def handle_resize(self): self.dim = self.parent.dim - Point(2, 3) if self.max.x < self.dim.x: self.resize(Point(self.max.y, self.dim.x)) self.SCROLLBAR.resize(self.dim.y) if self.list: self.list.reshape_list() self.refresh()
def handle_resize(self): self.dim = Point(1, self.parent.dim.x) self.start = Point(self.parent.dim.y - 1, 0) self.STATUSBAR.resize(*self.dim) self.STATUSBAR.mvwin(*self.start) self.write([], extra = self.content) self.update_count([None] * self.count) self.refresh()
def safe_print(self, string, attr=curses.A_NORMAL, curs_pos=Point(None)): curs_pos = curs_pos.assign_if_none(Point(self.PAD.getyx())) while 1: try: self.PAD.addstr(*curs_pos, string, attr) break except curses.error: self.resize(Point(self.max.y + 20, self.max.x))
def refresh(self, scroll=Point(), offset=None, refresh_scrollbar=True): scroll = scroll.assign_if_none(Point(self.scroll_pos, 0)) offset = offset or self.start self.PAD.refresh(*scroll, *offset, *(self.dim + (offset - 1))) if refresh_scrollbar: self.SCROLLBAR.update_scroll_pos() self.SCROLLBAR.scroll() self.SCROLLBAR.refresh()
def resize(self, new_ylen=None): new_ylen = new_ylen or self.parent.dim.y try: self.WIN.resize(new_ylen, self.dim.x) pos = Point(self.parent.start) + Point(0, self.parent.dim.x) self.WIN.mvwin(*pos) except curses.error: exit("could not resize scrollwin") self.dim.y = new_ylen
def _enumerate2d(self): temp = [] for x, row in enumerate(self.list_1d): for y, element in enumerate(row): temp += [[Point(y, x), element]] return temp
def print_help(): pad.erase() for section in sections: section.erase() pad.safe_print("Console Media Library", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) pad.safe_print(" v" + VERSION_NO + " - 2020\n" + "Developed by Anchith Acharya U. and Adhish N.\n" + "Github link: ") pad.safe_print("\n\n", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) for i in (0, 1): for key, action in zip(keys[i], actions[i]): sections[i].safe_print(key, COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) if action: if action == actions[i][-1]: sections[i].PAD.insstr(' : ' + action) else: sections[i].safe_print(' : ' + action) pad.safe_print("\nPress Esc key to close this menu.\n\n", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK'], curs_pos=Point(sections[0].start.y + sections[0].dim.y, 0))
def __init__(self, parent): self.WIN = curses.newwin(1, 1) self.parent = parent self.WIN.leaveok(1) self.scroll_pos = 0 self.dim = Point(0, 1)
def __init__(self, size: Point, parent): self.PAD = curses.newpad(1, 1) self.parent = parent parent.pad = self self.SCROLLBAR = Scrollwin(self) self.scroll_pos = 0 self.max_used_space = None self.max = Point() self.dim = self.parent.dim - Point(2, 3) self.start = Point(parent.WIN.getparyx()) + 1 self.list = None self.resize(size)
def __init__(self, window): self.WIN = window self.dim = Point(self.WIN.getmaxyx()) self.sub = None self.statusbar = None self.WIN.clear() self.refresh()
def safe_print(self, str, method="addstr", curs_pos=Point(), attr=None): curs_pos = curs_pos.assign_if_none(Point(self.WIN.getyx())) if attr: self.WIN.attron(attr) while 1: try: if method == "border": getattr(self.WIN, method)() else: getattr(self.WIN, method)(*curs_pos, str) break except curses.error: self.resize(self.max_y + 20, self.max_x) if attr: self.WIN.attroff(attr)
def change_list(self, new_list1d: list, process_settings=(False, True)): self.list_1d.clear() self.selected_items.clear() self._process_list(new_list1d, *process_settings) self.dim = Point(len(self.LIST), len(self.LIST[0])) self._calculate_indices() self.pad.max_used_space = len(self.LIST) self.cursor = self.LIST[0][0]
def handle_resize(self): self.dim = Point(self.WIN.getmaxyx()) if self.dim < 8: exit("window size too small") self.WIN.clear() self.refresh() self.sub.handle_resize() self.statusbar.handle_resize()
