コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, title="Molecule Viewer", logMode='no',
                 libraries=[], gui=1, resourceFile = '_pmvrc',
                 customizer = None, master=None, guiVisible=1,
                 withShell=1, verbose=True, trapExceptions=True):
        * title:
          string used as a title. 
        * logMode:
          string specifying the mode of logging of mv.
            'no': for no loging of commands at all
            'overwrite': the log files overwrite the one from the previous
                         session the log files = mvAll.log.py
            'unique': the log file name include the date and time

        * libraries:
          list of the Python packages containing modules and commands
          that can be loaded in the application. Such a package needs the
          following files : cmdlib.py and modlib.py
        * gui :
          Flag specifying whether or not to run the application with a gui.
        * resourceFile:
          file sourced at startup and where userpreference  made as default
          are saved (default: '.pmvrc')
        * customizer :
          file when specified is sourced at startup instead of the resourceFile
        * master:
          can be specified to run PMV withing another GUI application.
        * guiVisible:
          Flag to specify whether or not to show the GUI.
        - trapExceptions should be set to False when creating a ViewerFramework
          for testing, such that exception are seen by the testing framework
        libraries = ['Pmv', 'Volume','AutoDockTools'] + libraries
        _pmvrc = Find_pmvrc(resourceFile)
        if _pmvrc:
            resourceFile = _pmvrc
        if withShell:
            from traceback import print_exception
            def print_exception_modified(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None):
                Modified version of traceback.print_exception
                Deiconifies pyshell when Traceback is printed
                print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit, file)
                if hasattr(self, 'GUI'):
                if not 'Pmv' in tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename:
                if etype == ImportError:
                    if hasattr(value,'message'):
                        package = value.message.split()[-1]
                        print "Please install " +package + " to fix this problem."
                elif etype == AssertionError:
                    print "Please include this Traceback in your bug report. Help --> Report a Bug in PMV/ADT."
            import traceback 
            traceback.print_exception = print_exception_modified
        ViewerFramework.__init__(self, title, logMode, libraries, gui,
                                 resourceFile, master=master,
                                 guiVisible=guiVisible, withShell=withShell,
                                 verbose=verbose, trapExceptions=trapExceptions)
        #if sys.platform == 'win32': #this needed to account for camera size
        #    geometry = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (800,600, 30, 30)
        #    geometry = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (800,200, 30, 30)    

        # Establish interface to Visual Programming environment.
        if self.visionAPI is not None:
            # add Molecule, Pmv, Viewer to lookup table
            from Pmv.VisionInterface.PmvNodes import PmvMolecule, PmvNode, \
                 PmvViewer, PmvSetNode, PmvVolume
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Protein, PmvMolecule, "Molecules")
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(MoleculeViewer, PmvNode, "PMV")
            from DejaVu import Viewer
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Viewer, PmvViewer, "PMV")
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(TreeNodeSet, PmvSetNode, "Sets")

            # Note: Molecules are added to the interface in addMolecule() below
            # put Pmv instance into list of objects to be added to Vision
            self.visionAPI.add(self, "Pmv", kw={
                'constrkw':{'vf':'masterNet.editor.vf'} } )
            # put Pmv Viewer instance in list of objects to be added to Vision
            if self.hasGui:
                self.visionAPI.add(self.GUI.VIEWER, "Pmv Viewer", kw={
                'constrkw':{'viewer':'masterNet.editor.vf.GUI.VIEWER'} } )
        self.selection = MoleculeSet()  # store current selection
        # replace interactive command caller by MVInteractiveCmdCaller
        # we need the ICmdCaller even if there is no GUI because it has
        # the level variable used byu selection commands
        self.ICmdCaller = MVInteractiveCmdCaller( self )
        from mvCommand import MVSetIcomLevel
        self.addCommand( MVSetIcomLevel(), 'setIcomLevel', None )
        from mvCommand import MVSetSelectionLevel, MVSetSelectionLevelGUI
        self.addCommand( MVSetSelectionLevel(), 'setSelectionLevel',  MVSetSelectionLevelGUI)

        self.setSelectionLevel(Molecule, topCommand = 0) #should this be Protein?
        from Pmv.displayCommands import BindGeomToMolecularFragment
        from Pmv.displayCommands import BindGeomToMolecularFragmentGUI

        self.addCommand( BindGeomToMolecularFragment(),
                         BindGeomToMolecularFragmentGUI )

#        if self.hasGui:
#            from Pmv.mvCommand import MVPrintNodeNames, MVCenterOnNodes
#            self.addCommand( MVPrintNodeNames(), 'printNodeNames ', None )
#            self.addCommand( MVCenterOnNodes(), 'centerOnNodes', None )

            # load out default interactive command which prints out object
            # names
            #self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.printNodeNames )


