def main(): # ---------- Upload video frames: ----------------------------------------- video_name = "movies/test_video.mp4" data = DataProvider(video_name) # ---------- Create set of edges E: --------------------------------------- print("Create set of edges E ...") E = create_E(data) print("Finished.") # ---------- Compute relative transformation for each edge in E: ---------- print("Compute relative transformations for each edge in E ...") if os.path.exists('output_file'): os.remove('output_file') f = open('output_file', 'w+') for e in E: # Compute features correspondence by running SIFT: p, q, w = get_FC_by_SIFT(data.images[e.src], data.images[e.dst]) # center the points around zero: img_sz = data.img_sz p[:, 0] = p[:, 0] - img_sz[1] / 2 q[:, 0] = q[:, 0] - img_sz[1] / 2 p[:, 1] = p[:, 1] - img_sz[0] / 2 q[:, 1] = q[:, 1] - img_sz[0] / 2 # Compute relative transformation (theta): E[e] = compute_LS_rigid_motion(p, q, w) # Add this measurement to the output file: pose = ' '.join([str(p) for p in np.reshape(E[e], (6, ))]) f.write('EDGE_SE2 ' + str(e.src) + ' ' + str(e.dst) + ' ' + pose + '\n') print("Finished.") # ---------- view the relative transformation of a few edges: imgs = [] titles = [] for i, e in enumerate(E): if i in (200, 201, 203): imgs.append(data.images[e.src]) imgs.append(data.images[e.dst]) transformed_I = warp_image(data.images[e.dst], E[e], cv2.INTER_CUBIC) imgs.append(transformed_I) titles.append('I1') titles.append('I2') titles.append('theta(I2)') fig1 = open_figure(1, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(1, 3, 3, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('relative_trans_results.png', dpi=1000)
def train(): # Load data (frames) from video - generate embedded frames of size: (img_sz x img_sz x 4) video_name = "movies/BG.mp4" data = DataProvider(video_name, img_sz) # Learn the subspace using Autoencoder device = '/cpu:0' # '/gpu:0' OR '/cpu:0' with tf.device(device): # build the network vae = VAE(latent_dim, batch_size, img_sz, d_sz) for ep in range(epoch_num): # epochs loop for i in range(iterations): # batches loop # read a batch -> batch_img batch_img = data.next_batch(batch_size, 'train') loss, kl, recon_loss = vae.update(batch_img) if not i % 10: print('Epoch {0}: Iteration: {1} Loss: {2:.5f} kl: {3:.5f} recon_loss: {4:.5f}'.format((ep + 1), i, loss, kl, recon_loss)) # # test the trained network batch_img = data.next_batch(batch_size, 'test') batch_img[4, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[4,...],50,80) batch_img[7, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[7,...],40,110) test_results = vae.test(batch_img)[0] # # plot the reconstructed images and their ground truths (inputs) imgs = [] imgs_test = [] titles = [] for i in range(10): imgs.append(batch_img[i, ...]) imgs_test.append(np.abs(test_results[i, ...])) titles.append('') fig1 = open_figure(1, 'Original Images', (7, 3)) PlotImages(1, 2, 5, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, 'Test Results', (7, 3)) PlotImages(2, 2, 5, 1, imgs_test, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('f1.png') fig2.savefig('f2.png')
def main(): # ---------- Upload video frames: ----------------------------------------- crop_size_x = 600 crop_size_y = 400 data = DataProvider( crop_size_x, crop_size_y) # take just one photo and create synthetic movement # ---------- Create set of edges E: --------------------------------------- print("Create set of edges E ...") E = create_E(data) print("Finished.") # ---------- Compute relative transformation for each edge in E: ---------- print("Compute relative transformations for each edge in E ...") if os.path.exists('output_file'): os.remove('output_file') f = open('output_file', 'w+') for e in E: # Add this measurement