class InsertNanotube_PropertyManager(DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager): """ The InsertNanotube_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Build > Nanotube > CNT} command. @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header. @type title: str @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName(). @type name: str @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a 22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header. @type iconPath: str """ title = "Insert Nanotube" pmName = title iconPath = "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/InsertNanotube.png" def __init__(self, win, editCommand): """ Constructor for the Nanotube property manager. """ self.endPoint1 = None self.endPoint2 = None self.nanotube = Nanotube() # A 5x5 CNT. _superclass.__init__(self, win, editCommand) self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON) def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect): """ Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods. This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing. @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot method. @type isConnect: boolean """ if isConnect: change_connect = else: change_connect = change_connect(self.ntTypeComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self._ntTypeComboBoxChanged) change_connect(self.chiralityNSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self._chiralityFixup) change_connect(self.chiralityMSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self._chiralityFixup) change_connect(self.endingsComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self._endingsComboBoxChanged) # This spin box is currently hidden. change_connect(self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self._bondLengthChanged) change_connect(self.showCursorTextCheckBox, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self._update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox) def ok_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the OK button """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing=False) ##env.history.message(self.editCommand.logMessage) def cancel_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the Cancel button. """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.cancelStructure() def _update_widgets_in_PM_before_show(self): """ Update various widgets in this Property manager. Overrides MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show. The various widgets , (e.g. spinboxes) will get values from the structure for which this propMgr is constructed for (self.editcCntroller.struct) @see: MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show @see: where it is called. """ pass def getFlyoutActionList(self): """ Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode, the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls this. """ #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar #including the subcontrolArea actions allActionsList = [] #Action List for subcontrol Area buttons. #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area. #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area' #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area #list). We will set the Comamnd Area palette background color to the #subcontrol area. subControlAreaActionList = [] self.exitEditCommandAction.setChecked(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(self.exitEditCommandAction) separator = QAction(self.w) separator.setSeparator(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(separator) allActionsList.extend(subControlAreaActionList) #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area' commandActionLists = [] #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the #number of actions in subControlArea for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)): lst = [] commandActionLists.append(lst) params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList) return params def _addGroupBoxes(self): """ Add the Insert Nanotube Property Manager group boxes. """ self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Endpoints") self._loadGroupBox1(self._pmGroupBox1) self._pmGroupBox1.hide() self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Parameters") self._loadGroupBox2(self._pmGroupBox2) self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Display Options") self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self._displayOptionsGroupBox) self._pmGroupBox3 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Nanotube Distortion") self._loadGroupBox3(self._pmGroupBox3) self._pmGroupBox3.hide() #@ Temporary. self._pmGroupBox4 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Multi-Walled CNTs") self._loadGroupBox4(self._pmGroupBox4) self._pmGroupBox4.hide() #@ Temporary. self._pmGroupBox5 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Advanced Options") self._loadGroupBox5(self._pmGroupBox5) self._pmGroupBox5.hide() #@ Temporary. def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 1. """ #Following toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary NanotubeLineMode #to create a CNT using endpoints of the specified line. self.specifyCntLineButton = PM_ToolButton( pmGroupBox, text="Specify Endpoints", iconPath="ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png", spanWidth=True) self.specifyCntLineButton.setCheckable(True) self.specifyCntLineButton.setAutoRaise(True) self.specifyCntLineButton.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden # as of 2007- 12 - 05 self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label="End Point 1") self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label="End Point 2") self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.hide() self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.hide() def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 2. """ _ntTypeChoices = ['Carbon', 'Boron Nitride'] self.ntTypeComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Type:", choices = _ntTypeChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Rise:", value = self.nanotube.getRise(), setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2.0, maximum = 4.0, decimals = 3, singleStep = 0.01 ) self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox.hide() # Nanotube Length self.ntLengthLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Nanotube Length: ", text = "0.0 Angstroms", setAsDefault = False) self.ntLengthLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.ntLengthLineEdit.hide() # Nanotube diameter self.ntDiameterLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Diameter: ", setAsDefault = False) self.ntDiameterLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() self.chiralityNSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Chirality (n):", value = self.nanotube.getChiralityN(), minimum = 2, maximum = 100, setAsDefault = True ) self.chiralityMSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Chirality (m):", value = self.nanotube.getChiralityM(), minimum = 0, maximum = 100, setAsDefault = True ) # How about having user prefs for CNT and BNNT bond lengths? # I'm guessing that if the user wants to set these values, they will # do it once and would like those bond length values persist forever. # Need to discuss with others to determine if this spinbox comes out. # --Mark 2008-03-29 self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Bond length:", value = self.nanotube.getBondLength(), setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 3.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) #self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.hide() endingChoices = ["Hydrogen", "None"] # Removed:, "Nitrogen"] self.endingsComboBox= \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Endings:", choices = endingChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = False ) def _loadGroupBox3(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 3. """ self.zDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Z-distortion:", value = 0.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 10.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) self.xyDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "XY-distortion:", value = 0.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 2.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) self.twistSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Twist:", value = 0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0, maximum = 100, # What should maximum be? suffix = " deg/A" ) self.bendSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Bend:", value = 0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0, maximum = 360, suffix = " deg" ) def _loadGroupBox4(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 4. """ # "Number of Nanotubes" SpinBox self.mwntCountSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Number:", value = 1, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1, maximum = 10, suffix = " nanotubes" ) self.mwntCountSpinBox.setSpecialValueText("SWNT") # "Spacing" lineedit. self.mwntSpacingDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Spacing:", value = 2.46, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 10.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) def _loadGroupBox5(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 5. """ self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox, title='Rubber band Line:') ntLineChoices = ['Ladder'] self.ntRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , label = " Display as:", choices = ntLineChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.lineSnapCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , text = 'Enable line snap' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked ) def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self): """ Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key. Overrides DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox """ connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.showCursorTextCheckBox, insertNanotubeEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key) def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self): """ Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected to prefs_keys that allow custom cursor texts. @return: A list containing tuples in the following format: ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox) @rtype: list @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used. @see: Superclass method which is overridden here -- DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ params = \ [ #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key) ("Nanotube length", insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key ), ("Angle", insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key ) ] return params def _addToolTipText(self): """ Tool Tip text for widgets in the Insert Nanotube Property Manager. """ pass def _setEndPoints(self): """ Set the two endpoints of the nanotube using the values from the X, Y, Z coordinate spinboxes in the property manager. @note: The group box containing the 2 sets of XYZ spin boxes are currently hidden. """ # First endpoint (origin) of nanotube x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value() y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value() z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value() # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of nanotube. x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value() y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value() z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value() if not self.endPoint1: self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1) if not self.endPoint2: self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2) self.nanotube.setEndPoints(self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) # Need arg "recompute=True", which will recompute the second # endpoint (endPoint2) using the nanotube rise. def getParameters(self): """ Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create the nanotube. @return: A nanotube instance with its attrs set to the current parameters in the property manager. @rtype: L{Nanotube} @see: L{InsertNanotube_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used """ self._setEndPoints() return (self.nanotube) def _ntTypeComboBoxChanged(self, type): """ Slot for the Type combobox. It is called whenever the Type choice is changed. @param inIndex: The new index. @type inIndex: int """ self.nanotube.setType(str(type)) print "Bond Length =", self.nanotube.getBondLength() self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.setValue(self.nanotube.getBondLength()) #self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.setValue(ntBondLengths[inIndex]) def _bondLengthChanged(self, bondLength): """ Slot for the B{Bond Length} spinbox. """ self.nanotube.setBondLength(bondLength) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() return def _chiralityFixup(self, spinBoxValueJunk=None): """ Slot for several validators for different parameters. This gets called whenever the user changes the n, m chirality values. @param spinBoxValueJunk: This is the Spinbox value from the valueChanged signal. It is not used. We just want to know that the spinbox value has changed. @type spinBoxValueJunk: double or None """ _n, _m = self.nanotube.setChirality(self.chiralityNSpinBox.value(), self.chiralityMSpinBox.value()) #self.n, self.m = self.nanotube.getChirality() self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect=False) self.chiralityNSpinBox.setValue(_n) self.chiralityMSpinBox.setValue(_m) self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect=True) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() def updateNanotubeDiameter(self): """ Update the nanotube Diameter lineEdit widget. """ diameterText = "%-7.4f Angstroms" % (self.nanotube.getDiameter()) self.ntDiameterLineEdit.setText(diameterText) # ntRiseDoubleSpinBox is currently hidden. self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox.setValue(self.nanotube.getRise()) def _endingsComboBoxChanged(self, endings): """ Slot for the B{Ending} combobox. @param endings: The option's text. @type endings: string """ self.nanotube.setEndings(str(endings)) return def _addWhatsThisText(self): """ What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ whatsThis_InsertNanotube_PropertyManager(self) return
class InsertNanotube_PropertyManager( DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager): """ The InsertNanotube_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Build > Nanotube > CNT} command. @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header. @type title: str @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName(). @type name: str @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a 22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header. @type iconPath: str """ title = "Insert Nanotube" pmName = title iconPath = "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/InsertNanotube.png" def __init__( self, win, editCommand ): """ Constructor for the Nanotube property manager. """ self.endPoint1 = None self.endPoint2 = None self.nanotube = Nanotube() # A 5x5 CNT. _superclass.__init__( self, win, editCommand) self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON) def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect): """ Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods. This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing. @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot method. @type isConnect: boolean """ if isConnect: change_connect = else: change_connect = change_connect( self.ntTypeComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self._ntTypeComboBoxChanged ) change_connect(self.chiralityNSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self._chiralityFixup) change_connect(self.chiralityMSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self._chiralityFixup) change_connect(self.endingsComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"), self._endingsComboBoxChanged ) # This spin box is currently hidden. change_connect(self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self._bondLengthChanged) change_connect(self.showCursorTextCheckBox, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self._update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox) def ok_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the OK button """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = False) ##env.history.message(self.editCommand.logMessage) def cancel_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the Cancel button. """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.cancelStructure() def _update_widgets_in_PM_before_show(self): """ Update various widgets in this Property manager. Overrides MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show. The various widgets , (e.g. spinboxes) will get values from the structure for which this propMgr is constructed for (self.editcCntroller.struct) @see: MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show @see: where it is called. """ pass def getFlyoutActionList(self): """ Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode, the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls this. """ #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar #including the subcontrolArea actions allActionsList = [] #Action List for subcontrol Area buttons. #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area. #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area' #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area #list). We will set the Comamnd Area palette background color to the #subcontrol area. subControlAreaActionList =[] self.exitEditCommandAction.setChecked(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(self.exitEditCommandAction) separator = QAction(self.w) separator.setSeparator(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(separator) allActionsList.extend(subControlAreaActionList) #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area' commandActionLists = [] #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the #number of actions in subControlArea for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)): lst = [] commandActionLists.append(lst) params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList) return params def _addGroupBoxes( self ): """ Add the Insert Nanotube Property Manager group boxes. """ self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Endpoints" ) self._loadGroupBox1( self._pmGroupBox1 ) self._pmGroupBox1.hide() self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Parameters" ) self._loadGroupBox2( self._pmGroupBox2 ) self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Display Options" ) self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox( self._displayOptionsGroupBox ) self._pmGroupBox3 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Nanotube Distortion" ) self._loadGroupBox3( self._pmGroupBox3 ) self._pmGroupBox3.hide() #@ Temporary. self._pmGroupBox4 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Multi-Walled CNTs" ) self._loadGroupBox4( self._pmGroupBox4 ) self._pmGroupBox4.hide() #@ Temporary. self._pmGroupBox5 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Advanced Options" ) self._loadGroupBox5( self._pmGroupBox5 ) self._pmGroupBox5.hide() #@ Temporary. def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 1. """ #Following toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary NanotubeLineMode #to create a CNT using endpoints of the specified line. self.specifyCntLineButton = PM_ToolButton( pmGroupBox, text = "Specify Endpoints", iconPath = "ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png", spanWidth = True ) self.specifyCntLineButton.setCheckable(True) self.specifyCntLineButton.setAutoRaise(True) self.specifyCntLineButton.