        # load out default interactive command
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.printNodeNames, modifier=None )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.select, modifier='Shift_L' )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.centerOnNodes, modifier='Control_L' )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.deselect, modifier='Alt_L' )

        #self.setIcomLevel(Molecule, topCommand = 0)
        self.setIcomLevel(Atom, topCommand = 0)

        self.Mols = MoleculeSet() # store the molecules read in
        self.objects = self.Mols
        from MolKit.sets import Sets
        self.sets = Sets()  # store user-defined sets in this dict

        # lock needs to be acquired before volume can be added
        self.volumesLock = thread.allocate_lock()

        self.Vols = [] # list of Grid3D objects storing volumetric data
        if self.visionAPI is not None:
            from Volume.Grid3D import Grid3D
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Grid3D, PmvVolume, "Volumes")

        self.allAtoms = AtomSet() # set of all atoms (across molecules)

        #if self.hasGui:
        #    from Pmv.controlPanelCommands import ControlPanel,ControlPanel_GUI
        #    self.addCommand(ControlPanel(), "controlPanel",ControlPanel_GUI)
        choices = ['caseSensitive', 'caseInsensitive',

        self.userpref.add('selectStringMatchMode', 'caseSensitive', validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to caseSensitive the string match
mode will be case sensitive the other possibility is to be case insensitive or
case insensitive with escaped characters.
        choices = [1,0]
        self.userpref.add('showSelectionSpheres', 1, validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to 1 the selection visual feedback
which are the little yellow crosses will be displayed.""")
        choices = [1,0]
        self.userpref.add('raiseExceptionForMissingKey', 1, validValues=choices,
                          callbackFunc = [self.setRaiseException],
                          doc = """When set to 1 an exception will be raised
is a a key is not found in a dictionnary.
        choices = [1, 0]
        self.userpref.add('expandNodeLogString', 0, validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to 1 the log string representing
the node argument of a doit will be expanded to the full name of each element
of the TreeNodeSet, when set to 0 the log string representing the node argument
of a doit will be 'self.getSelection()'. In the last case the command log will
depend on the current selection.""")

        # overwrite firstObject only with firstMoleculeOnly
        self.userpref['centerScene']['validValues'][0] = 'firstMoleculeOnly'
        self.userpref.set('centerScene', 'firstMoleculeOnly')
        choices = ['yes','no']
        self.userpref.add('useDepthCueing', 'yes', validValues=choices,
                          doc = """ When set to 'yes' the depthCueing is
turned on by default""")

        doc = """When set to yes a warning message is displayed when an empty
selection is about to be expanded to all the  molecules loaded in the 
        self.userpref.add('warnOnEmptySelection', 'no', validValues=choices, doc=doc)

        if self.hasGui:
            self.GUI.VIEWER.suspendRedraw = True
            self.GUI.drop_cb = self.drop_cb
            if self.userpref['useDepthCueing']['value']=='yes':

            if title != 'AutoDockTools':
                toolbarDict = {}
                toolbarDict['name'] = 'ADT'
                toolbarDict['type'] = 'Checkbutton'
                toolbarDict['icon1'] = 'adt.png'
                toolbarDict['balloonhelp'] = 'AutoDock Tools'
                toolbarDict['icon_dir'] = ICONPATH
                toolbarDict['index'] = 7
                toolbarDict['cmdcb'] = self.Add_ADT
                toolbarDict['variable'] = None
            # overwrite unsollicited picking with a version that prints atom names

            top = self.GUI.ROOT.winfo_toplevel()
            geom = top.geometry()
            geom = geom.split('x')
            winfo_width = self.GUI.menuBars['Toolbar']._frame.winfo_width()        
            if int(geom[0]) < winfo_width + 10:
                geom[0] = str(winfo_width + 10)
            if not trapExceptions and customizer == './.empty':
            from Pmv.updateCommands import Update, UpdateGUI
            self.addCommand( Update(), 'update', UpdateGUI )
            from Pmv.aboutCommands import About, AboutGUI
            self.addCommand( About(), 'about', AboutGUI )
            self.GUI.VIEWER.suspendRedraw = False
            self.browseCommands('deleteCommands',package='Pmv', topCommand=0)
            self.GUI.ROOT.bind('<Delete>', self.deleteAtomSet.guiCallback)
            self.GUI.vwrCanvasFloating.bind('<Delete>', self.deleteAtomSet.guiCallback)
            self.browseCommands ('dashboardCommands', package='Pmv', topCommand=0)
        if self.hasGui:
                import grid3DCommands
                self.browseCommands("grid3DCommands",package="Pmv", topCommand=0)
            except ImportError:
                print "UTpackages are not installed. Disabling grid3DCommands..."
        rcFile = getResourceFolderWithVersion()
        if rcFile:
            rcFile += os.sep + 'Pmv' + os.sep + "recent.pkl"
        if self.hasGui:
            fileMenu = self.GUI.menuBars['menuRoot'].menubuttons['File'].menu
            self.recentFiles = RecentFiles(self, fileMenu, filePath=rcFile, 
                                           menuLabel = 'Recent Files')
                from DejaVu.Camera import RecordableCamera
                if isinstance(self.GUI.VIEWER.cameras[0], RecordableCamera):
                    from Pmv.videoCommands import VideoCommand, VideoCommandGUI 
                    self.addCommand(VideoCommand(), 'videoCommand', VideoCommandGUI)
                #print "Recordable camera is not available"
            if len(self.dashboard.tree.columns)==0:
                # this warning is wrong, it appears during test_pmvscript
                #print "WARNING: update your _pmvrc file to load the dashboard commands"
                from Pmv.dashboard import loadAllColunms
コード例 #2
class MoleculeViewer(ViewerFramework):
    package    : Pmv
    module     : moleculeViewer
    class      : MoleculeViewer
       Class derived from the ViewerFramework base class. It provides a 3D
       molecular viewer.

