def __init__(self, updateFun = None, downloadNew = True): printDBG( "IconMenager.__init__" ) self.DOWNLOADED_IMAGE_PATH_BASE = config.plugins.iptvplayer.SciezkaCache.value = common() # download queue self.queueDQ = [] self.lockDQ = threading.Lock() self.workThread = None # already available self.queueAA = {} self.lockAA = threading.Lock() #this function will be called after a new icon will be available self.updateFun = None #new icons dir for each run self.currDownloadDir = self.DOWNLOADED_IMAGE_PATH_BASE + '/' + GetNewIconsDirName() if not os_path.exists(self.currDownloadDir): mkdirs(self.currDownloadDir) #load available icon from disk #will be runned in separeted thread to speed UP start plugin AsyncMethod(self.loadHistoryFromDisk)(self.currDownloadDir) # this is called to remove icons which are stored in old version AsyncMethod(RemoveAllFilesIconsFromPath)(self.DOWNLOADED_IMAGE_PATH_BASE) self.stopThread = False self.checkSpace = 0 # if 0 the left space on disk will be checked self.downloadNew = downloadNew
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('livespottingtv.cookie') = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {} self.http_params.update({'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}) self.cache = {}
def getF4MLinksWithMeta(manifestUrl, checkExt=True): if checkExt and not manifestUrl.split("?")[0].endswith(".f4m"): return [] cm = common() headerParams, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(manifestUrl) retPlaylists = [] sts, data = cm.getPage(manifestUrl, headerParams, postData) if sts: liveStreamDetected = False if "live" == CParsingHelper.getDataBeetwenMarkers("<streamType>", "</streamType>", False): liveStreamDetected = True bitrates = re.compile('bitrate="([0-9]+?)"').findall(data) for item in bitrates: link = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {"iptv_proto": "f4m", "iptv_bitrate": item}) if liveStreamDetected: link.meta["iptv_livestream"] = True retPlaylists.append({"name": "[f4m/hds] bitrate[%s]" % item, "url": link}) if 0 == len(retPlaylists): link = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {"iptv_proto": "f4m"}) if liveStreamDetected: link.meta["iptv_livestream"] = True retPlaylists.append({"name": "[f4m/hds]", "url": link}) return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('telewizjadanet.cookie') = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {} self.http_params.update({'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}) self.cacheList = {}
def __init__(self): printDBG( 'Host __init__ begin' ) = pCommon.common() self.currList = [] self.Age = 6 self.UkryjAge = False printDBG( 'Host __init__ begin' )
def __init__(self): self.up = urlparser.urlparser() = common() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('Wgrane') # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {}
def getF4MLinksWithMeta(manifestUrl, checkExt=True): if checkExt and not manifestUrl.split('?')[0].endswith('.f4m'): return [] cm = common() headerParams, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(manifestUrl) retPlaylists = [] sts, data = cm.getPage(manifestUrl, headerParams, postData) if sts: liveStreamDetected = False if 'live' == CParsingHelper.getDataBeetwenMarkers('<streamType>', '</streamType>', False): liveStreamDetected = True bitrates = re.compile('bitrate="([0-9]+?)"').findall(data) for item in bitrates: link = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {'iptv_proto':'f4m', 'iptv_bitrate':item}) if liveStreamDetected: link.meta['iptv_livestream'] = True retPlaylists.append({'name':'[f4m/hds] bitrate[%s]' % item, 'url':link}) if 0 == len(retPlaylists): link = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {'iptv_proto':'f4m'}) if liveStreamDetected: link.meta['iptv_livestream'] = True retPlaylists.append({'name':'[f4m/hds]', 'url':link}) return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('showsporttvcom.cookie') self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {} self.http_params.update({'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}) self.cacheList = {}
def __init__(self): porxyUrl = config.plugins.iptvplayer.proxyurl.value useProxy = config.plugins.iptvplayer.proxyOnet.value = pCommon.common(porxyUrl, useProxy) self.api = API() # SULGE self.currList = []
def __init__(self): = common() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('fighttube') self.ytp = YouTubeParser() self.ytformats = config.plugins.iptvplayer.ytformat.value # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {}
