def OnDeconvICTM(self, event, beadMode=False): from PYME.Deconv.deconvDialogs import DeconvSettingsDialog,DeconvProgressDialog,DeconvProgressPanel dlg = DeconvSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, beadMode,[3]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: from PYME.Deconv import dec, decThread, richardsonLucy nIter = dlg.GetNumIterationss() regLambda = dlg.GetRegularisationLambda() decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.NumIterations'] = nIter decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename #self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressDialog(self.dsviewer, nIter) #self.dlgDeconProg.Show() vx = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.x') vy = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.y') vz = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.z') if beadMode: from PYME.Deconv import beadGen psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(dlg.GetBeadRadius(), (1e3*vx, 1e3*vy, 1e3*vz)) decMDH['Deconvolution.BeadRadius'] = dlg.GetBeadRadius() else: #psf, vs = numpy.load(dlg.GetPSFFilename()) #psf = numpy.atleast_3d(psf) psfFilename, psf, vs = dlg.GetPSF(vshint = vx) decMDH['Deconvolution.PSFFile'] = dlg.GetPSFFilename() if not (vs.x == vx and vs.y == vy and vs.z ==vz): #rescale psf to match data voxel size psf = ndimage.zoom(psf, [vs.x/vx, vs.y/vy, vs.z/vz]) data =[:,:,:, dlg.GetChannel()].astype('f') - dlg.GetOffset() decMDH['Deconvolution.Offset'] = dlg.GetOffset() bg = dlg.GetBackground() decMDH['Deconvolution.Background'] = bg #crop PSF in z if bigger than stack print psf.shape, data.shape if psf.shape[2] > data.shape[2]: dz = psf.shape[2] - data.shape[2] psf = psf[:,:,numpy.floor(dz/2):(psf.shape[2]-numpy.ceil(dz/2))] print((data.shape, psf.shape)) if dlg.GetPadding(): padsize = numpy.array(dlg.GetPadSize()) decMDH['Deconvolution.Padding'] = padsize dp = numpy.ones(numpy.array(data.shape) + 2*padsize, 'f')*data.mean() weights = numpy.zeros_like(dp) px, py, pz = padsize #print data.shape, dp[px:-(px+1), py:-(py+1), pz:-(pz+1)].shape dp[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = data #if dlg.GetRemovePadding(): # data = dp[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz]#should be a slice #else: # data = dp weights[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = 1. weights = weights.ravel() else: dp = data weights = 1 if dlg.GetBlocking(): decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Blocked ICTM' self.checkTQ() from PYME.Deconv import tq_block_dec bs = dlg.GetBlockSize() self.decT = tq_block_dec.blocking_deconv(self.tq, data, psf, self.image.seriesName, blocksize={'y': bs, 'x': bs, 'z': 256}) self.decT.go() else: decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = dlg.GetMethod() if dlg.GetMethod() == 'ICTM': decMDH['Deconvolution.RegularisationParameter'] = regLambda if beadMode: self.dec = dec.dec_bead() else: self.dec = dec.dec_conv() else: if beadMode: self.dec = richardsonLucy.rlbead() else: self.dec = richardsonLucy.dec_conv() self.dec.psf_calc(psf, dp.shape) self.decT = decThread.decThread(self.dec, dp, regLambda, nIter, weights, bg = bg) self.decT.start() tries = 0 while tries < 10 and not hasattr(self.dec, 'fs'): time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if dlg.GetPadding() and dlg.GetRemovePadding(): fs = self.dec.fs[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] else: fs = self.dec.fs im = ImageStack(data = fs, mdh = decMDH, titleStub = 'Deconvolution Result') mode = 'lite' if beadMode: mode = 'psf' im.defaultExt = '*.psf' #we want to save as PSF by default self.res = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer)) #self.res = View3D(fs, 'Deconvolution Result', mdh=decMDH, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer), mode=mode) self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressPanel(self.res, nIter) self.pinfo1 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("deconvPanel").Top().Caption('Deconvolution Progress').DestroyOnClose(True).CloseButton(False)#.MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) self.res._mgr.AddPane(self.dlgDeconProg, self.pinfo1) self.res._mgr.Update() self.deconTimer = mytimer() self.deconTimer.WantNotification.append(self.OnDeconTimer) self.deconTimer.Start(500)
