
         attributeName = PTcommon.cws(attributeName)
         # check if there's a resource name override in the config file
         # for this attribute function
         tmpResourceName = m_mdl.getOverrideResourceNameHierarchyFor(key)
         if tmpResourceName == unknownStr:
            tmpResourceName = resourceNameHierarchy
            tmpResourceName = PTcommon.cws(tmpResourceName)
         #print "final resourcename is %s" % tmpResourceName

         # Get the attribute value this object returns. Finally!!
         ## This is the call to run the data collection method
         attributeValue = instance.attribFunc(resName)
         if not isinstance(attributeValue, list):
            attributeValue = PTcommon.cws(str(attributeValue))
               future work: support multi-item return (i.e. list, tuples,)
         #print "attributeValue is %s" % (attributeValue)

         if outputFormat == "PTdf":
             # Convert to something the ptdf object can use.
             #print "resourceTypeHierarchy: %s" % resourceTypeHierarchy
             tmpType = resourceTypeHierarchy.strip("'") 
             tmpTypeList = tmpType.split("/")
             #print "Type List: " + str(tmpTypeList)
             #print "resourceNameHierarchy: %s" % resourceNameHierarchy
             tmpName = resourceNameHierarchy.strip("'")
             tmpNameList = tmpName.split("/")
             try:  #list.index() throws exception if not found
                ind = tmpNameList.index('')
                del tmpNameList[ind]
             except ValueError:
             if tmpNameList[0] == dqStr:
                #print "!!! found a multi word rnh !!!"
                tmpNameList[1] = dqStr + tmpNameList[1]
                #print tmpNameList[0] + " --- " + tmpNameList[1]
                del tmpNameList[0]

             #print "Name List: " + str(tmpNameList)

             ## create the PTDF
             ## Create the Resource Type and Name
             ptdf_mdl[tmpNameList] = tmpTypeList
             #print "ptdf_mdl" + str(tmpNameList) + " = " + str(tmpTypeList)
             ## Add the attribute name and value
             ptdf_mdl[tmpNameList][attributeName.strip("'")] = \
             #print "ptdf_mdl" + str(tmpNameList) + "[" + \
         elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":
             peri.addAttribute(resourceNameHierarchy, resourceTypeHierarchy, attributeName.strip("'").strip('"'), attributeValue.strip("'").strip('"'))

   # Write the PTDF file
   if outputFormat == "PTdf":
      oFile = open(outputFileName, "w")
   elif outputFormat == "PERIxml":

   logObj.gmLogWrite(3,"Host System Method")
コード例 #7
ファイル: ptrun.py プロジェクト: heathharrelson/PerfTrack
def printInPERIformat(filename, launchTime, userName, appname, exeName,run_machine, run_OS_name, run_OS_release_version, run_OS_release_type, runEnvVars, page_size, numberOfNodes, numberOfProcesses, processesPerNode, numberOfThreads, usesMPI, usesOpenMP, usesPthreads, sub, fs, dynLibs, iDecks ):

    from PERIxml import PERIxml

    peri = PERIxml()
    run = peri.createRun()
    peri.createTime(launchTime, run)

    # application
    # this is required, so if unknown, say so
    if appname == "":
       appname = "unknown"
    app = peri.createProgram(appname, run)
    peri.setProgramAttribute(app, "version", "")

    # person
    if userName != "":
       peri.createPerson(userName, run)

    #operating system
    if run_OS_name != "":
        os = peri.createOperatingSystem(run_OS_name, run)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "version", run_OS_release_version) 
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "release type", run_OS_release_type) 

    #environment variables
    RunEnv = [] # hold the environment vars, (name, value) tuple list
    RunEnv = StringToList("","@@@", runEnvVars)
    if len(RunEnv) > 0:
       env = peri.createEnvironment(None, run)
    for nme,val in RunEnv:
       peri.setEnvironmentAttribute(env, nme, val)

    # other attributes of execution are ignored for now because they
    # can't be expressed in PERI xml
    # page_size, numberOfNodes, numberOfProcesses, processesPerNode, numberOfThreads, usesMPI, usesOpenMP, usesPthreads

    # call the submission object, ask it to add to the xml
    sub.PERIformat(peri, run)

    # call the filesystems object, ask it to add to the xml
    fs.PERIformat(peri, run)

    # get library info
    if len(dynLibs) > 0:
       libs = peri.createLibrarySet(None,run)
    for lib in dynLibs:

    # get input deck info
    if len(iDecks) > 0:
       iset = peri.createInputs(None,run)
    for (f,mt) in iDecks:
       peri.createFile(f, iset)

コード例 #8
ファイル: ptrun.py プロジェクト: karavan66/PerfTrack
def printInPERIformat(filename, launchTime, userName, appname, exeName,
                      run_machine, run_OS_name, run_OS_release_version,
                      run_OS_release_type, runEnvVars, page_size,
                      numberOfNodes, numberOfProcesses, processesPerNode,
                      numberOfThreads, usesMPI, usesOpenMP, usesPthreads, sub,
                      fs, dynLibs, iDecks):

    from PERIxml import PERIxml

    peri = PERIxml()
    run = peri.createRun()
    peri.createTime(launchTime, run)

    # application
    # this is required, so if unknown, say so
    if appname == "":
        appname = "unknown"
    app = peri.createProgram(appname, run)
    peri.setProgramAttribute(app, "version", "")

    # person
    if userName != "":
        peri.createPerson(userName, run)

    #operating system
    if run_OS_name != "":
        os = peri.createOperatingSystem(run_OS_name, run)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "version", run_OS_release_version)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "release type",

    #environment variables
    RunEnv = []  # hold the environment vars, (name, value) tuple list
    RunEnv = StringToList("", "@@@", runEnvVars)
    if len(RunEnv) > 0:
        env = peri.createEnvironment(None, run)
    for nme, val in RunEnv:
        peri.setEnvironmentAttribute(env, nme, val)

    # other attributes of execution are ignored for now because they
    # can't be expressed in PERI xml
    # page_size, numberOfNodes, numberOfProcesses, processesPerNode, numberOfThreads, usesMPI, usesOpenMP, usesPthreads

    # call the submission object, ask it to add to the xml
    sub.PERIformat(peri, run)

    # call the filesystems object, ask it to add to the xml
    fs.PERIformat(peri, run)

    # get library info
    if len(dynLibs) > 0:
        libs = peri.createLibrarySet(None, run)
    for lib in dynLibs:
        lib.PERIformat(peri, libs)

    # get input deck info
    if len(iDecks) > 0:
        iset = peri.createInputs(None, run)
    for (f, mt) in iDecks:
        peri.createFile(f, iset)
