def gethisto(tree, formula, binlo, binhi, additionalcut=None): nbins = 50 h = root.TH1D('h', 'h', nbins, binlo, binhi) s = Selector() s.read_tree(tree, branches=[formula], cut=additionalcut) h = s.draw(formula, hbase=h) for ib in xrange(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): v = h.GetBinContent(ib) if v == 0: h.SetBinContent(ib, 1) else: h.SetBinContent(ib, 1. / v) return h
def infer(tt, ifile, payload, features, h5): nent = int(tt.GetEntries()) if (0 != tt.FindBranch("dnnoutput")): tt.SetBranchStatus("dnnoutput", 0) output = ifile + "_tmp" ofile = ROOT.TFile(output, "RECREATE") otree = tt.CloneTree() dnnoutput = array.array('f', [-99.0]) o_dnnoutput = otree.Branch("dnnoutput", AddressOf(treestruct, 'dnnoutput'), "dnnoutput/F") model = load_model(h5) s = Selector() s.read_tree(tt, branches=features) for i in range(int(tt.GetEntries())): tt.GetEntry(i) treestruct.dnnoutput = -99. if (i % (1 * nent / 100) == 0): sys.stdout.write("\r[" + "=" * int(20 * i / nent) + " " + str(round(100. * i / nent, 0)) + "% done") sys.stdout.flush() #treestruct.mT = 2*1.5*3*3 x = np.array([float(s[f][i]) for f in features]) x = x.reshape((1, x.shape[0])) # print model.predict(x) treestruct.dnnoutput = model.predict(x)[0, 0] print treestruct.dnnoutput o_dnnoutput.Fill() ofile.Write() ofile.Close() os.system("mv -f %s %s" % (output, ifile))
binning = (40, 450, 1200) n_partons = { 'Top' : 3, 'QCD' : 1, 'Higgs' : 2, 'W' : 2, } f = root.TFile(basedir + '/' + args.proc + '.root') t = f.Get('events') s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches = ['fj1RawPt'], cut = 'fj1RawPt>450 && fj1RawPt<1200') h = s.draw('fj1RawPt', fbins = binning) h_inv = h.Clone() for ib in xrange(1, h_inv.GetNbinsX()+1): if h.GetBinContent(ib): h_inv.SetBinContent(ib, 1) h_inv.SetBinError(ib, 0) h_inv.Divide(h) for ib in xrange(1, h_inv.GetNbinsX()+1): # print ib, h.GetBinContent(ib), h_inv.GetBinContent(ib) if h.GetBinContent(ib) == 0: h_inv.SetBinContent(ib, 0)
c.GetCanvas().SetBottomMargin(0.15) args = parse('--outdir', '--proc') f = root.TFile.Open(flatdir + '/%s.root' % args.proc) t = f.Get('events') sel = Selector() is_top = not (args.proc == 'QCD') cut = 'gen_pt>200 && fabs(gen_eta)<2.5 && clf_IsMatched' if is_top: cut = tAND(cut, 'gen_size<1.44 && fabs(gen_pdgid)==6') sel.read_tree(t, cut=cut, branches=['clf_MSD', 'clf_Tau32', 'clf_Tau32SD', 'ptweight']) nbins = 5 #hbase = root.TH2D('','',nbins,0,400,50,0.2,1.2) hbase = root.TH2D('', '', nbins, 0.2, 1, 50, 0, 400) hbase.GetYaxis().SetTitle('m_{SD} [GeV]') hbase.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#tau_{32}') hbase.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) hbase.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hbase.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) hbase.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) def draw(key, color): fields = ['clf_MSD', key]