    def getSelLev(self):
        return self.selection.elementType

    def setSelLev(self, value):
        if value==Protein: value = Molecule
        assert value in [Molecule, Chain, Residue, Atom]

    selectionLevel = property(getSelLev, setSelLev)

    def __init__(self, title="Molecule Viewer", logMode='no',
                 libraries=[], gui=1, resourceFile = '_pmvrc',
                 customizer = None, master=None, guiVisible=1,
                 withShell=1, verbose=True, trapExceptions=True):
        * title:
          string used as a title. 
        * logMode:
          string specifying the mode of logging of mv.
            'no': for no loging of commands at all
            'overwrite': the log files overwrite the one from the previous
                         session the log files = mvAll.log.py
            'unique': the log file name include the date and time

        * libraries:
          list of the Python packages containing modules and commands
          that can be loaded in the application. Such a package needs the
          following files : cmdlib.py and modlib.py
        * gui :
          Flag specifying whether or not to run the application with a gui.
        * resourceFile:
          file sourced at startup and where userpreference  made as default
          are saved (default: '.pmvrc')
        * customizer :
          file when specified is sourced at startup instead of the resourceFile
        * master:
          can be specified to run PMV withing another GUI application.
        * guiVisible:
          Flag to specify whether or not to show the GUI.
        - trapExceptions should be set to False when creating a ViewerFramework
          for testing, such that exception are seen by the testing framework
        libraries = ['Pmv', 'Volume','AutoDockTools'] + libraries
        _pmvrc = Find_pmvrc(resourceFile)
        if _pmvrc:
            resourceFile = _pmvrc
        if withShell:
            from traceback import print_exception
            def print_exception_modified(etype, value, tb, limit=None, file=None):
                Modified version of traceback.print_exception
                Deiconifies pyshell when Traceback is printed
                print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit, file)
                if hasattr(self, 'GUI'):
                if not 'Pmv' in tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename:
                if etype == ImportError:
                    if hasattr(value,'message'):
                        package = value.message.split()[-1]
                        print "Please install " +package + " to fix this problem."
                elif etype == AssertionError:
                    print "Please include this Traceback in your bug report. Help --> Report a Bug in PMV/ADT."
            import traceback 
            traceback.print_exception = print_exception_modified
        ViewerFramework.__init__(self, title, logMode, libraries, gui,
                                 resourceFile, master=master,
                                 guiVisible=guiVisible, withShell=withShell,
                                 verbose=verbose, trapExceptions=trapExceptions)
        #if sys.platform == 'win32': #this needed to account for camera size
        #    geometry = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (800,600, 30, 30)
        #    geometry = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (800,200, 30, 30)    

        # Establish interface to Visual Programming environment.
        if self.visionAPI is not None:
            # add Molecule, Pmv, Viewer to lookup table
            from Pmv.VisionInterface.PmvNodes import PmvMolecule, PmvNode, \
                 PmvViewer, PmvSetNode, PmvVolume
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Protein, PmvMolecule, "Molecules")
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(MoleculeViewer, PmvNode, "PMV")
            from DejaVu import Viewer
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Viewer, PmvViewer, "PMV")
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(TreeNodeSet, PmvSetNode, "Sets")