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden # as of 2007- 12 - 05 self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label = "End Point 1") self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label = "End Point 2") self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.hide() self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.hide() def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 2. """ _ntTypeChoices = ['Carbon', 'Boron Nitride'] self.ntTypeComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Type:", choices = _ntTypeChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Rise:", value = self.nanotube.getRise(), setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2.0, maximum = 4.0, decimals = 3, singleStep = 0.01 ) self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox.hide() # Nanotube Length self.ntLengthLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Nanotube Length: ", text = "0.0 Angstroms", setAsDefault = False) self.ntLengthLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.ntLengthLineEdit.hide() # Nanotube diameter self.ntDiameterLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Diameter: ", setAsDefault = False) self.ntDiameterLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() self.chiralityNSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Chirality (n):", value = self.nanotube.getChiralityN(), minimum = 2, maximum = 100, setAsDefault = True ) self.chiralityMSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Chirality (m):", value = self.nanotube.getChiralityM(), minimum = 0, maximum = 100, setAsDefault = True ) # How about having user prefs for CNT and BNNT bond lengths? # I'm guessing that if the user wants to set these values, they will # do it once and would like those bond length values persist forever. # Need to discuss with others to determine if this spinbox comes out. # --Mark 2008-03-29 self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Bond length:", value = self.nanotube.getBondLength(), setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 3.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) #self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.hide() endingChoices = ["Hydrogen", "None"] # Removed:, "Nitrogen"] self.endingsComboBox= \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Endings:", choices = endingChoices, index = 0, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = False ) def _loadGroupBox3(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 3. """ self.zDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Z-distortion:", value = 0.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 10.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) self.xyDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "XY-distortion:", value = 0.0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0.0, maximum = 2.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) self.twistSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Twist:", value = 0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0, maximum = 100, # What should maximum be? suffix = " deg/A" ) self.bendSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Bend:", value = 0, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 0, maximum = 360, suffix = " deg" ) def _loadGroupBox4(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 4. """ # "Number of Nanotubes" SpinBox self.mwntCountSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Number:", value = 1, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1, maximum = 10, suffix = " nanotubes" ) self.mwntCountSpinBox.setSpecialValueText("SWNT") # "Spacing" lineedit. self.mwntSpacingDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox, label = "Spacing:", value = 2.46, setAsDefault = True, minimum = 1.0, maximum = 10.0, singleStep = 0.1, decimals = 3, suffix = " Angstroms" ) def _loadGroupBox5(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 5. """ self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( pmGroupBox, title = 'Rubber band Line:') ntLineChoices = ['Ladder'] self.ntRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , label = " Display as:", choices = ntLineChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.lineSnapCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , text = 'Enable line snap' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked ) def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self): """ Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key. Overrides DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox """ connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.showCursorTextCheckBox , insertNanotubeEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key ) def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self): """ Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected to prefs_keys that allow custom cursor texts. @return: A list containing tuples in the following format: ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox) @rtype: list @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used. @see: Superclass method which is overridden here -- DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ params = \ [ #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key) ("Nanotube length", insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key ), ("Angle", insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key ) ] return params def _addToolTipText(self): """ Tool Tip text for widgets in the Insert Nanotube Property Manager. """ pass def _setEndPoints(self): """ Set the two endpoints of the nanotube using the values from the X, Y, Z coordinate spinboxes in the property manager. @note: The group box containing the 2 sets of XYZ spin boxes are currently hidden. """ # First endpoint (origin) of nanotube