f = root.TFile(args.ifile) t = f.Get('events') treestruct = TreeStruct() nent = int(t.GetEntries()) #if t.FindBranch(args.bname): # t.SetBranchStatus(args.bname, 0) output = args.ifile + "_tmp" ofile = root.TFile(output, "RECREATE") otree = t.CloneTree() s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=features) model = load_model(args.h5) print 'Loaded model...' val = array('f', [-1]) o_val = otree.Branch(args.bname, val, args.bname + '/F') for i in range(t.GetEntriesFast()): val[0] = -1 x = np.array([float(s[f][i]) for f in features]) x = x.reshape((1, x.shape[0])) # print model.predict(x) val[0] = model.predict(x)[0, 0] o_val.Fill()
ptarray = array('f', [30, 50, 80, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 500, 1000]) etaarray = array( 'f', [-5, -4, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5]) uncarray = array('f', np.linspace(-30, 30, 200)) f = root.TFile.Open(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') ks = t.GetListOfBranches() pt = args.jet + 'Pt' rawpt = args.jet + 'RawPt' eta = 'fabs(' + args.jet + 'Eta)' corr = '100*(%s-%s)/%s' % (pt, rawpt, rawpt) s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=[pt, rawpt, eta, corr], cut='%s>30' % (pt)) def draw(arr, xlabel, xvar, etabins): plot.Reset() plot.AddLumiLabel() plot.GetCanvas().SetLogx('Pt' in xvar) # plot.Logy() hbase = root.TH2D('', '', len(arr) - 1, arr, len(uncarray) - 1, uncarray) h1s = [] for ie in xrange(len(etabins) - 1): mask = np.logical_and(s[eta] > etabins[ie], s[eta] < etabins[ie + 1]) h2 = s.draw([xvar, corr], hbase=hbase, mask=mask) h1 = h2.QuantilesX(0.5, 'eta_%i' % ie)
for i,s in enumerate(payload['samples']): if s['name'] == samples = s['samples'] y = i break else: logger.error(sys.argv[0], 'Could not identify process ' sys.exit(1) s = Selector() chain = root.TChain('Events') for sample in samples: chain.AddFile(basedir + '/' + sample + '.root')[0], 'Reading files for process ' s.read_tree(chain, branches=(features+substructure_vars+[weight]), cut=cut) #s.read_tree(chain, branches=(features+[weight]), cut=cut) #print s['fj_cpf_pt'].T[0:30,:].shape sortinds = s['fj_cpf_pt'].T[0:30,:].argsort(axis=0) print s['fj_cpf_pt'].T[0:30,:][:,sortinds[::-1]] print sortinds X = np.vstack([s[f].T[0:30,:] for f in features]).T W = s[weight] #W *= 1000 / W.sum() Y = y * np.ones(shape=W.shape) substructure_varss = np.vstack([s[var] for var in substructure_vars]).T def save(arr, label): fout = args.out+'/''_'+label+'.npy', arr)[0], 'Saved to '+fout)
for i,s in enumerate(payload['samples']): if s['name'] == samples = s['samples'] y = i break else: logger.error(sys.argv[0], 'Could not identify process ' sys.exit(1) s = Selector() chain = root.TChain('events') for sample in samples: chain.AddFile(basedir + '/' + sample + '.root')[0], 'Reading files for process ' s.read_tree(chain, branches=(features+[weight]), cut=cut) X = np.vstack([s[f] for f in features]).T W = s[weight] #W *= 1000 / W.sum() Y = y * np.ones(shape=W.shape) def save(arr, label): fout = args.out+'/''_'+label+'.npy', arr)[0], 'Saved to '+fout) save(X, 'x') save(Y, 'y') save(W, 'w')
