コード例 #1
    def data_handler(self, payload: Payload, delegation_event_whitelist=None):
        if delegation_event_whitelist is None:
            delegation_event_whitelist = []
        notify_all = payload.role == WILDCARD
        correct_payload = payload.role == ROLE
        is_request = payload.type in REQUEST_TYPES
        white_listed = payload.event in delegation_event_whitelist

        # 1. Determines if the payload is intended for the current unit
        if not correct_payload and is_request and not white_listed:

            # 2 If the current payload is NOT intended for the current unit
            #   it will be delegated, and hopefully send it to the appropriate
            #   unit.
            if IS_DELEGATOR and payload.role is not BLANK_FIELD:
                # 2.1 If delegation is enabled, it then gets the ip address of the intended
                #     unit and sends the payload, if the wildcard has been specified then all
                #     the units will be notified

                addresses = PiDiscovery.get_ip_addresses(payload.role)
                transactions = []
                res_payload = PayloadEventMessages.ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND.value
                for address in addresses:
                    client = LANClient(address, self.port, timeout=5, ignore_errors=True)
                    print("\t%s\n\t|\t\tRelaying -> %s:%s" % (print_payload(payload), address, self.port))
                    res_payload = client.send(payload)
                    transactions.append((res_payload.data, res_payload.event.name))

                if len(transactions) > 1:
                    payload.data = transactions
                    payload.type = PayloadType.RSP
                    return payload
                return res_payload

                # 2.2 If delegation is disabled, and the role can't be handled, then
                #     a error response will be sent telling the client 'Wrong Node'.
                if notify_all:
                    return self.process_payload(payload)
                return PayloadEventMessages.WRONG_NODE

        return self.process_payload(payload)
コード例 #2
from PiCom.Clients import LANClientHandler, LANClient
from PiCom.Data import Payload, print_payload, PayloadType, PayloadEvent
from PiCom.Data.Structure import WILDCARD

class Handler(LANClientHandler):
    def received(self, req_payload: Payload, res_payload: Payload):
        print("\n\t| REQ:%s\n\t| RSP:%s\n" % (print_payload(req_payload),

L = LANClient("", 8000, Handler, ignore_errors=False)

        Payload("Please Mutate", PayloadEvent.RSS_ALERT, PayloadType.REQ, role='C'),
        Payload("Please Mutate", PayloadEvent.S_PROBE, PayloadType.REQ, role="A"),
         Payload("Please Mutate", PayloadEvent.S_PROBE, PayloadType.REQ, role="B"),
        Payload("Please Mutate", PayloadEvent.S_PROBE, PayloadType.REQ, role="C"),
        Payload("Please Mutate", PayloadEvent.S_PROBE, PayloadType.REQ, role=WILDCARD)

# # i = 0
# while True:
#     time.sleep(.05)
#     print(L.send(Payload(i, PayloadEvent.PANIC, PayloadType.REQ, role="A")))
#     L.close_connection()