コード例 #1
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        if not self.isFastsim:
            return True

        if self.applyUncert == "JESUp":
            met       = ObjectRemapped(event, self.metBranchName, replaceMap={"pt":"pt_jesTotalUp", "phi":"phi_jesTotalUp"})
        elif self.applyUncert == "JESDown":
            met       = ObjectRemapped(event, self.metBranchName, replaceMap={"pt":"pt_jesTotalDown", "phi":"phi_jesTotalDown"})
        elif self.applyUncert == "METUnClustUp":
            met       = ObjectRemapped(event, self.metBranchName, replaceMap={"pt":"pt_unclustEnUp", "phi":"phi_unclustEnUp"})
        elif self.applyUncert == "METUnClustDown":
            met       = ObjectRemapped(event, self.metBranchName, replaceMap={"pt":"pt_unclustEnDown", "phi":"phi_unclustEnDown"})
            met       = Object(event, self.metBranchName)

        genmet = Object(event, "GenMET")

        fastmet = (met.pt + genmet.pt)/2.0
        fastmet_err = math.fabs(fastmet - met.pt)

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Store output ~~~~~
        if self.applyUncert == "JESUp":
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_jesTotalUp", fastmet)
        elif self.applyUncert == "JESDown":
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_jesTotalDown", fastmet)
        elif self.applyUncert == "METUnClustUp":
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_unclustEnUp", fastmet)
        elif self.applyUncert == "METUnClustDown":
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_unclustEnDown", fastmet)
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt", fastmet)
            self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_fasterr", fastmet_err)

        return True
コード例 #2
    def analyze(self, event): #called by the eventloop per-event
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        #Increment counter and skip events past the maxEventsToProcess, if larger than -1
        self.counter +=1
        if -1 < self.maxEventsToProcess < self.counter:
            return False
        if (self.counter % 100) == 0:
            print("Processed {0:2d} Events".format(self.counter))

        HT = 0

        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        met = Object(event, "MET")
        HLT = Object(event, "HLT")

        if met.pt < 25:
            return False

        for jet in jets:
            if jet.jetId < 2:
            if abs(jet.eta) > 2.5:
            HT += jet.pt
        if HT < 350:
            return False

        return True
コード例 #3
    def analyze(self, event):
	jets      = Collection(event, "Jet")
	genjets   = Collection(event, "GenJet")
	met       = Object(event,     self.metBranchName)
	weight    = Object(event,     "genWeight")

	# matching gen jet can be called by the index Jet_genJetIdx, jet.genJetIdx == matched GenJet

	#bootstrapping should be done here
	#the histogram can be accessed by doing self.targeth.{some root function to get the value}
	#xBinWidth = float(2/self.targeth.GetNbinsX())
	xBinWidth = 0.01
	#begin smearing
	smearWeight = 1
	nj = 0
	for gJ in genjets :
		if nj == self.nSmearJets:
        	gj = j.genJetIdx
		#you know have a matching index to the reco jet
		testMet = self.addFourVector(met, j).Pt()
		print "nj: ", nj
		print "index: ", gj
		print "testMet: ", testMet
		jetFlavour = j.partonFlavour
		self.out.fillBranch("jetFlav", jetFlavour)
		#This calculates the response with matched gen and reco jets
		origRes_ = self.jetResFunction(j, genjets[gj])
		print "CDF: ", self.targeth.GetBinContent(int(origRes_/self.xBinWidth))
		self.out.fillBranch("origRes", origRes_)
        return True
コード例 #4
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        if not self.isFastsim:
            return True

        met = Object(event, "MET")
        genmet = Object(event, "GenMET")
        genpar = Object(event, "GenPart")

        fastmet = (met.pt + genmet.pt) / 2.0
        fastmet_err = math.fabs(fastmet - met.pt)

        # print(type(genpar.status))
        # status = genpar.status == 62
        # print(type(status))
        mothermass = np.unique(
            genpar.mass[(genpar.status == 62)
                        & (np.absolute(genpar.pdgId) > 1000000)])
        LSPmass = np.unique(genpar.mass[(genpar.status == 1)
                                        & (genpar.pdgId == 1000022)])
        if mothermass.shape != (1, ) or LSPmass.shape != (1, ):
            print("Not pair SUSY? Danger!")