uncarray = array('f', np.linspace(0, 0.1, 200)) f = root.TFile.Open(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') ks = t.GetListOfBranches() pt = args.jet + 'Pt' pt_ = pt + '_' uncs = [] for k in ks: if k.GetName().startswith(pt_) and k.GetName().endswith('Up'): uncs.append(k.GetName().replace(pt_, '')[:-2]) s = Selector() branches = {u: 'fabs(%s-%s%sUp)/%s' % (pt, pt_, u, pt) for u in uncs} all_branches = [pt, args.jet + 'Eta'] + branches.values() s.read_tree(t, branches=all_branches, cut='%s>30' % (pt)) c2 = root.TCanvas() majors = [ 'Absolute', 'Relative', 'PileUp', 'SinglePion', 'Flavor', 'Fragmentation', 'Time', 'Total' ] def draw(arr, xlabel, xvar): plot.Reset() plot.AddLumiLabel() plot.GetCanvas().SetLogx('Pt' in xvar) # plot.Logy() hbase = root.TH2D('', '', len(arr) - 1, arr, len(uncarray) - 1, uncarray)
f = root.TFile(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') h_effs = {} h_errs = {} base_base_cut = 'partonPt>300 && partonPt<470 && fabs(partonEta)<2.4' if args.isfake: base_cut = tAND(base_base_cut, 'partonIsReco==1') else: base_cut = tAND(base_base_cut, 'partonIsReco==1 && partonSize<1.44') s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=['partonPt', 'npv', '1'], cut=base_base_cut) h_inc = { 'partonPt': s.draw('partonPt', '1', fbins=(nBins, 300, 470)), 'npv': s.draw('npv', '1', fbins=(nBins, 1, 41)) } s.read_tree(t, branches=['partonPt', 'npv', '1'], cut=tAND(base_cut, 'top_ecf_bdt>0.43 && fj1MSD>110 && fj1MSD<210')) h_bdt = { 'partonPt': s.draw('partonPt', '1', fbins=(nBins, 300, 470)), 'npv': s.draw('npv', '1', fbins=(nBins, 1, 41)) } s.read_tree(t, branches=['partonPt', 'npv', '1'],
load('PandaCoreDrawers') load('PandaAnalysisUtilities') f = root.TFile.Open(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') PFCand = root.panda.PFCand hbase = root.TH1D('', '', 20, -5, 5) nmax = root.std.numeric_limits('Short_t').max() s = Selector() cut = 'pa::PHS::up(pfCandidates.packedPt)>5' eta = 'pfCandidates.packedEta * %f / %i' % (6, nmax) ptype = 'pfCandidates.ptype' s.read_tree(t, branches=[(eta, -9, 200), (ptype, -100, 200)], cut=cut) s.flatten() def get_hist(*ptypes): masks = [[ptype] == p for p in ptypes] mask = np.zeros_like([eta]).astype(bool) for p in ptypes: mask = np.logical_or(mask,[ptype] == p) print ptypes print[eta][mask].min(),[eta][mask].max() h = s.draw(eta, hbase=hbase, mask=mask) print h.Integral() return h
#plot.SetAutoRange(False) plot.InitLegend() root.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) nBins = 15 f = root.TFile(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') base_cut = 'partonPt>300 && partonPt<470 && fabs(partonEta)<2.4 && partonIsReco==1' if not args.isfake: base_cut = tAND(base_cut, 'partonSize<1.44') s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=['fj1MSD', '1'], cut=base_cut) h_inc = s.draw('fj1MSD', '1', fbins=(nBins, 40, 340)) s.read_tree(t, branches=['fj1MSD', '1'], cut=tAND(base_cut, 'top_ecf_bdt>0.43')) h_bdt = s.draw('fj1MSD', '1', fbins=(nBins, 40, 340)) s.read_tree(t, branches=['fj1MSD', '1'], cut=tAND(base_cut, 'fj1Tau32SD<0.43')) h_tau = s.draw('fj1MSD', '1', fbins=(nBins, 40, 340)) v = 'fj1MSD' label = 'm_{SD} [GeV]' h_inc.GetXaxis().SetTitle(label) h_inc.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Arbitrary units')
