コード例 #1
def prepImg4Affine(fn, w=None, phaseContrast=True):
    an = aligner.Chromagnon(fn)

    ref = an.img.get3DArr(w=an.refwave, t=0)
    prefyx = N.max(ref, axis=0)

    if w is None:
        waves = range(an.img.nw)
        w = waves[0]
    img = an.img.get3DArr(w=w, t=0)
    pimgyx = N.max(img, axis=0)

    yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(prefyx, pimgyx, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)

    xs = N.round_(an.refxs - yx[1]).astype(N.int)
    if xs.max() >= an.img.nx:
        xsbool = (xs < an.img.nx)
        xsinds = N.nonzero(xsbool)[0]
        xs = xs[xsinds]

    imgyz = alignfuncs.prep2D(img.T, zs=xs)

    yz = alignfuncs.iterationXcor(imgyz,

    zs = N.round_(an.refzs - yz[1]).astype(N.int)
    if zs.max() >= an.img.nz:
        zsbool = (zs < an.img.nz)
        zsinds = N.nonzero(zsbool)[0]
        zs = zs[zsinds]

    imgyx = alignfuncs.prep2D(img, zs=zs)

    a1234 = alignfuncs.chopImg(imgyx)
    b1234 = alignfuncs.chopImg(an.refyx)

    ab = zip(a1234, b1234)

    yxcs = [xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast) for a, b in ab]
    yxs = [yx for yx, c in yxcs]
    cqs = [c.max() - c[c.shape[0] // 4].std() for yx, c in yxcs]

    return ab, cqs, [c for yx, c in yxcs], yxs, an
コード例 #2
def xcorNonLinear(arr,
    arr: image to be registered
    ref: iamge to find the alignment parameter
    nplxs: number of pixels to divide (y,x) or scaler
    threshold: threshold value to decide if the region is to be cross correlated
    pahseContrast: phase contrast filter in cross correlation

    return (yx_arr, px_analyzed_arr[bool,var,cqual], result_arr)
        if len(npxls) != len(arr.shape):
            raise ValueError, 'length of the list of npxls must be the same as len(shape)'
    except TypeError:
        npxls = [npxls for d in range(len(arr.shape))]

    tslcs, arrs = chopImage2D(arr, npxls)
    rslcs, refs = chopImage2D(ref, npxls)

    if threshold is None:
        variance = (arr.var() + ref.var()) / 2.
        threshold = variance * 0.1

    nsplit = (len(tslcs), len(tslcs[0]))
    yxs = N.zeros((2, ) + tuple(nsplit), N.float32)
    regions = N.zeros((3, ) + tuple(nsplit), N.float32)
    cs = N.zeros_like(arr)
    for y, ay in enumerate(arrs):
        for x, a in enumerate(ay):
            b = refs[y][x]

            av = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(a, 0.5, interpolate=False)
            bv = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(b, 0.5, interpolate=False)
            var = (N.var(av) +
                   N.var(bv)) / 2.  # crop to throw away the tip object
            regions[1, y, x] = var
            if var > threshold:
                yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)
                cs[tslcs[y][x]] = c
                csd = c[:c.shape[0] // 4].std()
                cqual = c.max() - csd
                regions[2, y, x] = cqual
                if cqual >= cthre:  # 0.3 is the max
                    if N.abs(yx).max() < pxlshift_allow:
                        #print yx.max()
                        yxs[:, y, x] = yx
                        regions[0, y, x] = 1
                        #print 'yx too large', yx
                del c

    del arrs, refs  #, c
    return yxs, regions, cs
コード例 #3
def prepImg4AffineZ(fn, w=None, phaseContrast=True):
    an = aligner.Chromagnon(fn)

    ref = an.img.get3DArr(w=an.refwave, t=0)
    prefyx = U.project(ref)
    #prefyz = U.project(ref, -1)

    if w is None:
        waves = range(an.img.nw)
        w = waves[0]
    img = an.img.get3DArr(w=w, t=0)

    pimgyx = U.project(img)
    #pimgyz = U.project(img, -1)