def __init__(self): = pCommon.common() self.api = drnuapi.DrNuApi(config.plugins.iptvplayer.NaszaTMP.value,60) self.valTab = None self.currList = [] self.showStreamSelector = config.plugins.iptvplayer.drnuShowStreamSelector.value self.warning = self.imInDenmark()
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('skylinewebcamscom.cookie') = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {} self.http_params.update({'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}) self.cacheList = {} self.mainMenuCache = {} self.lang = config.plugins.iptvplayer.skylinewebcams_lang.value
def __init__(self, params={}): self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.up = urlparser() proxyURL = params.get('proxyURL', '') useProxy = params.get('useProxy', False) if 'MozillaCookieJar' == params.get('cookie_type', ''): = common(proxyURL, useProxy, True) else: = common(proxyURL, useProxy) self.currList = [] self.currItem = {} if '' != params.get('history', ''): self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper(params['history']) if '' != params.get('cookie', ''): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir(params['cookie']) self.moreMode = False
def __init__(self): printDBG( 'Host __init__ begin' ) self.exSession = MainSessionWrapper() self.COOKIEFILE = GetCookieDir('zalukajtv.cookie') = common() self.up = urlparser() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('wspolne') self.currList = [] printDBG( 'Host __init__ end' )
def __init__(self): self.menuHTML = '' self.refresh = False = common() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('ninateka') # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {}
def __init__(self): = common() self.up = urlparser() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.cookiePath = GetCookieDir('ustvnow.cookie') self.token = '' HTTP_HEADER= dict(self.HTTP_HEADER) HTTP_HEADER.update( {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} ) self.defParams = {'header':HTTP_HEADER, 'cookiefile': self.cookiePath, 'use_cookie': True, 'load_cookie':True, 'save_cookie':True}
def __init__(self): self.MAIN_URL = '' self.HTTP_HEADER = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0', 'Referer': self.MAIN_URL } self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('edemtv.cookie') = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {} self.http_params.update({'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}) self.cacheChannels = {} self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper()
def __init__(self): self.up = urlparser.urlparser() = pCommon.common() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('iptak') # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {} # for cache to speedUp self.menuData = None
def getDirectM3U8Playlist(M3U8Url, checkExt=True, variantCheck=True, cookieParams={}): if checkExt and not M3U8Url.split("?")[0].endswith(".m3u8"): return [] cm = common() meta = strwithmeta(M3U8Url).meta params, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(M3U8Url) params.update(cookieParams) retPlaylists = [] try: finallM3U8Url = meta.get("iptv_m3u8_custom_base_link", "") if "" == finallM3U8Url: params["return_data"] = False sts, response = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) finallM3U8Url = response.geturl() data = response.close() else: sts, data = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) data = data.strip() m3u8Obj = m3u8.inits(data, finallM3U8Url) if m3u8Obj.is_variant: for playlist in m3u8Obj.playlists: item = {} if not variantCheck or playlist.absolute_uri.split("?")[-1].endswith(".m3u8"): meta.update({"iptv_proto": "m3u8", "iptv_bitrate": playlist.stream_info.bandwidth}) item["url"] = strwithmeta(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) else: meta.pop("iptv_proto", None) item["url"] = decorateUrl(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) item["bitrate"] = playlist.stream_info.bandwidth if None != playlist.stream_info.resolution: item["with"] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[0] item["heigth"] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[1] else: item["with"] = 0 item["heigth"] = 0 item["codec"] = playlist.stream_info.codecs item["name"] = "bitrate: %s res: %dx%d kodek: %s" % ( item["bitrate"], item["with"], item["heigth"], item["codec"], ) retPlaylists.append(item) else: item = {"name": "m3u8", "url": M3U8Url, "codec": "unknown", "with": 0, "heigth": 0, "bitrate": "unknown"} retPlaylists.append(item) except: printExc() return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): printDBG("Starting TVP.INFO") = pCommon.common() self.currList = [] = "None" self.title = "title" self.category = "category" self.url = "url" = "0"