x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value() y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value() z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value() # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of nanotube. x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value() y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value() z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value() if not self.endPoint1: self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1) if not self.endPoint2: self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2) self.nanotube.setEndPoints(self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) # Need arg "recompute=True", which will recompute the second # endpoint (endPoint2) using the nanotube rise. def getParameters(self): """ Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create the nanotube. @return: A nanotube instance with its attrs set to the current parameters in the property manager. @rtype: L{Nanotube} @see: L{InsertNanotube_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used """ self._setEndPoints() return (self.nanotube) def _ntTypeComboBoxChanged( self, type ): """ Slot for the Type combobox. It is called whenever the Type choice is changed. @param inIndex: The new index. @type inIndex: int """ self.nanotube.setType(str(type)) print "Bond Length =", self.nanotube.getBondLength() self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.setValue(self.nanotube.getBondLength()) #self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox.setValue(ntBondLengths[inIndex]) def _bondLengthChanged(self, bondLength): """ Slot for the B{Bond Length} spinbox. """ self.nanotube.setBondLength(bondLength) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() return def _chiralityFixup(self, spinBoxValueJunk = None): """ Slot for several validators for different parameters. This gets called whenever the user changes the n, m chirality values. @param spinBoxValueJunk: This is the Spinbox value from the valueChanged signal. It is not used. We just want to know that the spinbox value has changed. @type spinBoxValueJunk: double or None """ _n, _m = self.nanotube.setChirality(self.chiralityNSpinBox.value(), self.chiralityMSpinBox.value()) #self.n, self.m = self.nanotube.getChirality() self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect = False) self.chiralityNSpinBox.setValue(_n) self.chiralityMSpinBox.setValue(_m) self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect = True) self.updateNanotubeDiameter() def updateNanotubeDiameter(self): """ Update the nanotube Diameter lineEdit widget. """ diameterText = "%-7.4f Angstroms" % (self.nanotube.getDiameter()) self.ntDiameterLineEdit.setText(diameterText) # ntRiseDoubleSpinBox is currently hidden. self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox.setValue(self.nanotube.getRise()) def _endingsComboBoxChanged(self, endings): """ Slot for the B{Ending} combobox. @param endings: The option's text. @type endings: string """ self.nanotube.setEndings(str(endings)) return def _addWhatsThisText(self): """ What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ whatsThis_InsertNanotube_PropertyManager(self) return
class InsertDna_PropertyManager(DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager): """ The InsertDna_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Insert Dna} command. @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header. @type title: str @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName(). @type name: str @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a 22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header. @type iconPath: str """ title = "Insert DNA" pmName = title iconPath = "ui/actions/Command Toolbar/BuildDna/InsertDna.png" def __init__(self, command): """ Constructor for the DNA Duplex property manager. """ self.endPoint1 = None self.endPoint2 = None self._conformation = "B-DNA" self._numberOfBases = 0 self._basesPerTurn = getDuplexBasesPerTurn(self._conformation) self._duplexRise = getDuplexRise(self._conformation) self._duplexLength = getDuplexLength(self._conformation, self._numberOfBases) _superclass.__init__(self, command) self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON) def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect): """ Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods. This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing. @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot method. @type isConnect: boolean """ if isConnect: change_connect = else: change_connect = change_connect(self._placementOptions.buttonGroup, SIGNAL("buttonClicked(int)"), self.activateSpecifyReferencePlaneTool) change_connect(self.conformationComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.conformationComboBoxChanged) change_connect(self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.numberOfBasesChanged) change_connect(self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.basesPerTurnChanged) change_connect(self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.duplexRiseChanged) change_connect(self.showCursorTextCheckBox, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self._update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.connectWithState( Preferences_StateRef_double(bdnaRise_prefs_key, env.prefs[bdnaRise_prefs_key])) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.connectWithState( Preferences_StateRef_double(bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key, env.prefs[bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key])) def show(self): self.updateMessage("Specify the DNA parameters below, then click "\ "two endpoints in the graphics area to insert a DNA duplex.") def _addGroupBoxes(self): """ Add the DNA Property Manager group boxes. """ self._pmReferencePlaneGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Placement Options") self._loadReferencePlaneGroupBox(self._pmReferencePlaneGroupBox) self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Endpoints") self._loadGroupBox1(self._pmGroupBox1) self._pmGroupBox1.hide() self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Parameters") self._loadGroupBox2(self._pmGroupBox2) self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Display Options") self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self._displayOptionsGroupBox) def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 3. """ #Folllowing toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary DnaLineMode #to create a DNA