    #yz, c = xcorr.Xcorr(prefyz, pimgyz, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)
    yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(prefyx, pimgyx, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)

    xs = N.round_(an.refxs - yx[1]).astype(N.int)
    if xs.max() >= an.img.nx:
        xsbool = (xs < an.img.nx)
        xsinds = N.nonzero(xsbool)[0]
        xs = xs[xsinds]

    imgyz = alignfuncs.prep2D(img.T, zs=xs)

    a1234 = alignfuncs.chopImg(an.refyz)
    b1234 = alignfuncs.chopImg(imgyz)

    ab = zip(a1234, b1234)

    yxcs = [xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast) for a, b in ab]
    yxs = [yx for yx, c in yxcs]
    cqs = [c.max() - c[c.shape[0] // 4].std() for yx, c in yxcs]

    return ab, cqs, [c for yx, c in yxcs], yxs, an
コード例 #4
def iterationXcor(a2d,
    find out translation along X axis
    this function is used for alignment of the Z axis
    parameters are the same as 'iteration'

    return [ty,tx]
    shape = N.array(a2d.shape)
    yxs = N.zeros((2, ), N.float32)
    if initguess is not None:
        yxs[:] = initguess
        #if echofunc:
        #    echofunc('initguess Xcorr: %s' % yxs)
        print 'initguess Xcorr:', yxs

    for i in xrange(niter):
        if i == 0 and initguess is None:
            b = a2d
            c = ref
            #startYX = [0,0]
            b = applyShift(a2d, [0] + list(yxs) + [0, 1, 1])  #, offset)
            # cut out
            shiftZYX = cutoutAlign.getShift([0] + list(yxs) + [0, 1, 1],
                                            [0] + list(shape))
            maxcutY = max(shiftZYX[2], shape[0] - shiftZYX[3])
            maxcutX = max(shiftZYX[4], shape[1] - shiftZYX[5])
            slc = [
                slice(int(shiftZYX[2]), int(shiftZYX[3])),
                slice(int(shiftZYX[4]), int(shiftZYX[5]))
            b = b[slc]
            c = ref[slc]

        yx = xcorr.Xcorr(c, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)[0]
        yxs += yx
        print 'xcorr', i, yxs
        #if echofunc:
        #    echofunc('xcorr %i: %s' % (i, yx))

        if yx[1] < maxErr:

    return yxs
コード例 #5
def estimate2D(a2d,
               cqthre=CTHRE / 10.,
    return [ty,tx,r,my,mx]
    if center is None:
        shape = N.array(a2d.shape)
        center = shape // 2

    # quadratic cross correlation
    a1234 = chopImg(ref, center)
    b1234 = chopImg(a2d, center)

    ab = zip(a1234, b1234)
        yxcs = [
                        searchRad=max_shift_pxl) for a, b in ab
    except IndexError:
        return N.array((0, 0, 0, 1, 1), N.float32), [0, 0], range(4)
    except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
        raise AlignError
    yxs = [yx for yx, c in yxcs]

    # quality check
    cqvs = [c.max() - c[c.shape[0] // 4].std() for yx, c in yxcs]
    del yxcs, ab, c

    cqs = [cv > cqthre for cv in cqvs]

    ids = [idx for idx, cq in enumerate(cqs) if cq == False]

    # translation
    tyx = getTranslation(yxs)

    # magnification
    myx = getMagnification(yxs, center)

    # rotation
    theta, offset = getRotation(yxs, center)

    return list(tyx) + [theta] + list(myx), offset, ids
コード例 #6
def testCorrelation(arr, win=64):
    from Priithon.all import U
    half = win / 2.
    arr = arr.copy()
    for i in range(10):
        v, z, y, x = U.findMax(arr)
        if y - half >= 0 and y + half < arr.shape[
                0] and x - half >= 0 and x + half < arr.shape[1]:
            a = arr[y - half:y + half, x - half:x + half]
            arr[y, x] = 0
    b = a.copy()
    yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=True)
    cme = c[:c.shape[0] // 4].mean()
    return c.max() - cme
コード例 #7
def _xcorNonLinear(abyx, threshold, phaseContrast):
    a, b, y, x = abyx
    av = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(a, 0.5, interpolate=False)
    bv = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(b, 0.5, interpolate=False)
    var = (N.var(av) + N.var(bv)) / 2.  # crop to throw away the tip object
    #regions[1,y,x] = var
    if var > threshold:
        yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)
        #cs[tslcs[y][x]] = c
        csd = c[:c.shape[0] // 4].std()
        cqual = c.max() - csd
        #regions[2,y,x] = cqual
        #if cqual >= cthre: # 0.3 is the max
        #yxs[:,y,x] = yx
        #regions[0,y,x] = 1
        # del c
        c = None
        cqual = 0
        yx = 0
    return c, var, cqual, yx, y, x
コード例 #8
def iteration(a2d,
    iteratively do quadratic cross correlation

    a2d: image to be aligned
    ref: reference image
    maxErr: iteration is terminated when the calculated shift become less than this value (in pixel)
    niter: maximum number of iteration
    max_shift_pxl: number of pixels for you to allow the images to shift
    if_failed: 'terminate' or else

