def HelpAbout(self): #version explanations self.dialog = MessageDialog( self, title='About Simple GIS for Taiwan', message_text= 'Copytight(C)2011\nYan-ting (Vicky) Liau\n Schoold of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University\nE-mail: [email protected]\nAll rights reserved' ) result = self.dialog.activate()
def HelpAbout(self): #version explanations self.dialog=MessageDialog(self, title="About Simple GIS for Taiwan", message_text="Copytight(C)2016\nYan-ting (Vicky) Liau\nE-mail: [email protected]\nAll rights reserved") result=self.dialog.activate()
class mydata(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.menubar() #program starts with menubar #self.op=fileopen() #open when starting #self.op.myfile(self) #set two frames self.f = Frame(self.parent, width=600, height=680) self.f1 = Frame(self.parent, width=500, height=400) self.f2 = Frame(self.parent, width=500, height=280) #set canvas self.parent.canvas = Canvas(self.f, width=600, height=680, bg='white') self.parent.canvas1 = Canvas(self.f1, width=500, height=400, bg='white') #self.parent.canvas2=Canvas(self.f2, width=500, height=280, bg='white') #self.parent.canvas.create_oval(10,10,250,250, fill='gray90') #self.parent.canvas.create_line(1, 3, 50, 50, fill='black') self.f.pack(side=LEFT) self.f1.pack(side=TOP) self.f2.pack(side=RIGHT) #pack canvas self.parent.canvas.pack(side=LEFT) self.parent.canvas1.pack(side=TOP) #self.parent.canvas2.pack(side=RIGHT) # Bind mouse events to canvas self.parent.canvas.bind( '<Button-1>', self.clicked) #bind the left button of the mouse with function self.parent.canvas.bind( '<Enter>', self.moved ) #The mouse pointer entered the widget (this event doesn't mean that the user pressed the Enter key!). #self.parent.canvas1.bind('<Button-1>', self.pressbar) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % ( self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title( s ) #if clicking the left button of the mouse, show the coordinate on the top of window def moved(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Cursor Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % ( self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title(s) def menubar(self): menubar = Menu(self.parent) # Create the File Pulldown, and add it to the menu bar fileMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command(label='New', command=self.FileNew) fileMenu.add_command(label='Open', command=self.FileOpen) fileMenu.add_command(label='Save', command=self.FileSave) fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label='Exit', command=self.quit) menubar.add_cascade(label='File', menu=fileMenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Edit Pulldown editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) editmenu.add_command(label='Points', command=self.EditPoints) editmenu.add_command(label='Lines', command=self.EditLines) editmenu.add_command(label='Polygons', command=self.EditPolygons) menubar.add_cascade(label='Edit', menu=editmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Tools Pulldown Toolsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) Toolsmenu.add_command(label='Spatial Weights', command=self.Spatial_Weights) Toolsmenu.add_command(label='Map Classification', command=self.MapClassification) menubar.add_cascade(label='Tools', menu=Toolsmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the DataVisualize Pulldown DataVisualizemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) DataVisualizemenu.add_command(label='Show Points', command=self.DataVisualizeShow_Points) DataVisualizemenu.add_command(label='Draw Map', command=self.DataVisualizeDraw_Maps) menubar.add_cascade(label='DataVisualize', menu=DataVisualizemenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Statistics Pulldown statisticsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) statisticsmenu.add_command(label='Nearest Neighbor Distance', command=self.statisticsNearNeighbor) statisticsmenu.add_command(label='Save results', command=self.statisticsresults) menubar.add_cascade(label='Statistics', menu=statisticsmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Explore Pulldown exploremenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) exploremenu.add_command(label='Nearest Neighbor Distance Patterns', command=self.ExplorePoint_Patterns) menubar.add_cascade(label='Explore', menu=exploremenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Help Pulldown helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) helpmenu.add_command(label='About', command=self.HelpAbout) helpmenu.add_command(label='Tutorial', command=self.HelpTutorial) menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=helpmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #menubar functions def FileNew(self): #clear window self.parent.canvas.delete(ALL) #canvas.delete(variables), remove the previous items #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def FileOpen(self): #read data by string, transfer to a list, find max X, max Y, min X, min Y, reverse coordinates filecontents = askopenfilename( filetypes=[('textfiles', '*.txt'), ( 'comma_separatedfiles', '*.csv'), ('excelfiles', '*.xls'), ( 'pythonfiles', '*.py'), ('accessfiles', '*.asc'), ( 'arcgisfiles', '*.dbf'), ('spssfiles', '*.sav'), ('multi_usagefiles', '*.dat')]) if filecontents != None: fp = open(filecontents, 'r') #fp is just the tag to open filecontents = fp.readlines( ) #read all the lines