        #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Store output ~~~~~
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt", fastmet)
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_fasterr", fastmet_err)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_MotherMass", mothermass[0])
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_LSPMass", LSPmass[0])
コード例 #5
    def analyze(self, event):
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        pfmet = Object(event, self.pfmetBranchName)
        rawmet = Object(event, self.rawmetBranchName)
        puppimet = Object(event, self.puppimetBranchName)
        flag = Object(event, self.flagBranchName)

        #print flag.goodVertices, flag.HBHENoiseFilter, flag.HBHENoiseIsoFilter, flag.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter, flag.BadPFMuonFilter, flag.ecalBadCalibFilter
        if (flag.goodVertices == False or flag.HBHENoiseFilter == False
                or flag.HBHENoiseIsoFilter == False
                or flag.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter == False
                or flag.BadPFMuonFilter == False
                or flag.ecalBadCalibFilter == False):
            return False

        mu0 = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
        mu0.SetPtEtaPhiM(muons[0].pt, muons[0].eta, muons[0].phi,
        mu1 = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
        mu1.SetPtEtaPhiM(muons[1].pt, muons[1].eta, muons[1].phi,

        mass_dimuon = (mu0 + mu1).M()
        zpt = (mu0 + mu1).Pt()

        #select events with at least 2 muons
        if abs(mass_dimuon - 91.0) < 10.0:
            self.h_rawmet.Fill(rawmet.pt)  #fill histogram
            self.h_pfmet.Fill(pfmet.pt)  #fill histogram
            self.h_puppimet.Fill(puppimet.pt)  #fill histogram
        return True
コード例 #6
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        ## Getting objects
        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        isotracks = Collection(event, "IsoTrack")
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        isvs = Collection(event, "SB")
        photons = Collection(event, "Photon")
        met = Object(event, self.metBranchName)
        flags = Object(event, "Flag")

        ## Selecting objects
        self.Electron_Stop0l = map(self.SelEle, electrons)
        self.Muon_Stop0l = map(self.SelMuon, muons)
        self.IsoTrack_Stop0l = map(lambda x: self.SelIsotrack(x, met),
        self.Jet_Stop0l = map(self.SelJets, jets)
        local_BJet_Stop0l = map(self.SelBtagJets, jets)
        self.BJet_Stop0l = [
            a and b for a, b in zip(self.Jet_Stop0l, local_BJet_Stop0l)
        self.SB_Stop0l = map(self.SelSoftb, isvs)
        self.Photon_Stop0l = map(self.SelPhotons, photons)

        ## Jet variables
        jet_phi = np.asarray([jet.phi for jet in jets])
        Jet_dPhi = jet_phi - met.phi
                    2 * math.pi,
                    where=(Jet_dPhi >= math.pi))
               2 * math.pi,
               where=(Jet_dPhi < -1 * math.pi))
        np.fabs(Jet_dPhi, out=Jet_dPhi)
        ## TODO: Need to improve speed
        HT = self.CalHT(jets)
        Mtb, Ptb = self.CalMTbPTb(jets, met)

        ### Store output
        self.out.fillBranch("Electron_Stop0l", self.Electron_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Muon_Stop0l", self.Muon_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("IsoTrack_Stop0l", self.IsoTrack_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Jet_btagStop0l", self.BJet_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Jet_Stop0l", self.Jet_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("SB_Stop0l", self.SB_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Photon_Stop0l", self.Photon_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Jet_dPhiMET", Jet_dPhi)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_HT", HT)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_Mtb", Mtb)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_Ptb", Ptb)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nJets", sum(self.Jet_Stop0l))
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nbtags", sum(self.BJet_Stop0l))
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nSoftb", sum(self.SB_Stop0l))
                            met.pt / math.sqrt(HT) if HT > 0 else 0)
        return True
コード例 #7
ファイル: HLT_Filter.py プロジェクト: CMSNAFW/nanoAOD-tools
 def analyze(self, event):
     """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
     HLT = Object(event, "HLT")
     run = Object(event, "run")
     if self.year == '2016' and self.runP != 'H':
         if run.__getattr__('') > 274954:
             good_HLT = HLT.PFHT800 or HLT.PFHT900 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.TkMu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon175 or HLT.Ele27_WPTight_Gsf
     return good_HLT
コード例 #8
ファイル: HCAL_MET_res.py プロジェクト: wang-hui/HCAL_MET_res
    def analyze(self, event):
        #================ read needed collections/objects here ====================
        Muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        Flags = Object(event, "Flag")
        MET = Object(event, "MET")
        CaloMET = Object(event, "CaloMET")

        #================ analyze each event ======================================

        #print event.event, CaloMET.pt

        if self.pass_event_filter(Flags):

            SelMuons = self.sel_muons(Muons)
            if len(SelMuons) == 2:
                ZmumuCand = self.sel_zmumu_cand(SelMuons)
                if ZmumuCand is not None:
                    ZmumuCandMass = ZmumuCand.M()
                    if ZmumuCandMass > 81 and ZmumuCandMass < 101:
                        ZmumuCandPt = ZmumuCand.Pt()
                        dPhiZMET = MET.phi - ZmumuCand.Phi()
                        METPara = MET.pt * math.cos(dPhiZMET)
                        METVert = MET.pt * math.sin(dPhiZMET)
                        UPara = -METPara - ZmumuCandPt
                        UVert = -METVert

