def _loadMergeOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Merge Options groupbox (which is a groupbox within the B{Advanced Options group box}). @param inPmGroupBox: The Merge Options groupbox @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} @WARNING: This method initializes some instance varaiables for various checkboxes. (Example: self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.default = False). This won't be needed once is cleaned up. """ self.mergeCopiesCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = 'Merge copies' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.default = False self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.attr = 'whendone_all_one_part' self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.repaintQ = False self.extrudePrefMergeSelection = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = 'Merge selection' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.extrudePrefMergeSelection.default = False self.extrudePrefMergeSelection.attr = 'whendone_merge_selection' self.extrudePrefMergeSelection.repaintQ = False
def _loadJoinOptionsGroupbox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in this group box. """ self.clickToJoinDnaStrandsCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox , text = 'Click on strand to join', widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.clickToJoinDnaStrandsCheckBox, joinStrandsCommand_clickToJoinDnaStrands_prefs_key ) self.recursive_clickToJoinDnaStrandsCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox , text = 'Recursively join strands', widgetColumn = 1, spanWidth = True) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.recursive_clickToJoinDnaStrandsCheckBox, joinStrandsCommand_recursive_clickToJoinDnaStrands_prefs_key) if not env.prefs[joinStrandsCommand_clickToJoinDnaStrands_prefs_key]: self.recursive_clickToJoinDnaStrandsCheckBox.setEnabled(False)
def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options groupbox (which is a groupbox within the B{Advanced Options group box} ) . @param inPmGroupBox: The Display Options groupbox @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} @WARNING: This method initializes some instance varaiables for various checkboxes. (Example: self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.default = False). This won't be needed once is cleaned up. """ self.showEntireModelCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = 'Show entire model' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.showEntireModelCheckBox.default = False self.showEntireModelCheckBox.attr = 'show_entire_model' self.showEntireModelCheckBox.repaintQ = True self.showBondOffsetCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = 'Show bond-offset spheres' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.showBondOffsetCheckBox.default = False self.showBondOffsetCheckBox.attr = 'show_bond_offsets' self.showBondOffsetCheckBox.repaintQ = True
def _loadPM_CheckBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ PM_CheckBox. """ self.checkBoxGroupBox = \ PM_GroupBox( inPmGroupBox, title = "<b> PM_CheckBox examples</b>" ) self.checkBox1 = \ PM_CheckBox( self.checkBoxGroupBox, text = "Label on left:", widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked, setAsDefault = True, ) self.checkBox2 = \ PM_CheckBox( self.checkBoxGroupBox, text = ": Label on right", widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked, setAsDefault = True, ) self.checkBox3 = \ PM_CheckBox( self.checkBoxGroupBox, text = "CheckBox (spanWidth = True):", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, )
def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options groupbox. @param inPmGroupBox: The Display Options groupbox @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ displayChoices = ['Tubes', 'Spheres'] self.dispModeComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( inPmGroupBox, label = 'Display style:', choices = displayChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = False, spanWidth = False ) self.gridLineCheckBox = PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text="Show grid lines", widgetColumn=0, state=Qt.Checked) self.fullModelCheckBox = PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text="Show model", widgetColumn=0, state=Qt.Unchecked)
