コード例 #1
                        ea = rh * ea_str  #vapor pressure (umol h2O/mol air)

                        #correct for leaf temperatures using leaf height

                        t_diff = 18 - 0.4 * ht

                        tl = surtemp_dm[xxx][time] + t_diff

                        z = 0.2

                        #---------------Photosynthesis Function---------------#

                        #alter this line of code for when implementing different photosynthesis functions
                        wue, nue, A, E, cs, ci, gsw, gs, gbw, gb, gm, cc, dd = photo(
                            tk_25, ekc, eko, etau, ev, ej, toptv, toptj,
                            na_dm[xxx][time], qeff, PAR, tl, ea, chl, ij, kc25,
                            ko25, o, ca, rh, m, a, frnr, flnr, ra, jm, g0, b,
                            dia, u, q, vwc_min, vwc_max, vwc_dm[xxx][time], z)

                        #test to make sure wue and nue are positive at not 'nan'
                        if wue[0] == -999 and nue[0] == -999:


                        wue_d += [wue[0]]
                        nue_d += [nue[0]]
                        gsw_d += [gsw[0]]
                        A_d += [A[0]]
                        E_d += [E[0]]
                        vpd_d += [dd[0]]
                        if xxx == 0:
                pa_v, 3528
            )  #saturation vapor pressure of air (Pa-->umol h20/mol air)
            ea = rh * ea_str  #vapor pressure (umol h2O/mol air)

            #correct for leaf temperatures using leaf height

            t_diff = 18 - 0.4 * ht[0][iii]

            tl = t_dm + t_diff

            #---------------Photosynthesis Function---------------#

            #alter this line of code for when implementing different photosynthesis functions
            wue, nue, A, E, cs, ci, gsw, gs, gbw, gb, gm, cc, dd = photo(
                tk_25, ekc, eko, etau, ev, ej, toptv, toptj, na[0][iii], qeff,
                PAR, tl, ea, chl[0][iii], ij, kc25, ko25, o, ca, rh, m, a,
                frnr, flnr, ra, jm, g0, b, dia[0][iii], u, q, vwc_min, vwc_max,

            #test to make sure wue and nue are positive at not 'nan'
            if wue[0] == -999 and nue[0] == -999:


            wue_d += [wue[0]]
            nue_d += [nue[0]]
            gsw_d += [gsw[0]]
            A_d += [A[0]]
            E_d += [E[0]]
            vpd_d += [dd[0]]
            if 'nm' in dict_params[ii]:
                nm = nm_c
                s = s_c  #nm and s are dependent variables
            if 'm' in dict_params[ii]:
                m = m_c
            if 'chl' in dict_params[ii]:
                chl = chl_c
            if 'tl' in dict_params[ii]:
                tl = tl_c
            if 'vwc' in dict_params[ii]:
                vwc = vwc_c
            if 'ij' in dict_params[ii]:
                ij = ij_c

            wue, nue, A, gsw, E, na = photo(s, nm, tl, ea, chl, crc, rub_max,
                                            ij, vwc, kc25, ko25, o, tau25, ca,
                                            rh, m, a, frnr, flnr, ra, j_b,
                                            j_m_max, q, vwc_min, vwc_max, b)

            if wue == -999 and nue == -999:

#---------------Test for Low NUE Values---------------#

#    if any(nue<15):
#        break

#---------------Make Array of Values for Each Meadow---------------#

            if i + 1 < 33:
                if iii == 0:
                    wue_f_per1 += [wue]