                                                       -UPara / ZmumuCandPt)
                        self.UPara_vs_Zpt_h.Fill(ZmumuCandPt, UPara)
                        self.UVert_vs_Zpt_h.Fill(ZmumuCandPt, UVert)

                        dPhiZCaloMET = CaloMET.phi - ZmumuCand.Phi()
                        CaloMETPara = CaloMET.pt * math.cos(dPhiZCaloMET)
                        CaloMETVert = CaloMET.pt * math.sin(dPhiZCaloMET)
                        UCaloPara = -CaloMETPara - ZmumuCandPt
                        UCaloVert = -CaloMETVert

                            ZmumuCandPt, -UCaloPara / ZmumuCandPt)
                        self.UCaloPara_vs_Zpt_h.Fill(ZmumuCandPt, UCaloPara)
                        self.UCaloVert_vs_Zpt_h.Fill(ZmumuCandPt, UCaloVert)
        #return true to move on to the next module. return false to go to the next event
        return True
コード例 #9
 def analyze(self, event):
     """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
     HLT = Object(event, "HLT")
     flag = Object(event, 'Flag')
     good_MET = flag.goodVertices and flag.globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter and flag.HBHENoiseFilter and flag.HBHENoiseIsoFilter and flag.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter and flag.BadPFMuonFilter
     if (self.year == 2016):
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT800 or HLT.PFHT900 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon175 or HLT.Ele27_WPTight_Gsf
     elif (self.year == 2017):
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT780 or HLT.PFHT890 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon200 or HLT.Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
     elif (self.year == 2018):
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT780 or HLT.PFHT890 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
         print "Please specify the year: possible choices are 2016, 2017 or 2018"
     return good_MET and good_HLT
コード例 #10
    def analyze(self, event):
        met       = Object(event, "MET")
        hlt       = Object(event, "HLT")

        refAccept = hlt.Ele27_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf
        sigAccept = hlt.PFMET170_HBHECleaned
        if not refAccept:
            return False

        if sigAccept:

        return True
コード例 #11
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        Generator = Object(event, "Generator")
        LHEPdfWeight = Collection(event, 'LHEPdfWeight')
        LHEScaleWeight = Collection(event, 'LHEScaleWeight')
        PSWeight = Collection(event, 'PSWeight')
        if not len(LHEPdfWeight) == 0:
            self.h_PDFweight.SetNameTitle('h_PDFweight', 'h_PDFweight')
            self.h_PDFweight.SetBins(len(LHEPdfWeight), 0, len(LHEPdfWeight))
            for pdfw, i in zip(LHEPdfWeight, xrange(1, len(LHEPdfWeight)+1)):
                self.h_PDFweight.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, 'pdf['+str(i)+']')
                self.h_PDFweight.AddBinContent(i, pdfw.__getattr__(""))
        if not len(LHEScaleWeight) == 0: #LHE scale variation weights (w_var / w_nominal); [0] is muR=0.5 muF=0.5 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [1] is muR=0.5 muF=1 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [2] is muR=0.5 muF=2 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [3] is muR=1 muF=0.5 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [4] is muR=1 muF=1 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [5] is muR=1 muF=2 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [6] is muR=2 muF=0.5 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [7] is muR=2 muF=1 hdamp=mt=272.7225 ; [8] is muR=2 muF=2 hdamp=mt=272.7225
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=0.5 muF=0.5', LHEScaleWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=0.5 muF=1', LHEScaleWeight[1].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=0.5 muF=2', LHEScaleWeight[2].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=1 muF=0.5', LHEScaleWeight[3].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=1 muF=2', LHEScaleWeight[5].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=2 muF=0.5', LHEScaleWeight[6].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=2 muF=1', LHEScaleWeight[7].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_q2weight.Fill('muR=2 muF=2', LHEScaleWeight[8].__getattr__(""))
        if len(PSWeight) > 1: #PS weights (w_var / w_nominal); [0] is ISR=0.5 FSR=1; [1] is ISR=1 FSR=0.5; [2] is ISR=2 FSR=1; [3] is ISR=1 FSR=2
            self.h_psweight.Fill('ISRdown', PSWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('FSRdown', PSWeight[1].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('ISRup', PSWeight[2].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('FSRup', PSWeight[3].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('ISRdown', PSWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('FSRdown', PSWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('ISRup', PSWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
            self.h_psweight.Fill('FSRup', PSWeight[0].__getattr__(""))
        self.h_genweight.Fill("SumEvents", 1)
        self.h_genweight.Fill("GenWeights", Generator.weight)

        return True
コード例 #12
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""

        newmetmodule = -1
        newmetphi = -1

        met = Object(event, "MET")

        met_px = met.pt * math.cos(met.phi)
        met_py = met.pt * math.sin(met.phi)