to the output file: pose = ' '.join([str(p) for p in np.reshape(E[e], (6, ))]) f.write('EDGE_SE2 ' + str(e.src) + ' ' + str(e.dst) + ' ' + pose + '\n') print("Finished.") # ---------- view the relative transformation of a few edges: imgs = [] titles = [] for i, e in enumerate(E): if i in (120, 121, 122): imgs.append(data.imgs[e.src]) imgs.append(data.imgs[e.dst]) transformed_I = warp_image(data.imgs[e.dst], E[e], cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #transformed_I = cv2.warpAffine(data.imgs[e.src], E[e], (crop_size_x, crop_size_y), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) imgs.append(transformed_I) titles.append('I1') titles.append('I2') titles.append('theta(I2)') fig1 = open_figure(1, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(1, 3, 3, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('relative_trans_results.png', dpi=1000)
def main(): k, N, data_path = update_params() """ Build X in shape dxN: Read N frames from video """ X, d, m, n = build_data_matrix(data_path, k, N) """Compute PCA""" X_zeromean, X_mean, V = learn_subspace_by_pca(X, k) """ Generate outliers (moving object) for one frame and keep the ground truth W """ X_o, W = generate_outliers(X_zeromean, d, m, n) """ Solve WLS (w=1 for background pixels, w=0 of object pixels) - this is the ground truth alpha""" alpha_o = solve_wls(W, V, X_o) # print(alpha_o) # alpha_o += (100000)*np.random.standard_normal(alpha_o.size).reshape(k,1) # print(alpha_o) print("X_norm shape:", X_zeromean.shape, " V shape:", V.shape, " alpha_o shape:", alpha_o.shape, " W shape:", W.shape) """ Projection on the subspace """ proj, error = project_on_subspace(X_zeromean[:, :1], V, V.T @ X_zeromean[:, :1]) proj_o, error_o = project_on_subspace(X_o, V, V.T @ X_o) proj_robust, error_robust = project_on_subspace(X_o, V, alpha_o) """ Compute Graph Cut to get W """ b = compute_graphcut(X_o, proj_robust, m, n) proj += X_mean proj_o += X_mean proj_robust += X_mean X_o += X_mean X_ = X_zeromean[:, :1] + X_mean """ Plot projections and errors """ plt_image, plt_proj, plt_error = prepare_projection_to_display( X_, proj, error, m, n) plt_image_o, plt_proj_o, plt_error_o = prepare_projection_to_display( X_o, proj_o, error_o, m, n) plt_image_robust, plt_proj_robust, plt_error_robust = prepare_projection_to_display( X_o, proj_robust, error_robust, m, n) """ Display results """ open_figure(1, 'Projections', (7, 7)) PlotImages( 1, 3, 3, 1, [ plt_image, plt_image_o, plt_image_robust, plt_proj, plt_proj_o, plt_proj_robust, plt_error, plt_error_o, plt_error_robust ], [ 'Direct Proj., X', 'Direct Proj., X_o', 'Robust Proj., X_o', 'Proj.', 'Proj.', 'Proj.', 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' ], 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=True, m=200) b.source_weight.shape = m, n b.sink_weight.shape = m, n open_figure(2, 'Graph Cut', (5, 5)) PlotImages(2, 4, 1, 1, [ b.out, b.source_weight, b.sink_weight, b.source_weight < b.sink_weight ], ['Graph Cut', '', '', ''], 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=True)
def run_session(data,iter_per_epoch,X_train,X_test,n_epochs,batch_size,loss,logits,transformations,b_s,x,y,keep_prob, optimizer,start_time,digit_to_align,img_sz,num_channels, alignment_loss, trans_regularizer, a, b): config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) sess = tf.Session(config=config) #find the indexes needed for splitting the train and test sets into batchs with the desired batch size #iter_per_epoch,indices,test_iter_per_epoch,test_indices = prepare_splitting_data(X_train,X_test,batch_size) for epoch_i in range(n_epochs): for iter_i in range(iter_per_epoch): batch_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size,'train') #X_train[indices[iter_i]:indices[iter_i + 1]] # batch_ys = y_train[indices[iter_i]:indices[iter_i + 1]] # batch_size = batch_ys.size loss_val, theta_val, alignment_loss_val, trans_regularizer_val, a_val, b_val =[loss,transformations, alignment_loss, trans_regularizer, a,b], feed_dict={ b_s:[batch_size], x:batch_xs, keep_prob:1.0 }) if iter_i % 20 == 0: print('Iteration: ' + str(iter_i) + ' Loss: ' + str(loss_val)) print("theta row 1 is: " + str(theta_val[0,:])),feed_dict={ b_s:[batch_size],x:batch_xs,keep_prob:1.0}) #Find align_loss on test data print("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nrunning test data...") align_loss = 0. for iter_i in range(batch_size): batch_xs = data.next_batch(batch_size, 'train') #X_test[test_indices[iter_i]:test_indices[iter_i+1]] loss_val,theta_val,test_imgs =[loss,transformations,logits], feed_dict={ b_s:[batch_size], x:batch_xs, keep_prob:1.0 }) align_loss += loss_val align_loss /= batch_size # plot the reconstructed images and their ground truths (inputs) imgs = [] imgs_test = [] Ws = [] Ws_test = [] titles = [] for i in range(10): I = batch_xs[i,...] I = np.reshape(I,(img_sz,img_sz,num_channels)) imgs.append(I[:,:,0:3]) #tmp = np.reshape(I[:,:,3:],(img_sz,img_sz)) #Ws.append(tmp) I = test_imgs[i,...] I = np.reshape(I,(img_sz,img_sz,num_channels)) imgs_test.append(np.abs(I[:,:,0:3])) #tmp = np.reshape(I[:,:,3:],(img_sz,img_sz)) #Ws_test.append(tmp) titles.append('') fig1 = open_figure(1,'Original Images',(7,3)) PlotImages(1,2,5,1,imgs,titles,'gray',axis=True,colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2,'Test Results',(7,3)) PlotImages(2,2,5,1,imgs_test,titles,'gray',axis=True,colorbar=False) #fig3 = open_figure(3,'Original W',(7,3)) #PlotImages(3,2,5,1,Ws,titles,'gray',axis=True,colorbar=False) #fig4 = open_figure(4,'Test W',(7,3)) #PlotImages(4,2,5,1,Ws_test,titles,'gray',axis=True,colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('f1.png') fig2.savefig('f2.png') #fig3.savefig('f3.png') #fig4.savefig('f4.png') #print ("theta row 1 is: "+str(theta_val[0,:])) #print ("theta row 10 is: "+str(theta_val[9,:])) print('Alignment loss (%d): ' % (epoch_i + 1) + str(align_loss) + "\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^") if np.isnan(align_loss): duration = time.time() - start_time print("Total runtime is " + "%02d" % (duration) + " seconds.") raise SystemExit # if update_transformed_mnist: # #Run one forward pass again on the training data, in ordr to create a transformed mnist data # all_training_imgs = prepare_new_mnist(sess,X_train,y_train,iter_per_epoch,indices,batch_ys,batch_xs,loss,logits, # transformations,b_s,x,y,keep_prob) # # #show some of the test data before and after running the model which was learned # all_test_imgs = None #Find align_loss on test data # print("\n\nPreparing test images...") # for iter_i in range(test_iter_per_epoch): # batch_xs = X_test[test_indices[iter_i]:test_indices[iter_i + 1]] # batch_ys = y_test[test_indices[iter_i]:test_indices[iter_i + 1]] # batch_size = batch_ys.size # # loss_val,test_imgs =[loss,logits], # feed_dict={ # b_s:[batch_size], # x:batch_xs, # y:batch_ys, # keep_prob:1.0 # }) # if all_test_imgs is not None: # all_test_imgs = np.concatenate((all_test_imgs,test_imgs)) # else: # all_test_imgs = test_imgs # show_test_imgs(all_test_imgs,X_test,height,width) # # if update_transformed_mnist: #create a new mnist data set with the newly aligned data # create_mnist_dataset(y_train,y_test,path_to_new_mnist,digit_to_align,all_training_imgs,all_test_imgs) sess.close()