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('pierwszatv.cookie') self.COOKIE_FILE2 = GetCookieDir('pierwszatv2.cookie') self.COOKIE_FILE3 = GetCookieDir('pierwszatv3.cookie') self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() = common() self.up = urlparser() self.http_params = {'header': dict(self.HTTP_HEADER), 'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE} self.http_params2 = {'header': dict(self.HTTP_HEADER), 'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE2} self.http_params3 = {'header': dict(self.HTTP_HEADER), 'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE3} self.cacheList = {}
def __init__(self): = common() = FilmOnComApi.HTTP_USER_AGENT self.middleware = '' self.session_key = None self.comscore = {} self.jsonData = {'channels' : [], 'groups' : []} self.streamprotocol = config.plugins.iptvplayer.filmontvcom_streamprotocol.value self.PREMIUM = config.plugins.iptvplayer.filmontvcom_premium.value self.LOGIN = config.plugins.iptvplayer.filmontvcom_login.value self.PASSWORD = config.plugins.iptvplayer.filmontvcom_password.value
def getDirectM3U8Playlist(M3U8Url, checkExt=True, variantCheck=True, cookieParams={}): if checkExt and not M3U8Url.split('?')[0].endswith('.m3u8'): return [] cm = common() meta = strwithmeta(M3U8Url).meta params, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(M3U8Url) params.update(cookieParams) retPlaylists = [] try: finallM3U8Url = meta.get('iptv_m3u8_custom_base_link', '') if '' == finallM3U8Url: params['return_data'] = False sts, response = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) finallM3U8Url = response.geturl() data = response.close() else: sts, data = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) data = data.strip() m3u8Obj = m3u8.inits(data, finallM3U8Url) if m3u8Obj.is_variant: for playlist in m3u8Obj.playlists: item = {} if not variantCheck or playlist.absolute_uri.split('?')[-1].endswith('.m3u8'): meta.update({'iptv_proto':'m3u8', 'iptv_bitrate':playlist.stream_info.bandwidth}) item['url'] = strwithmeta(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) else: meta.pop('iptv_proto', None) item['url'] = decorateUrl(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) item['bitrate'] = playlist.stream_info.bandwidth if None != playlist.stream_info.resolution: item['with'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[0] item['heigth'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[1] else: item['with'] = 0 item['heigth'] = 0 item['codec'] = playlist.stream_info.codecs item['name'] = "bitrate: %s res: %dx%d kodek: %s" % ( item['bitrate'], \ item['with'], \ item['heigth'], \ item['codec'] ) retPlaylists.append(item) else: item = {'name':'m3u8', 'url':M3U8Url, 'codec':'unknown', 'with':0, 'heigth':0, 'bitrate':'unknown'} retPlaylists.append(item) except: printExc() return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): printDBG('Loading ' + serialeo.SERVICE) = common() self.up = urlparser.urlparser() self.history = CSearchHistoryHelper('serialeo') self.tabMenu = [] self.currList = []
def __init__(self): self.up = urlparser.urlparser() = pCommon.common() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.ytp = YouTubeParser() self.ytformats = config.plugins.iptvplayer.ytformat.value # Temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {} # Login data self.COOKIEFILE = GetCookieDir('Diff-anime.cookie') self.usePremiumAccount = config.plugins.iptvplayer.diffanime_premium.value self.username = config.plugins.iptvplayer.diffanime_login.value self.password = config.plugins.iptvplayer.diffanime_password.value
def getRemoteContentInfoByUrllib(url, addParams = {}): remoteContentInfo = {} addParams = DMHelper.downloaderParams2UrllibParams(addParams) addParams['return_data'] = False cm = common() # only request sts,response = cm.getPage(url, addParams) if sts: tmpInfo = remoteContentInfo = {'Content-Length': tmpInfo.get('Content-Length', -1), 'Content-Type': tmpInfo.get('Content-Type', '')} if response: try: response.close() except: pass printDBG("getRemoteContentInfoByUrllib: [%r]" % remoteContentInfo) return sts,remoteContentInfo
