def create_file(commandList, plotList, fileName):
    Takes a List of paths found in the .ps and makes js compatible syntax

    input:  Multidimensional list of strings similar to .ps commands
    output: Similar to input but formatted to be paperpJS readable.
    writefile = open(fileName, 'w')

    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_header(writefile, fileName)

    # add the auto sorting functions for the compound path array, and empty path remover.

    # add postscript functions written in javascript
    glyphCounter = 0
    for newPath in commandList:
        functionName = "draw_glyph_" + str(glyphCounter)
        write_postscript_functions(newPath, functionName, writefile)
        glyphCounter += 1

    #for primitive in plotList:
    #    print(primitive)

    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_footer(writefile, rectWidth, rectHeight)

    # done.
コード例 #2
def create_file(commandList, fileName):
    Takes a List of paths found in the .ps and makes js compatible syntax

    input:  Multidimensional list of strings similar to .ps commands
    output: Similar to input but formatted to be paperpJS readable.
    primaryCommands, secondaryCommands = commandList
    writefile = open(fileName, 'w')

    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_header(writefile, fileName)

    # add the auto sorting functions for the compound path array, and empty path remover.

    primaryCounter = 0    
    for obj in primaryCommands:
        functionName = "draw_primary_" + str(primaryCounter)
        write_primary_postScript(obj, functionName, writefile)
        primaryCounter += 1
    secondaryCounter = 0
    for obj in secondaryCommands:
        functionName = "draw_primary_" + str(secondaryCounter)
        write_secondary_postScript(obj, functionName, writefile)
        secondaryCounter += 1
    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_footer(writefile, rectWidth, rectHeight)

    # done.
def create_file(commandList, plotList, fileName):
    Takes a List of paths found in the .ps and makes js compatible syntax

    input:  Multidimensional list of strings similar to .ps commands
    output: Similar to input but formatted to be paperpJS readable.

    writefile = open(fileName, "w")

    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_header(writefile, fileName)

    # add the auto sorting functions for the compound path array, and empty path remover.

    # add postscript functions written in javascript
    glyphCounter = 0
    for newPath in commandList:
        if len(newPath) > 4:
            functionName = "draw_glyph_" + str(glyphCounter)
            write_postscript_functions(newPath, functionName, writefile)
            glyphCounter += 1

    primitiveCounter = 0
    if len(plotList) is not 0:
        # user info
        print(str(len(plotList)) + " primitives to plot")

        for primitive in plotList:
            primitive = strip_strings_in_list(primitive)
            functionName = "draw_primitive_" + str(primitiveCounter)
            write_primitive_postScript(primitive, functionName, writefile)
            primitiveCounter += 1

    if fileName.endswith(".html"):
        write_html_footer(writefile, rectWidth, rectHeight)

    # done.