def moveSemiRandom(animal, animalList, lattice): paraList = parameters() forestSize = paraList['forestSize'] r = random.randint(1, 4) x = animal[0] y = animal[1] if ('prey' in lattice[(x + 1) % forestSize][y]): lattice[(x + 1) % forestSize][y].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x + 1) % forestSize, y, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if ('prey' in lattice[x][(y + 1) % forestSize]): lattice[x][(y + 1) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([x, (y + 1) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if ('prey' in lattice[(x - 1) % forestSize][y]): lattice[(x - 1) % forestSize][y].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x - 1) % forestSize, y, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if ('prey' in lattice[x][(y - 1) % forestSize]): lattice[x][(y - 1) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([x, (y - 1) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if (r == 1): lattice[(x + 1) % forestSize][y].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x + 1) % forestSize, y, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if (r == 2): lattice[x][(y + 1) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([x, (y + 1) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if (r == 3): lattice[(x - 1) % forestSize][y].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x - 1) % forestSize, y, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList if (r == 4): lattice[x][(y - 1) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([x, (y - 1) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList return lattice, animalList
def moveRandom(animal, animalList, lattice): paraList = parameters() forestSize = paraList['forestSize'] preyPara = preyParameters() speed = preyPara['speed'] r = random.randint(1, 4) x = animal[0] y = animal[1] dx = random.randint(-speed, speed) dy = random.randint(-speed, speed) lattice[(x + dx) % forestSize][(y + dy) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x + dx) % forestSize, (y + dy) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList
def Get_median_finSeeing(observations): res = [] params = parameters() for obs in observations: filtre = obs['filter'][0] seeing = obs['rawSeeing'] airmass = obs['airmass'] Filter_Wavelength_Correction = np.power( 500.0 / params.filterWave[filtre], 0.3) Airmass_Correction = math.pow(obs['airmass'], 0.6) FWHM_Sys = params.FWHM_Sys_Zenith * Airmass_Correction FWHM_Atm = seeing * Filter_Wavelength_Correction * Airmass_Correction finSeeing = params.scaleToNeff * math.sqrt( np.power(FWHM_Sys, 2) + params.atmNeffFactor * np.power(FWHM_Atm, 2)) res.append(finSeeing) return np.median(res)
def movePredator(animal, animalList, lattice, densities): paraList = parameters() forestSize = paraList['forestSize'] predPara = predatorParameters() speed = predPara['speed'] pounceRange = predPara['pounceRange'] prob = np.array(densities) prob = prob + 1 prob = prob / sum(prob) x = animal[0] y = animal[1] count = 0 idx = [] xmin = (x - pounceRange) xmax = (x + pounceRange + 1) ymin = (y - pounceRange) ymax = (y + pounceRange + 1) for i in range(xmin, xmax): for j in range(ymin, ymax): if 'prey' in lattice[i % forestSize][j % forestSize]: count += 1 idx.append([i % forestSize, j % forestSize]) if count: r = random.randint(0, count - 1) lattice[idx[r][0]][idx[r][1]].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([idx[r][0], idx[r][1], animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList xdir = np.sign(prob[1] - prob[3] + (2 * random.random() - 1)) dx = int(random.randint(0, speed) * xdir) ydir = np.sign(prob[0] - prob[2] + (2 * random.random() - 1)) dy = int(random.randint(0, speed) * ydir) lattice[(x + dx) % forestSize][(y + dy) % forestSize].append(animal[2]) lattice[x][y].remove(animal[2]) animalList.remove(animal) animalList.append([(x + dx) % forestSize, (y + dy) % forestSize, animal[2]]) return lattice, animalList