            # Note: Molecules are added to the interface in addMolecule() below
            # put Pmv instance into list of objects to be added to Vision
            self.visionAPI.add(self, "Pmv", kw={
                'constrkw':{'vf':'masterNet.editor.vf'} } )
            # put Pmv Viewer instance in list of objects to be added to Vision
            if self.hasGui:
                self.visionAPI.add(self.GUI.VIEWER, "Pmv Viewer", kw={
                'constrkw':{'viewer':'masterNet.editor.vf.GUI.VIEWER'} } )
        self.selection = MoleculeSet()  # store current selection
        # replace interactive command caller by MVInteractiveCmdCaller
        # we need the ICmdCaller even if there is no GUI because it has
        # the level variable used byu selection commands
        self.ICmdCaller = MVInteractiveCmdCaller( self )
        from mvCommand import MVSetIcomLevel
        self.addCommand( MVSetIcomLevel(), 'setIcomLevel', None )
        from mvCommand import MVSetSelectionLevel, MVSetSelectionLevelGUI
        self.addCommand( MVSetSelectionLevel(), 'setSelectionLevel',  MVSetSelectionLevelGUI)

        self.setSelectionLevel(Molecule, topCommand = 0) #should this be Protein?
        from Pmv.displayCommands import BindGeomToMolecularFragment
        from Pmv.displayCommands import BindGeomToMolecularFragmentGUI

        self.addCommand( BindGeomToMolecularFragment(),
                         BindGeomToMolecularFragmentGUI )

#        if self.hasGui:
#            from Pmv.mvCommand import MVPrintNodeNames, MVCenterOnNodes
#            self.addCommand( MVPrintNodeNames(), 'printNodeNames ', None )
#            self.addCommand( MVCenterOnNodes(), 'centerOnNodes', None )

            # load out default interactive command which prints out object
            # names
            #self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.printNodeNames )


        # load out default interactive command
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.printNodeNames, modifier=None )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.select, modifier='Shift_L' )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.centerOnNodes, modifier='Control_L' )
        self.ICmdCaller.setCommands( self.deselect, modifier='Alt_L' )

        #self.setIcomLevel(Molecule, topCommand = 0)
        self.setIcomLevel(Atom, topCommand = 0)

        self.Mols = MoleculeSet() # store the molecules read in
        self.objects = self.Mols
        from MolKit.sets import Sets
        self.sets = Sets()  # store user-defined sets in this dict

        # lock needs to be acquired before volume can be added
        self.volumesLock = thread.allocate_lock()

        self.Vols = [] # list of Grid3D objects storing volumetric data
        if self.visionAPI is not None:
            from Volume.Grid3D import Grid3D
            self.visionAPI.addToLookup(Grid3D, PmvVolume, "Volumes")

        self.allAtoms = AtomSet() # set of all atoms (across molecules)

        #if self.hasGui:
        #    from Pmv.controlPanelCommands import ControlPanel,ControlPanel_GUI
        #    self.addCommand(ControlPanel(), "controlPanel",ControlPanel_GUI)
        choices = ['caseSensitive', 'caseInsensitive',

        self.userpref.add('selectStringMatchMode', 'caseSensitive', validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to caseSensitive the string match
mode will be case sensitive the other possibility is to be case insensitive or
case insensitive with escaped characters.
        choices = [1,0]
        self.userpref.add('showSelectionSpheres', 1, validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to 1 the selection visual feedback
which are the little yellow crosses will be displayed.""")
        choices = [1,0]
        self.userpref.add('raiseExceptionForMissingKey', 1, validValues=choices,
                          callbackFunc = [self.setRaiseException],
                          doc = """When set to 1 an exception will be raised
is a a key is not found in a dictionnary.
        choices = [1, 0]
        self.userpref.add('expandNodeLogString', 0, validValues=choices,
                          doc = """When set to 1 the log string representing
the node argument of a doit will be expanded to the full name of each element
of the TreeNodeSet, when set to 0 the log string representing the node argument
of a doit will be 'self.getSelection()'. In the last case the command log will
depend on the current selection.""")

        # overwrite firstObject only with firstMoleculeOnly
        self.userpref['centerScene']['validValues'][0] = 'firstMoleculeOnly'
        self.userpref.set('centerScene', 'firstMoleculeOnly')
        choices = ['yes','no']
        self.userpref.add('useDepthCueing', 'yes', validValues=choices,
                          doc = """ When set to 'yes' the depthCueing is
turned on by default""")

        doc = """When set to yes a warning message is displayed when an empty
selection is about to be expanded to all the  molecules loaded in the 
        self.userpref.add('warnOnEmptySelection', 'no', validValues=choices, doc=doc)

        if self.hasGui:
            self.GUI.VIEWER.suspendRedraw = True
            self.GUI.drop_cb = self.drop_cb
            if self.userpref['useDepthCueing']['value']=='yes':

            if title != 'AutoDockTools':
                toolbarDict = {}
                toolbarDict['name'] = 'ADT'
                toolbarDict['type'] = 'Checkbutton'
                toolbarDict['icon1'] = 'adt.png'
                toolbarDict['balloonhelp'] = 'AutoDock Tools'
                toolbarDict['icon_dir'] = ICONPATH
                toolbarDict['index'] = 7
                toolbarDict['cmdcb'] = self.Add_ADT
                toolbarDict['variable'] = None
            # overwrite unsollicited picking with a version that prints atom names