of the file and return them as a list fp.close() #close file because data are already in PC's memory #search for the x's, y's max and min and then set the scale factor newdata = [] #create a new list for line in filecontents[1:]: #get rid of the header x, y = line.strip().split(' ') #mydata truly read the file in a 'list'. (1)transfer to a list by split (2) get rid of extra spaces by strip #print filecontents #print the original data x = float(x) y = float(y) newdata.append([x, y]) #why does it print as none? newdata = num.array(newdata) maxc = newdata.max(axis=0) # the maximum self.minc = newdata.min(axis=0) # the minimum canvasrange = maxc - self.minc # ranges of x and y #print self.minc myscale = canvasrange / num.array([600, 680 ]) #scaling x and y separately Cmyscale = myscale.max() - num.array( [5]) # find the larger scale and shrink a little bit? newcoordinates = ( newdata - self.minc ) / Cmyscale #downscaling coordinates to fit needs of canvas #print newcoordinates #coordinates that show in canvas #reverse coordinates self.normalcoordinates = abs(num.array([0, 680]) - newcoordinates) #(x, 680-y) #print self.normalcoordinates, type(self.normalcoordinates) #show origin data in another frame s = Scrollbar(self.f2) #set a scrollbar T = Text(self.f2) # set to fill in text T.focus_set() self.f2.pack(side=RIGHT) s.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) s.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=s.set) for i in filecontents[1:]: T.insert(END, i) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def FileSave(self): print 'ABC' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditPoints(self): self.parent.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.pointclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditLines(self): self.parent.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.lineclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditPolygons(self): self.parent.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.polugonclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def MapClassification(self): #try to import pysal? print 'ABC' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def Spatial_Weights(self): #try to import pysal? print 'ABC' #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def DataVisualizeShow_Points(self): for x, y in self.normalcoordinates: self.parent.canvas.create_oval( x, y, x + 4, y + 4, fill='black') #inherent from initial functions #points are not in the center of oval? x += 1 y += 1 #when the file opens, finishes processing and plots points, link mouse position with points by one click #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def DataVisualizeDraw_Maps(self): #sorting them and draw line? for x, y in self.normalcoordinates: self.parent.canvas.create_line(x, y, x + 1, y + 1, fill='blue') x += 1 y += 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def statisticsNearNeighbor(self): a = self.normalcoordinates self.tablesize = int( a.shape[0] ) #the first number (the larger one) is the table size (tuple, using index). (x*x) #print self.tablesize, type(self.tablesize) newtable = [] #create a list for x, y in self.normalcoordinates: for p, q in self.normalcoordinates: c = math.sqrt((x - p)**2 + (y - q)**2) newtable.append(c) #finish near neighbor but still in a bunch of single float numbers #print c, type(c) #convert numbers into a table self.newtable = num.array( newtable) #change near neighborhood value into an array #transfer array for exporting table (1)using index function of array (2)change into string myindexr = range(self.tablesize * self.tablesize) #a whole list myindexarray = num.array(myindexr) #change into an array myindexshape = myindexarray.reshape(self.tablesize, self.tablesize) #become square myindex = myindexshape.T #index.transpose self.t = self.newtable[myindex] #change into a whole table in an array u = num.sort(self.t) #sort all array self.w = u.T[1] #find nearest neighbor #print self.w, type(self.w) #change an array data into a string in order to save as a file #self.s = '\n'.join([ '\t'.join(map(str,row)) for row in self.t]) #change any two point distance into a list self.s = '\n'.join( str(n) for n in self.w) #let nearest neighbor into a string #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def statisticsresults(self): self.nearneighbor = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( filetypes=[('textfile', '*.txt')]) if self.nearneighbor != None: fp = open(self.nearneighbor, 'w') #open a new file fp.write(self.s) fp.close() else: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ExplorePoint_Patterns(self): distancesort = num.sort(self.w) - self.w.min() #print distancesort myrange = self.w.max() - self.w.min() #range self.mycenter = myrange / 4 #print self.mycenter #count numbers mycount1 = [] mycount2 = [] mycount3 = [] mycount4 = [] for i in distancesort: if i < self.mycenter: #print i mycount1.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter and i < self.mycenter * 2: #print i mycount2.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter * 2 and i < self.mycenter * 3: #print i mycount3.