コード例 #1
    def SharedPreprocess(self, params, comm_title):

        print('Annotator folder is being generated for', comm_title)
        targ = Params()
        targ.SetUserInfoAnnotator(params['Empty Folder for Annotator'])

        if os.path.isdir(targ.surfaces_path) == False:
            os.makedirs(targ.surfaces_path, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(targ.surfaces_whole_path, exist_ok=True)
        if os.path.isdir(targ.skeletons_path) == False:
            os.makedirs(targ.skeletons_path, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(targ.skeletons_whole_path, exist_ok=True)
        if os.path.isdir(targ.volume_path) == False:
            os.makedirs(targ.volume_path, exist_ok=True)
        if os.path.isdir(targ.paint_path) == False:
            os.makedirs(targ.paint_path, exist_ok=True)

        return targ
コード例 #2
    def AnalyzeAnnotFile(self, params):
        targ = Params()
        targ.SetUserInfoAnnotator(params['Empty Folder for Annotator'])

        surface_path = targ.surfaces_whole_path
        paint_path = targ.paint_path

        whole_mesh_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(surface_path, "*.stl"))
        ids_volumes = {}

        ph = params['Pitch in X (um)']
        pw = params['Pitch in Y (um)']
        pz = params['Pitch in Z (um)']

        with h5py.File(targ.volume_file, 'r') as f:
            ids_volume = f['volume'][()]
        ids_volume = (ids_volume > 0).astype(np.int)
        new_labels = np.zeros_like(ids_volume).astype(np.int)

        ## Load surface meshes
        id = 1
        whole_mesh_filename = os.path.join(surface_path,
                                           str(id).zfill(10) + ".stl")
        whole_mesh = trimesh.load(whole_mesh_filename)
        surf_vertices = whole_mesh.vertices
        surf_faces = whole_mesh.faces

        surf_vertices[:, 0] /= pw
        surf_vertices[:, 1] /= ph
        surf_vertices[:, 2] /= pz
        pitch = 1

        whole_mesh_name_wo_ext = os.path.splitext(
        part_mesh_name_wildcard = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(paint_path, whole_mesh_name_wo_ext + "-*.pickle"))
        part_mesh_filenames = glob.glob(part_mesh_name_wildcard)

        ## Check whether painted meshes
        if part_mesh_filenames == []:
            return False

        ids = []
        for part_mesh_filename in part_mesh_filenames:
            with open(part_mesh_filename, 'rb') as file:
                data = pickle.load(file)
            closed_mesh = self.GetClosedTrimesh(surf_vertices, surf_faces,
            if closed_mesh.volume is None:
            id = os.path.basename(part_mesh_filename)
            id = os.path.splitext(id)[0]
            id = int(id.split('-')[1])
            print('ID: ', id, ', Volume:', closed_mesh.volume)

            #filename = os.path.join(targ.paint_path, str(id).zfill(4)+'.stl')

            part_faces = closed_mesh.faces
            part_verts = closed_mesh.vertices
            unique_ids_verts = np.unique(np.ravel(part_faces))
            unique_verts = part_verts[unique_ids_verts]

            wmin = np.floor(np.min(unique_verts[:, 0])).astype(int)
            hmin = np.floor(np.min(unique_verts[:, 1])).astype(int)
            zmin = np.floor(np.min(unique_verts[:, 2])).astype(int)

            wmax = np.floor(np.max(unique_verts[:, 0])).astype(int)
            hmax = np.floor(np.max(unique_verts[:, 1])).astype(int)
            zmax = np.floor(np.max(unique_verts[:, 2])).astype(int)

            print('wmin, wmax, wdiff: ', wmin, wmax, wmax - wmin)
            print('hmin, hmax, hdiff: ', hmin, hmax, hmax - hmin)
            print('zmin, zmax, zdiff: ', zmin, zmax, zmax - zmin)

            ## Trimesh
            # v = self.GetVolumeTrimesh(closed_mesh)
            ## PyVista
            v = self.GetVolumePyVista(part_verts, part_faces, wmin, hmin, zmin,
                                      wmax, hmax, zmax)
            #print('dir(v)  : ', dir(v))
            #print('v.keys(): ', v.keys())
            #print('v[12]: ', v[12])
            wnum = v.shape[0]
            hnum = v.shape[1]
            znum = v.shape[2]

            wmin += 1
            hmin += 1
            zmin += 1

            print('wnum, hnum, znum : ', wnum, hnum, znum)
            new_labels[wmin:wmin + wnum, hmin:hmin + hnum,
                       zmin:zmin + znum] += v.astype(np.int) * id

#### Dilution, clarification, etc

        new_labels_processed = np.zeros_like(ids_volume)
        for id in ids:

            ## Pickup the target area
            print('Dilution, id: ', id)
            target_area = morphology.binary_dilation(new_labels == id,

            ## Pickup segmented areas
            labels_to_pickup_segmentation = morphology.label(
                ids_volume * (target_area == 0))
            us, counts = np.unique(labels_to_pickup_segmentation,
            #print('us                : ', us)
            #print('segmentation count: ', counts)
            segmented_us = us[counts < 30]
            #print('segmented us      : ', segmented_us)

            segments = np.zeros_like(ids_volume)
            for segmented_u in segmented_us:
                segments += (
                    labels_to_pickup_segmentation == segmented_u).astype(

            ## Merge target area with segmented areas if they are connected.
            target_plus_segment = target_area * ids_volume + segments
            labels_to_remove_segmented_target = morphology.label(
                target_plus_segment > 0)
            u, counts = np.unique(labels_to_remove_segmented_target,
            labels_segmented_target_removed = (
                labels_to_remove_segmented_target == u[counts.argsort()[-2]]

            ## Assign the id to (target area in cytosol) and (segmented area).
            new_labels_processed += labels_segmented_target_removed * id

        with h5py.File('labels.hdf5', 'w') as f:
            f.create_dataset('dendrite', data=new_labels_processed)

        with h5py.File('labeled_cytosol.hdf5', 'w') as f:
                             data=new_labels_processed + ids_volume)

        return ids_volume, new_labels