def main(): # ---------- Upload video frames: ----------------------------------------- video_name = "movies/test_video.mp4" data = DataProvider(video_name) # ---------- Read the SE-Sync output: --------------------------------------- V = create_V(data) f = open("SE_Sync_output.txt", "r") for line in f: tokens = line[:-1].split(' ') tokens = [float(i) for i in tokens] v = int(tokens[0]) V[v] = extract_optimal_pose(tokens[1:]) # ---------- Transform the images and create a panorama: -------------------- big_I_sz = ((1000, 2000)) imgs_orig = [] imgs_trans = [] imgs_trans_all = [] titles = [] panoramas = [] T1_inv = invert_T(V[0]) for v in V: if v in range(0, 9): img = data.images[v] # print(V[v]) T = revert_T(V[v], T1_inv) img_sz = img.shape # embed the image: I = np.zeros((big_I_sz[0], big_I_sz[1], 3)) I[big_I_sz[0] // 4:big_I_sz[0] // 4 + img_sz[0], big_I_sz[1] // 4:big_I_sz[1] // 4 + img_sz[1], :] = img I = I / 255. if np.isfinite(np.linalg.cond(T)): I_Rt = warp_image(I, T, cv2.INTER_CUBIC) I_Rt = np.abs(I_Rt) imgs_trans_all.append(I_Rt) # view the global transformation of a few vertices: if v in range(0, 9): print(T) imgs_orig.append(data.images[v]) imgs_trans.append(I_Rt) titles.append('') # build panoramic image: y = nan_if(imgs_trans_all) panoramic_img = np.nanmean(y, axis=0) panoramas.append(panoramic_img) fig1 = open_figure(1, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(1, 3, 3, 1, imgs_orig, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(2, 3, 3, 1, imgs_trans, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig3 = open_figure(3, 'Panoramic Image', (5, 5)) PlotImages(3, 1, 1, 1, panoramas, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('optimal_trans_results_orig.png', dpi=1000) fig2.savefig('optimal_trans_results.png', dpi=1000) fig3.savefig('Panorama.png', dpi=1000)
def main(): d, k, N = update_params() """Read one frame""" X, height, width = prepare_image('background.jpeg') d = height * width """Generate outliers (moving object)""" X_ol = X.copy() start_idx = np.array([20, 20]) end_idx = np.array([90, 90]) W = np.eye(d) for i in range(start_idx[0], end_idx[0]): for j in range(start_idx[1], end_idx[1]): X_ol[i][j] = -1 idx = np.ravel_multi_index((i, j), X_ol.shape) W[idx, idx] = 0 X = np.reshape(X, (d, 1)) X_ol = np.reshape(X_ol, (d, 1)) """Compute PCA (SVD on X)""" V, S, U = np.linalg.svd(X) V = V[:, :k] """Solve WLS (w=1 for background pixels, w=0 of object pixels)""" #scipy.linalg.lstsq OR scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr WV = W @ V WX = W @ X_ol alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(WV, WX, rcond=None)[0] #print('alpha: ', alpha) """Projection on the subspace""" proj = V @ V.T @ X error = X - proj proj_ol = V @ V.T @ X_ol error_ol = X_ol - proj_ol proj_wls = V @ alpha error_wls = X_ol - proj_wls """Plot one frame""" plt_image = np.reshape(X, (height, width)) plt_proj = np.reshape(proj, (height, width)) plt_error = np.reshape(error, (height, width)) plt_image_ol = np.reshape(X_ol, (height, width)) plt_proj_ol = np.reshape(proj_ol, (height, width)) plt_error_ol = np.reshape(error_ol, (height, width)) plt_image_ = np.reshape(X_ol, (height, width)) plt_proj_wls = np.reshape(proj_wls, (height, width)) plt_error_wls = np.reshape(error_wls, (height, width)) open_figure(1, 'Original Image', (7, 7)) PlotImages( 1, 3, 3, 1, [ plt_image, plt_image_ol, plt_image_ol, plt_proj, plt_proj_ol, plt_proj_wls, plt_error, plt_error_ol, plt_error_wls ], [ 'Original Image', 'Image with outliers', 'Image with outliers', 'Projection', 'Projection', 'Projection', 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' ], 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=True, m=300)
