def OnPerFrame(self, event): import numpy as np import os from PYME.IO.FileUtils import nameUtils filename = wx.FileSelector("Choose a per frame variable to open", nameUtils.genResultDirectoryPath(), default_extension='npy', wildcard='Saved numpy array (*.npy)|*.npy') #print filename if not filename == '': #open file var = np.load(filename).astype('f') dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self.visFr, 'What do you want the new variable to be called?', 'Enter variable name', os.path.split(filename)[-1]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: varname = dlg.GetValue().encode() pipeline = self.visFr.pipeline #perform lookup values = var[pipeline.selectedDataSource['t'].astype('i')] #add looked up values to input mapping pipeline.addColumn(varname, values) #regenerate the pipeline pipeline.Rebuild()
def OnOpenFile(self, event): filename = wx.FileSelector("Choose a file to open", nameUtils.genResultDirectoryPath(), wildcard='All supported formats|*.h5r;*.txt;*.mat;*.csv;*.hdf|PYME Results Files (*.h5r)|*.h5r|Tab Formatted Text (*.txt)|*.txt|Matlab data (*.mat)|*.mat|Comma separated values (*.csv)|*.csv|HDF Tabular (*.hdf)|*.hdf') #print filename if not filename == '': self.OpenFile(filename)
def OnOpenChannel(self, event): filename = wx.FileSelector("Choose a file to open", nameUtils.genResultDirectoryPath(), default_extension='h5r', wildcard='PYME Results Files (*.h5r)|*.h5r|Tab Formatted Text (*.txt)|*.txt') #print filename if not filename == '': self.OpenChannel(filename)
def load_fiducial_info_from_second_file(pipeline): msg = '''New analyses should fit fiducials at the same time as the localisations and not use this function. When using this function, the raw localizations of all fiducials should be loaded and not a pre-filtered version''' if wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Info', style=wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) != wx.OK: return filename = wx.FileSelector("Choose a file to open", nameUtils.genResultDirectoryPath(), default_extension='h5r', wildcard='PYME Results Files (*.h5r)|*.h5r|Tab Formatted Text (*.txt)|*.txt|Matlab data (*.mat)|*.mat|Comma separated values (*.csv)|*.csv') #print filename if not filename == '': pipeline.OpenChannel(filename, channel_name='Fiducials')