        if self.kind == 'Up':
            met_px_UnclEnUp  = met_px + getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX")
            met_py_UnclEnUp  = met_py + getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY")
            met_pt_UnclEnUp  = math.sqrt(met_px_UnclEnUp**2 + met_py_UnclEnUp**2)
            met_phi_UnclEnUp = math.atan2(met_py_UnclEnUp, met_px_UnclEnUp)
            newmet_phi_UnclEnUp = self.FixAngle(met.phi + self.FixAngle( met_phi_UnclEnUp - getattr(event, "RawMET_phi") ))

            newmetmodule = met_pt_UnclEnUp
            newmetphi = newmet_phi_UnclEnUp

        elif self.kind == 'Dn' or self.kind == 'Down':
            met_px_UnclEnDn  = met_px - getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX")
            met_py_UnclEnDn  = met_py - getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY")
            met_pt_UnclEnDn  = math.sqrt(met_px_UnclEnDn**2 + met_py_UnclEnDn**2)
            met_phi_UnclEnDn = math.atan2(met_py_UnclEnDn, met_px_UnclEnDn)
            newmet_phi_UnclEnDn = self.FixAngle(met.phi + self.FixAngle( met_phi_UnclEnDn - getattr(event, "RawMET_phi") ))

            newmetmodule = met_pt_UnclEnDn
            newmetphi = newmet_phi_UnclEnDn

        self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt", newmetmodule)
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_phi", newmetphi)

        return True
コード例 #13
ファイル: LT.py プロジェクト: oturkot/tth-nanoAOD-tools
    def analyze(self, event):
        isMC = event.run == 1
        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        met = Object(event, "MET")

        #lepton selection
        wElectrons = [
            x for x in electrons
            if (x.cutBased == 4 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1 and x.convVeto)
        ]  #loose pt cut for veto
        wMuons = [
            x for x in muons
            if (x.mediumId and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.2 and x.sip3d < 4)
        ]  #loose pt cut for veto
        wMuons.sort(key=lambda x: x.pt, reverse=True)
        wElectrons.sort(key=lambda x: x.pt, reverse=True)
        Vtype = -1
        vLeptons = []  # decay products of V
        if len(wElectrons) + len(wMuons) == 1:
            if len(wMuons) == 1:
                Vtype = 0
                vLeptons = [wMuons[0]]
            if len(wElectrons) == 1:
                Vtype = 1
                vLeptons = [wElectrons[0]]
            return False

        self.out.fillBranch("L_T", vLeptons[0].pt + met.pt)

        return True
コード例 #14
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        ## Getting objects
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        fatjets = Collection(event, "FatJet")
        subjets = Collection(event, "SubJet")
        resolves = Collection(event, "ResolvedTop")
        met = Object(event, self.metBranchName)

        ## Selecting objects
        self.FatJet_Stop0l = map(self.SelDeepAK8, fatjets)
        self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l = map(lambda x: self.SelDeepResolved(x, jets),
        temp = self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l
        self.ResovleOverlapDeepAK8(resolves, fatjets, jets, subjets)
        # if (temp != self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l) :
        # print (temp, self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l)
        self.nTop = sum([i for i in self.FatJet_Stop0l if i == 1])
        self.nW = sum([1 for i in self.FatJet_Stop0l if i == 2])
        self.nResolved = sum(self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l)
        self.ISRJetidx = self.GetISRJets(fatjets, subjets, met.phi)
        ISRJetPt = fatjets[self.ISRJetidx].pt if self.ISRJetidx != -1 else 0

        ### Store output
        self.out.fillBranch("FatJet_Stop0l", self.FatJet_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("ResolvedTop_Stop0l", self.ResolvedTop_Stop0l)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nTop", self.nTop)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nW", self.nW)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_nResolved", self.nResolved)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_ISRJetIdx", self.ISRJetidx)
        self.out.fillBranch("Stop0l_ISRJetPt", ISRJetPt)
        return True
コード例 #15
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        fatjets = Collection(event, "FatJet")
        PV = Object(event, "PV")

        isGoodPV = (PV.ndof>4 and abs(PV.z)<20 and math.hypot(PV.x, PV.y)<2)

        goodMu = list(filter(lambda x : x.tightId and x.pt > 55 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1, muons))
        highMu = list(filter(lambda x : x.highPtId == 2 and x.pt > 55 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1, muons))
        looseMu = list(filter(lambda x : x.looseId and not x.tightId and x.pt > 35 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4, muons))
        goodEle = list(filter(lambda x : x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WP90 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1 and ((abs(x.eta) < 1.4442) or (abs(x.eta) > 1.566 and abs(x.eta) < 2.5)), electrons))
        looseEle = list(filter(lambda x : x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL and not x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WP90 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4 and x.pt > 35 and ((abs(x.eta) < 1.4442) or (abs(x.eta) > 1.566 and abs(x.eta)< 2.5)), electrons))
        goodJet = list(filter(lambda x : x.jetId >= 2 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4 and x.pt > 100, jets))