def __init__(self, parent: Window, attr): self.STATUSBAR = parent.WIN.subwin(1,1, 0,0) self.dim = Point(1, parent.dim.x) self.parent = parent parent.statusbar = self self.attr = attr self.content = [] self.count = 0 self.handle_resize()
def __init__(self, parent, dim: Point, start=Point(0, 0)): try: self.PAD = parent.PAD.subpad(*dim, *start) except curses.error: exit("could not create subwindow.") self.parent = parent self.dim = dim self.start = start self.subpad = self.resize = self.handle_resize = None
def __init__(self, parent, dir_list=[]): self.cursor = None self.selected_items = [] self.dim = Point(0, 1) self.pad = parent self.max_list_width = max( int(self.pad.dim.x / (self.max_strlen + len(self.column_seperator))), 1) self.list_1d = [] self.LIST = [[]] self.change_list(dir_list)
def __init__(self, parent, dim: Point, start=Point(0, 0)): try: sub = parent.WIN.subwin(*dim, *start) except curses.error: exit("could not create subwindow.") super().__init__(sub) del self.sub, self.statusbar self.subwin = None self.parent = parent self.start = start self.pad = None self.refresh()
def __init__(self, name="", file_type=""): = name self.type = file_type self.index = Point() if len( <= Marquee.max_strlen: self.disp_str = + ' ' * (Marquee.max_strlen - len( self.show_ellipsis = False else: self.disp_str =[:Marquee.max_strlen - 3] self.show_ellipsis = True self.hscroll_index = 0 self.hscroll_delay = 0
def show_help(pad, statusbar, handle_resize): scroll = Point(0) sections = [] for i, start in enumerate(section_start): sections.append( pad.subpad( Point(len(keys[i]), (max_key_len[i] + 3 + max_value_len[i])), start)) refresh_screen = True manage_resize = 0 pad.SCROLLBAR.WIN.erase() pad.SCROLLBAR.refresh() def print_help(): pad.erase() for section in sections: section.erase() pad.safe_print("Console Media Library", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) pad.safe_print(" v" + VERSION_NO + " - 2020\n" + "Developed by Anchith Acharya U. and Adhish N.\n" + "Github link: ") pad.safe_print("\n\n", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) for i in (0, 1): for key, action in zip(keys[i], actions[i]): sections[i].safe_print(key, COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK']) if action: if action == actions[i][-1]: sections[i].PAD.insstr(' : ' + action) else: sections[i].safe_print(' : ' + action) pad.safe_print("\nPress Esc key to close this menu.\n\n", COLOR_DICT['LRED_BLACK'], curs_pos=Point(sections[0].start.y + sections[0].dim.y, 0)) statusbar.write( ('Scroll up', 'Scroll down', 'Scroll left', 'Scroll right'), extra=[('Esc', "Close help")]) print_help() def equals(ch, action): return any(ch in keybind for keybind in KEYBINDS[action]) while 1: if refresh_screen: pad.refresh(scroll, refresh_scrollbar=False) refresh_screen = False ch = pad.PAD.getch() if ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: manage_resize = 1 elif equals(ch, "Scroll up"): if scroll.y > 0: scroll.y -= 1 refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Scroll down"): if scroll.y < (SCROLL_LIMIT.y - (pad.dim.y - 1)): scroll.y += 1 refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Scroll left"): if scroll.x > 0: scroll.x = max(scroll.x - 2, 0) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Scroll right"): if scroll.x < (SCROLL_LIMIT.x - (pad.dim.x - 1)): scroll.x = min(scroll.x + 2, (SCROLL_LIMIT.x - (pad.dim.x - 1))) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Quit"): curses.ungetch(curses.KEY_F10) break elif ch == KEY_VALUES["Esc"]: break if manage_resize == 2: handle_resize() # print_statusbar(('^PgUp','^PgDn','F10'), extra={'Esc':"Close help"}) curses.curs_set(1) curses.curs_set(0) manage_resize = 0 refresh_screen = True if manage_resize != 0: manage_resize = 2 statusbar.write(('Help', 'Reverse sort order', 'Quit'))