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter * 3: #print i mycount4.append(distancesort) else: pass self.mycount1 = len(list(mycount1)) self.mycount2 = len(list(mycount2)) self.mycount3 = len(list(mycount3)) self.mycount4 = len(list(mycount4)) print self.mycount1, self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4 #embed matplotlib into tkinter f1 = Figure(figsize=(6, 5)) #set the size self.a = f1.add_subplot(111) #set plot in canvas self.myplot = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f1, self.parent.canvas1) self.myplot.get_tk_widget().pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.myplot._tkcanvas.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) # set plot data N = 4 self.mycount = (self.mycount1, self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4) #for quantities of the plot self.ind = num.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups self.width = 0.5 # the width of the bars colors = ['r', 'r', 'r', 'r'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) # add some self.a.set_ylabel('Counts') self.a.set_xlabel('Nearest Neighbor Distance (meters)') self.a.set_title('Counts of the Nearest Neighbor Distances') self.a.set_xticks(self.ind + self.width) self.a.set_xticklabels( (round(self.mycenter, 2), round(self.mycenter * 2, 2), round(self.mycenter * 3, 2), round(self.mycenter * 4, 2))) #ax.legend( (self.rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Men', 'Women') ) #mouse moving, mouse selecting in matplotlib & GUI in Tkinter self.parent.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.canvasplot) #click points in the canvas self.myplot.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pressbar) #click bar in the plot #open a new window N = 4 self.mycount = (self.mycount1, self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4) #for quantities of the plot self.ind = num.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups self.width = 0.5 # the width of the bars self.fig = plt.figure( ) #open a new outer canvas, but this way can not run both window at the same time = self.fig.add_subplot(111) colors = ['r', 'r', 'r', 'r'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) # add some'Counts')'Nearest Neighbor distance (Kilometers)') 'Cumulative distribution of the nearest neighbor distances') + self.width), self.mycenter * 2, self.mycenter * 3, self.mycenter * 4)) #ax.legend( (self.rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Men', 'Women') ) #mouse moving, mouse selecting in matplotlib self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pressbar) #click button #draw near-neighborhood lines after selecting the bar in the plot #self.parent.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.linkmouse) #lines in canvas link with bars in the plot #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def HelpAbout(self): #version explanations self.dialog = MessageDialog( self, title='About Simple GIS for Taiwan', message_text= 'Copytight(C)2011\nYan-ting (Vicky) Liau\n Schoold of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University\nE-mail: [email protected]\nAll rights reserved' ) result = self.dialog.activate() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def HelpTutorial(self): print 'ABC' #open a pdf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################################################################### #after plotting, when click the point on the canvas def canvasplot(self, event): if self.normalcoordinates == None: #when none of points are read in and plot notthing and the linkage will not work. pass else: #select point and change into red color self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y #catch the coordinates self.mousearray = num.array([self.OrgX, self.OrgY]) s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % ( self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) #self.myplot.mpl_connect('axes_leave_event', self.pointlink) for i, s in enumerate( self.normalcoordinates): #set a loop for index as i #for u, t in self.normalcoordinates: x, y = s p = round(x) #not easy to select float, so round coordinates q = round(y) #print num.array([p, q]) #set a allowed deviation (buffer) if the mouse click is not absolutely precise? if self.mousearray in num.array([p, q]): #print self. mousearray #separate arrays for each points self.parent.canvas.create_oval(p, q, p + 4, q + 4, fill='red') print i, self.normalcoordinates[i], self.w[i] #print index & coordinate & nearest neighbor which is selected by mouse #self.myplot.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.pointlink) if self.w[i] < self.mycenter: print i colors = ['yellow', 'red', 'red', 'red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter * 2 and self.w[ i] > self.mycenter: colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'red', 'red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter * 3 and self.w[ i] > self.mycenter * 2: colors = ['red', 'red', 'yellow', 'red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] > self.mycenter * 3: colors = ['red', 'red', 'red', 'yellow'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) else: pass else: pass def pointlink(self, event): for i, s in enumerate(self.normalcoordinates): x, y = s p = round(x) #not easy to select float, so round coordinates q = round(y) if self.mousearray in num.array([p, q]): self.parent.canvas.create_oval(p, q, p + 4, q + 4, fill='red') print i, self.normalcoordinates[i], self.w[i] if self.w[i] < self.mycenter: print i colors = ['yellow', 'red', 'red', 'red'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter * 2 and self.w[ i] > self.mycenter: print i colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'red', 'red'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter * 3 and self.w[ i] > self.mycenter * 2: print i colors = ['red', 'red', 'yellow', 'red'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] > self.mycenter * 3: print i colors = ['red', 'red', 'red', 'yellow'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) else: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################################################################### #digitize points, lines and polygon def pointclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y #catch the coordinates s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % ( self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title(s) self.parent.canvas.create_oval(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX + 4, self.OrgY + 4, fill='blue') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lineclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) self.parent.canvas.create_line(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX + 1, self.OrgY + 1, fill='green') #? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def polygonclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = 'Simple GIS: ' + 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) #self.parent.canvas.create_line(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX,self.OrgY,fill='blue') #? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####################################################################################################################### #when click the plot def pressbar(self, event): x = event.xdata # the clicked locations y = event.ydata print 'Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s' % (x, y) #any selected point event.canvas.figure.patch.set_facecolor( 'green') #work for outside canvas event.canvas.draw() if x < 0.5: #change color as any selected bar colors = ['yellow', 'r', 'r', 'r'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): #let whole array without arrangement into a list with index, i is the index, s is the value if s < self.mycenter: #when the number in a list is the smallest #print self.normalcoordinates[i] #the original coordinates of near neighbor x, y = self.normalcoordinates[ i] #x, y belongs to numpy.int32 self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + 4, y + 4, fill='red') #self.parent.canvas.create_line(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='green') else: pass elif x > 1 and x < 1.5: colors = ['r', 'yellow', 'r', 'r'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter and s < self.mycenter * 2: x, y = self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + 4, y + 4, fill='red') else: pass elif x > 2 and x < 2.5: colors = ['r', 'r', 'yellow', 'r'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter * 2 and s < self.mycenter * 3: x, y = self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + 4, y + 4, fill='red') else: pass elif x > 3 and x < 3.5: colors = ['r', 'r', 'r', 'yellow'], self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter * 3: x, y = self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + 4, y + 4, fill='red') else: pass else: pass
class mydata(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.menubar() #program starts with menubar #self.op=fileopen() #open when starting #self.op.myfile(self) #set two frames self.f=Frame(self.parent, width=600, height=680) self.f1=Frame(self.parent, width=500, height=400) self.f2=Frame(self.parent, width=500, height=280) #set canvas self.parent.canvas=Canvas(self.f, width=600, height=680, bg='white') self.parent.canvas1=Canvas(self.f1, width=500, height=400, bg='white') #self.parent.canvas2=Canvas(self.f2, width=500, height=280, bg='white') #self.parent.canvas.create_oval(10,10,250,250, fill='gray90') #self.parent.canvas.create_line(1, 3, 50, 50, fill='black') self.f.pack(side=LEFT) self.f1.pack(side=TOP) self.f2.pack(side=RIGHT) #pack canvas self.parent.canvas.pack(side=LEFT) self.parent.canvas1.pack(side=TOP) #self.parent.canvas2.pack(side=RIGHT) # Bind mouse events to canvas self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.clicked) #bind the left button of the mouse with function self.parent.canvas.bind("<Enter>", self.moved) #The mouse pointer entered the widget (this event doesn't mean that the user pressed the Enter key!). #self.parent.canvas1.bind("<Button-1>", self.pressbar) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clicked(self,event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = "Simple GIS: "+"Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title(s) #if clicking the left button of the mouse, show the coordinate on the top of window def moved(self,event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = "Simple GIS: "+"Cursor Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title(s) def menubar(self): menubar = Menu(self.parent) # Create the File Pulldown, and add it to the menu bar fileMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command(label = "New", command = self.FileNew) fileMenu.add_command(label = "Open", command = self.FileOpen) fileMenu.add_command(label = "Save", command = self.FileSave) fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.quit) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Edit Pulldown editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) editmenu.add_command(label = "Points", command = self.EditPoints) editmenu.add_command(label = "Lines", command = self.EditLines) editmenu.add_command(label = "Polygons", command = self.EditPolygons) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Edit", menu = editmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Tools Pulldown Toolsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) Toolsmenu.add_command(label = "Spatial Weights", command = self.Spatial_Weights) Toolsmenu.add_command(label = "Map Classification", command = self.MapClassification) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Tools", menu = Toolsmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the DataVisualize Pulldown DataVisualizemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) DataVisualizemenu.add_command(label = "Show Points", command = self.DataVisualizeShow_Points) DataVisualizemenu.add_command(label = "Draw Map", command = self.DataVisualizeDraw_Maps) menubar.add_cascade(label = "DataVisualize", menu = DataVisualizemenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Statistics Pulldown statisticsmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) statisticsmenu.add_command(label = "Nearest Neighbor Distance", command = self.statisticsNearNeighbor) statisticsmenu.add_command(label = "Save results", command = self.statisticsresults) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Statistics", menu = statisticsmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Explore Pulldown exploremenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) exploremenu.add_command(label = "Nearest Neighbor Distance Patterns", command = self.ExplorePoint_Patterns) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Explore", menu = exploremenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) # Create the Help Pulldown helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) helpmenu.add_command(label = "About", command = self.HelpAbout) helpmenu.add_command(label = "Tutorial", command = self.HelpTutorial) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Help", menu = helpmenu) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #menubar functions def FileNew(self): #clear window self.parent.canvas.delete(ALL) #canvas.delete(variables), remove the previous items #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def FileOpen(self): #read data by string, transfer to a list, find max X, max Y, min X, min Y, reverse coordinates filecontents=askopenfilename(filetypes=[ ("comma_separatedfiles","*.csv"),("textfiles","*.txt"),("excelfiles","*.xls"),("pythonfiles","*.py"),("accessfiles","*.asc"),("arcgisfiles","*.dbf"), ("spssfiles","*.sav"), ("multi_usagefiles","*.dat")]) if filecontents != None: fp=open(filecontents, 'r') #fp is just the tag to open filecontents=fp.readlines() #read all the lines of the file and return them as a list fp.close() #close file because data are already in PC's memory #search for the x's, y's max and min and then set the scale factor newdata=[] #create a new list for line in filecontents[1:]: #get rid of the header x, y=line.strip().split(',') #mydata truly read the file in a 'list'. (1)transfer to a list by split (2) get rid of extra spaces by strip #print filecontents #print the original data x=float(x) y=float(y) newdata.append([x,y]) #why does it print as none? newdata=num.array(newdata) maxc=newdata.max(axis=0) # the maximum self.minc=newdata.min(axis=0) # the minimum canvasrange=maxc-self.minc # ranges of x and y #print self.minc myscale=canvasrange/num.array([600, 680]) #scaling x and y separately Cmyscale=myscale.max()-num.array([5]) # find the larger scale and shrink a little bit? newcoordinates=(newdata-self.minc)/Cmyscale #downscaling coordinates to fit needs of canvas #print newcoordinates #coordinates that show in canvas #reverse coordinates self.normalcoordinates=abs(num.array([0, 680])-newcoordinates) #(x, 680-y) #print self.normalcoordinates, type(self.normalcoordinates) #show origin data in another frame s = Scrollbar(self.f2) #set a scrollbar T = Text(self.f2) # set to fill in text T.focus_set() self.f2.pack(side=RIGHT) s.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) s.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=s.set) for i in filecontents[1:]: T.insert(END, i) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def FileSave(self): print "ABC" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditPoints(self): self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.pointclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditLines(self): self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.lineclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def EditPolygons(self): self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.polugonclicked) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def MapClassification(self): #try to import pysal? print "ABC" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def Spatial_Weights(self): #try to import pysal? print "ABC" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def DataVisualizeShow_Points(self): for x,y in self.normalcoordinates: self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='black') #inherent from initial functions #points are not in the center of oval? x+=1 y+=1 #when the file opens, finishes processing and plots points, link mouse position with points by one click #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def DataVisualizeDraw_Maps(self): #sorting them and draw line? for x,y in self.normalcoordinates: self.parent.canvas.create_line(x, y, x+1, y+1,fill='blue') x+=1 y+=1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def statisticsNearNeighbor(self): a=self.normalcoordinates self.tablesize=int(a.shape[0])#the first number (the larger one) is the table size (tuple, using index). (x*x) #print self.tablesize, type(self.tablesize) newtable=[] #create a list for x, y in self.normalcoordinates: for p, q in self.normalcoordinates: c=math.sqrt((x-p)**2+(y-q)**2) newtable.append(c) #finish near neighbor but still in a bunch of single float numbers #print c, type(c) #convert numbers into a table self.newtable=num.array(newtable) #change near neighborhood value into an array #transfer array for exporting table (1)using index function of array (2)change into string myindexr=range(self.tablesize*self.tablesize) #a whole list myindexarray=num.array(myindexr) #change into an array myindexshape=myindexarray.reshape(self.tablesize, self.tablesize) #become square myindex=myindexshape.T #index.transpose self.t=self.newtable[myindex] #change into a whole table in an array u=num.sort(self.t) #sort all array self.w=u.T[1] #find nearest neighbor #print self.w, type(self.w) #change an array data into a string in order to save as a file #self.s = "\n".join([ "\t".join(map(str,row)) for row in self.t]) #change any two point distance into a list self.s = "\n".join(str(n) for n in self.w) #let nearest neighbor into a string #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def statisticsresults(self): self.nearneighbor=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[ ("textfile","*.txt")]) if self.nearneighbor != None: fp=open(self.nearneighbor, 'w') #open a new file fp.write(self.s) fp.close() else: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ExplorePoint_Patterns(self): distancesort=num.sort(self.w)-self.w.min() #print distancesort myrange=self.w.max()-self.w.min() #range self.mycenter=myrange/4 #print self.mycenter #count numbers mycount1=[] mycount2=[] mycount3=[] mycount4=[] for i in distancesort: if i < self.mycenter: #print i mycount1.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter and i < self.mycenter*2: #print i mycount2.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter*2 and i < self.mycenter*3: #print i mycount3.append(distancesort) elif i > self.mycenter*3: #print i mycount4.append(distancesort) else: pass self.mycount1=len(list(mycount1)) self.mycount2=len(list(mycount2)) self.mycount3=len(list(mycount3)) self.mycount4=len(list(mycount4)) print self.mycount1 , self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4 #embed matplotlib into tkinter f1=Figure(figsize=(6,5)) #set the size self.a=f1.add_subplot(111) #set plot in canvas self.myplot= FigureCanvasTkAgg(f1, self.parent.canvas1) self.myplot.get_tk_widget().pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.myplot._tkcanvas.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) # set plot data N=4 self.mycount=(self.mycount1, self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4) #for quantities of the plot self.ind = num.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups self.width = 0.5 # the width of the bars colors=['r','r','r','r'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) # add some self.a.set_ylabel('Counts') self.a.set_xlabel('Nearest Neighbor distance (meters)') self.a.set_title('Number distribution of the nearest neighbor distances') self.a.set_xticks(self.ind+self.width) self.a.set_xticklabels( (round(self.mycenter, 2), round(self.mycenter*2, 2), round(self.mycenter*3, 2), round(self.mycenter*4, 2)) ) #ax.legend( (self.rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Men', 'Women') ) #mouse moving, mouse selecting in matplotlib & GUI in Tkinter self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.canvasplot) #click points in the canvas self.myplot.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pressbar)#click bar in the plot """ #open a new window N=4 self.mycount=(self.mycount1, self.mycount2, self.mycount3, self.mycount4) #for quantities of the plot self.ind = num.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups self.width = 0.5 # the width of the bars self.fig = plt.figure() #open a new outer canvas, but this way can not run both window at the same time = self.fig.add_subplot(111) colors=['r','r','r','r'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount, self.width, color=colors) # add some'Counts')'Nearest Neighbor distance (Kilometers)')'Cumulative distribution of the nearest neighbor distances') (self.mycenter, self.mycenter*2, self.mycenter*3, self.mycenter*4) ) #ax.legend( (self.rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Men', 'Women') ) #mouse moving, mouse selecting in matplotlib self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pressbar)#click button #draw near-neighborhood lines after selecting the bar in the plot #self.parent.