def __init__(self): printDBG("GroovesharkApi.__init__") = common() = GroovesharkApi.JSON_HTTP_HEADER self.headerParams = {'use_cookie': True, 'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': GetCookieDir(''), 'raw_post_data': True} self.requestMacro = {} self.config = {} self.locales = {} self.loginData = {} self.secretKey = "" self.revToken = 'gooeyFlubber' self.currentToken = '' self.lastRandomizer = '' self.tokenExpires = 0 self.lastApiError = {'code':0, 'message':''} self.cache = {}
def __init__(self): self.up = urlparser() = common() # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {} #Login data self.sort = config.plugins.iptvplayer.SortowanieWebstream.value self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.filmOnApi = None self.videoStarApi = None self.satLiveApi = None self.vidTvApi = None self.looknijTvApi = None self.tvSportCdaApi= None self.nettvpwApi = None self.weebTvApi = None self.teamCastTab = {}
def __init__(self, session): printDBG("UpdateMainAppImpl.__init__ -------------------------------") self.session = session IUpdateObjectInterface.__init__(self, session) = common() self.setup_title = _("IPTVPlayer - update") self.tmpDir = GetTmpDir('iptv_update') self.ExtensionPath = resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, 'Extensions/') self.ExtensionTmpPath = None self.terminating = False self.status = 'none' self.downloader = None self.cmd = None self.serversList = [] self.currServIdx = 0 self.sourceArchive = None self.destinationArchive = None self.serverIdx = 0
def __init__(self): = common() self.up = urlparser()
def __init__(self, forYouyube=False): = common() self.forYouyube = forYouyube
def __init__(self, lang='en'): = common() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.MAIN_URL = ''
def __init__(self, lang='en'): = common() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.MAIN_URL = ''
def __init__(self): = common() self.channlesTree = []
def __init__(self): = common() = { 'User-Agent':['User-Agent'], 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }
def getDirectM3U8Playlist(M3U8Url, checkExt=True, variantCheck=True, cookieParams={}, checkContent=False, sortWithMaxBitrate=-1, mergeAltAudio=True): if checkExt and not M3U8Url.split('?', 1)[0].endswith('.m3u8'): return [] cm = common() meta = strwithmeta(M3U8Url).meta params, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(M3U8Url) params.update(cookieParams) retPlaylists = [] try: finallM3U8Url = meta.get('iptv_m3u8_custom_base_link', '') if '' == finallM3U8Url: params['with_metadata'] = True sts, data = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) finallM3U8Url = data.meta['url'] else: sts, data = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) data = data.strip() m3u8Obj = m3u8.inits(data, finallM3U8Url) if m3u8Obj.is_variant: for playlist in m3u8Obj.playlists: item = {} if not variantCheck or playlist.absolute_uri.split('?')[-1].endswith('.m3u8'): meta.update({'iptv_proto':'m3u8', 'iptv_bitrate':playlist.stream_info.bandwidth}) item['url'] = strwithmeta(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) else: meta.pop('iptv_proto', None) item['url'] = decorateUrl(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) item['bitrate'] = playlist.stream_info.bandwidth if None != playlist.stream_info.resolution: item['with'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[0] item['heigth'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[1] else: item['with'] = 0 item['heigth'] = 0 item['width'] = item['with'] item['height'] = item['heigth'] try: tmpCodecs = playlist.stream_info.codecs.split(',') codecs = [] for c in tmpCodecs[::-1]: codecs.append(c.split('.')