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. """ self.nameLineEdit = PM_LineEdit(pmGroupBox, label="Name:") self.lengthLineEdit = PM_LineEdit(pmGroupBox, label="Length:") self.lengthLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.currentResidueComboBox = PM_ComboBox(pmGroupBox, label="Current residue:", setAsDefault=False) BUTTON_LIST = [ ("QToolButton", 1, "Previous residue", "ui/actions/Properties Manager/Previous.png", "", "Previous residue", 0), ("QToolButton", 2, "Next residue", "ui/actions/Properties Manager/Next.png", "", "Next residue", 1) ] self.prevNextButtonRow = \ PM_ToolButtonRow( pmGroupBox, title = "", buttonList = BUTTON_LIST, label = 'Previous / Next:', isAutoRaise = True, isCheckable = False ) self.prevButton = self.prevNextButtonRow.getButtonById(1) self.nextButton = self.prevNextButtonRow.getButtonById(2) self.recenterViewCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Center view on current residue", setAsDefault = True, state = Qt.Unchecked, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.lockEditedCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Lock edited rotamers", setAsDefault = True, state = Qt.Checked, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.showAllResiduesCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Show all residues", setAsDefault = False, state = Qt.Unchecked, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) return
def _loadSelectionOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Selection Options group box. @param inPmGroupBox: The Selection Options box in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ self.selectionFilterCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = "Enable atom selection filter", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.selectionFilterCheckBox.setDefaultValue(False) self.filterlistLE = PM_LineEdit(inPmGroupBox, label="", text="", setAsDefault=False, spanWidth=True) self.filterlistLE.setReadOnly(True) if self.selectionFilterCheckBox.isChecked(): self.filterlistLE.setEnabled(True) else: self.filterlistLE.setEnabled(False) self.showSelectedAtomInfoCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = "Show Selected Atom Info", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked) self.selectedAtomPosGroupBox = \ PM_GroupBox( inPmGroupBox, title = "") self._loadSelectedAtomPosGroupBox(self.selectedAtomPosGroupBox) self.toggle_selectedAtomPosGroupBox(show=0) self.enable_or_disable_selectedAtomPosGroupBox(bool_enable=False) self.reshapeSelectionCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = 'Dragging reshapes selection', widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked ) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref(self.reshapeSelectionCheckBox, reshapeAtomsSelection_prefs_key) env.prefs[reshapeAtomsSelection_prefs_key] = False self.waterCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = "Z depth filter (water surface)", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked )
def _loadProductSpecsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Product specifications group box. @param inPmGroupBox: The roduct specifications box in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ productChoices = ['Rod', 'Ring'] self.extrude_productTypeComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( inPmGroupBox, label = 'Final product:', labelColumn = 0, choices = productChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = False ) # names used in the code, same order #if you comment out items from combobox, you also have to remove them # from this list unless they are at the end!!! self.extrude_productTypeComboBox_ptypes = ["straight rod", \ "closed ring", \ "corkscrew"] self.extrudeSpinBox_n = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Number of copies:", labelColumn = 0, value = 3, minimum = 1, maximum = 99 ) #@WARNING: This method initializes some instance varaiables for various #checkboxes. (Example: self.mergeCopiesCheckBox.default = False). #These values are needed in This #won't be needed once is cleaned up. -- ninad 2007-09-10 self.extrudeBondCriterionSlider = \ PM_Slider( inPmGroupBox, currentValue = 100, minimum = 0, maximum = 300, label = 'Tolerence' ) self.extrudeBondCriterionLabel = \ self.extrudeBondCriterionSlider.labelWidget self.extrudeBondCriterionSlider_dflt = 100 self.extrudeBondCriterionSlider.setPageStep(5) self.makeBondsCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = 'Make bonds' , widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked ) self.makeBondsCheckBox.default = True self.makeBondsCheckBox.attr = 'whendone_make_bonds' self.makeBondsCheckBox.repaintQ = False