            top = self.GUI.ROOT.winfo_toplevel()
            geom = top.geometry()
            geom = geom.split('x')
            winfo_width = self.GUI.menuBars['Toolbar']._frame.winfo_width()        
            if int(geom[0]) < winfo_width + 10:
                geom[0] = str(winfo_width + 10)
            if not trapExceptions and customizer == './.empty':
            from Pmv.updateCommands import Update, UpdateGUI
            self.addCommand( Update(), 'update', UpdateGUI )
            from Pmv.aboutCommands import About, AboutGUI
            self.addCommand( About(), 'about', AboutGUI )
            self.GUI.VIEWER.suspendRedraw = False
            self.browseCommands('deleteCommands',package='Pmv', topCommand=0)
            self.GUI.ROOT.bind('<Delete>', self.deleteAtomSet.guiCallback)
            self.GUI.vwrCanvasFloating.bind('<Delete>', self.deleteAtomSet.guiCallback)
            self.browseCommands ('dashboardCommands', package='Pmv', topCommand=0)
        if self.hasGui:
                import grid3DCommands
                self.browseCommands("grid3DCommands",package="Pmv", topCommand=0)
            except ImportError:
                print "UTpackages are not installed. Disabling grid3DCommands..."
        rcFile = getResourceFolderWithVersion()
        if rcFile:
            rcFile += os.sep + 'Pmv' + os.sep + "recent.pkl"
        if self.hasGui:
            fileMenu = self.GUI.menuBars['menuRoot'].menubuttons['File'].menu
            self.recentFiles = RecentFiles(self, fileMenu, filePath=rcFile, 
                                           menuLabel = 'Recent Files')
                from DejaVu.Camera import RecordableCamera
                if isinstance(self.GUI.VIEWER.cameras[0], RecordableCamera):
                    from Pmv.videoCommands import VideoCommand, VideoCommandGUI 
                    self.addCommand(VideoCommand(), 'videoCommand', VideoCommandGUI)
                #print "Recordable camera is not available"
            if len(self.dashboard.tree.columns)==0:
                # this warning is wrong, it appears during test_pmvscript
                #print "WARNING: update your _pmvrc file to load the dashboard commands"
                from Pmv.dashboard import loadAllColunms

    def drop_cb(self, files):
        for file in files:
    #def getSelectionLevel(self):
    #    return self.selection.elementType

    def getMolFromName(self, name):
        mols = filter(lambda x: x.name == name, self.Mols)
        if len(mols):
            mol = mols[0]
            mol = None
        return mol

    def setRaiseException(self, name, oldval, val):
        import MolKit.molecule
        MolKit.molecule.raiseExceptionForMissingKey = val

    def unsolicitedPick(self, pick):
        """treat an unsollicited picking event"""
        if pick is None: return
        vi = self.GUI.VIEWER
        if vi.isShift() or vi.isControl():
            atom = self.findPickedAtoms(pick)
            if atom:
                level = self.ICmdCaller.level.value
                if level == Molecule: level = Protein
                node = atom.findType(level)
                for n in node:
                    self.message( n.full_name() )

    def loadMoleculeIfNeeded(self, filename):
        """load a molecule only if it doesn't exist yet in Pmv, else it
        aborts silent"""

        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            print 'Error! %s not found!'%filename
        # find what name would be
        name = os.path.split(filename)[-1]
            spl = split(name, '.')
            spl = [name]
        name = spl[0]

        # ask if name already used
        if self.Mols:
            for mol in self.Mols.data:
                if name == mol.name:
                    # break and return mol
                    return mol
        # else load molecule
        if not hasattr(self, 'readMolecule'):
                commands=['readMolecule'], package='Pmv', topCommand=0)

        mol = self.readMolecule(filename)
        return mol
    def addMolecule(self, newmol, ask=1):
        Add a molecule to this viewer
        #IN ANY CASE: change any special characters in name to '-'

        from MolKit.molecule import Molecule
        if self.hasGui:
            Molecule.configureProgressBar = self.GUI.progressBarConf
            Molecule.updateProgressBar = self.GUI.progressBarUpd
##         spChar=['?','*','.','$','#',':','_',',']        
        for item in spChar:
            newmol.name = replace(newmol.name,item,'_')
##             newmol.name = replace(newmol.name,item,'-')
        if len(self.Mols) > 0:
            if newmol.name in self.Mols.name:
                if ask==1: 
                    from mglutil.gui.InputForm.Tk.gui import InputFormDescr
                    idf = self.ifd = InputFormDescr(title = '')
                                        'label_text':'New Name: ',

                    vals = self.getUserInput(idf)
                    if len(vals)>0:
                        assert not vals['newmol'] in self.Mols.name
                        newmol.name = vals['newmol']
                        return None