return lyst, max_len keys = [keybind[0][1] for keybind in KEYBINDS.values()] actions = KEYBINDS.keys() keys, max_key_len = process_list(keys, '\n') actions, max_value_len = process_list(actions, '') keys = [[(' ' * (max_len - len(item)) + item) for item in x] for x, max_len in zip(keys, max_key_len)] actions = [[(item + ' ' * (max_len - len(item))) if item else '' for item in x] for x, max_len in zip(actions, max_value_len)] section_start = [ Point(4, 3), Point(4, 3 + (max_key_len[0] + 3 + max_value_len[0]) + 5) ] SCROLL_LIMIT = Point(len(keys[0]) + 5, 91) def show_help(pad, statusbar, handle_resize): scroll = Point(0) sections = [] for i, start in enumerate(section_start): sections.append( pad.subpad( Point(len(keys[i]), (max_key_len[i] + 3 + max_value_len[i])), start))
def main(screen): curses.curs_set(0) init_colors() screen = Window(screen) frame = screen.subwin(screen.dim - Point(3,2), Point(1)) frame.decorate() frame.refresh() statusbar = Statusbar(screen, COLOR_DICT["RED_BLACK"]) statusbar.write(('Help', 'Reverse sort order', 'Quit')) pad = Pad(Point(settings.MIN_DIMS), frame) pad.PAD.keypad(1) pad.PAD.nodelay(1) pad.PAD.timeout(300) dir_list = List(pad, [settings.ROOT]) pad.list = dir_list manage_resize = 0 # 0: static screen 1: screen is being resized, wait 2: handle resize screen.handle_resize() dir_list.cursor = dir_list.list_1d[1] curses.ungetch(KEYBINDS["Open file/directory under cursor"][0][0]) qs = "" qs_timeout = -1 refresh_screen = False dirHistory = Stack_pointer() def set_scroll(): nonlocal refresh_screen if dir_list.cursor.index.y not in range(pad.scroll_pos, (pad.scroll_pos + pad.dim.y)): if dir_list.cursor.index.y < pad.dim.y: pad.scroll_pos = 0 elif dir_list.cursor.index.y >= (len(dir_list.LIST) - pad.dim.y): pad.scroll_pos = (len(dir_list.LIST) - pad.dim.y) else: pad.scroll_pos = dir_list.cursor.index.y refresh_screen = True def change_list(path =, group_open = False, rev = False, add_to_history = True): if rev: dir_list.reshape_list(rev = rev) set_scroll() return if group_open: file_type = "multiple" else: file_type = dir_list.cursor.type if file_type == "folder": this_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) if add_to_history: dirHistory.append(os.getcwd()) dir_list.change_list(os.listdir(), (settings.SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES, settings.SHOW_ONLY_MEDIA_FILES)) if path == '..' and settings.SELECT_PREV_DIR_ON_CD_UP: this_dir = os.path.basename(this_dir) for file in dir_list.list_1d: if == this_dir: dir_list.cursor = file statusbar.update_count(dir_list.selected_items) set_scroll() elif file_type == "audio" or file_type == "video" or group_open: if group_open: path = "" for item in (dir_list.selected_items or [dir_list.cursor]): path += '"{}" '.format( else: path = '"{}"'.format(path) + ' ' + path + ' vlc://quit &', shell = True, stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL) def equals(ch, action): return any(ch in keybind for keybind in KEYBINDS[action]) while 1: if refresh_screen or (manage_resize == 0 and dir_list.cursor.show_ellipsis): dir_list.display() refresh_screen = False ch = pad.PAD.getch() if ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: manage_resize = 1 elif equals(ch, "Navigate up"): index = dir_list.cursor.index up = dir_list.atIndex(index - Point(1,0)) if up: dir_list.cursor = up if up.index.y < pad.scroll_pos and pad.scroll_pos > 0: pad.scroll_pos -= 1 set_scroll() elif equals(ch, "Navigate down"): index = dir_list.cursor.index down = dir_list.atIndex(index + Point(1,0)) if down: dir_list.cursor = down if down.index.y > (pad.scroll_pos + pad.dim.y) - 1: pad.scroll_pos += 1 set_scroll() elif equals(ch, "Navigate left"): index = dir_list.cursor.index left = dir_list.atIndex(index - Point(0,1)) if left: dir_list.cursor = left set_scroll() elif equals(ch, "Navigate right"): index = dir_list.cursor.index right = dir_list.atIndex(index + Point(0,1)) if right: dir_list.cursor = right set_scroll() elif equals(ch, "Navigate to first item"): dir_list.cursor = dir_list.list_1d[0] pad.scroll_pos = 0 refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Navigate to bottom-most item"): if settings.END_SELECTS_LAST_ITEM: dir_list.cursor = dir_list.list_1d[-1] else: dir_list.cursor = dir_list.LIST[-1][-1] set_scroll() elif equals(ch, "Move up by one directory"): if dir_list.list_1d[0].name == "..": dir_list.cursor = dir_list.list_1d[0] curses.ungetch(KEYBINDS["Open file/directory under cursor"][0][0]) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Back"): path = dirHistory.up() if path: change_list(path, add_to_history = False) elif equals(ch, "Forward"): path = dirHistory.down() if path: change_list(path, add_to_history = False) elif equals(ch, "Scroll up"): if pad.scroll_pos > 0: pad.scroll_pos -= 1 refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Scroll down"): if pad.scroll_pos < (pad.max_used_space - pad.dim.y): pad.scroll_pos += 1 refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Page up"): pad.scroll_pos = max(pad.scroll_pos - (pad.dim.y - 1), 0) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Page down"): pad.scroll_pos = min(pad.scroll_pos + (pad.dim.y - 1), max(pad.max_used_space - pad.dim.y, 0)) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Select/deselect item under cursor"): if dir_list.cursor not in dir_list.selected_items: if != "..": dir_list.selected_items.append(dir_list.cursor) else: dir_list.selected_items.remove(dir_list.cursor) statusbar.update_count(dir_list.selected_items) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Group select"): if dir_list.selected_items == []: continue last_selected = dir_list.selected_items[-1] if dir_list.cursor == last_selected or dir_list.cursor == dir_list.list_1d[0]: continue select = False for file in dir_list.list_1d[1:]: if not select and (file == dir_list.cursor or file == last_selected): select = True if file not in dir_list.selected_items: dir_list.selected_items.append(file) continue if select: if file not in dir_list.selected_items: dir_list.selected_items.append(file) if file == dir_list.cursor or file == last_selected: break statusbar.update_count(dir_list.selected_items) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Select all items"): if not dir_list.selected_items == dir_list.list_1d[1:]: dir_list.selected_items = dir_list.list_1d[1:] statusbar.update_count(dir_list.selected_items) refresh_screen = True else: curses.ungetch(KEYBINDS["Deselect all items"][0][0]) elif equals(ch, "Deselect all items"): dir_list.selected_items = [] statusbar.update_count(dir_list.selected_items) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Group open all selected items directly"): if not (dir_list.selected_items == [] and == ".."): change_list(group_open = True) elif equals(ch, "Open file/directory under cursor"): change_list( elif equals(ch, "Help"): help_section.show_help(pad, screen.statusbar, screen.handle_resize) refresh_screen = True elif equals(ch, "Reverse sort order"): change_list(rev = True) elif equals(ch, "Quit"): break elif ch > 0 and chr(ch).isalnum(): qs += chr(ch) for file in dir_list.list_1d: if dir_list.cursor = file set_scroll() break qs_timeout = 3 elif ch == -1: if qs_timeout >= 0: qs_timeout -= 1 if qs_timeout == 0: qs_timeout = -1 qs = "" if manage_resize == 2: screen.handle_resize() curses.curs_set(1) curses.curs_set(0) manage_resize = 0 refresh_screen = True if manage_resize != 0: manage_resize = 2
def decorate(self): self.safe_print(None, "border", attr=COLOR_DICT["RED_BLACK"]) self.safe_print(" CML ", curs_pos=Point(0, 5))
def handle_resize(self): self.resize(self.parent.dim - Point(3, 2)) self.decorate() self.pad.handle_resize() self.refresh()
def _calculate_indices(self): length, width = self.dim for i in self.LIST: for j in i: j.set_index(Point(self.LIST.index(i), i.index(j)))
def subwin(self, dim: Point, start=Point(0, 0)): self.sub = Subwindow(self, dim, start) return self.sub