        isGoodEvent = (((len(goodMu) == 1) and (len(goodEle) == 0)) and len(goodJet)>=1 and len(fatjets) > 1)
        isHighEvent = (((len(highMu) == 1) and (len(goodEle) == 0)) and len(goodJet)>=1 and len(fatjets) > 1)

        self.out.fillBranch("isTight", int(isGoodEvent and isGoodPV))
        self.out.fillBranch("isMCTight", int(isGoodEvent and isGoodPV and (goodMu[0].genPartFlav == 1 or goodMu[0].genPartFlav == 15)))
        self.out.fillBranch("isHighPt", int(isHighEvent and isGoodPV))
        self.out.fillBranch("isMCHighPt", int(isHighEvent and isGoodPV and (highMu[0].genPartFlav == 1 or highMu[0].genPartFlav == 15)))

        return isGoodPV and (isGoodEvent or isHighEvent)
コード例 #16
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""

        metUnclustX = getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX")
        metUnclustY = getattr(event, "MET_MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY")

        for metType in self.metCollections:
                met = Object(event, metType)
            except AttributeError:

            met_px = met.pt * math.cos(met.phi)
            met_py = met.pt * math.sin(met.phi)
            sumEt = met.sumEt

            if self.kind == 'Up':
                met_px_UnclEn = met_px + metUnclustX
                met_py_UnclEn = met_py + metUnclustY

            elif self.kind == 'Dn' or self.kind == 'Down':
                met_px_UnclEn = met_px - metUnclustX
                met_py_UnclEn = met_py - metUnclustY

            met_pt_UnclEn = math.sqrt(met_px_UnclEn**2 + met_py_UnclEn**2)
            met_phi_UnclEn = self.FixAngle(
                math.atan2(met_py_UnclEn, met_px_UnclEn))

            self.out.fillBranch(metType + "_pt", met_pt_UnclEn)
            self.out.fillBranch(metType + "_phi", met_phi_UnclEn)

        return True
コード例 #17
    def analyze(self, event):
        goodEvent = False
        isVetoMu = False
        isVetoEle = False
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        fatjets = Collection(event, "FatJet")
        PV = Object(event, "PV")
        goodEle = []
        goodJet = []
        eventSum = ROOT.TLorentzVector()

        isGoodPV = (PV.ndof>4 and abs(PV.z)<20 and math.hypot(PV.x, PV.y)<2)

        goodMu = list(filter(lambda x : x.tightId and abs(x.eta) < 2.4 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1, muons))
        looseMu = list(filter(lambda x : x.looseId and not x.tightId and x.pt > 35 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4, muons))
        goodEle = list(filter(lambda x : x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WP90 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.1 and ((abs(x.eta) < 1.4442) or (abs(x.eta) > 1.566 and abs(x.eta) < 2.5)), electrons))
        looseEle = list(filter(lambda x : x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL and not x.mvaFall17V2noIso_WP90 and x.miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4 and x.pt > 35 and ((abs(x.eta) < 1.4442) or (abs(x.eta) > 1.566 and abs(x.eta)< 2.5)), electrons))
        goodJet = list(filter(lambda x : x.jetId >= 2 and abs(x.eta) < 2.4 and x.pt > 25, jets))

        for j in goodJet:
            eventSum += j.p4()

        self.out.fillBranch("HT_eventHT", eventSum.Pt())

        isGoodEvent = ((((len(goodMu) >= 1) and (len(goodEle) == 0)) or ((len(goodMu) == 0) and (len(goodEle) >= 1))) and len(goodJet)>=1)
        goodEvent = isGoodPV and isGoodEvent
            #print "No. Mu = ", len(goodMu), " No. Ele = ", len(goodEle), " veto Mu is ", not isVetoMu, " veto Ele is ", not isVetoEle, " No. barrel jets = ", len(goodJet)
        return goodEvent
コード例 #18
ファイル: jetRecalib.py プロジェクト: vberta/nanoAOD-tools
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        jets = Collection(event, self.jetBranchName)
        met = Object(event, "MET")

        jets_pt_nom = []
        (met_px, met_py) = (met.pt * math.cos(met.phi),
                            met.pt * math.sin(met.phi))
        (met_px_nom, met_py_nom) = (met_px, met_py)
        met_px_nom = met_px
        met_py_nom = met_py

        rho = getattr(event, self.rhoBranchName)