def train(): all_images = load_data() device = '/cpu:0' # '/gpu:0' OR '/cpu:0' with tf.device(device): # build the network net = Network() input_layer = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 784]) output_layer = net.autoencoder2(input_layer) # output_true shall have the original image for error calculations # define our cost function meansq = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(output_layer - input_layer)) # define our optimizer optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learn_rate).minimize(meansq) # initialising stuff and starting the session init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: batch_size = 100 epoch_num = 10 tot_images = 60000 # total number of images for ep in range(epoch_num): # epochs loop for i in range(int(tot_images / batch_size)): # batches loop # read a batch -> batch_img batch_img = all_images[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] # print("batch size: ", batch_img.shape) _, c =[optimizer, meansq], feed_dict={input_layer: batch_img}) if not i % 10: print('Epoch {0}: Iteration: {1} Loss: {2:.5f}'.format( (ep + 1), i, c)) # test the trained network, with outliers batch_img = all_images[0:batch_size] print(batch_img.shape) # batch_img[0,...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[0,...],4,10) # batch_img[4,...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[4,...],10,15) # batch_img[7,...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[7,...],10,25) test_results =[output_layer], feed_dict={input_layer: batch_img})[0] # test the trained network imgs = [] imgs_test = [] titles = [] for i in range(10): I = np.reshape(batch_img[i, ...], (28, 28)) imgs.append(I) I = np.reshape(test_results[i, ...], (28, 28)) imgs_test.append(I) titles.append('') fig1 = open_figure(1, 'Original Images', (7, 3)) PlotImages(1, 2, 5, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, 'Test Results', (7, 3)) PlotImages(2, 2, 5, 1, imgs_test, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('f1.png') fig2.savefig('f2.png')
def train(): # Load data (frames) from video - generate embedded frames of size: (img_sz x img_sz x 4) video_name = "movies/BG.mp4" data = DataProvider(video_name, img_sz) # STN - align the frames to the right position in the panorama # align_frames(data) # Learn the subspace using Autoencoder device = '/cpu:0' # '/gpu:0' OR '/cpu:0' with tf.device(device): # build the network net = Network(img_sz, d_sz) # calculate the number of batches per epoch # batch_per_ep = data.train_size // batch_size # print('Data size: ', data.train_size, ' Num of epochs: ', epoch_num, ' Batches per epoch: ', batch_per_ep) ae_inputs = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, (batch_size, img_sz, img_sz, 3)) # input to the network ae_outputs = net.simple1( ae_inputs) # fusion , simple1 , simple2, vae, fully_connected # calculate the loss and optimize the network loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(ae_outputs - ae_inputs)) # claculate the mean square error loss train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(loss) # initialize the network init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: for ep in range(epoch_num): # epochs loop for i in range(iterations): # batches loop # read a batch -> batch_img batch_img = data.next_batch(batch_size, 'train') # print("batch size: ", batch_img.shape) _, c =[train_op, loss], feed_dict={ae_inputs: batch_img}) if not i % 10: print('Epoch {0}: Iteration: {1} Loss: {2:.5f}'.format( (ep + 1), i, c)) # test the trained network batch_img = data.next_batch(batch_size, 'train') #batch_img[4, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[4,...],50,80) # batch_img[7, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[7,...],40,110) test_results =[ae_outputs], feed_dict={ae_inputs: batch_img})[0] # plot the reconstructed images and their ground truths (inputs) imgs = [] imgs_test = [] titles = [] for i in range(10): imgs.append(batch_img[i, ...]) imgs_test.append(np.abs(test_results[i, ...])) titles.append('') fig1 = open_figure(1, 'Original Images', (7, 3)) PlotImages(1, 2, 5, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, 'Test Results', (7, 3)) PlotImages(2, 2, 5, 1, imgs_test, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('f1.png') fig2.savefig('f2.png')