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.linkmouse) #lines in canvas link with bars in the plot """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def HelpAbout(self): #version explanations self.dialog=MessageDialog(self, title="About Simple GIS for Taiwan", message_text="Copytight(C)2016\nYan-ting (Vicky) Liau\nE-mail: [email protected]\nAll rights reserved") result=self.dialog.activate() #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def HelpTutorial(self): print "ABC" #open a pdf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################################################################### #after plotting, when click the point on the canvas def canvasplot(self, event): if self.normalcoordinates == None: #when none of points are read in and plot notthing and the linkage will not work. pass else: #select point and change into red color self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y #catch the coordinates self. mousearray=num.array([self.OrgX, self.OrgY]) s = "Simple GIS: "+"Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) #self.myplot.mpl_connect('axes_leave_event', self.pointlink) for i, s in enumerate(self.normalcoordinates): #set a loop for index as i #for u, t in self.normalcoordinates: x, y=s p=round(x) #not easy to select float, so round coordinates q=round(y) #print num.array([p, q]) #set a allowed deviation (buffer) if the mouse click is not absolutely precise? if self. mousearray in num.array([p, q]): #print self. mousearray #separate arrays for each points self.parent.canvas.create_oval(p, q, p+4, q+4,fill='red') print i, self.normalcoordinates[i], self.w[i] #print index & coordinate & nearest neighbor which is selected by mouse #self.myplot.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.pointlink) if self.w[i] < self.mycenter: print i colors=['yellow','red','red','red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter*2 and self.w[i] > self.mycenter: colors=['red','yellow','red','red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter*3 and self.w[i] >self.mycenter*2: colors=['red','red','yellow','red'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] > self.mycenter*3: colors=['red','red','red', 'yellow'] self.rects1 =, self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) else: pass else: pass """ def pointlink(self, event): for i, s in enumerate(self.normalcoordinates): x, y=s p=round(x) #not easy to select float, so round coordinates q=round(y) if self. mousearray in num.array([p, q]): self.parent.canvas.create_oval(p, q, p+4, q+4,fill='red') print i, self.normalcoordinates[i], self.w[i] if self.w[i] < self.mycenter: print i colors=['yellow','red','red','red'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter*2 and self.w[i] > self.mycenter: print i colors=['red','yellow','red','red'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] < self.mycenter*3 and self.w[i] >self.mycenter*2: print i colors=['red','red','yellow','red'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) elif self.w[i] > self.mycenter*3: print i colors=['red','red','red', 'yellow'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) else: pass """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################################################################### #digitize points, lines and polygon def pointclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y #catch the coordinates s = "Simple GIS: "+"Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) #change back to original coordinates? self.parent.title(s) self.parent.canvas.create_oval(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX+4,self.OrgY+4,fill='blue') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lineclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = "Simple GIS: "+"Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) self.parent.canvas.create_line(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX+1, self.OrgY+1,fill='green') #? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def polygonclicked(self, event): self.OrgX, self.OrgY = event.x, event.y s = "Simple GIS: "+"Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (self.OrgX, self.OrgY) self.parent.title(s) #self.parent.canvas.create_line(self.OrgX, self.OrgY, self.OrgX,self.OrgY,fill='blue') #? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####################################################################################################################### #when click the plot def pressbar(self, event): x=event.xdata # the clicked locations y=event.ydata print "Clicked Coordinate at x=%s y=%s" % (x,y) #any selected point event.canvas.figure.patch.set_facecolor('green') #work for outside canvas event.canvas.draw() if x <0.5: #change color as any selected bar colors=['yellow','r','r','r'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): #let whole array without arrangement into a list with index, i is the index, s is the value if s < self.mycenter: #when the number in a list is the smallest #print self.normalcoordinates[i] #the original coordinates of near neighbor x,y =self.normalcoordinates[i] #x, y belongs to numpy.int32 self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='red') #self.parent.canvas.create_line(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='green') else: pass elif x>1 and x<1.5: colors=['r','yellow','r','r'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter and s < self.mycenter*2: x,y =self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='red') else: pass elif x>2 and x<2.5: colors=['r','r','yellow','r'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter*2 and s < self.mycenter*3: x,y =self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='red') else: pass elif x>3 and x<3.5: colors=['r','r','r','yellow'], self.mycount,self.width, color=colors) for i, s in enumerate(self.w): if s > self.mycenter*3: x,y =self.normalcoordinates[i] self.parent.canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+4, y+4,fill='red') else: pass else: pass