def OnDeconvMovie(self, event, beadMode=False): from PYME.Deconv.deconvDialogs import DeconvSettingsDialog #,DeconvProgressDialog,DeconvProgressPanel #import multiprocessing dlg = DeconvSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, beadMode,[3]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: from PYME.Deconv import dec, richardsonLucy #, decThread nIter = dlg.GetNumIterationss() regLambda = dlg.GetRegularisationLambda() decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.NumIterations'] = nIter decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename #self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressDialog(self.dsviewer, nIter) #self.dlgDeconProg.Show() vx = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.x') vy = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.y') vz = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.z') if beadMode: from PYME.Deconv import beadGen psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(dlg.GetBeadRadius(), (1e3*vx, 1e3*vy, 1e3*vz)) decMDH['Deconvolution.BeadRadius'] = dlg.GetBeadRadius() else: #psf, vs = numpy.load(dlg.GetPSFFilename()) #psf = numpy.atleast_3d(psf) psfFilename, psf, vs = dlg.GetPSF(vshint = vx) decMDH['Deconvolution.PSFFile'] = psfFilename if not (vs.x == vx and vs.y == vy):# and vs.z ==vz): #rescale psf to match data voxel size psf = ndimage.zoom(psf, [vs.x/vx, vs.y/vy, 1]) data =[:,:,:, dlg.GetChannel()].astype('f') - dlg.GetOffset() decMDH['Deconvolution.Offset'] = dlg.GetOffset() bg = dlg.GetBackground() decMDH['Deconvolution.Background'] = bg #crop PSF in z if bigger than stack #print psf.shape, data.shape if psf.shape[2] > data.shape[2]: dz = psf.shape[2] - data.shape[2] psf = psf[:,:,numpy.floor(dz/2):(psf.shape[2]-numpy.ceil(dz/2))] print((data.shape, psf.shape)) dp = numpy.array(data) weights = 1 if dlg.GetBlocking(): decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Blocked ICTM' self.checkTQ() from PYME.Deconv import tq_block_dec bs = dlg.GetBlockSize() self.decT = tq_block_dec.blocking_deconv(self.tq, data, psf, self.image.seriesName, blocksize={'y': bs, 'x': bs, 'z': 256}) self.decT.go() else: decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = dlg.GetMethod() if dlg.GetMethod() == 'ICTM': decMDH['Deconvolution.RegularisationParameter'] = regLambda if beadMode: self.dec = dec.dec_bead() else: self.dec = dec.dec_conv() else: if beadMode: self.dec = richardsonLucy.rlbead() else: self.dec = richardsonLucy.dec_conv() self.dec.psf_calc(psf, dp[:,:,0:1].shape) #print dp.__class__ #self.decT = decThread.decThread(self.dec, dp, regLambda, nIter, weights) #self.decT.start() # p = multiprocessing.Pool() # slices = [(self.dec, psf, dp[:,:,i:(i+1)],regLambda, nIter, weights) for i in range(dp.shape[2])] # r =, slices) # res = numpy.concatenate(r, 2) res = numpy.concatenate([self.dec.deconv(dp[:,:,i:(i+1)], regLambda, nIter, weights, bg=bg).reshape(self.dec.shape) for i in range(dp.shape[2])], 2) im = ImageStack(data = res, mdh = decMDH, titleStub = 'Deconvolution Result') mode = 'lite' self.res = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer))
