コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, black):
     '''Constructs a Knight piece with a color and associated movement functions.'''
     Piece.__init__(self, black)
     if self.black:
         self.symbol = 'bN'
         self.symbol = 'wN'
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, black):
     '''Constructor for a King Piece. King always starts out of check.'''
     Piece.__init__(self, black)
     self.in_check = False
     if self.black:
         self.symbol = 'bK'
         self.symbol = 'wK'
コード例 #3
    def validate_move(self, start_column, start_row, end_column, end_row,
        ''' Returns True if movement of a queen is valid.'''
        valid_end_check = False

        # If no movement is made, return false.
        if start_column == end_column and start_row == end_row:
            return valid_end_check

        if Piece.straight_line_movement(self, start_column, start_row,
                                        end_column, end_row, board_array):
            return True

        if Piece.diagonal_line_movement(self, start_column, start_row,
                                        end_column, end_row, board_array):
            return True

        return valid_end_check
コード例 #4
    def validate_move(self, start_column, start_row, end_column, end_row,
        ''' Returns True if movement of a rook is valid.'''

        valid_end_check = False
        # If the rook does not move at all, return False:
        if start_column == end_column and start_row == end_row:
            return valid_end_check

        return Piece.straight_line_movement(self, start_column, start_row,
                                            end_column, end_row, board_array)
コード例 #5
    def importOpeningFromBSFile(self, aFileName):

        #Ugly hack parameters

        #breakConditionType = 0 # break just before black moves
        #breakConditionType = 1 # break just before any piece move
        #breakConditionType = 2 # break once a max nr of pieces has been imported
        breakConditionType = 3  # include only a certain number of moves
        maxNrPieces = 8
        lastMoveNrToInclude = 8
        checkOnlyPLM = True

        self.pieces = set()  # Storage for the unordered set of bugs in play
        self.fileName = aFileName
        tmp = os.path.basename(aFileName)
        self.name = os.path.splitext(tmp)[0]

        #Read the file and import the opening
        fileObject = open(aFileName, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
        currentMoveNr = 0
        for line in fileObject:

            #If we should only process PLM games check if this
            #game is a PLM game, if not skip it and stop reading
            if "SU[" in line:
                self.gameType = findBetween(line, "SU[", "]").lower()
                #Skip all games that are not PLM
                if checkOnlyPLM and self.gameType != 'Hive-PLM'.lower():

            if self.findOutGameResult(line) == None:

            #building the opening state

            if any(x in line for x in
                   ["move", "dropb", "pdropb", "Move", "Dropb", "Pdropb"]):
                #building the opening state
                currentMoveNr += 1
                parts = line.split()
                if ("dropb" in line) or ("pdropb" in line) \
                    or ("Dropb" in line) or ("Pdropb" in line):
                    #; P1[5 dropb bL1 M 12 /wM]
                    #added pdropb and support for newer files where
                    #actions/moves are capitalized in the .sgf files
                    newPieceName = cleanPieceName(parts[3])
                    #print(parts[3] +" => "+ newPieceName)
                    placement = parts[6][:-1]
                    coordinates = parts[4] + ' ' + parts[5]
                    #; P0[11 move W wA1 O 14 wS2-]
                    newPieceName = cleanPieceName(parts[4])
                    placement = parts[7][:-1]
                    coordinates = parts[5] + ' ' + parts[6]

                placement = placement.replace(
                    "\\\\", "\\")  #clean the placement from "//"='////'
                #print(newPieceName, placement)

                #New placement of piece or update of an already moved piece

                thePiece = self.getPieceByName(newPieceName)

                #if the piece was not found then add a new piece
                if thePiece == None:
                    if 'w' in newPieceName: color = 'white'
                    else: color = 'black'
                    #Level = 0 for all pieces that have not
                    #climbed on top of the hive
                    level = 0
                    newPiece = Piece(newPieceName, color, coordinates, level)
                    if len(self.pieces) == 1:
                        self.firstPlacedPosition = newPiece.position
                    if len(self.pieces) == 2:
                        self.secondPlacedPosition = newPiece.position

                else:  #not a newly added piece, but a piece to move
                    if self.shouldContinueMovingBased(
                            thePiece, breakConditionType) == True:
                        #print("Moving piece: " + newPieceName + " " + placement)
                        break  #stop reading the file

                #check number of imported pieces is enabled
                #only used if break condition == 2
                if self.shouldContinueNrBased(maxNrPieces,
                                              breakConditionType) == None:
                if self.shouldContinueNrMoves(currentMoveNr,
                                              breakConditionType) == None:

        #close the file - important
        return self
コード例 #6
    def importFirstTwoPiecesFromBSFile(self, aFileName, checkOnlyPLM,
        self.pieces = set()  # Storage for the unordered set of bugs in play
        self.fileName = aFileName
        tmp = os.path.basename(aFileName)
        self.name = os.path.splitext(tmp)[0]

        #read the file, extract who won, and the first 2 pieces placed

        fileObject = open(aFileName, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
        currentMoveNr = 0
        for line in fileObject:
            if "SU[" in line:
                self.gameType = findBetween(line, "SU[", "]").lower()
                #Skip all games that are not PLM
                if checkOnlyPLM and self.gameType != 'Hive-PLM'.lower():

            if self.findOutGameResult(line) == None:

            if any(x in line for x in
                   ["move", "dropb", "pdropb", "Move", "Dropb", "Pdropb"]):
                currentMoveNr += 1
                parts = line.split()
                if ("dropb" in line) or ("pdropb" in line) \
                    or ("Dropb" in line) or ("Pdropb" in line):
                    #; P1[5 dropb bL1 M 12 /wM]
                    #; P1[131 Pdropb wS1 K 9 /bP]
                    #; P0[110 Dropb wG3 O 11 wM-]
                    newPieceName = cleanPieceName(parts[3])
                    #print(parts[3] +" => "+ newPieceName)
                    placement = parts[6][:-1]
                    coordinates = parts[4] + ' ' + parts[5]
                    #; P0[11 move W wA1 O 14 wS2-]
                    newPieceName = cleanPieceName(parts[4])
                    placement = parts[7][:-1]
                    coordinates = parts[5] + ' ' + parts[6]

                #clean the placement from "//"='////'
                placement = placement.replace("\\\\", "\\")

                #check that tournament rule is upheld
                #no queens as the first 2 pieces placed
                if (onlyTournamentRule == True) and ('Q' in newPieceName):

                #check color
                if 'w' in newPieceName:
                    color = 'white'
                    color = 'black'

                #Level = 0 for all pieces that have not
                #climbed on top of the hive
                level = 0
                newPiece = Piece(newPieceName, color, coordinates, level)

                #Once we've found the first 2 pieces we stop reading the file
                if len(self.pieces) == 2:

        #close the file - important

        #Captures and filters away early resigns
        if len(self.pieces) != 2:
            return None

        return self
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, black):
     Piece.__init__(self, black)
     if self.black:
         self.symbol = 'bR'
         self.symbol = 'wR'