using endpoints of the specified line. self.specifyDnaLineButton = PM_ToolButton( pmGroupBox, text="Specify Endpoints", iconPath="ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png", spanWidth=True) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setCheckable(True) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setAutoRaise(True) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden # as of 2007- 12 - 05 self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label="End Point 1") self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label="End Point 2") self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.hide() self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.hide() def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 4. """ self.conformationComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Conformation:", choices = ["B-DNA"], setAsDefault = True) dnaModelChoices = ['PAM3', 'PAM5'] self.dnaModelComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Model:", choices = dnaModelChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Bases per turn:", value = env.prefs[bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key], setAsDefault = True, minimum = 8.0, maximum = 20.0, decimals = 2, singleStep = 0.1 ) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Rise:", value = env.prefs[bdnaRise_prefs_key], setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2.0, maximum = 4.0, decimals = 3, singleStep = 0.01 ) # Strand Length (i.e. the number of bases) self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Base pairs:", value = self._numberOfBases, setAsDefault = False, minimum = 0, maximum = 10000 ) self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox.setDisabled(True) # Duplex Length self.duplexLengthLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Duplex length: ", text = "0.0 Angstroms", setAsDefault = False) self.duplexLengthLineEdit.setDisabled(True) def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options GroupBox @see: DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager. _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox """ #Call the superclass method that loads the cursor text checkboxes. #Note, as of 2008-05-19, the superclass, DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager #only loads the cursor text groupboxes. Subclasses like this can #call custom methods like self._loadCursorTextCheckBoxes etc if they #don't need all groupboxes that the superclass loads. _superclass._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox) self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox, title='Rubber band line:') dnaLineChoices = ['Ribbons', 'Ladder'] self.dnaRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , label = " Display as:", choices = dnaLineChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.lineSnapCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , text = 'Enable line snap' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked ) def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self): """ Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key. Overrides DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox """ connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.showCursorTextCheckBox, dnaDuplexEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key) def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self): """ Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected to prefs_keys that allow custom cursor texts. @return: A list containing tuples in the following format: ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox) @rtype: list @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used. @see: Superclass method which is overridden here -- DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ params = \ [ #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key) ("Number of base pairs", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_numberOfBasePairs_prefs_key), ("Number of turns", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_numberOfTurns_prefs_key), ("Duplex length", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key), ("Angle", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key) ] return params def _addToolTipText(self): """ Tool Tip text for widgets in the DNA Property Manager. """ pass def conformationComboBoxChanged(self, inIndex): """ Slot for the Conformation combobox. It is called whenever the Conformation choice is changed. @param inIndex: The new index. @type inIndex: int """ conformation = self.conformationComboBox.currentText() if conformation == "B-DNA": self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.setValue("10.0") elif conformation == "Z-DNA": self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.setValue("12.0") else: msg = redmsg("conformationComboBoxChanged(): \ Error - unknown DNA conformation. Index = " + inIndex) env.history.message(msg) self.duplexLengthSpinBox.setSingleStep(getDuplexRise(conformation)) def numberOfBasesChanged(self, numberOfBases): """ Slot for the B{Number of Bases} spinbox. """ # Update the Duplex Length lineEdit widget. text = str(getDuplexLength(self._conformation, numberOfBases, self._duplexRise)) \ + " Angstroms" self.duplexLengthLineEdit.setText(text) return def basesPerTurnChanged(self, basesPerTurn): """ Slot for the B{Bases per turn} spinbox. """ self.command.basesPerTurn = basesPerTurn self._basesPerTurn = basesPerTurn return def duplexRiseChanged(self, rise): """ Slot for the B{Rise} spinbox. """ self.command.duplexRise = rise self._duplexRise = rise return def getParameters(self): """ Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create the DNA duplex. @return: A tuple containing the parameters @rtype: tuple @see: L{InsertDna_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used """ numberOfBases = self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox.value() dnaForm = str(self.conformationComboBox.currentText()) basesPerTurn = self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.value() duplexRise = self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.value() dnaModel = str(self.dnaModelComboBox.currentText()) # First endpoint (origin) of DNA duplex x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value() y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value() z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value() # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of DNA duplex. x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value() y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value() z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value() if not self.endPoint1: self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1) if not self.endPoint2: self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2) return (numberOfBases, dnaForm, dnaModel, basesPerTurn, duplexRise, self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) def _addWhatsThisText(self): """ What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ whatsThis_InsertDna_PropertyManager(self)