        for jet in jets:
            jet_pt = jet.pt
            jet_pt = self.jetReCalibrator.correct(jet, rho)
            jet_pt_nom = jet_pt  # don't smear resolution in data
            if jet_pt_nom < 0.0:
                jet_pt_nom *= -1.0
            if jet_pt_nom > 15.:
                jet_cosPhi = math.cos(jet.phi)
                jet_sinPhi = math.sin(jet.phi)
                met_px_nom = met_px_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet.pt) * jet_cosPhi
                met_py_nom = met_py_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet.pt) * jet_sinPhi
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt_nom" % self.jetBranchName, jets_pt_nom)
                            math.sqrt(met_px_nom**2 + met_py_nom**2))
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_phi_nom", math.atan2(met_py_nom, met_px_nom))

        return True
コード例 #19
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        ## Getting objects
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        #if self.isData == False:
        genjets = Collection(event, "GenJet")
        met = Object(event, self.metBranchName)

        jetNearMETInd, MMJetDPhi = -1, -1
        for iJ in range(1, len(jets)):
            if iJ > 2: continue
            dPhi = abs(deltaPhi(jets[iJ].phi, met.phi))
            if (MMJetDPhi < 0 or dPhi < MMJetDPhi):
                MMJetDPhi = dPhi
                jetNearMETInd = iJ

        if jetNearMETInd < 0: return True

        pJ = jets[jetNearMETInd]
        passFilter = len(jets) > jetNearMETInd
        pseudoGenPT = self.addFourVec(met, pJ).Pt()
        MMPseudoResp = pJ.pt / pseudoGenPT if pseudoGenPT > 0 else 999

        # True response info
        #print "isQCD: ", self.isQCD
        mmOut = []
        #if self.isQCD == True or self.isQCDOrig == True:
        #if isData ==False:
        mmOut = self.getQCDRespTailCorrector(jets, genjets, met)
        #	mmOut = [-1, -1.0, -1]
        trueRespInd, trueResp = mmOut[0], mmOut[1]
        #print "trueResp: ", trueRespInd, trueResp
        trueRespFlv = 99
        trueRespGenPT = -1.0
        if trueRespInd >= 0:
            for iG in xrange(len(genjets)):
                gjet = genjets[iG]
                if iG != trueRespInd: continue
                trueRespGenPT = gjet.pt
                trueRespFlv = gjet.partonFlavour

#if self.isQCDOrig:
        b = []
        for iB in xrange(self.nBootstraps):
        self.out.fillBranch("nBootstrapWeight", self.nBootstraps)
        self.out.fillBranch("bootstrapWeight", b)

        ### Store output
        self.out.fillBranch("pseudoResp", MMPseudoResp)
        self.out.fillBranch("pseudoRespCSV", pJ.btagDeepB)
        self.out.fillBranch("pseudoRespPseudoGenPT", pseudoGenPT)
        self.out.fillBranch("pseudoRespPassFilter", passFilter)
        self.out.fillBranch("trueResp", trueResp if trueRespInd >= 0 else -1)
        self.out.fillBranch("trueRespFlv", trueRespFlv)
        self.out.fillBranch("trueRespGenPT", trueRespGenPT)
        return True
コード例 #20
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        jets = Collection(event, self.jetBranchName )
        met = Object(event, "MET") 

        jets_pt_raw = []
        jets_pt_nom = []
        jets_mass_raw = []
        jets_mass_nom = []
        jets_corr_JEC = []
        ( met_px,         met_py         ) = ( met.pt*math.cos(met.phi), met.pt*math.sin(met.phi) )
        ( met_px_nom, met_py_nom ) = ( met_px, met_py )
        met_px_nom = met_px
        met_py_nom = met_py
        rho = getattr(event, self.rhoBranchName)
        for jet in jets:            
            #jet pt and mass corrections

            #redo JECs if desired
            if hasattr(jet, "rawFactor"):
                jet_rawpt = jet_pt * (1 - jet.rawFactor)
                jet_rawmass = jet_mass * (1 - jet.rawFactor)
                jet_rawpt = -1.0 * jet_pt #If factor not present factor will be saved as -1
                jet_rawmass = -1.0 * jet_mass #If factor not present factor will be saved as -1
            if self.redoJEC :
                (jet_pt, jet_mass) = self.jetReCalibrator.correct(jet,rho)

            jet_pt_nom           = jet_pt # don't smear resolution in data
            if jet_pt_nom < 0.0:
                jet_pt_nom *= -1.0
            jets_pt_nom    .append(jet_pt_nom)

            jet_mass_nom         = jet_mass
            if jet_mass_nom < 0.0:
                jet_mass_nom *= -1.0
            jets_mass_nom    .append(jet_mass_nom)

            if jet_pt_nom > 15.:
                jet_cosPhi = math.cos(jet.phi)
                jet_sinPhi = math.sin(jet.phi)
                met_px_nom = met_px_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet.pt)*jet_cosPhi
                met_py_nom = met_py_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet.pt)*jet_sinPhi
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt_raw" % self.jetBranchName, jets_pt_raw)
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt_nom" % self.jetBranchName, jets_pt_nom)
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_mass_raw" % self.jetBranchName, jets_mass_raw)
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_mass_nom" % self.jetBranchName, jets_mass_nom)
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_pt_nom", math.sqrt(met_px_nom**2 + met_py_nom**2))
        self.out.fillBranch("MET_phi_nom", math.atan2(met_py_nom, met_px_nom))        
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_corr_JEC" % self.jetBranchName, jets_corr_JEC)

        return True
コード例 #21
    def analyze(self, event):