def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options GroupBox @see: DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager. _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox """ #Call the superclass method that loads the cursor text checkboxes. #Note, as of 2008-05-19, the superclass, DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager #only loads the cursor text groupboxes. Subclasses like this can #call custom methods like self._loadCursorTextCheckBoxes etc if they #don't need all groupboxes that the superclass loads. _superclass._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox) self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox, title='Rubber band line:') dnaLineChoices = ['Ribbons', 'Ladder'] self.dnaRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , label = " Display as:", choices = dnaLineChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.lineSnapCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , text = 'Enable line snap' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked )
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 1. """ self.nameLineEdit = PM_LineEdit(pmGroupBox, label="Name:", text="", setAsDefault=False) self.numberOfBasesSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Number of bases:", value = self._numberOfBases, setAsDefault = False, minimum = 2, maximum = 10000 ) self.disableStructHighlightingCheckbox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Don't highlight while editing DNA", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = True ) #As of 2008-03-31, the properties such as number of bases will be #editable only by using the resize handles. self.numberOfBasesSpinBox.setEnabled(False) return
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ load widgets in groupbox1 """ self._loadSegmentListWidget(pmGroupBox) self.crossoversBetGivenSegmentsOnly_checkBox = PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text="Between above segments only", widgetColumn=0, setAsDefault=True, spanWidth=True, ) #If this preferece value is True, the search algotithm will search for #the potential crossover sites only *between* the segments in the #segment list widget (thus ignoring other segments not in that list) if env.prefs[ makeCrossoversCommand_crossoverSearch_bet_given_segments_only_prefs_key]: self.crossoversBetGivenSegmentsOnly_checkBox.setCheckState( Qt.Checked) else: self.crossoversBetGivenSegmentsOnly_checkBox.setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked) self.makeCrossoverPushButton = PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox, label="", text="Make All Crossovers", spanWidth=True)
def _loadGroupBox3(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. """ self.enableMaterialPropertiesComboBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "On") self.finishDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, maximum = 1.0, minimum = 0.0, decimals = 2, singleStep = .1, label = "Finish:") self.shininessDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, maximum = 60, minimum = 15, decimals = 2, label = "Shininess:") self.brightnessDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, maximum = 1.0, minimum = 0.0, decimals = 2, singleStep = .1, label = "Brightness:") return
def _loadRotateGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Rotate group box, @param inPmGroupBox: The Rotate GroupBox in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ rotateChoices = ["Free Drag", "By Specified Angle"] self.rotateComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( inPmGroupBox, label = '', choices = rotateChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = False, spanWidth = True ) self.rotateAsUnitCB = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = 'Rotate as a unit' , widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked ) self.freeDragRotateGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(inPmGroupBox) self._loadFreeDragRotateGroupBox(self.freeDragRotateGroupBox) self.bySpecifiedAngleGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(inPmGroupBox) self._loadBySpecifiedAngleGroupBox(self.bySpecifiedAngleGroupBox) self.updateRotateGroupBoxes(0)
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in 1st group box. @param pmGroupBox: The 1st group box in the PM. @type pmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ self.widthDblSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, label = "Width:", value = 16.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 10000.0, # 1000 nm singleStep = 1.0, decimals = 1, suffix = ' Angstroms') self.heightDblSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, label =" Height:", value = 16.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 10000.0, # 1000 nm singleStep = 1.0, decimals = 1, suffix = ' Angstroms') self.aspectRatioCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'Maintain Aspect Ratio of:' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Unchecked ) self.aspectRatioSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "", value = 1.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.1, maximum = 10.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 2, suffix = " to 1.00") if self.aspectRatioCheckBox.isChecked(): self.aspectRatioSpinBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.aspectRatioSpinBox.setEnabled(False)