y = i break else: logger.error(sys.argv[0], 'Could not identify process ' + sys.exit(1) s = Selector() chain = root.TChain('events') for sample in samples: chain.AddFile(basedir + '/' + sample + '.root')[0], 'Reading files for process ' + branches = [weight, 'hbbm_dreg'] branches += more_features branches += [(f, -10, 6) for f in features] s.read_tree(chain, branches=branches, cut=cut) N, M = s['hbbjtidx'].shape hbbidx = np.zeros_like(s[features[0]]) for k in xrange(M): hbbidx[np.arange(N), s['hbbjtidx'][:, k]] = 1 # temporary, will eventually be jotPt-dimensional breg = np.ones_like(hbbidx) for k in xrange(s['jotBReg'].shape[1]): breg[np.arange(N), s['hbbjtidx'][:, k]] = s['jotBReg'][:, k] selected = [] for f in features: arr = np.empty((N, M))
c = root.CanvasDrawer(800, 600) c.SetTDRStyle() c.GetCanvas().SetRightMargin(0.125) c.GetCanvas().SetTopMargin(0.05) c.GetCanvas().SetLeftMargin(0.13) c.GetCanvas().SetBottomMargin(0.15) args = parse('--outdir') f = root.TFile.Open(flatdir + '/Top.root') t = f.Get('events') s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=['ptweight', 'gen_pt', 'TMath::Sqrt(gen_size)'], cut='fabs(gen_eta)<2.5') max_x = 500 max_y = 3.14159 hbase = root.TH2D('', '', 50, 50, max_x, 50, 0, max_y) h = s.draw(fields=['gen_pt', 'TMath::Sqrt(gen_size)'], hbase=hbase, weight='ptweight') h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Top p_{T} [GeV]') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("max#DeltaR_{qq}") h.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06)
nBins = 10 f = root.TFile(args.infile) t = f.Get('events') h_effs = {} h_errs = {} if args.isfake: base_cut = 'fj1MSD>110 && fj1MSD<210' else: base_cut = 'fj1MSD>110 && fj1MSD<210 && fj1IsMatched==1 && fj1GenSize<1.44' s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=['fj1Pt', 'normalizedWeight'], cut=base_cut) h_inc = s.draw('fj1Pt', 'normalizedWeight', fbins=(nBins, 250, 1000)) colors = [root.kRed, root.kRed + 3, root.kBlack] counter = 10 for c, col in zip([0.45, 0.1, -0.5], colors): s.read_tree(t, branches=['fj1Pt', 'normalizedWeight'], cut=tAND(base_cut, 'top_ecf_bdt>%f' % c)) h_effs[c] = s.draw('fj1Pt', 'normalizedWeight', fbins=(nBins, 250, 1000)) h_effs[c].Divide(h_inc) h_effs[c].SetMaximum(1.4 * get_max(h_effs[c])) h_effs[c].GetXaxis().SetTitle('fatjet p_{T} [GeV]') h_effs[c].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Efficiency') h_effs[c].SetLineColor(col) plot.AddHistogram(h_effs[c], 'BDT > %.2f' % (c), counter, col, "hist")
plot.SetLumi(lumi / 1000.) plot.DrawEmpty(True) plot.AddCMSLabel() plot.AddLumiLabel() #plot.SetAutoRange(False) plot.InitLegend() root.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) s = Selector() f = root.TFile.Open(infile) t = f.Get('events') branches = [ 'pfmet', 'jot12Mass', '1', 'fabs(genTauEta)', 'fabs(genMuonEta)', 'fabs(genElectronEta)', 'genTauPt', 'genElectronPt', 'genMuonPt', weight ] s.read_tree(t, branches=branches, cut=base_cut) t_mask = ((s['genTauPt'] > 1)) accp = ((s['genTauPt'] > 18) & (s['fabs(genTauEta)'] < 2.3)) t_in_mask = t_mask & accp t_out_mask = t_mask & (~accp) e_mask = ((s['genTauPt'] < 1) & (s['genElectronPt'] > 1)) accp = ((s['genElectronPt'] > 10) & (s['fabs(genElectronEta)'] < 2.6)) e_in_mask = e_mask & accp e_out_mask = e_mask & (~accp) m_mask = ((s['genTauPt'] < 1) & (s['genElectronPt'] < 1) & (s['genMuonPt'] > 1)) accp = ((s['genMuonPt'] > 10) & (s['fabs(genMuonEta)'] < 2.4)) m_in_mask = m_mask & accp