class DnaDuplexPropertyManager( DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager ): """ The DnaDuplexPropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Build > DNA > Duplex} command. @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header. @type title: str @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName(). @type name: str @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a 22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header. @type iconPath: str """ title = "Insert DNA" pmName = title iconPath = "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/InsertDsDna.png" def __init__( self, win, editCommand ): """ Constructor for the DNA Duplex property manager. """ self.endPoint1 = None self.endPoint2 = None self._conformation = "B-DNA" self._numberOfBases = 0 self._basesPerTurn = getDuplexBasesPerTurn(self._conformation) self._duplexRise = getDuplexRise(self._conformation) self._duplexLength = getDuplexLength(self._conformation, self._numberOfBases) _superclass.__init__( self, win, editCommand) self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON) def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect): """ Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods. This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing. @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot method. @type isConnect: boolean """ if isConnect: change_connect = else: change_connect = change_connect(self._placementOptions.buttonGroup, SIGNAL("buttonClicked(int)"), self.activateSpecifyReferencePlaneTool) change_connect( self.conformationComboBox, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.conformationComboBoxChanged ) change_connect( self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.numberOfBasesChanged ) change_connect( self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.basesPerTurnChanged ) change_connect( self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.duplexRiseChanged ) change_connect(self.showCursorTextCheckBox, SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self._update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.connectWithState( Preferences_StateRef_double( bdnaRise_prefs_key, env.prefs[bdnaRise_prefs_key] ) ) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.connectWithState( Preferences_StateRef_double( bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key, env.prefs[bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key] ) ) def ok_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the OK button """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = False) ##env.history.message(self.editCommand.logMessage) def cancel_btn_clicked(self): """ Slot for the Cancel button. """ if self.editCommand: self.editCommand.cancelStructure() def _update_widgets_in_PM_before_show(self): """ Update various widgets in this Property manager. Overrides superclass method @see: MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show @see: where it is called. """ pass def getFlyoutActionList(self): """ returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode, the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls this """ #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar #including the subcontrolArea actions allActionsList = [] #Action List for subcontrol Area buttons. #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area. #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area' #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area #list). We will set the Comamnd Area palette background color to the #subcontrol area. subControlAreaActionList =[] self.exitEditCommandAction.setChecked(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(self.exitEditCommandAction) separator = QAction(self.w) separator.setSeparator(True) subControlAreaActionList.append(separator) allActionsList.extend(subControlAreaActionList) #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area' commandActionLists = [] #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the #number of actions in subControlArea for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)): lst = [] commandActionLists.append(lst) params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList) return params def _addGroupBoxes( self ): """ Add the DNA Property Manager group boxes. """ self._pmReferencePlaneGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Placement Options" ) self._loadReferencePlaneGroupBox( self._pmReferencePlaneGroupBox ) self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Endpoints" ) self._loadGroupBox1( self._pmGroupBox1 ) self._pmGroupBox1.hide() self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Parameters" ) self._loadGroupBox2( self._pmGroupBox2 ) self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Display Options" ) self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox( self._displayOptionsGroupBox ) def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 3. """ #Folllowing toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary DnaLineMode #to create a DNA using endpoints of the specified line. self.specifyDnaLineButton = PM_ToolButton( pmGroupBox, text = "Specify Endpoints", iconPath = "ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png", spanWidth = True ) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setCheckable(True) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setAutoRaise(True) self.specifyDnaLineButton.