def _loadAdvancedOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Advanced Options group box. @param inPmGroupBox: The Advanced Options box in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ self.autoBondCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = 'Auto bond', widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked ) self.highlightingCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = "Hover highlighting", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked )
def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the second group box. """ self.headerdata_seq = ['', 'ID', 'Set', 'BR', 'Descriptor'] self.recenterViewCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Re-center view on selected residue", setAsDefault = True, widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked) self.selectAllPushButton = PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, text="All", setAsDefault=True) self.selectAllPushButton.setFixedHeight(25) self.selectNonePushButton = PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, text="None", setAsDefault=True) self.selectNonePushButton.setFixedHeight(25) self.selectInvertPushButton = PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, text="Invert", setAsDefault=True) self.selectInvertPushButton.setFixedHeight(25) buttonList = [('PM_PushButton', self.selectAllPushButton, 0, 0), ('PM_PushButton', self.selectNonePushButton, 1, 0), ('PM_PushButton', self.selectInvertPushButton, 2, 0)] self.buttonGrid = PM_WidgetGrid(pmGroupBox, widgetList=buttonList) self.sequenceTable = PM_TableWidget(pmGroupBox) #self.sequenceTable.setModel(self.tableModel) self.sequenceTable.resizeColumnsToContents() self.sequenceTable.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) #self.sequenceTable.setRowCount(0) self.sequenceTable.setColumnCount(5) self.checkbox = QCheckBox() self.sequenceTable.setFixedHeight(345) self.sequenceTable.setGridStyle(Qt.NoPen) self.sequenceTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.headerdata_seq) ###self._fillSequenceTable() self.showSequencePushButton = PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, text="Show Sequence", setAsDefault=True, spanWidth=True)
def _loadAdvancedOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Advanced Options group box. @param inPmGroupBox: The Advanced Options box in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ self.snapGridCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = "Snap to grid", state = Qt.Checked ) tooltip = "Snap selection point to a nearest cell grid point." self.snapGridCheckBox.setToolTip(tooltip) self.freeViewCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = "Enable free view", state = Qt.Unchecked )
def _load5PrimeEndArrowAndCustomColor(self, pmGroupBox): """ Loads 5' end custom color checkbox and color chooser dialog """ self.pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox, title="5' end:") self.arrowsOnFivePrimeEnds_checkBox = PM_CheckBox( self.pmGroupBox2, text="Show arrowhead", widgetColumn=0, setAsDefault=True, spanWidth=True) prefs_key = self._prefs_key_arrowsOnFivePrimeEnds() if env.prefs[prefs_key]: self.arrowsOnFivePrimeEnds_checkBox.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.arrowsOnFivePrimeEnds_checkBox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.strandFivePrimeArrowheadsCustomColorCheckBox = PM_CheckBox( self.pmGroupBox2, text="Display custom color", widgetColumn=0, setAsDefault=True, spanWidth=True) prefs_key = self._prefs_key_dnaStrandFivePrimeArrowheadsCustomColor() self.fivePrimeEndColorChooser = \ PM_ColorComboBox(self.pmGroupBox2, color = env.prefs[prefs_key] ) prefs_key = self._prefs_key_useCustomColorForFivePrimeArrowheads() if env.prefs[prefs_key]: self.strandFivePrimeArrowheadsCustomColorCheckBox.setCheckState( Qt.Checked) else: self.strandFivePrimeArrowheadsCustomColorCheckBox.setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked) self.fivePrimeEndColorChooser.hide() return
def _loadArrowOnBackBone(self, pmGroupBox): """ Loads Arrow on the backbone checkbox """ self.pmGroupBox4 = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox, title="Global preference:") self.arrowsOnBackBones_checkBox = PM_CheckBox( self.pmGroupBox4, text="Show arrows on back bones", widgetColumn=0, setAsDefault=True, spanWidth=True) return