baseDir = getenv('PANDA_FLATDIR')+'/' args = parse('--outdir', ('--cut', {'default':'1==1'})) Load('PandaCoreDrawers') plot = root.HistogramDrawer() plot.SetTDRStyle() plot.InitLegend() # plot.Logy(True) s = Selector() f = root.TFile.Open(baseDir + '/ZtoNuNu.root') t = f.Get('events') s.read_tree(t, branches=['trueGenBosonPt', 'normalizedWeight', 'normalizedWeight*sf_qcdV', 'normalizedWeight*sf_qcdV*sf_ewkV'], cut='trueGenBosonPt>160') ptbins = (10,160,1600) hlo = s.draw('trueGenBosonPt', weight='normalizedWeight', fbins=ptbins) hqcd = s.draw('trueGenBosonPt', weight='normalizedWeight*sf_qcdV', fbins=ptbins) hewk = s.draw('trueGenBosonPt', weight='normalizedWeight*sf_qcdV*sf_ewkV', fbins=ptbins) for h in [hewk, hqcd, hlo]: h.Divide(hlo) for h in [hewk, hqcd, hlo]: h.Smooth() hlo.GetXaxis().SetTitle('p_{T}^{Z} [GeV]') hlo.GetYaxis().SetTitle('k')
s = Selector() s_nlo = Selector() cut = 'trueGenBosonPt>50 && lheHT>100' if args.proc == 'WJets': cut = tAND(cut, 'genBosonMass>70 && genBosonMass<90') else: cut = tAND(cut, 'genBosonMass>80 && genBosonMass<100') branches = ['normalizedWeight', '0.001*trueGenBosonPt', '0.001*lheHT'] infile = basedir + args.proc + '.root' f = root.TFile.Open(infile) t = f.Get('events') print 'LO' s.read_tree(t, branches=branches, cut=cut) infile = basedir + args.proc + '_nlo.root' f_nlo = root.TFile.Open(infile) t_nlo = f_nlo.Get('events') print 'NLO' s_nlo.read_tree(t_nlo, branches=branches, cut=cut) print 'done reading' fout = root.TFile.Open('../../data/higgs/hbb_kfactors.root', 'UPDATE') def draw(x, xbins, xlabel, y, ybins, ylabel): x_ = '0.001*' + x y_ = '0.001*' + y plot.Reset()
#!/usr/bin/env python from PandaCore.Tools.script import * from PandaCore.Tools.root_interface import Selector import numpy as np from array import array Load('PandaCoreTools') args = parse('--infile') bins = array('f', np.linspace(250, 1200, 50)) h = root.TH1D('h', 'h', len(bins) - 1, bins) s = Selector() f = root.TFile.Open(args.infile, 'update') t = f.Get('events') s.read_tree(t, branches=['gen_pt'], cut='clf_IsMatched==1') h = s.draw(['gen_pt'], hbase=h) norm = h.Integral() / (len(bins) - 1) for ib in xrange(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): val = h.GetBinContent(ib) if val > 0: h.SetBinContent(ib, norm / val) ba = root.H1BranchAdder() ba.setH(h) ba.formulaX = 'gen_pt' ba.newBranchName = 'weight' ba.addBranch(t)
from PandaCore.Tools.Misc import * from PandaCore.Tools.root_interface import Selector Load('HistogramDrawer') lumi=35900 import PandaAnalysis.VBF.PandaSelection as sel cut = 'jot1Eta*jot2Eta<0 && jot1Pt>80 && jot2Pt>40 && fabs(jot1Eta)<4.7 && fabs(jot2Eta)<4.7 && nTau==0 && jetNMBtags==0 && jot1VBFID==1 && dphipfmet>0.5' weight = 'normalizedWeight' s = Selector() f = root.TFile.Open(infile); t = f.Get('events') branches = ['pfmet', 'jot12Mass', weight] s.read_tree(t, branches = branches, cut = cut) met_bins = array('f',[50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 340, 380, 420, 460, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000]) mjj_bins = array('f',[200, 400, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2750, 3500, 5000]) h = root.TH2F('h','h',len(mjj_bins)-1, mjj_bins, len(met_bins)-1, met_bins) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{jj} [GeV]') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('E_{T}^{miss} [GeV]') h = s.draw(fields=['jot12Mass', 'pfmet'], weight=weight, hbase=h) plot = root.CanvasDrawer() plot.SetTDRStyle() root.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.15) c = root.TCanvas() c.SetLogx(); c.SetLogy(); c.SetLogz() plot.AddCMSLabel(.16,.94)