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden # as of 2007- 12 - 05 self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label = "End Point 1") self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox, label = "End Point 2") self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.hide() self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.hide() def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box 4. """ self.conformationComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Conformation:", choices = ["B-DNA"], setAsDefault = True) dnaModelChoices = ['PAM3', 'PAM5'] self.dnaModelComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Model:", choices = dnaModelChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Bases per turn:", value = env.prefs[bdnaBasesPerTurn_prefs_key], setAsDefault = True, minimum = 8.0, maximum = 20.0, decimals = 2, singleStep = 0.1 ) self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox = \ PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Rise:", value = env.prefs[bdnaRise_prefs_key], setAsDefault = True, minimum = 2.0, maximum = 4.0, decimals = 3, singleStep = 0.01 ) # Strand Length (i.e. the number of bases) self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox = \ PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, label = "Base pairs:", value = self._numberOfBases, setAsDefault = False, minimum = 0, maximum = 10000 ) self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox.setDisabled(True) # Duplex Length self.duplexLengthLineEdit = \ PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox, label = "Duplex length: ", text = "0.0 Angstroms", setAsDefault = False) self.duplexLengthLineEdit.setDisabled(True) def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options GroupBox @see: DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager. _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox """ #Call the superclass method that loads the cursor text checkboxes. #Note, as of 2008-05-19, the superclass, DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager #only loads the cursor text groupboxes. Subclasses like this can #call custom methods like self._loadCursorTextCheckBoxes etc if they #don't need all groupboxes that the superclass loads. _superclass._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox) self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( pmGroupBox, title = 'Rubber band line:') dnaLineChoices = ['Ribbons', 'Ladder'] self.dnaRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \ PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , label = " Display as:", choices = dnaLineChoices, setAsDefault = True) self.lineSnapCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox , text = 'Enable line snap' , widgetColumn = 1, state = Qt.Checked ) def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self): """ Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key. Overrides DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox """ connect_checkbox_with_boolean_pref( self.showCursorTextCheckBox , dnaDuplexEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key) def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self): """ Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected to prefs_keys that allow custom cursor texts. @return: A list containing tuples in the following format: ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox) @rtype: list @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used. @see: Superclass method which is overridden here -- DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ params = \ [ #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key) ("Number of base pairs", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_numberOfBasePairs_prefs_key), ("Number of turns", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_numberOfTurns_prefs_key), ("Duplex length", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key), ("Angle", dnaDuplexEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key) ] return params def _addToolTipText(self): """ Tool Tip text for widgets in the DNA Property Manager. """ pass def conformationComboBoxChanged( self, inIndex ): """ Slot for the Conformation combobox. It is called whenever the Conformation choice is changed. @param inIndex: The new index. @type inIndex: int """ conformation = self.conformationComboBox.currentText() if conformation == "B-DNA": self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.setValue("10.0") elif conformation == "Z-DNA": self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.setValue("12.0") else: msg = redmsg("conformationComboBoxChanged(): \ Error - unknown DNA conformation. Index = "+ inIndex) env.history.message(msg) self.duplexLengthSpinBox.setSingleStep(getDuplexRise(conformation)) def numberOfBasesChanged( self, numberOfBases ): """ Slot for the B{Number of Bases} spinbox. """ # Update the Duplex Length lineEdit widget. text = str(getDuplexLength(self._conformation, numberOfBases, self._duplexRise)) \ + " Angstroms" self.duplexLengthLineEdit.setText(text) return def basesPerTurnChanged( self, basesPerTurn ): """ Slot for the B{Bases per turn} spinbox. """ self.editCommand.basesPerTurn = basesPerTurn self._basesPerTurn = basesPerTurn return def duplexRiseChanged( self, rise ): """ Slot for the B{Rise} spinbox. """ self.editCommand.duplexRise = rise self._duplexRise = rise return def getParameters(self): """ Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create the DNA duplex. @return: A tuple containing the parameters @rtype: tuple @see: L{DnaDuplex_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used """ numberOfBases = self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox.value() dnaForm = str(self.conformationComboBox.currentText()) basesPerTurn = self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.value() duplexRise = self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.value() dnaModel = str(self.dnaModelComboBox.currentText()) # First endpoint (origin) of DNA duplex x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value() y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value() z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value() # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of DNA duplex. x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value() y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value() z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value() if not self.endPoint1: self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1) if not self.endPoint2: self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2) return (numberOfBases, dnaForm, dnaModel, basesPerTurn, duplexRise, self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) def _addWhatsThisText(self): """ What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ whatsThis_DnaDuplexPropertyManager(self)