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 4. """ self.nameLineEdit = PM_LineEdit(pmGroupBox, label="Strand name:", text="", setAsDefault=False) self.numberOfBasesSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Number of bases:", value = self._numberOfBases, setAsDefault = False, minimum = 2, maximum = 10000 ) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Bases per turn:", value = self.basesPerTurn, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 8.0, maximum = 20.0, decimals = 2, singleStep = 0.1 ) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Rise:", value = self.duplexRise, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2.0, maximum = 4.0, decimals = 3, singleStep = 0.01 ) self.disableStructHighlightingCheckbox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Don't highlight while editing DNA", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = True ) #As of 2008-03-31, the properties such as number of bases will be #editable only by using the resize handles. post FNANO we will support #the self.numberOfBasesSpinBox.setEnabled(False) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.setEnabled(False) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.setEnabled(False)
def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. @param pmGroupBox: group box that contains protein display choices @see: L{PM_GroupBox} """ proteinStyleChoices = [ 'CA trace (wire)', 'CA trace (cylinders)', 'CA trace (ball and stick)', 'Tube', 'Ladder', 'Zigzag', 'Flat ribbon', 'Solid ribbon', 'Cartoons', 'Fancy cartoons', 'Peptide tiles' ] self.proteinStyleComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Style:", choices = proteinStyleChoices, setAsDefault = True) scaleChoices = ['Constant', 'Secondary structure', 'B-factor'] self.scaleComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Scaling:", choices = scaleChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.scaleFactorDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Scaling factor:", value = 1.00, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.1, maximum = 3.0, decimals = 1, singleStep = 0.1 ) self.splineDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Resolution:", value = 3, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2, maximum = 8, decimals = 0, singleStep = 1 ) self.smoothingCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Smoothing", setAsDefault = True)
def _loadBreakOptionsGroupbox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in this group box. """ self.assignColorToBrokenDnaStrandsCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox , text = 'Assign new color to broken strands', widgetColumn = 1 ) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.assignColorToBrokenDnaStrandsCheckBox, assignColorToBrokenDnaStrands_prefs_key )
def loadCheckBoxGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load PM_CheckBox test widgets in group box. """ self.checkBoxGroupBox = \ PM_GroupBox( inPmGroupBox, title = "<b> PM_CheckBox examples</b>" ) self.checkBox1 = \ PM_CheckBox( self.checkBoxGroupBox, text = "Widget on left:", widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked, setAsDefault = True, ) self.checkBox2 = \ PM_CheckBox( self.checkBoxGroupBox, text = "Widget on right", widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked, setAsDefault = True, )
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. """ #stereoSettingsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( None ) self.stereoEnabledCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = 'Enable Stereo View', widgetColumn = 1 ) stereoModeChoices = [ 'Relaxed view', 'Cross-eyed view', 'Red/blue anaglyphs', 'Red/cyan anaglyphs', 'Red/green anaglyphs' ] self.stereoModeComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Stereo Mode:", choices = stereoModeChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.stereoModeComboBox.setCurrentIndex( env.prefs[stereoViewMode_prefs_key] - 1) self.stereoSeparationSlider = \ PM_Slider( pmGroupBox, currentValue = 50, minimum = 0, maximum = 300, label = 'Separation' ) self.stereoSeparationSlider.setValue( env.prefs[stereoViewSeparation_prefs_key]) self.stereoAngleSlider = \ PM_Slider( pmGroupBox, currentValue = 50, minimum = 0, maximum = 100, label = 'Angle' ) self.stereoAngleSlider.setValue(env.prefs[stereoViewAngle_prefs_key]) self._updateWidgets()
def _addCheckBoxes(self, paramsForCheckBoxes): """ Creates PM_CheckBoxes within the groupbox and also connects each one with its individual prefs key. """ for checkBoxText, prefs_key in paramsForCheckBoxes: checkBox = \ PM_CheckBox( self, text = checkBoxText, widgetColumn = self._checkBoxColumn, state = Qt.Checked) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref(checkBox, prefs_key) self.checkBoxes.append(checkBox)