def train(): # read MNIST dataset mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data", one_hot=True) # calculate the number of batches per epoch batch_per_ep = mnist.train.num_examples // batch_size print(batch_per_ep, mnist.train.num_examples) ae_inputs = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, (None, 32, 32, 1)) # input to the network (MNIST images) ae_outputs = autoencoder(ae_inputs) # create the Autoencoder network # calculate the loss and optimize the network loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(ae_outputs - ae_inputs)) # claculate the mean square error loss train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(loss) # initialize the network init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: for ep in range(epoch_num): # epochs loop for batch_n in range(1000): # range(batch_per_ep): # batches loop batch_img, batch_label = mnist.train.next_batch( batch_size) # read a batch batch_img = batch_img.reshape( (-1, 28, 28, 1)) # reshape each sample to an (28, 28) image batch_img = resize_batch( batch_img) # reshape the images to (32, 32) _, c =[train_op, loss], feed_dict={ae_inputs: batch_img}) print('Epoch: {} - cost= {:.5f}'.format((ep + 1), c)) # test the trained network, with outliers batch_img, batch_label = mnist.test.next_batch(50) batch_img = resize_batch(batch_img) batch_img[0, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[0, ...], 4, 10) batch_img[4, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[4, ...], 10, 15) batch_img[7, ...] = generate_outliers(batch_img[7, ...], 10, 25) test_results =[ae_outputs], feed_dict={ae_inputs: batch_img})[0] # test the trained network imgs = [] imgs_test = [] titles = [] for i in range(30): imgs.append(batch_img[i, ..., 0]) imgs_test.append(test_results[i, ..., 0]) titles.append('') fig1 = open_figure(1, 'Original Images', (7, 5)) PlotImages(1, 3, 10, 1, imgs, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, 'Test Results', (7, 5)) PlotImages(2, 3, 10, 1, imgs_test, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('f1.png') fig2.savefig('f2.png')
def main(): # ---------- Upload video frames: ----------------------------------------- crop_size_x = 600 crop_size_y = 400 big_I_sz = ((1000, 2000)) data = DataProvider( crop_size_x, crop_size_y) # take just one photo and create synthetic movement # ---------- Read the SE-Sync output: --------------------------------------- V = create_V(data) f = open("SE_Sync_output.txt", "r") for line in f: tokens = line[:-1].split(' ') tokens = [float(i) for i in tokens] v = int(tokens[0]) V[v] = extract_optimal_pose(tokens[1:], big_I_sz) # ---------- Transform the images and create a panorama: -------------------- imgs_orig = [] imgs_trans = [] imgs_trans_all = [] titles = [] panoramas = [] T1_inv = invert_T(V[0]) for v in V: img = data.imgs[v] T = revert_T(V[v], T1_inv) img_sz = img.shape # embed the image: I = np.zeros((big_I_sz[0], big_I_sz[1], 3)) I[big_I_sz[0] // 4:big_I_sz[0] // 4 + img_sz[0], big_I_sz[1] // 4:big_I_sz[1] // 4 + img_sz[1], :] = img I = I / 255. I_Rt = warp_image(I, T, cv2.INTER_CUBIC) I_Rt = np.abs(I_Rt) imgs_trans_all.append(I_Rt) # view the global transformation of a few vertices: if v in (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 120, 123): print(T) imgs_orig.append(data.imgs[v]) imgs_trans.append(I_Rt) titles.append('') # build panoramic image: panoramic_img = np.nanmean(nan_if(imgs_trans), axis=0) panoramas.append(panoramic_img) fig1 = open_figure(1, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(1, 3, 3, 1, imgs_orig, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig2 = open_figure(2, '', (5, 3)) PlotImages(2, 3, 3, 1, imgs_trans, titles, 'gray', axis=False, colorbar=False) fig3 = open_figure(3, 'Panoramic Image', (5, 5)) PlotImages(3, 1, 1, 1, panoramas, titles, 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=False) fig1.savefig('optimal_trans_results_orig.png', dpi=1000) fig2.savefig('optimal_trans_results.png', dpi=1000) fig3.savefig('Panorama.png', dpi=1000)
