コード例 #1
    def generate_fused_edge_points(self, base, middle, cell_data):
        unit_factor = self.calc_unit_factor()
        base_height = self.options.base_height * unit_factor
        distance = self.options.distance * unit_factor
        rows = self.options.rows

        edges = []
        if self.options.add_base_slot: edges.append(base['left'][0])
        for i in range(rows):
            cell_left = cell_data['edge_left'][i]
            dx = cell_data['dx'][i]
            edges.append(cell_left +
                         (dx, cell_data['dy'][i] + base_height + i * distance))
            if self.options.add_middle_slot and i < rows - 1:
                edges.append(middle['left'][i] + (0, 0))
        if self.options.add_base_slot: edges.append(base['left'][1])

        if self.options.add_base_slot: edges.append(base['right'][0])
        for i in range(rows):
            cell_right = cell_data['edge_right'][-(i + 1)]
            dx = cell_data['dx'][-(i + 2)]
            edges.append(cell_right +
                         (dx, cell_data['dy'][rows - i - 1] + base_height +
                          (rows - i - 1) * distance))
            if self.options.add_middle_slot and i < rows - 1:
                edges.append(middle['right'][i] + (0, 0))
        if self.options.add_base_slot: edges.append(base['right'][1])

        return Path.get_points(edges)
コード例 #2
    def generate_path_tree(self):
        """ Specialized path generation for your origami pattern
        # retrieve conversion factor for selected unit
        unit_factor = self.calc_unit_factor()

        # retrieve saved parameters, and apply unit factor where needed

        inverted = self.options.inverted
        sign = -1 if inverted else 1
        single_stroke = self.options.single_stroke
        radius_external = self.options.radius_external * unit_factor
        radius_type = self.options.radius_type
        radius_ratio = self.options.radius_ratio
        radius_internal = radius_external / radius_ratio if inverted else radius_external * radius_ratio
        # dradius = abs(radius_external-radius_internal)
        sides = self.options.sides
        connector_length = self.options.connector_length * unit_factor
        connector_thickness = self.options.connector_thickness * unit_factor
        head_length = self.options.head_length * unit_factor
        head_thickness = self.options.head_thickness * unit_factor

        angle = pi / sides
        length_external = 2 * radius_external * sin(angle)
        length_internal = length_external / radius_ratio if inverted else length_external * radius_ratio

        external_points = [
            (-length_external / 2, 0), (-connector_thickness / 2, 0),
            (-connector_thickness / 2, -connector_length * sign),
            (-connector_thickness / 2 - head_thickness / 2,
             -connector_length * sign),
            (-connector_thickness / 2,
             -(connector_length + head_length) * sign),
            (0, -(connector_length + head_length) * sign),
            (+connector_thickness / 2,
             -(connector_length + head_length) * sign),
            (+connector_thickness / 2 + head_thickness / 2,
             -connector_length * sign),
            (+connector_thickness / 2, -connector_length * sign),
            (+connector_thickness / 2, 0), (length_external / 2, 0)

        internal_points = [(0, 0), (length_internal, 0)]

        external_lines_0 = Path(external_points,
                                'm') + (length_external / 2, 0)
        external_lines = [external_lines_0]

        for i in range(sides - 1):
            x, y = external_lines[-1].points[-1]
            external_lines.append(external_lines_0 * (1, 2 * (i + 1) * angle) +
                                  (x, y))

        if single_stroke:
            external_lines = Path(Path.get_points(external_lines), 'm')

        self.path_tree = [external_lines]

        if self.options.radius_draw == True:

            # center point of main strokes
            outer_average = Path.get_average_point(external_lines)

            if radius_type == 'polygonal':
                internal_lines_0 = Path(internal_points, 'm')
                internal_lines = [internal_lines_0]
                for i in range(sides - 1):
                    x, y = internal_lines[-1].points[-1]
                    internal_lines.append(internal_lines_0 *
                                          (1, 2 * (i + 1) * angle) + (x, y))

                # move to center
                inner_average = Path.get_average_point(internal_lines)
                delta = ((outer_average[0] - inner_average[0]),
                         (outer_average[1] - inner_average[1]))

                if single_stroke:
                    internal_lines = Path(Path.get_points(internal_lines), 'm')

                internal_lines = Path.list_add(internal_lines, delta)
            elif radius_type == 'circular':

                internal_lines = Path(outer_average,

コード例 #3
    def generate_path_tree(self):
        """ Specialized path generation for your origami pattern
        # zero distances when slot option not selected
        if not self.options.add_base_slot:
            self.options.base_height = 0
            self.options.base_slot_height = 0
        if not self.options.add_middle_slot:
            self.options.distance = 0
            self.options.middle_slot_height = 0
        if self.options.base_height == 0:
            self.options.add_base_slot = False
        if self.options.distance == 0:
            self.options.add_middle_slot = False


        # pre-calculate width before adding one to sides, for easier attachment
        self.options.width = 2 * self.options.radius * sin(
            pi / self.options.sides)

        self.options.cols = self.options.sides + self.options.extra_column

        # get cell definitions
        cell_data = self.generate_cell()

        # calculate divider if it doesn't exist
        if 'divider' not in cell_data:
            points = Path.get_points(cell_data['interior'])
            x = [p[0] for p in points if p[1] == 0]
            cell_data['divider'] = Path([(min(x), 0), (max(x), 0)], style='m')

        points = Path.get_points(cell_data['divider'])
        x = [p[0] for p in points]
        DX = max(x) - min(x)
        # DX = 0

        # if 'edge_right' not in cell_data and 'edge_left' not in cell_data:
        #     cell_data['edge_left'] = []
        #     for interior in cell_data['interior']:
        #         points = Path.get_points(interior)
        #         x = [p[0] for p in points]
        #         y = [p[1] for p in points]
        #         top = [p for p in points if p[1] == min(y)]
        #         top_x = [p[0] for p in top]
        #         # top_y = [p[1] for p in top]
        #         bot = [p for p in points if p[1] == max(y)]
        #         bot_x = [p[0] for p in bot]
        #         # bot_y = [p[1] for p in bot]
        #         top_left = [p for p in top if p[0] == min(top_x)][0]
        #         bot_left = [p for p in bot if p[0] == min(bot_x)][0]
        #         cell_data['edge_left'].append(Path([top_left, bot_left], 'e'))

        if 'edge_right' not in cell_data and 'edge_left' in cell_data:
            cell_data['edge_right'] = []
            for edge_left in cell_data['edge_left']:
                edge_right = edge_left + (DX, 0)

        if 'edge_right' in cell_data and 'edge_left' not in cell_data:
            cell_data['edge_left'] = []
            for edge_right in cell_data['edge_right']:
                edge_left = edge_right + (-DX, 0)

        cell_data['dx'], cell_data['dy'] = self.get_dxdy(cell_data)

        # get all slots and vertical dividers between slots
        base, middle = self.generate_all_slots(cell_data)
        slots = [[base['slots'], middle['slots']]]

        # get horizontal dividers between cells
        dividers = self.generate_horizontal_dividers(cell_data)

        # finish by replicating the actual interior
        interior = self.generate_interior(cell_data)

        # use slots and cell data to create the full edge paths
        self.edge_points = self.generate_fused_edge_points(
            base, middle, cell_data)

        self.path_tree = [dividers, interior]
        if len(self.vertex_points) == 0:
            self.vertex_points = Path.get_points(self.path_tree)