def _loadFuseOptionsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load the widgets inside the Fuse Options groupbox. """ #@ Warning: If you change fuseChoices, you must also change the # constants MAKEBONDS and FUSEATOMS in # This implementation is fragile and should be fixed. Mark 2008-07-16 fuseChoices = ['Make bonds between chunks', 'Fuse overlapping atoms'] self.fuseComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( inPmGroupBox, label = '', choices = fuseChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = False, spanWidth = True) self.connect(self.fuseComboBox, SIGNAL("activated(const QString&)"), self.parentMode.change_fuse_mode) self.fusePushButton = PM_PushButton( inPmGroupBox, label = "", text = "Make Bonds", spanWidth = True ) self.connect( self.fusePushButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.parentMode.fuse_something) self.toleranceSlider = PM_Slider( inPmGroupBox, currentValue = 100, minimum = 0, maximum = 300, label = \ 'Tolerance:100% => 0 bondable pairs' ) self.connect(self.toleranceSlider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.parentMode.tolerance_changed) self.mergeChunksCheckBox = PM_CheckBox( inPmGroupBox, text = 'Merge chunks', widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked )
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in MotorParamsGroupBox. """ if self.editCommand and self.editCommand.struct: force = self.editCommand.struct.force stiffness = self.editCommand.struct.stiffness enable_minimize = self.editCommand.struct.enable_minimize else: force = 0.0 stiffness = 0.0 enable_minimize = False self.forceDblSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, label = "Force:", value = force, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 5000.0, singleStep = 1.0, decimals = 1, suffix =' pN') self.stiffnessDblSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox(pmGroupBox, label = "Stiffness:", value = stiffness, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 1000.0, singleStep = 1.0, decimals = 1, suffix =' N/m') self.enableMinimizeCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Enable in minimize", widgetColumn = 1 ) self.enableMinimizeCheckBox.setChecked(enable_minimize) self.directionPushButton = \ PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, label = "Direction :", text = "Reverse", spanWidth = False) return
def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. """ #background color combo box self.backgroundColorComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Color:", spanWidth = False) self._loadBackgroundColorItems() self.enableFogCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Enable fog" ) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.enableFogCheckBox, fogEnabled_prefs_key ) return
def _loadMovieControlsGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Movie Controls group box. @param inPmGroupBox: The Movie Controls groupbox in the PM @type inPmGroupBox: L{PM_GroupBox} """ #Movie Slider self.frameNumberSlider = \ PM_Slider( inPmGroupBox, currentValue = 0, minimum = 0, maximum = 999999, label = 'Current Frame: 0/900' ) self.movieFrameUpdateLabel = self.frameNumberSlider.labelWidget #Movie Controls self.movieButtonsToolBar = NE1ToolBar(inPmGroupBox) _movieActionList = [self.movieResetAction, self.moviePlayRevActiveAction, self.moviePlayRevAction, self.moviePauseAction, self.moviePlayAction, self.moviePlayActiveAction, self.movieMoveToEndAction ] for _action in _movieActionList: self.movieButtonsToolBar.addAction(_action) self.moviePlayActiveAction.setVisible(0) self.moviePlayRevActiveAction.setVisible(0) WIDGET_LIST = [("PM_", self.movieButtonsToolBar, 0)] self.moviecontrolsWidgetRow = PM_WidgetRow(inPmGroupBox, widgetList = WIDGET_LIST, spanWidth = True) self.movieLoop_checkbox = PM_CheckBox(inPmGroupBox, text = "Loop", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Unchecked)
def _loadBreakOptionsGroupbox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in this group box. """ self.assignColorToBrokenDnaStrandsCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox , text = 'Assign new color to broken strands', widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.assignColorToBrokenDnaStrandsCheckBox, assignColorToBrokenDnaStrands_prefs_key) self.basesBeforeNextBreakSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Break Every:", value = 3, setAsDefault = False, minimum = 1, maximum = 10000, suffix = " bases" ) connect_spinBox_with_pref( self.basesBeforeNextBreakSpinBox, breakStrandsCommand_numberOfBasesBeforeNextBreak_prefs_key) self.breakAllStrandsButton = PM_PushButton(pmGroupBox, label="", text="do it") self._dnaStrandChooserGroupBox = PM_ObjectChooser( pmGroupBox, self.command,, title="Choose strands ") if not DEBUG_BREAK_OPTIONS_FEATURE: self._dnaStrandChooserGroupBox.hide() self.breakAllStrandsButton.hide() self.basesBeforeNextBreakSpinBox.hide()