        HLT = Object(event, "HLT")

        if (HLT.IsoMu24 or HLT.IsoMu27 or HLT.Mu50):
            return False

        return True
コード例 #22
    def analyze(self, event):
        PV = Object(event, "PV")

        self.quantities.HT = event.SoftActivityJetHT
        self.quantities.PV = ROOT.TVector3(PV.x, PV.y, PV.z)

        return True
コード例 #23
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        jets = Collection(event, self.jetBranchName)
        mets = []
        met_px = []
        met_py = []
        for mid, met in enumerate(self.metCollections):
            mets.append(Object(event, met))
            met_px.append(mets[mid].pt * math.cos(mets[mid].phi))
            met_py.append(mets[mid].pt * math.sin(mets[mid].phi))

        jets_pt_newlist = []
        rawFactor_newlist = []

        otherjets = []
        otherjets_pt_newlist = []
        for jname in self.otherJetBranches:
            otherjets.append(Collection(event, jname))

        rho = getattr(event, self.rhoBranchName)

        for jid, jet in enumerate(jets):
            # Apply new correction (this includes undoing previous correction first)
            newjet_pt = self.jetReCalibrator.correct(jet, rho)[0]
            # Rewrite new correction factor
            rawFactor_newlist.append(1. - ((jet.pt *
                                            (1. - jet.rawFactor)) / newjet_pt))

            if newjet_pt < 0.0: newjet_pt *= -1.0

            if newjet_pt > 15.:
                jet_cosPhi = math.cos(jet.phi)
                jet_sinPhi = math.sin(jet.phi)
                for mid, met in enumerate(self.metCollections):
                    met_px[mid] = met_px[mid] - (newjet_pt -
                                                 jet.pt) * jet_cosPhi
                    met_py[mid] = met_py[mid] - (newjet_pt -
                                                 jet.pt) * jet_sinPhi

            for oj, jname in enumerate(self.otherJetBranches):
                for ojet in otherjets[oj]:
                    if jid == ojet.jetIdx:

        self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt" % self.jetBranchName, jets_pt_newlist)
        self.out.fillBranch("%s_rawFactor" % self.jetBranchName,
        for oj, jname in enumerate(self.otherJetBranches):
            self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt" % jname, otherjets_pt_newlist[oj])
        for mid, met in enumerate(self.metCollections):
            self.out.fillBranch("%s_pt" % met,
                                math.sqrt(met_px[mid]**2 + met_py[mid]**2))
            self.out.fillBranch("%s_phi" % met,
                                math.atan2(met_py[mid], met_px[mid]))

        return True
コード例 #24
    def correctJetMET_Data(self, event):
        """Process data event."""
        ###print ">>> %8s "%event.event + '-'*80

        jets_pt_nom = []
        if self.corrMET:
            met = Object(event, self.metBranchName)
            met_px_nom, met_py_nom = met.pt * cos(met.phi), met.pt * sin(

        # APPLY JEC per jet
        jets = Collection(event, self.jetBranchName)
        rho = getattr(event, self.rhoBranchName)
        for jet in jets:

            # RAW VALUES
            jet_pt0 = jet.pt
            if hasattr(jet, 'rawFactor'):
                jet_pt_raw = jet_pt0 * (1 - jet.rawFactor)
                jet_pt_raw = -1.0 * jet_pt0  # if factor not present factor will be saved as -1

            # CALIBRATE - apply JES corrections
            if self.redoJEC:
                jet_pt_nom, jet_mass_nom = self.jetReCalibrator.correct(
                    jet, rho)
                jet.pt = jet_pt_nom
                jet.mass = jet_mass_nom
                jet_pt_nom = jet.pt
                jet_mass_nom = jet.mass
            ###print "%10.4f %10.4f %10.5f %10.5f"%(jet_pt_raw,jet_pt_nom,jet.eta,jet.rawFactor)
            ###print "%10.4f %8.4f %8.4f %10.6f %10.6f"%(jet_pt_raw, jet_pt0, jet_pt_nom, jet.rawFactor, jet_pt_nom/jet_pt_raw-1.)