def OnDeconvMovie(self, event, beadMode=False): from PYME.Deconv.deconvDialogs import DeconvSettingsDialog #,DeconvProgressDialog,DeconvProgressPanel #import multiprocessing dlg = DeconvSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, beadMode,[3]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: from PYME.Deconv import dec, richardsonLucy #, decThread nIter = dlg.GetNumIterationss() regLambda = dlg.GetRegularisationLambda() decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.NumIterations'] = nIter decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename vx, vy, vz = self.image.voxelsize_nm if beadMode: from PYME.Deconv import beadGen psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(dlg.GetBeadRadius(), (vx, vy, vz)) decMDH['Deconvolution.BeadRadius'] = dlg.GetBeadRadius() else: psfFilename, psf, vs = dlg.GetPSF(vshint=vx) decMDH['Deconvolution.PSFFile'] = psfFilename if not (vs.x == vx and vs.y == vy): # and vs.z ==vz): #rescale psf to match data voxel size psf = ndimage.zoom(psf, [vs.x / vx, vs.y / vy, 1]) data =[:, :, :, dlg.GetChannel()].astype( 'f') - dlg.GetOffset() decMDH['Deconvolution.Offset'] = dlg.GetOffset() bg = dlg.GetBackground() decMDH['Deconvolution.Background'] = bg #crop PSF in z if bigger than stack #print psf.shape, data.shape if psf.shape[2] > data.shape[2]: dz = psf.shape[2] - data.shape[2] psf = psf[:, :, numpy.floor(dz / 2):(psf.shape[2] - numpy.ceil(dz / 2))] print((data.shape, psf.shape)) dp = numpy.array(data) weights = 1 if dlg.GetBlocking(): decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Blocked ICTM' self.checkTQ() from PYME.Deconv import tq_block_dec bs = dlg.GetBlockSize() self.decT = tq_block_dec.blocking_deconv(self.tq, data, psf, self.image.seriesName, blocksize={ 'y': bs, 'x': bs, 'z': 256 }) self.decT.go() else: decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = dlg.GetMethod() if dlg.GetMethod() == 'ICTM': decMDH['Deconvolution.RegularisationParameter'] = regLambda if beadMode: self.dec = dec.dec_bead() else: self.dec = dec.dec_conv() else: if beadMode: self.dec = richardsonLucy.rlbead() else: self.dec = richardsonLucy.dec_conv() self.dec.psf_calc(psf, dp[:, :, 0:1].shape) #print dp.__class__ #self.decT = decThread.decThread(self.dec, dp, regLambda, nIter, weights) #self.decT.start() # p = multiprocessing.Pool() # slices = [(self.dec, psf, dp[:,:,i:(i+1)],regLambda, nIter, weights) for i in range(dp.shape[2])] # r =, slices) # res = numpy.concatenate(r, 2) res = numpy.concatenate([ self.dec.deconv( dp[:, :, i:(i + 1)], regLambda, nIter, weights, bg=bg).reshape(self.dec.shape) for i in range(dp.shape[2]) ], 2) im = ImageStack(data=res, mdh=decMDH, titleStub='Deconvolution Result') mode = 'lite' self.res = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer))
def OnDeconvICTM(self, event, beadMode=False): from PYME.Deconv.deconvDialogs import DeconvSettingsDialog, DeconvProgressPanel dlg = DeconvSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, beadMode,[3]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: from PYME.Deconv import dec, decThread, richardsonLucy nIter = dlg.GetNumIterationss() regLambda = dlg.GetRegularisationLambda() decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.NumIterations'] = nIter decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename vx, vy, vz = self.image.voxelsize_nm if beadMode: from PYME.Deconv import beadGen psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(dlg.GetBeadRadius(), (vx, vy, vz)) decMDH['Deconvolution.BeadRadius'] = dlg.GetBeadRadius() else: psfFilename, psf, vs = dlg.GetPSF(vshint=vx) if psf.shape[2] < 2: raise RuntimeError( 'Expepected a 3D PSF for 3D deconvolution. For 2D deconvolution use the DeconvMovie function' ) decMDH['Deconvolution.PSFFile'] = dlg.GetPSFFilename() if not (vs.x == vx and vs.y == vy and vs.z == vz): #rescale psf to match data voxel size psf = ndimage.zoom(psf, [vs.x / vx, vs.y / vy, vs.z / vz]) #crop PSF in z if bigger