[0].strip()) item['codecs'] = ','.join(codecs) except Exception: item['codecs'] = None item['name'] = "bitrate: %s res: %dx%d %s" % (item['bitrate'], \ item['width'], \ item['height'], \ item['codecs'] ) if mergeAltAudio and playlist.alt_audio_streams and item['url'].meta.get('iptv_proto') == 'm3u8': for audio_stream in playlist.alt_audio_streams: audioUrl = strwithmeta(audio_stream.absolute_uri, item['url'].meta) altItem = dict(item) altItem['name'] = '[%s] %s' % (, altItem['name']) altItem['url'] = decorateUrl("merge://audio_url|video_url", {'audio_url':audioUrl, 'video_url':altItem['url'], 'ff_out_container':'mpegts', 'prefered_merger':'hlsdl'}) retPlaylists.append(altItem) else: item['alt_audio_streams'] = playlist.alt_audio_streams retPlaylists.append(item) if sortWithMaxBitrate > -1: def __getLinkQuality( itemLink ): try: return int(itemLink['bitrate']) except Exception: printExc() return 0 retPlaylists = CSelOneLink(retPlaylists, __getLinkQuality, sortWithMaxBitrate).getSortedLinks() else: if checkContent and 0 == len(m3u8Obj.segments): return [] item = {'name':'m3u8', 'url':M3U8Url, 'codec':'unknown', 'with':0, 'heigth':0, 'width':0, 'height':0, 'bitrate':'unknown'} retPlaylists.append(item) except Exception: printExc() return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): = common() self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('teledunet.cookie')
def __init__(self): self.up = urlparser() = common() self.HTTP_HEADER = {'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT, 'Referer': ''} self.COOKIEFILE = GetCookieDir("hdgocc.cookie") self.defaultParams = {'header': self.HTTP_HEADER, 'use_cookie': True, 'save_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': False, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIEFILE}
def __init__(self): porxyUrl = config.plugins.iptvplayer.proxyurl.value useProxy = config.plugins.iptvplayer.proxyOnet.value = pCommon.common(porxyUrl, useProxy)
def __init__(self): = common() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self._reInit() self.channelsList = []
def __init__(self): = common() self.up = urlparser() self.defaultParams = {'header':{'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0'}, 'use_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'save_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': AnyFilesVideoUrlExtractor.COOKIEFILE} self.logged = False
def getDirectM3U8Playlist(M3U8Url, checkExt=True, variantCheck=True, cookieParams={}): if checkExt and not M3U8Url.split('?')[0].endswith('.m3u8'): return [] cm = common() meta = strwithmeta(M3U8Url).meta params, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(M3U8Url) params.update(cookieParams) retPlaylists = [] try: finallM3U8Url = meta.get('iptv_m3u8_custom_base_link', '') if '' == finallM3U8Url: params['return_data'] = False sts, response = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) finallM3U8Url = response.geturl() data = response.close() else: sts, data = cm.getPage(M3U8Url, params, postData) data = data.strip() m3u8Obj = m3u8.inits(data, finallM3U8Url) if m3u8Obj.is_variant: for playlist in m3u8Obj.playlists: item = {} if not variantCheck or playlist.absolute_uri.split( '?')[-1].endswith('.m3u8'): meta.update({ 'iptv_proto': 'm3u8', 'iptv_bitrate': playlist.stream_info.bandwidth }) item['url'] = strwithmeta(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) else: meta.pop('iptv_proto', None) item['url'] = decorateUrl(playlist.absolute_uri, meta) item['bitrate'] = playlist.stream_info.bandwidth if None != playlist.stream_info.resolution: item['with'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[0] item['heigth'] = playlist.stream_info.resolution[1] else: item['with'] = 0 item['heigth'] = 0 item['codec'] = playlist.stream_info.codecs item['name'] = "bitrate: %s res: %dx%d kodek: %s" % ( item['bitrate'], \ item['with'], \ item['heigth'], \ item['codec'] ) retPlaylists.append(item) else: item = { 'name': 'm3u8', 'url': M3U8Url, 'codec': 'unknown', 'with': 0, 'heigth': 0, 'bitrate': 'unknown' } retPlaylists.append(item) except: printExc() return retPlaylists
def getMPDLinksWithMeta(manifestUrl, checkExt=True, cookieParams={}, sortWithMaxBandwidth=-1): if checkExt and not manifestUrl.split('?')[0].endswith('.mpd'): return [] cm = common() def _getNumAttrib(data, name, default=0): try: return int(, '[\s]' + name + '''=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0]) except Exception: return default headerParams, postData = cm.getParamsFromUrlWithMeta(manifestUrl) headerParams.update(cookieParams) retPlaylists = [] sts, data = cm.getPage(manifestUrl, headerParams, postData) if sts: liveStreamDetected = False if 'type="dynamic"' in data: liveStreamDetected = True representation = {'audio':[], 'video':[]} tmp =, "<Period", '</Period>', withMarkers=True) if len(tmp): data = tmp[-1] # TODO!!! select period based on duration data =, "<AdaptationSet", '</AdaptationSet>', withMarkers=True) for item in data: type = '' if re.compile('''=['"]audio['"/]''').search(item): type = 'audio' elif re.compile('''=['"]video['"/]''').search(item): type = 'video' else: continue tmp =, '<Representation', '>', withMarkers=True) for rep in tmp: repParam = {} repParam['bandwidth'] = _getNumAttrib(rep, 'bandwidth') repParam['codecs'] =, '''codecs=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] if '' == repParam['codecs']: repParam['codecs'] =, '''codecs=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] repParam['codecs'] = repParam['codecs'].split('.')