def read_data(address, struct_num): xlist = [] ylist = [] counter = 0 for dir in os.listdir(address): counter += 1 if counter % 10 == 0: print("number of structures read: %d" % counter, end="\n") if counter > struct_num and struct_num > 0: break # print("Structure ", counter, " is ", dir) poscar = address / dir / "POSCAR" oszicar = address / dir / "OSZICAR" atoms, cell = utils.read_poscar(poscar) atoms = utils.CN(atoms, cell) nis_num = len(atoms)/2 code = utils.struc_code(atoms) xlist.append(code) eng = utils.read_oszicar(oszicar) eng_bar = eng - eng_NiS * nis_num ylist.append(eng_bar) xsum = np.sum(code) y_temp = np.divide(eng_bar, xsum) x = np.array(xlist).T y = np.array(ylist) return x, y
print("reading vasp files to build the training set ...") counter = 0 xlist = [] ylist = [] for dir_path in os.listdir(address): counter += 1 print("Structure %s" % dir_path, end="\n") # first read the unrelaxed structure oszicar = address / dir_path / "OSZICAR" if os.path.isfile(oszicar): eng = utils.read_oszicar( oszicar ) # red energy from oszicar. eng = 0.0 if simulation is not finished if eng != 0.0: # deal with the simulation onle if it is finished poscar = address / dir_path / "POSCAR" atoms, cell = utils.read_poscar(poscar) atom_num = len(atoms) atoms = utils.CN(atoms, cell) atoms = utils.steinhardt(atoms, cell, 2.55, [4, 6, 8, 10]) x, y = sinle_example(atoms, eng) xlist.append(x) ylist.append(y) x = np.array(xlist) y = np.array(ylist) print(x.shape) print(y.shape) print(np.max(x)) h5f = h5py.File('old_datasets/surface_2D.h5', 'w') h5f.create_dataset('x', data=x)
f.write('write_data %s/rlx.lmp\n' % (str(address))) command = 'source /opt/LAMMPS/; lmp_intel < ' + str( address) + '/in.temp > ' + str(address) + '/out.lmp' os.system(command) # os.system('lmp_intel < in.temp') for dir in os.listdir(address): print(dir) # poscar = address / dir / "POSCAR" # potcar = address / dir / "POTCAR" # incar = address / dir / "INCAR" # kpoints = address / dir / "KPOINTS" # # read atoms from the original POSCAR file atoms, cell = utils.read_poscar(poscar) atoms = utils.CN(atoms, cell) # # # Make GEOM_OPT directory to geometry optimize the structure with lammps geom_opt_dir = address / dir / "GEOM_OPT" # if os.path.isdir(geom_opt_dir): # command = 'rm -rf ' + str(geom_opt_dir) # os.system(command) # # os.mkdir(geom_opt_dir) # # copy VASP files to the GEOM_OPT directory # cp_command = 'cp ' + str(incar) + ' ' + str(geom_opt_dir) # os.system(cp_command) # cp_command = 'cp ' + str(poscar) + ' ' + str(geom_opt_dir) # os.system(cp_command) # cp_command = 'cp ' + str(potcar) + ' ' + str(geom_opt_dir)