than stack if psf.shape[2] >[2]: dz = psf.shape[2] -[2] psf = psf[:, :, int(numpy.floor(dz / 2)):int(psf.shape[2] - numpy.ceil(dz / 2))] decMDH['Deconvolution.Offset'] = dlg.GetOffset() bg = dlg.GetBackground() decMDH['Deconvolution.Background'] = bg if beadMode and[3] > 1: #special case for deconvolving multi-channel PSFs data = np.concatenate([[:, :, :, i].astype('f') - dlg.GetOffset() for i in range([3]) ], 0) else: data =[:, :, :, dlg.GetChannel()].astype( 'f') - dlg.GetOffset() if dlg.GetPadding(): padsize = numpy.array(dlg.GetPadSize()) decMDH['Deconvolution.Padding'] = padsize dp = numpy.ones(numpy.array(data.shape) + 2 * padsize, 'f') * data.mean() weights = numpy.zeros_like(dp) px, py, pz = padsize dp[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = data weights[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = 1. weights = weights.ravel() else: dp = data weights = 1 if dlg.GetBlocking(): decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Blocked ICTM' self.checkTQ() from PYME.Deconv import tq_block_dec bs = dlg.GetBlockSize() self.decT = tq_block_dec.blocking_deconv(self.tq, data, psf, self.image.seriesName, blocksize={ 'y': bs, 'x': bs, 'z': 256 }) self.decT.go() else: decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = dlg.GetMethod() if dlg.GetMethod() == 'ICTM': decMDH['Deconvolution.RegularisationParameter'] = regLambda if beadMode: self.dec = dec.dec_bead() else: self.dec = dec.dec_conv() else: if beadMode: self.dec = richardsonLucy.rlbead() else: self.dec = richardsonLucy.dec_conv() self.dec.psf_calc(psf, dp.shape) self.decT = decThread.decThread(self.dec, dp, regLambda, nIter, weights, bg=bg) self.decT.start() tries = 0 while not hasattr(self.dec, 'fs'): if tries > 60: self.decT.kill() raise RuntimeError( 'Initialization not complete after 60s, giving up.' ) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if dlg.GetPadding() and dlg.GetRemovePadding(): fs = self.dec.fs[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] else: fs = self.dec.fs if beadMode and[3] > 1: #special case for bead deconvolution - unwind the stacking nChans =[3] xs = int(fs.shape[0] / nChans) #NOTE: this relies on the slicing returning a view into the underlying data, not a copy fs = [ fs[(i * xs):((i + 1) * xs), :, :] for i in range(nChans) ] im = ImageStack(data=fs, mdh=decMDH, titleStub='Deconvolution Result') mode = 'lite' if beadMode and[1] < 100: mode = 'psf' im.defaultExt = '*.psf' #we want to save as PSF by default self.res = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer)) #self.res = View3D(fs, 'Deconvolution Result', mdh=decMDH, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer), mode=mode) self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressPanel(self.res, nIter) self.pinfo1 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("deconvPanel").Top( ).Caption('Deconvolution Progress').DestroyOnClose( True ).CloseButton( False ) #.MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) self.res._mgr.AddPane(self.dlgDeconProg, self.pinfo1) self.res._mgr.Update() self.deconTimer = mytimer() self.deconTimer.WantNotification.append(self.OnDeconTimer) self.deconTimer.Start(500)
def OnDeconvICTM(self, event, beadMode=False): from PYME.Deconv.deconvDialogs import DeconvSettingsDialog, DeconvProgressDialog, DeconvProgressPanel dlg = DeconvSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, beadMode,[3]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: from PYME.Deconv import dec, decThread, richardsonLucy nIter = dlg.GetNumIterationss() regLambda = dlg.GetRegularisationLambda() decMDH = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(self.image.mdh) decMDH['Deconvolution.NumIterations'] = nIter decMDH['Deconvolution.OriginalFile'] = self.image.filename #self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressDialog(self.dsviewer, nIter) #self.dlgDeconProg.Show() vx = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.x') vy = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.y') vz = self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.z') if beadMode: from PYME.Deconv import beadGen psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(dlg.GetBeadRadius(), (1e3 * vx, 1e3 * vy, 1e3 * vz)) decMDH['Deconvolution.BeadRadius'] = dlg.GetBeadRadius() else: #psf, vs = numpy.load(dlg.GetPSFFilename()) #psf = numpy.atleast_3d(psf) psfFilename, psf, vs = dlg.GetPSF(vshint=vx) decMDH['Deconvolution.PSFFile'] = dlg.GetPSFFilename() if not (vs.x == vx and vs.y == vy and vs.z == vz): #rescale psf to match data voxel size psf = ndimage.zoom(psf, [vs.x / vx, vs.y / vy, vs.z / vz]) data =[:, :, :, dlg.GetChannel()].astype( 'f') - dlg.GetOffset() decMDH['Deconvolution.Offset'] = dlg.GetOffset() bg = dlg.GetBackground() decMDH['Deconvolution.Background'] = bg #crop PSF in z if bigger than stack print psf.shape, data.shape if psf.shape[2] > data.shape[2]: dz = psf.shape[2] - data.shape[2] psf = psf[:, :, numpy.floor(dz / 2):(psf.shape[2] - numpy.ceil(dz / 2))] print((data.shape, psf.shape)) if dlg.GetPadding(): padsize = numpy.array(dlg.GetPadSize()) decMDH['Deconvolution.Padding'] = padsize dp = numpy.ones(numpy.array(data.shape) + 2 * padsize, 'f') * data.mean() weights = numpy.zeros_like(dp) px, py, pz = padsize #print data.shape, dp[px:-(px+1), py:-(py+1), pz:-(pz+1)].shape dp[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = data #if dlg.GetRemovePadding(): # data = dp[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz]#should be a slice #else: # data = dp weights[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] = 1. weights = weights.ravel() else: dp = data weights = 1 if dlg.GetBlocking(): decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = 'Blocked ICTM' self.checkTQ() from PYME.Deconv import tq_block_dec bs = dlg.GetBlockSize() self.decT = tq_block_dec.blocking_deconv(self.tq, data, psf, self.image.seriesName, blocksize={ 'y': bs, 'x': bs, 'z': 256 }) self.decT.go() else: decMDH['Deconvolution.Method'] = dlg.GetMethod() if dlg.GetMethod() == 'ICTM': decMDH['Deconvolution.RegularisationParameter'] = regLambda if beadMode: self.dec = dec.dec_bead() else: self.dec = dec.dec_conv() else: if beadMode: self.dec = richardsonLucy.rlbead() else: self.dec = richardsonLucy.dec_conv() self.dec.psf_calc(psf, dp.shape) self.decT = decThread.decThread(self.dec, dp, regLambda, nIter, weights, bg=bg) self.decT.start() tries = 0 while tries < 10 and not hasattr(self.dec, 'fs'): time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if dlg.GetPadding() and dlg.GetRemovePadding(): fs = self.dec.fs[px:-px, py:-py, pz:-pz] else: fs = self.dec.fs im = ImageStack(data=fs, mdh=decMDH, titleStub='Deconvolution Result') mode = 'lite' if beadMode: mode = 'psf' im.defaultExt = '*.psf' #we want to save as PSF by default self.res = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer)) #self.res = View3D(fs, 'Deconvolution Result', mdh=decMDH, parent=wx.GetTopLevelParent(self.dsviewer), mode=mode) self.dlgDeconProg = DeconvProgressPanel(self.res, nIter) self.pinfo1 = aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name("deconvPanel").Top( ).Caption('Deconvolution Progress').DestroyOnClose( True ).CloseButton( False ) #.MinimizeButton(True).MinimizeMode(aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_CAPT_SMART|aui.AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_RIGHT)#.CaptionVisible(False) self.res._mgr.AddPane(self.dlgDeconProg, self.pinfo1) self.res._mgr.Update() self.deconTimer = mytimer() self.deconTimer.WantNotification.append(self.OnDeconTimer) self.deconTimer.Start(500)