    return [ty,tx,r,my,mx] if_failed is 'terminate' and failed, return None
    shape = N.array(a2d.shape)
    center = shape // 2

    ret = N.zeros((5, ), N.float32)
    ret[3:] = 1
    if initguess is None or N.all(initguess[:2] == 0):
        yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(ref, a2d, phaseContrast=phaseContrast)
        ret[:2] = yx
        print 'in iteration, initial geuss is', initguess
        ret[:] = initguess[:]

    if if_failed == 'force_simplex':
        goodImg = False
        goodImg = True
    rough = True

    offset = N.zeros((2, ), N.float32)
    for i in range(niter):

        if i == 0 and initguess is None:
            b = a2d
            c = ref
            startYX = [0, 0]
            b = applyShift(a2d, [0] + list(ret), offset)

            # cut out
            # because irregular size of the quadratic images are not favorable,
            # the smallest window will be used
            shiftZYX = cutoutAlign.getShift([0] + list(ret), [0] + list(shape))
            maxcutY = max(shiftZYX[2], shape[0] - shiftZYX[3])
            maxcutX = max(shiftZYX[4], shape[1] - shiftZYX[5])
            slc = [
                slice(int(maxcutY), int(shape[0] - maxcutY)),
                slice(int(maxcutX), int(shape[1] - maxcutX))
            b = b[slc]
            c = ref[slc]

            startYX = [maxcutY, maxcutX]

        if goodImg:
            ll, curroff, checks = estimate2D(b,
                                             center - startYX + offset,
            if len(checks) <= 1:
                ret[:3] += ll[:3]
                ret[3:] *= ll[3:]

            # the quality of quadratic correlation affects resolution.
            # instead of using low-correlation results, such images are sent to alternative calculation.
            if len(checks):
                if if_failed == 'terminate':

                elif echofunc:
                    regions = [QUADRATIC_AREA[idx] for idx in checks]
                        '%s quadratic regions had too-low correlation, using alternative, slow algorithm'
                        % regions)
                    regions = [QUADRATIC_AREA[idx] for idx in checks]
                    print '%s quadratic regions had too-low correlation, using alternative, slow algorithm' % regions
                goodImg = False
                checks = []
                if initguess is not None:
                    ret[:] = initguess[:]
            #elif i > 5:
            #offset += curroff

            ll = simplex(b, c, phaseContrast, rough=rough)
            ret[:3] += ll[:3]
            ret[3:] *= ll[3:]
            rough = False
            #if echofunc:
            #echofunc('%i: %s' % (i, ll))#ref))
        print i, ret
        errs = errPxl(ll, center)
        if N.all(errs < maxErr):

    return ret  #, offset
コード例 #9
    def findAlignParamWave(self, t=0, doWave=True, init_t=None):
        do findBestChannel() before calling this function

        init_t: time frame for the initial guess, None uses the same as t

        return nw*[tz,ty,tx,r,mz,my,mx]
        if self.refyz is None or self.refyx is None:

        if init_t is None:
            init_t = t

        ret = self.alignParms[init_t].copy()
        if N.any(ret[:,:-3]):
            doXcorr = False
            doXcorr = True

        for w in range(self.img.nw):
            if (doWave and w == self.refwave) or (not doWave and w != self.refwave):

            # vertical alignment
            if self.img.nz > 1:
                img = self.img.get3DArr(w=w, t=t)
                # get initial guess if no initial guess was given
                if doXcorr:
                    self.echo('makeing an initial guess for channel %i' % w)
                    ref = self.img.get3DArr(w=self.refwave, t=t)
                    prefyx = N.max(ref, 0)
                    pimgyx = N.max(img, 0)
                    searchRad = self.max_shift_pxl * 2
                    if searchRad > min((self.img.nx, self.img.ny)):
                        searchRad = min((self.img.nx, self.img.ny))
                    yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(prefyx, pimgyx, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, searchRad=searchRad)
                    ret[w,1:3] = yx
                    del ref, c
                # create 2D projection image
                self.echo('calculating shifts for time %i channel %i' % (t, w))
                xs = N.round_(self.refxs-ret[w,2]).astype(N.int)
                if xs.max() >= self.img.nx:
                    xsbool = (xs < self.img.nx)
                    xsinds = N.nonzero(xsbool)[0]
                    xs = xs[xsinds]

                imgyz = af.prep2D(img.T, zs=xs)