[0] if 'vp9' in repParam['codecs']: continue if type == 'video': repParam['width'] = _getNumAttrib(rep, 'width') if 0 == repParam['width']: repParam['width'] = _getNumAttrib(item, 'width') repParam['height'] = _getNumAttrib(rep, 'height') if 0 == repParam['height']: repParam['height'] = _getNumAttrib(item, 'height') repParam['frame_rate'] =, '''frameRate=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] if '' == repParam['frame_rate']: repParam['frame_rate'] =, '''frameRate=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] else: repParam['lang'] =, '''lang=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] if '' == repParam['lang']: repParam['lang'] =, '''lang=['"]([^'^"]+?)['"]''')[0] representation[type].append(repParam) audioIdx = 0 for audio in representation['audio']: audioItem = {} audioItem['livestream'] = liveStreamDetected audioItem['codecs'] = audio['codecs'] audioItem['bandwidth'] = audio['bandwidth'] audioItem['lang'] = audio['lang'] audioItem['audio_rep_idx'] = audioIdx if len(representation['video']): videoIdx = 0 for video in representation['video']: videoItem = dict(audioItem) videoItem['codecs'] += ',' + video['codecs'] videoItem['bandwidth'] += video['bandwidth'] videoItem['width'] = video['width'] videoItem['height'] = video['height'] videoItem['frame_rate'] = video['frame_rate'] videoItem['name'] = "[%s] bitrate: %s %dx%d %s %sfps" % ( videoItem['lang'], \ videoItem['bandwidth'], \ videoItem['width'], \ videoItem['height'], \ videoItem['codecs'], \ videoItem['frame_rate']) videoItem['url'] = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {'iptv_proto':'mpd', 'iptv_audio_rep_idx':audioIdx, 'iptv_video_rep_idx':videoIdx, 'iptv_livestream':videoItem['livestream']}) retPlaylists.append(videoItem) videoIdx += 1 else: audioItem['name'] = "[%s] bandwidth: %s %s" % ( audioItem['lang'], \ audioItem['bandwidth'], \ audioItem['codecs']) audioItem['url'] = strwithmeta(manifestUrl, {'iptv_proto':'mpd', 'iptv_audio_rep_idx':audioIdx, 'iptv_livestream':audioItem['livestream']}) retPlaylists.append(audioItem) audioIdx += 1 if sortWithMaxBandwidth > -1: def __getLinkQuality( itemLink ): try: return int(itemLink['bandwidth']) except Exception: printExc() return 0 retPlaylists = CSelOneLink(retPlaylists, __getLinkQuality, sortWithMaxBandwidth).getSortedLinks() return retPlaylists
def __init__(self): = common()
def __init__(self): = common() self.HTTP_HEADER = {'User-Agent''chrome')['User-Agent'], 'X-Requested-With':'XMLHttpRequest'} self.defaultParams = {'header':self.HTTP_HEADER, 'use_cookie': True, 'load_cookie': True, 'cookiefile': self.COOKIE_FILE}
def __init__(self): self.COOKIEFILE = GetCookieDir('spryciarze.cookie') = pCommon.common() self.up = urlparser.urlparser() self.catTree = [] self.currList = []
def __init__(self): printDBG("OpenSubOrgProvider.__init__") = common() self.doInit()
def __init__(self): = common() #proxyURL= '', useProxy = True) self.up = urlparser() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper()
def __init__(self): = pCommon.common() self.currList = [] self.ytp = YouTubeParser() self.ytformats = config.plugins.iptvplayer.ytformat.value
def __init__(self): self.COOKIE_FILE = GetCookieDir('satlivetv.cookie') = common() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.loggedIn = True self.http_params = {}
def __init__(self): = common() # temporary data self.currList = [] self.currItem = {}
def __init__(self, params={}): proxyURL = params.get('proxyURL', '') useProxy = params.get('useProxy', False) = common(proxyURL, useProxy) = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' #'Mpython-urllib/2.7'
def __init__(self): = common() self.up = urlparser() self.sessionEx = MainSessionWrapper() self.defParams = {'header': self.HTTP_HEADER} self.warned = False
def __init__(self): printDBG( 'Host __init__ begin' ) = pCommon.common() self.currList = [] printDBG( 'Host __init__ begin' )