elif ("hadmu" in args.out): cut+=" && fj_nProngs == 2 && fj_nEles == 0 && fj_nMus == 1" elif ("-DYJetsToLL" in cut+=" && fj_nProngs == 2" print(cut) s = Selector() chain = root.TChain('Events') for sample in samples: chain.AddFile(basedir + '/' + sample + "-" + args.tag + '/out.root')[0], 'Reading files for process ' print("%i total events..."%chain.GetEntries()) for si,slim in enumerate(range(startstep*stepsize,chain.GetEntries(),stepsize)): selargs = {"start":slim, "stop":slim+stepsize, "step":1} print("\tRunning iteration %i"%(si+startstep)) #if ("JetHT" in selargs = {} s.read_tree(chain, branches=(features+altfeatures+taufeatures+elecfeatures+muonfeatures+weight+ss), cut=cut, xkwargs=selargs) print(s["PF_pt"][:,0]) X = np.concatenate([np.vstack([s[f].T for f in features]).T,np.vstack([s[f].T for f in altfeatures]).T,np.vstack([s[f].T for f in taufeatures]).T,np.vstack([s[f].T for f in elecfeatures]).T,np.vstack([s[f].T for f in muonfeatures]).T],axis=1) W = np.vstack([s[var] for var in weight]).T Y = y * np.ones(shape=W.shape[0]) print(Y) ss_arr = np.vstack([s[var] for var in ss]).T print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) print(W.shape) print(ss_arr.shape) save(X, 'x',si+startstep) save(Y, 'y',si+startstep) save(W, 'w',si+startstep) save(ss_arr, 'ss',si+startstep)
n_partons = { 'Top_lo': 3, 'Top': 3, 'QCD': 1, 'Higgs': 2, 'W': 2, } n_parton = n_partons[args.proc] f = root.TFile(basedir + '/' + args.proc + '.root') t = f.Get('events') s = Selector() s.read_tree(t, branches=['genFatJetPt'], cut='genFatJetPt>450 && genFatJetPt<1200 && genFatJetNProngs==%i' % n_parton) h = s.draw('genFatJetPt', fbins=binning) h_inv = h.Clone() for ib in xrange(1, h_inv.GetNbinsX() + 1): if h.GetBinContent(ib): h_inv.SetBinContent(ib, 1) h_inv.SetBinError(ib, 0) h_inv.Divide(h) h_inv.GetXaxis().SetTitle('jet p_{T}') h_inv.GetYaxis().SetTitle('jet weight') for ib in xrange(1, h_inv.GetNbinsX() + 1):
plot.SetCanvas(c) s = Selector() f = root.TFile.Open(basedir + '/' + 'VqqHbb' + '.root') t = f.Get('events') weight = sel.weights['signal'] % 40000 branches = [weight] for b in ['Eta', 'Phi']: for i, j in [('fjHiggsIdx', 'H'), ('fjVIdx', 'V')]: branches.append('fjQ[%s]' % i) branches.append('fj%s[%s]' % (b, i)) branches.append('gen%s%s' % (j, b)) branches.append('fj%s[%s] - gen%s%s' % (b, i, j, b)) s.read_tree(t, branches=branches, cut=tAND(sel.cuts['signal'], args.cut)) hbase = root.TH2D('h', 'h', 20, -2.5, 2.5, 20, -3.14159, 3.14159) def draw(fmt, label_fmt, fname): plot.Reset() h = s.draw([fmt.format('Eta'), fmt.format('Phi')], weight=weight, hbase=hbase) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle(label_fmt.format('#eta')) h.GetYaxis().SetTitle(label_fmt.format('#phi')) h.Draw('colz') plot.Draw(args.outdir + '/', args.prefix + fname)