コード例 #1
    def OnTrack(self, event):
        pipeline = self.dsviewer.pipeline

        if self.tracker == None:
            featNames = [s.strip() for s in self.features.split(',')]

            def _calcWeights(s):
                fw = s.split('*')
                if len(fw) == 2:
                    return float(fw[0]), fw[1]
                    return 1.0, s

            weightedFeats = [_calcWeights(s) for s in featNames]

            feats = np.vstack([w * pipeline[fn] for w, fn in weightedFeats])

            self.tracker = tracking.Tracker(pipeline['t'], feats)

            self.tracker.pNew = self.pNew
            self.tracker.r0 = self.r0
            self.tracker.linkageCuttoffProb = self.pLinkCutoff

        for i in range(1, self.dsviewer.image.data.shape[2]):
            L = self.tracker.calcLinkages(i, i - 1)
            self.tracker.updateTrack(i, L)

        pipeline.selectedDataSource.clumps = self.tracker.clumpIndex
        pipeline.selectedDataSource.setMapping('clumpIndex', 'clumps')

        clumpSizes = np.zeros_like(self.tracker.clumpIndex)

        for i in set(self.tracker.clumpIndex):
            ind = (self.tracker.clumpIndex == i)

            clumpSizes[ind] = ind.sum()

        pipeline.selectedDataSource.clumpSizes = clumpSizes
        pipeline.selectedDataSource.setMapping('clumpSize', 'clumpSizes')
コード例 #2
    def Track(self, objects, newTracker=False):
        """Track objects based on a given set of feature vectors"""
        from PYME.Analysis.Tracking import trackUtils

        if (self._tracker is None) or not (len(self._tracker.t) == len(
                objects['t'])) or newTracker:
            featNames = [s.strip() for s in self.features.split(',')]

            def _calcWeights(s):
                fw = s.split('*')
                if len(fw) == 2:
                    return float(fw[0]), fw[1]
                    return 1.0, s

            weightedFeats = [_calcWeights(s) for s in featNames]

            feats = np.vstack(
                [w * np.array(objects[fn]) for w, fn in weightedFeats])

            self._tracker = tracking.Tracker(
                np.array(objects['t']).astype('i'), feats)

            self._tracker.pNew = self.pNew
            self._tracker.r0 = self.r0
            self._tracker.linkageCuttoffProb = self.pLinkCutoff

        for i in range(1, (int(objects['t'].max()) + 1)):
            L = self._tracker.calcLinkages(i, i - 1)
            self._tracker.updateTrack(i, L)

        clumpSizes = np.zeros_like(self._tracker.clumpIndex)

        for i in set(self._tracker.clumpIndex):
            ind = (self._tracker.clumpIndex == i)

            clumpSizes[ind] = ind.sum()

        trackVelocities = trackUtils.calcTrackVelocity(
            objects['x'], objects['y'], self._tracker.clumpIndex, objects['t'])

        clumpInfo = {
            'clumpIndex': self._tracker.clumpIndex,
            'clumpSize': clumpSizes,
            'trackVelocity': trackVelocities

        pipe = {}
        # pipe = pd.DataFrame(pipe)
        from PYME.IO.tabular import DictSource
        pipe = DictSource(pipe)

        if 'mdh' in dir(objects):
            #propagate metadata
            pipe.mdh = objects.mdh

        clumps = trackUtils.ClumpManager(pipe)

        if self.maxParticleSize > 0 and 'area' in clumps[0].keys():
            clumps = [
                c for c in clumps.all
                if (c.nEvents > self.minTrackLength) and (
                    c.featuremean['area'] < self.maxParticleSize)
            clumps = [
                c for c in clumps.all if (c.nEvents > self.minTrackLength)

        # clumpInfo = pd.DataFrame(clumpInfo)
        clumpInfo = DictSource(clumpInfo)

        if 'mdh' in dir(objects):
            #propagate metadata
            clumpInfo.mdh = objects.mdh

        return clumpInfo, clumps