        # provide hook for progress bar
        # old code: newmol.allAtoms._bndIndex_ = range(len(newmol.allAtoms))

        allAtomsLen = len(newmol.allAtoms)
        if allAtomsLen == 0:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("%s is empty molecule cannot add it to the viewer"%newmol.name)
            return None
        if self.hasGui:
            self.GUI.configureProgressBar(init=1, mode='increment',
                                      labeltext='add molecule to viewer')
        i = 0
        for a in newmol.allAtoms:
            a._bndIndex_ = i
            if self.hasGui:
            i = i + 1

        g = None
        if self.hasGui:
            g = MolGeomContainer( newmol, self )
        # addObject calls updateProgressBar on its own
        self.addObject('mol%s'%len(self.Mols), newmol, g)


        # add object to visionAPI (to add them as nodes to Vision library)
        if self.visionAPI:
            self.visionAPI.add(newmol, newmol.name, kw={
                    'masterNet.editor.vf.expandNodes("%s")[0]'%newmol.name} } )

        self.allAtoms = self.allAtoms + newmol.allAtoms
        #used by cpk command to decide whether or not to compute radii
        newmol.unitedRadii = None # set to None to force initial radii assignment
        return newmol

    def addVolume(self, name, grid):
        # FIXME we need to check for name unicity and have a repalcement policy

        grid.name = name

        if self.visionAPI:
            self.visionAPI.add(grid, name, kw={
                    'masterNet.editor.vf.gridFromName("%s")[0]'%grid.name} } )

    def getSelection(self):
        # FIXME why not return self.Mols always on empty selection ??
        # this should speed thing up
        #ICmdCallerLevel = self.ICmdCaller.level.value
        selLevel = self.selectionLevel

        if len(self.selection)==0:
            # empty selection
            if self.userpref['warnOnEmptySelection']['value']=='yes':
                if self.askOkCancelMsg('expand empty selection to all molecules?'):
                    #selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                    return self.Mols
                    #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                    #    if selLevel==Molecule:
                    #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
                    #return selection
                    #selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                    return self.Mols
                    #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                    #    if selLevel==Molecule:
                    #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
                    #return selection
                #selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                return self.Mols
                #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
                #    if selLevel==Molecule:
                #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
                #return selection
            # not empty select
            #    selection = self.selection.findType(selLevel, uniq=1)
            #    if selLevel==Molecule:
            #        selection = self.selection.findType(Protein)
            return self.selection
            #selection = self.selection.findType(selLevel, uniq=1)
            #return selection

##             if self.userpref['warnOnEmptySelection']['value']=='yes':
##                 if self.askOkCancelMsg('expand empty selection to all molecules?'):
##                     selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                     #try:
##                     #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                     #except:
##                     #    if selLevel==Molecule:
##                     #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
##                     return selection
##                 else:
##                     selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                     #try:
##                     #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                     #except:
##                     #    if selLevel==Molecule:
##                     #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
##                     return selection
##             else:
##                 selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                 #try:
##                 #    selection = self.Mols.findType(selLevel)#, uniq=1)
##                 #except:
##                 #    if selLevel==Molecule:
##                 #        selection = self.Mols.findType(Protein)
##                 return selection
##         else:
##             # not empty select
##             #try:
##             #    selection = self.selection.findType(selLevel, uniq=1)
##             #except:
##             #    if selLevel==Molecule:
##             #        selection = self.selection.findType(Protein)
##             selection = self.selection.findType(selLevel, uniq=1)
##             return selection

    def getItems(self, selString=""):
        """Takes a string and returns a TreeNodeSet
The string  can contain a series of set descriptors with operators
separated by / characters.  There is always a first set, followed by pairs of
operators and sets.  All sets have to describe nodes of the same level.
    '1crn:::CA*/+/1crn:::O*' describes the union of all CA ans all O in 1crn
        assert type(selString)==StringType
        return self.expandNodes(selString)
    def expandNodes(self, nodes):
        """Takes nodes as string or TreeNode or TreeNodeSet and returns
a TreeNodeSet
If nodes is a string it can contain a series of set descriptors with operators
separated by / characters.  There is always a first set, followed by pairs of
operators and sets.  All sets ahve to describe nodes of the same level.