            #### UPDATE JET in event
            ###if self.updateEvent:
            ###  getattr(event,self.jetBranchName+'_pt')[jet._index] = jet_pt_nom

            # PROPAGATE JES corrections to MET
            if self.corrMET and jet_pt_nom > self.unclEnThreshold:
                jet_cosPhi = cos(jet.phi)
                jet_sinPhi = sin(jet.phi)
                met_px_nom = met_px_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet_pt0) * jet_cosPhi
                met_py_nom = met_py_nom - (jet_pt_nom - jet_pt0) * jet_sinPhi

        # PREPARE MET for return
        if self.corrMET:
            met_nom = TLorentzVector(met_px_nom, met_py_nom, 0,
                                     sqrt(met_px_nom**2 + met_py_nom**2))
            ###if self.updateEvent:
            ###  setattr(event,self.metBranchName+'_pt',  met_vars['nom'].Pt())
            ###  setattr(event,self.metBranchName+'_phi', met_vars['nom'].Phi())
            return jets_pt_nom, met_nom

        return jets_pt_nom
コード例 #25
    def analyze(self, event):
        if not self.isData:
            pileUp = Object(event, "Pileup")

            puWeight = self.pileUpWeight.GetBinContent(
            self.out.fillBranch("puWeight", puWeight)

        return True
コード例 #26
 def CheckisData(self, event):
     if self.isData is not None:
         return False
     run = Object(event, "run")
     if run > 1:
         self.isData = True
         self.isData = False
     return True
コード例 #27
    def analyze(self, event):
        """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
        self.eventCounter += 1

        if self.eventCounter > self.eventLimit > -1:
            return False

        #  Event Collections and Objects #
        muons = Collection(event, "Muon")
        electrons = Collection(event, "Electron")
        jets = Collection(event, "Jet")
        hltObj = Object(event, "HLT")  # object with only the trigger branches in that event
        met = Object(event, "MET")
        # genMet = Object(event, "GenMET")

        metPt = getattr(met, "pt")
        metPhi = getattr(met, "phi")
        # genMetPt = getattr(genMet, "pt")
        # genMetPhi = getattr(genMet, "phi")

        nJetPass, JetPassIdx, nBtagPass = self.jetCriteria(jets)
        nMuonPass, MuonPassIdx = self.muonCriteria(muons)
        nElPass, ElPassIdx = self.electronCriteria(electrons)

        if nJetPass > 5 and nBtagPass > 1:
            if nMuonPass == 1 and nElPass == 0:
                jetHt = 0
                for nj, jet in enumerate(jets):
                    jetHt += jet.pt
                self.out.fillBranch("Jet2_HT", jetHt)
                return True
            elif nMuonPass == 0 and nElPass == 1:
                jetHt = 0
                for nj, jet in enumerate(jets):
                    jetHt += jet.pt
                self.out.fillBranch("Jet2_HT", jetHt)
                return True
                return False
            return False
        return True
コード例 #28
ファイル: metFilter.py プロジェクト: pfackeldey/ChargedHiggs
    def analyze(self, event):
        flags = Object(event, "Flag")

        filters = [
            passedFilter(flags) for passedFilter in self.filters[self.era]

        if False in filters:
            return False

        return True
コード例 #29
 def analyze(self, event):
     """process event, return True (go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)"""
     HLT = Object(event, "HLT")
     run = Object(event, "run")
     if self.year == '2016' and self.runP != 'H':
         if run.__getattr__('') > 274954:
             good_HLT = HLT.PFHT800 or HLT.PFHT900 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.TkMu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon175 or HLT.Ele27_WPTight_Gsf
             good_HLT = HLT.PFHT800 or HLT.PFHT900 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon175 or HLT.Ele27_WPTight_Gsf
     elif self.year == '2016' and self.runP == 'H':
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT900 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.TkMu50 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon175 or HLT.Ele27_WPTight_Gsf
     elif self.year == '2017' and self.runP != 'B':
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT780 or HLT.PFHT890 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.OldMu100 or HLT.TkMu100 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon200 or HLT.Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
     elif self.year == '2017' and self.runP == 'B':
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT780 or HLT.PFHT890 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
     elif self.year == '2018':
         good_HLT = HLT.PFHT780 or HLT.PFHT890 or HLT.Mu50 or HLT.OldMu100 or HLT.TkMu100 or HLT.Ele115_CaloIdVT_GsfTrkIdT or HLT.Photon200 or HLT.Ele35_WPTight_Gsf
         print "Please specify the year: possible choices are 2016, 2017 or 2018"
     return good_HLT
コード例 #30
 def __init__(self,
              jetCollection=lambda event: Collection(event, "Jet"),
              leptonCollection=lambda event: Collection(event, "Muon"),
              metInput=lambda event: Object(event, "MET"),
              globalOptions={"isData": False}):
     self.globalOptions = globalOptions
     self.jetCollection = jetCollection
     self.leptonCollection = leptonCollection
     self.metInput = metInput
     self.outputName = outputName