def __init__(self, airmass=1., aerosol=False): #self.transmission.Load_Atmosphere(airmass) self.filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] self.paper = {} self.paper['mbsky'] = { 'u': 22.92, 'g': 22.27, 'r': 21.20, 'i': 20.47, 'z': 19.59, 'y': 18.63 } self.paper['Tb'] = { 'u': 0.0379, 'g': 0.1493, 'r': 0.1386, 'i': 0.1198, 'z': 0.0838, 'y': 0.0413 } self.paper['Sigmab'] = { 'u': 0.0574, 'g': 0.1735, 'r': 0.1502, 'i': 0.1272, 'z': 0.0872, 'y': 0.0469 } self.paper['Seeing'] = { 'u': 0.77, 'g': 0.73, 'r': 0.70, 'i': 0.67, 'z': 0.65, 'y': 0.63 } self.paper['FWHMeff'] = { 'u': 0.92, 'g': 0.87, 'r': 0.83, 'i': 0.80, 'z': 0.78, 'y': 0.76 } self.paper['Cb'] = { 'u': 421.4, 'g': 691.4, 'r': 952.9, 'i': 1152, 'z': 1373, 'y': 1511 } self.paper['Skyb'] = { 'u': 85.07, 'g': 467.9, 'r': 1085.2, 'i': 1800.3, 'z': 2775.7, 'y': 3613.4 } self.paper['mb_Z'] = { 'u': 27.09, 'g': 28.58, 'r': 28.50, 'i': 28.34, 'z': 27.95, 'y': 27.18 } self.paper['counts_mb_Z'] = { 'u': 1.0, 'g': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'i': 1.0, 'z': 1.0, 'y': 1.0 } self.paper['fiveSigmaDepth'] = { 'u': 24.22, 'g': 25.17, 'r': 24.74, 'i': 24.38, 'z': 23.80, 'y': 22.93 } self.SMTN_paper = {} self.SMTN_paper['fiveSigmaDepth'] = { 'u': 23.60, 'g': 24.83, 'r': 24.38, 'i': 23.92, 'z': 23.35, 'y': 22.44 } self.params = parameters() transmission_git = Throughputs(aerosol=aerosol) transmission_lse40 = Throughputs(through_dir='NEW_THROUGH', atmos_dir='NEW_THROUGH', aerosol=aerosol) self.airmass = airmass transmission_git.Load_Atmosphere(self.airmass) transmission_lse40.Load_Atmosphere(self.airmass) self.throughput_git = {} self.throughput_lse40 = {} self.OpSim = {} self.OpSim['fiveSigmaDepth'] = {} for key in self.paper.keys(): self.throughput_git[key] = {} self.throughput_lse40[key] = {} for filtre in self.filters: self.throughput_git[key][filtre] = {} self.throughput_lse40[key][filtre] = {} self.Calc_Inputs(transmission_git, self.throughput_git) self.Calc_Inputs(transmission_lse40, self.throughput_lse40) self.Calc_Sky(self.paper, self.throughput_lse40, transmission_lse40) self.Calc_Sky(self.paper, self.throughput_git, transmission_git) self.Calc_m5_OpSim(self.throughput_git)
def __init__(self, metricName='AnaMetric', mjdCol='expMJD', filterCol='filter', m5Col='fiveSigmaDepth', units='', badval=-666, uniqueBlocks=False, zmin=0.01, zmax=0.5, Nevts=10, model='salt2-extended', version='1.0', fieldname='DD', fieldID=290, opsimrun='minion_1016', snrate='Flat', runtype='Simulation', season=-1, sntype='Ia', nrolling=3, percent_merge=80, **kwargs): """ Tmin = the minimum day to consider the SN. Tmax = the maximum to consider. Nbetween = the number of observations to demand between Tmin and Tmax Nfilt = number of unique filters that must observe the SN above the snrCut Tless = minimum time to consider 'near peak' Tmore = max time to consider 'near peak' Nless = number of observations to demand before Tless Nmore = number of observations to demand after Tmore peakGap = maximum gap alowed between observations in the 'near peak' time snrCut = require snr above this limit when counting Nfilt XXX-not yet implemented singleDepthLimit = require observations in Nfilt different filters to be this deep near the peak. This is a rough approximation for the Science Book requirements for a SNR cut. Ideally, one would import a time-variable SN SED, redshift it, and make filter-keyed dictionary of interpolation objects so the magnitude of the SN could be calculated at each observation and then use the m5col to compute a SNR. resolution = time step (days) to consider when calculating observing windows uniqueBlocks = should the code count the number of unique sequences that meet the requirements (True), or should all sequences that meet the conditions be counted (False). The filter centers are shifted to the SN restframe and only observations with filters between 300 < lam_rest < 900 nm are included In the science book, the metric demands Nfilt observations above a SNR cut. Here, we demand Nfilt observations near the peak with a given singleDepthLimt. """ self.mjdCol = mjdCol self.m5Col = m5Col self.filterCol = filterCol self.dateCol = 'expDate' self.fieldRA = 'fieldRA' self.fieldDec = 'fieldDec' self.fieldID = 'fieldID' self.ditheredRA = 'ditheredRA' self.ditheredDec = 'ditheredDec' self.visitTime = 'visitExpTime' self.finSeeing = 'finSeeing' self.rawSeeing = 'rawSeeing' self.moonPhase = 'moonPhase' self.airmass = 'airmass' self.filtSkyBrightness = 'filtSkyBrightness' self.zmin = zmin self.zmax = zmax self.Nevts = Nevts self.snrate = snrate self.model = model self.version = version self.fieldName = fieldname self.fieldID_ref = int(fieldID) self.outputdir = 'Sim_' + opsimrun self.runtype = runtype self.season = season self.sntype = sntype self.nrolling = nrolling self.percent_merge = percent_merge self.time_begin = time.time() if not os.path.exists(self.outputdir): os.makedirs(self.outputdir) #super(AnaMetric, self).