    '1crn:::CA*/+/1crn:::O*' describes the union of all CA ans all O in 1crn
        if isinstance(nodes,TreeNode):
            result = nodes.setClass([nodes])

        elif type(nodes)==StringType:
            stringRepr = nodes
            css = CompoundStringSelector()
            result = css.select(self.Mols, stringRepr)[0]
##            setsStrings = stringRepr.split('/')
##            getSet = self.Mols.NodesFromName
##            result = getSet(setsStrings[0])
##            for i in range(1, len(setsStrings), 2):
##                op = setsStrings[i]
##                arg = setsStrings[i+1]
##                if op=='|': # or
##                    result += getSet(arg)
##                elif op=='-': # subtract
##                    result -= getSet(arg)
##                elif op=='&': # intersection
##                    result &= getSet(arg)
##                elif op=='^': # xor
##                    result ^= getSet(arg)
##                elif op=='s': # sub select (i.e. select from previous result)
##                    result = result.get(arg)
##                else:
##                    raise ValueError, '%s bad operation in selection string'%op
##            result.setStringRepr(stringRepr)

        elif isinstance(nodes,TreeNodeSet):
            result = nodes
            raise ValueError, 'Could not expand nodes %s\n'%str(nodes)
        return result

    def getNodesByMolecule(self, nodes, nodeType=None):
        """ moleculeSet, [nodeSet, nodeSet] <- getNodesByMolecule(nodes, nodeType=None)
        nodes can be either: a string, a TreeNode or a TreeNodeSet.
        This method returns a molecule set and for each molecule a TreeNodeSet
        of the nodes belonging to this molecule.
        'nodeType' enables a desired type of nodes to be returned for each

        # special case list of complete molecules to be expanded to atoms
        # this also covers the case where nothing is selected
        if isinstance(nodes, MoleculeSet) or isinstance(nodes, ProteinSet):
            if nodeType is Atom:
                atms = []
                for mol in nodes:
                return nodes, atms
            elif (nodeType is Protein) or (nodeType is Molecule):
                return nodes, nodes
        # if it is a string, get a bunch of nodes from the string
        if type(nodes)==StringType:
            nodes = self.expandNodes(nodes)

        assert issubclass(nodes.__class__, TreeNode) or \
               issubclass(nodes.__class__, TreeNodeSet)

        # if nodes is a single TreeNode make it a singleton TreeNodeSet
        if issubclass(nodes.__class__, TreeNode):
            nodes = nodes.setClass([nodes])

        if len(nodes)==0: return MoleculeSet([]), []

        # catch the case when nodes is already a MoleculeSet
        if nodes.elementType in [Molecule, Protein]:
            molecules = nodes
        else: # get the set of molecules
            molecules = nodes.top.uniq()

        # build the set of nodes for each molecule
        nodeSets = []

        # find out the type of the nodes we want to return
        if nodeType is None:
            Klass = nodes.elementType # class of objects in that set
            assert issubclass(nodeType, TreeNode)
            Klass = nodeType
            if Klass != nodes.elementType:

        for mol in molecules:
            # get set of nodes for this molecule
            mol_nodes = nodes.get(lambda x, mol=mol: x.top==mol)

            # get the required types of nodes
            if searchType:
                if Klass == Atom and hasattr(mol_nodes, 'allAtoms'):
                    mol_nodes = mol_nodes.allAtoms
                    mol_nodes = mol_nodes.findType( Klass ).uniq()

            stringRepr = nodes.getStringRepr()
            if stringRepr:
                if ':' in stringRepr:

            nodeSets.append( mol_nodes )

        return molecules, nodeSets

    def addMVBasicMenus(self):
        from Pmv.selectionCommands import MVSelectCommand, MVDeSelectCommand
        from Pmv.mvCommand import MVPrintNodeNames, MVCenterOnNodes
        self.addCommand( MVPrintNodeNames(), 'printNodeNames' )
        self.addCommand( MVSelectCommand(), 'select' )
        self.addCommand( MVDeSelectCommand(), 'deselect' )
        self.addCommand( MVCenterOnNodes(), 'centerOnNodes' )

    def findPickedAtoms(self, pick):
given a PickObject this function finds all corresponding atoms.
Each atom in the returned set has its attribute pickedInstances set to a list
of 2-tuples [(geom, instance),...].

        allatoms = AtomSet( [] )
        # loop over object, i.e. geometry objects
        for obj, values in pick.hits.items():

            # build a list of vertices and list of instances
            instances = map(lambda x: x[1], values)
            vertInds = map(lambda x: x[0], values)

            # only geometry bound to molecules is packable in PMV
            if not hasattr(obj, 'mol') or len(vertInds)<1:

            # only vertices of geometry have a mapping to atoms
            # for other types we return an empty atom set
            if pick.type!='vertices':
                return allatoms

            g = obj.mol.geomContainer

            # convert vertex indices into atoms
            if g.geomPickToAtoms.has_key(obj.name):
                # the geometry obj has a function to convert to atoms
                # specified it he geomContainer[obj], e.g. MSMS surface
                func = g.geomPickToAtoms[obj.name]
                if func:
                    atList = func(obj, vertInds)
                    atlist = []
                # we assume a 1 to 1 mapping of vertices with atoms
                # e.g. the lines geometry
                atList = []
                allAtoms = g.atoms[obj.name]
                for i in vertInds:

            # build a dict of atoms used to set the pickedAtomInstance
            # attribute for the last picking operation
            pickedAtoms = {}

            # update the pickedAtoms dict
            for i, atom in enumerate(atList):
                atomInstList = pickedAtoms.get(atom, None)
                if atomInstList:
                    atomInstList.append( (obj, instances[i]) )
                    pickedAtoms[atom] = [ (obj, instances[i]) ]

            # FIXME atoms might appear multiple times because they were picked
            # in several geometries OR be cause they correspond to different
            # instances.  In the first case (i.e. multiple geometries)
            # duplicates should be removed, in the latter (multiple instances)
            # duplicate should be kept
            # Apparently we do not get duplication for multiple geoemtry objects!
            allatoms = allatoms + AtomSet( atList )

            # loop over picked atoms and write the instance list into the atom
            for atom, instances in pickedAtoms.items():
                atom.pickedInstances = instances

        #print allAtoms
        return allatoms

    def findPickedBonds(self, pick):
        """do a pick operation and return a 2-tuple holding (the picked bond,
        the picked geometry)"""

        allbonds = BondSet( [] )
        for o, val in pick.hits.items(): #loop over geometries
            # loop over list of (vertices, instance) (e.g. (45, [0,0,2,0]))
            for instvert in val:
                primInd = instvert[0]
                if not hasattr(o, 'mol'): continue
                g = o.mol.geomContainer
                if g.geomPickToBonds.has_key(o.name):
                    func = g.geomPickToBonds[o.name]
                    if func: allbonds = allbonds + func(o, primInd)
                    l = []
                    bonds = g.atoms[o.name].bonds[0]
                    for i in range(len(primInd)):
                    allbonds = allbonds + BondSet(l)

        return allbonds

    def transformedCoordinatesWithInstances(self, nodes):
        """ for a nodeset, this function returns transformed coordinates.
This function will use the pickedInstance attribute if found.
        # nodes is a list of atoms, residues, chains, etc. where each member
        # has a pickedInstances attribute which is a list of 2-tuples
        # (object, [i,j,..])
        vt = []
        for node in nodes:
            #find all atoms and their coordinates
            coords = nodes.findType(Atom).coords
            if hasattr(node, 'pickedInstances'):
                # loop over the pickedInstances of this node
                for inst in node.pickedInstances:
                    geom, instance = inst # inst is a tuple (object, [i,j,..])
                    M = geom.GetMatrix(geom.LastParentBeforeRoot(), instance[1:])
                    for pt in coords:
                        ptx = M[0][0]*pt[0]+M[0][1]*pt[1]+M[0][2]*pt[2]+M[0][3]
                        pty = M[1][0]*pt[0]+M[1][1]*pt[1]+M[1][2]*pt[2]+M[1][3]
                        ptz = M[2][0]*pt[0]+M[2][1]*pt[1]+M[2][2]*pt[2]+M[2][3]
                        vt.append( (ptx, pty, ptz) )
                # no picking ==> no list of instances ==> use [0,0,0,...] 
                g = nodes[0].top.geomContainer.geoms['master']
                M = g.GetMatrix(g.LastParentBeforeRoot())
                for pt in coords:
                    ptx = M[0][0]*pt[0]+M[0][1]*pt[1]+M[0][2]*pt[2]+M[0][3]
                    pty = M[1][0]*pt[0]+M[1][1]*pt[1]+M[1][2]*pt[2]+M[1][3]
                    ptz = M[2][0]*pt[0]+M[2][1]*pt[1]+M[2][2]*pt[2]+M[2][3]
                    vt.append( (ptx, pty, ptz) )
        return vt
    def Add_ADT(self):
        """Adds AutoToolsBar"""
        if self.GUI.toolbarCheckbuttons['ADT']['Variable'].get():
            #if self.GUI.menuBars.has_key('AutoTools4Bar'):
            #    self.GUI.menuBars['AutoTools4Bar'].pack(fill='x',expand=1)
            if hasattr(self.GUI, 'currentADTBar'):
                self.browseCommands('autotors4Commands', commands = None, 
                                        package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.browseCommands('autoflex4Commands', commands = None, 
                                     package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.browseCommands('autogpf4Commands', commands = None, 
                                        package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.browseCommands('autodpf4Commands', commands = None, 
                                        package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.browseCommands('autostart4Commands', commands = None, 
                                        package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.browseCommands('autoanalyze4Commands', commands = None, 
                                        package = 'AutoDockTools')
                self.GUI.currentADTBar = 'AutoTools4Bar'
                from AutoDockTools import setADTmode
                setADTmode('AD4.0', self)
                self.GUI.adt4ModeLabel.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.ADTSetMode.guiCallback)