def main(): d, k, N = update_params() """Read one frame""" X, m, n = prepare_image('background.jpeg') d = m * n """Generate outliers (moving object)""" X_ol = X.copy() start_idx = np.array([20, 20]) end_idx = np.array([90, 90]) W = np.eye(d) for i in range(start_idx[0], end_idx[0]): for j in range(start_idx[1], end_idx[1]): X_ol[i][j] = -1 idx = np.ravel_multi_index((i, j), X_ol.shape) W[idx, idx] = 0 X = np.reshape(X, (d, 1)) X_ol = np.reshape(X_ol, (d, 1)) """Compute PCA (SVD on X)""" V, S, U = np.linalg.svd(X) V = V[:, :k] print(V.size) """Solve WLS (w=1 for background pixels, w=0 of object pixels)""" WV = W @ V WX = W @ X_ol alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(WV, WX, rcond=None)[0] print(alpha) alpha += (4164) * np.random.standard_normal(alpha.size) print(alpha) """Projection on the subspace""" proj = V @ V.T @ X error = X - proj proj_ol = V @ V.T @ X_ol error_ol = X_ol - proj_ol proj_wls = V @ alpha error_wls = X_ol - proj_wls """Plot one frame""" plt_image = np.reshape(X, (m, n)) plt_proj = np.reshape(proj, (m, n)) plt_error = np.reshape(error, (m, n)) plt_image_ol = np.reshape(X_ol, (m, n)) plt_proj_ol = np.reshape(proj_ol, (m, n)) plt_error_ol = np.reshape(error_ol, (m, n)) plt_image_ = np.reshape(X_ol, (m, n)) plt_proj_wls = np.reshape(proj_wls, (m, n)) plt_error_wls = np.reshape(error_wls, (m, n)) """ Compute weights by Graph-Cut """ # Create the graph g = maxflow.Graph[int](m, n) nodes = g.add_nodes(m * n) sigma1 = 0.4 sigma2 = 6 # go through all nodes and add edges for i in range(m * n): # add edge source->pixels and pixels->sink: source_weight = ((1. / (sigma1)**2) * (X_ol[i] - proj_wls[i])**2 ) # X_ol[i] # BG probability sink_weight = (X_ol[i]**2) / (sigma2**2 ) # 255 - X_ol[i] # FG probability g.add_tedge(i, source_weight, sink_weight) if (i == 0 or i == 6900): print("sink/src links: ", i, source_weight, sink_weight, X_ol[i] - proj_wls[i]) # add edges between pixels neighbors if i % n != 0: # left exists edge_wt = 2 g.add_edge(i, i - 1, edge_wt, edge_wt) if (i + 1) % n != 0: # right exists edge_wt = 2 g.add_edge(i, i + 1, edge_wt, edge_wt) if i // n != 0: # up exists edge_wt = 2 g.add_edge(i, i - n, edge_wt, edge_wt) if i // n != m - 1: # down exists edge_wt = 2 g.add_edge(i, i + n, edge_wt, edge_wt) # compute min-cut / max-a-posterior flow = g.maxflow() sgm = g.get_grid_segments(nodes) # Get the segments. sgm_ = np.reshape(sgm, (m, n)) print(sgm_) print("flow: ", flow) print('\n0', sgm[0]) print('6900', sgm[6900]) out = np.ones((m, n)) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): # converting the True/False to Pixel intensity if sgm_[i, j]: out[i, j] = -1 # background else: out[i, j] = 1 # foreground open_figure(1, 'Original Image', (7, 7)) PlotImages( 1, 4, 3, 1, [ plt_image, plt_image_ol, plt_image_ol, plt_proj, plt_proj_ol, plt_proj_wls, plt_error, plt_error_ol, plt_error_wls ], [ 'Original Image', 'Image with outliers', 'Image with outliers', 'Projection', 'Projection', 'Projection', 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' ], 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=True, m=300) open_figure(2, 'Graph Cut', (5, 5)) PlotImages(2, 1, 1, 1, [out], ['Graph Cut'], 'gray', axis=True, colorbar=True)