__init__(col=[self.mjdCol, self.m5Col, self.filterCol, self.dateCol,self.fieldRA,self.fieldDec, self.ditheredRA,self.ditheredDec,self.visitTime,self.finSeeing,self.rawSeeing,self.moonPhase,self.airmass,self.filtSkyBrightness,self.fieldID], super(AnaMetric, self).__init__(col=[ self.mjdCol, self.m5Col, self.filterCol, self.dateCol, self.fieldRA, self.fieldDec, self.ditheredRA, self.ditheredDec, self.visitTime, self.rawSeeing, self.moonPhase, self.airmass, self.filtSkyBrightness, self.fieldID ], metricName=metricName, units=units, badval=badval, **kwargs) self.uniqueBlocks = uniqueBlocks self.filterNames = np.array(['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']) # Set rough values for the filter effective wavelengths. self.singleDepthLimit = -1 self.params = parameters()
#moon_frac: #sky: #kAtm: #airmass: #m5sigmadepth_mean: #m5sigmadepth_recalc: #Nexp: legend = '#band #mjd #exptime #seeing #moon_frac #sky #kAtm #airmass #FWHMgeom #FWHMeff #m5sigmadepth #Nexp' todisplay = [ 'filter', 'expMJD', 'expTime', 'rawSeeing', 'moonPhase', 'filtSkyBrightness', 'airmass', 'FWHMgeom', 'FWHMeff' ] toprocess = thedict[0]['dataSlice'] params = parameters() print legend outputfile = open( prefix + '_' + opts.fieldname + '_' + str(opts.fieldid) + addit + '.txt', 'wb') outputfile.write(legend + '\n') for band in bands: coadd = Get_coadd(toprocess[np.where(toprocess['filter'] == band)]) #print 'ee',band,len(coadd) for key, val in coadd.items(): filtre = val['filter'][0][0] toprint = 'LSST::' + filtre + ' ' toprint += str(format(np.mean(val['expMJD']), '.7f')) + ' ' toprint += str(int(np.sum(val['visitExpTime']))) + ' ' toprint += str(format(np.mean(Get_mean_finSeeing(val)),
def __init__(self, T0, c, x1, z, observations, model='salt2-extended', version='1.0', sn_type='Ia', ra=0., dec=0., syste=False): self.T0 = T0 self.c = c self.x1 = x1 self.z = z self.obs = observations self.model = model self.version = version self.sn_type = sn_type self.mbsim = -1. self.ra_field = ra self.dec_field = dec self.params = parameters() self.filterNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] self.syste = syste #This will be the data for sncosmo fitting self.table_for_fit = {} self.table_for_fit['error_coadd_opsim'] = Table( names=('time', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'band', 'zp', 'zpsys'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'S7', 'f4', 'S4')) self.table_for_fit['error_coadd_through'] = Table( names=('time', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'band', 'zp', 'zpsys'), dtype=('f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'S7', 'f4', 'S4')) self.table_LC = Table( names=('filter', 'expMJD', 'visitExpTime', 'FWHMeff', 'moon_frac', 'filtSkyBrightness', 'kAtm', 'airmass', 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'Nexp', 'e_per_sec', 'e_per_sec_err'), dtype=('S7', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')) if syste: vars_a = [ 'filter', 'expMJD', 'visitExpTime', 'FWHMeff', 'moon_frac', 'filtSkyBrightness', 'kAtm', 'airmass', 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'Nexp', 'e_per_sec', 'e_per_sec_err', 'mag', 'err_mag', 'fiveSigmaThrough' ] dtype_a = [ 'S7', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'i8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8' ] for i in range(1, 6, 1): vars_a.append('err_mag_plus_' + str(i)) vars_a.append('err_mag_minus_' + str(i)) vars_a.append('fiveSigmaThrough_plus_' + str(i)) vars_a.append('fiveSigmaThrough_minus_' + str(i)) dtype_a.append('f8') dtype_a.append('f8') dtype_a.append('f8') dtype_a.append('f8') vars_a.append('z') dtype_a.append('f8') self.table_LC_syste = Table(names=tuple(vars_a), dtype=tuple(dtype_a)) self.transmission = Throughputs() # Register LSST band pass (system) in sncosmo for filtre in self.filterNames: band = sncosmo.Bandpass( self.transmission.lsst_system[filtre].wavelen, self.transmission.lsst_system[filtre].sb, name='LSST::' + filtre, wave_unit=u.nm) sncosmo.registry.register(band, force=True) print 'hello', self.ra_field, self.dec_field self.SN = SN_Object(ra=np.rad2deg(self.ra_field), dec=np.rad2deg(self.dec_field), z=z, t0=T0, c=c, x1=x1, model=self.model, version=self.version, sn_type=self.sn_type) if self.SN.sn_type == 'Ia': self.mbsim = self.SN.SN._source.peakmag('bessellb', 'vega') self.outdict = {} self.outdict['t0'] = self.T0 self.outdict['c'] = self.c self.outdict['x1'] = self.x1 self.outdict['z'] = self.z self.outdict['ra'] = self.ra_field self.outdict['dec'] = self.dec_field self.outdict['status'] = 'unkown' self.outdict['fit'] = None self.outdict['mbsim'] = -999. self.outdict['sn_type'] = self.SN.sn_type self.outdict['sn_model'] = self.SN.model self.outdict['sn_version'] = self.SN.version self.outdict['mbsim'] = self.mbsim m_begin_date = self.obs['mjd'].min() m_end_date = self.obs['mjd'].max() lowrange = -30 highrange = 50 timelow = self.T0 + lowrange * (1 + self.z) timehigh = self.T0 + highrange * (1 + self.z) self.obs.sort('mjd') self.obs = self.obs[np.where( np.logical_and(self.obs['mjd'] >= timelow, self.obs['mjd'] <= timehigh))] self.Simulate_LC() """ for band in self.filterNames: sel=self.table_LC[np.where(self.table_LC['filter']==band)] print sel """ self.Fit_LCs()
def mainSim(): paraDict = parameters() preyPopulationForest = createRandomPrey(paraDict) predatorPopulationForest = createRandomPredator(paraDict) forest = createLattice(paraDict['forestSize'], preyPopulationForest, predatorPopulationForest) preyPop = [paraDict['preyPopulationSize']] predPop = [paraDict['predatorPopulationSize']] # Plot setup ''' plt.ion() fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = [prey[0] for prey in preyPopulationForest] y = [prey[1] for prey in preyPopulationForest] sc1 = ax.scatter(x,y,color = 'blue', s = 1, label = 'plot1') x = [predator[0] for predator in predatorPopulationForest] y = [predator[1] for predator in predatorPopulationForest] sc2 = ax.scatter(x,y,color = 'red', s = 1, label = 'plot2') plt.xlim(0,paraDict['forestSize']) plt.ylim(0,paraDict['forestSize']) plt.title('Forest with predators and prey') plt.draw() ''' # Make a random movement for every prey/predator and update plots live for t in range(1, paraDict['timeSteps']): print(t) #if(len(preyPopulationForest) == 0 or len(predatorPopulationForest) == 0): # t = paraDict['timeSteps'] # break # Change the amount of prey and predators according to the model if (np.mod(t, paraDict['timeStepModel']) == 0): prob = modelField(len(preyPopulationForest), len(predatorPopulationForest)) changeInPredatorPop = prob[1] * len(predatorPopulationForest) inte = int(np.floor(changeInPredatorPop)) deci = changeInPredatorPop - inte r = random.random() if (r < deci): inte += 1 changeInPredatorPop = inte changeInPreyPop = prob[0] * len(preyPopulationForest) changeInPreyPop = int(np.round(changeInPreyPop, 0)) forest, predatorPopulationForest = addPredators( forest, predatorPopulationForest, changeInPredatorPop) forest, preyPopulationForest = addPrey(forest, preyPopulationForest, changeInPreyPop) for prey in preyPopulationForest[:]: assert prey[2] in forest[prey[0]][prey[1]] forest, preyPopulationForest = moveRandom(prey, preyPopulationForest, forest) for pred in predatorPopulationForest[:]: assert pred[2] in forest[pred[0]][pred[1]] densities = preyDensity(pred[0], pred[1], forest, paraDict['visionRange'], paraDict['forestSize']) forest, predatorPopulationForest = movePredator( pred, predatorPopulationForest, forest, densities) forest, preyPopulationForest = updateLattice(forest, preyPopulationForest) # Update plot ''' x = [prey[0] for prey in preyPopulationForest] y = [prey[1] for prey in preyPopulationForest] sc1.set_offsets(np.c_[x,y]) x = [predator[0] for predator in predatorPopulationForest] y = [predator[1] for predator in predatorPopulationForest] sc2.set_offsets(np.c_[x,y]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() L = plt.legend(loc = 'upper right') L.get_texts()[0].set_text('Prey population size: ' + str(len(preyPopulationForest))) L.get_texts()[1].set_text('Predator population size: ' + str(len(predatorPopulationForest))) plt.pause(0.01) ''' preyPop.append(len(preyPopulationForest)) predPop.append(len(predatorPopulationForest)) t = [t for t in range(0, len(preyPop))] plt.plot(t, preyPop, color='blue', label='Prey population size') plt.plot(t, predPop, color='red', label='Predator population size') plt.title('Predator/Prey-model, forest simulation') plt.legend() print(preyPop[-1]) print(predPop[-1])