                # try quadratic cross correlation
                zdif = max(self.refzs) - min(self.refzs)
                if (self.zmagSwitch != ZMAG_CHOICE[2]) and ((zdif > 5 and self.img.nz > 30) or self.zmagSwitch == ZMAG_CHOICE[1]):
                    initguess = N.zeros((5,), N.float32)
                    initguess[:2] = ret[w,:2][::-1]
                    initguess[2:] = ret[w,3:6]

                    if zdif > 5 and self.img.nz > 10 and self.zmagSwitch == ZMAG_CHOICE[1]:#'simplex':
                        if_failed = 'force_simplex'
                        if_failed = 'terminate'
                    check = af.iteration(imgyz, self.refyz, maxErr=self.maxErrZ, niter=self.niter, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, initguess=initguess, echofunc=self.echofunc, max_shift_pxl=self.max_shift_pxl, if_failed=if_failed)
                    if check is not None:
                        ty2,tz,_,_,mz = check
                        ret[w,0] = tz
                        ret[w,4] = mz
                    else: # chage to normal cross correlation
                        initguess = ret[w,:2][::-1]
                        yz = af.iterationXcor(imgyz, self.refyz, maxErr=self.maxErrZ, niter=self.niter, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, initguess=initguess, echofunc=self.echofunc)
                        ret[w,0] = yz[1]
                # since number of section is not enough, do normal cross correlation
                    initguess = ret[w,:2][::-1]
                    yz = af.iterationXcor(imgyz, self.refyz, maxErr=self.maxErrZ, niter=self.niter, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, initguess=initguess, echofunc=self.echofunc)
                    ret[w,0] = yz[1]

                zs = N.round_(self.refzs-ret[w,0]).astype(N.int)
                if zs.max() >= self.img.nz:
                    zsbool = (zs < self.img.nz)
                    zsinds = N.nonzero(zsbool)[0]
                    zs = zs[zsinds]

                imgyx = af.prep2D(img, zs=zs)
                del img
                imgyx = self.img.getArr(w=w, t=t, z=0)

            initguess = N.zeros((5,), N.float32)
            initguess[:3] = ret[w,1:4] # ty,tx,r
            initguess[3:] = ret[w,5:7] # my, mx
                ty,tx,r,my,mx = af.iteration(imgyx, self.refyx, maxErr=self.maxErrYX, niter=self.niter, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, initguess=initguess, echofunc=self.echofunc, max_shift_pxl=self.max_shift_pxl)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                if self.phaseContrast:
                    ty,tx,r,my,mx = af.iteration(imgyx, self.refyx, maxErr=self.maxErrYX, niter=self.niter, phaseContrast=False, initguess=initguess, echofunc=self.echofunc, max_shift_pxl=self.max_shift_pxl)
                else: # XY alignment failed
            ret[w,1:4] = ty,tx,r
            ret[w,5:7] = my,mx

            if self.img.nz > 1:
                self.echo('time: %i, wave: %i, tx:%.3f, ty:%.3f, tz:%.3f, r:%.3f, mx:%.3f, my:%.3f, mz:%.3f' % (t,w,tx,ty,ret[w,0],r,mx,my,ret[w,4]))
                self.echo('time: %i, wave: %i, tx:%.3f, ty:%.3f, r:%.3f, mx:%.3f, my:%.3f' % (t,w,tx,ty,r,mx,my))

        self.alignParms[t] = ret

        # final 3D cross correlation
        searchRad = self.max_shift_pxl * 2
        if searchRad > min((self.img.nx, self.img.ny)):
            searchRad = min((self.img.nx, self.img.ny))

        ref = self.get3DArrayAligned(w=self.refwave, t=t)
        for w in xrange(self.img.nw):
            if (doWave and w == self.refwave) or (not doWave and w != self.refwave):

            self.echo('3D cross correlation for time %i channel %i' % (t, w))
            img = self.get3DArrayAligned(w=w, t=t)
            zyx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(ref, img, phaseContrast=self.phaseContrast, searchRad=searchRad)
            if len(zyx) == 2:
                zyx = N.array([0] + list(zyx))
            self.alignParms[t,w,:3] += zyx
            print 'the result of the last correlation', zyx
        self.echo('Finding affine parameters done!')
コード例 #10
def testNonlinear(arr, ref, npxls=32, phaseContrast=True, centerDot=True):
        if len(npxls) != len(arr.shape):
            raise ValueError, 'length of the list of npxls must be the same as len(shape)'
    except TypeError:
        npxls = [npxls for d in range(len(arr.shape))]

    arr = arr.astype(N.float32)
    ref = ref.astype(N.float32)

    tslcs, arrs = alignfuncs.chopImage2D(arr, npxls)
    rslcs, refs = alignfuncs.chopImage2D(ref, npxls)

    nsplit = (len(tslcs), len(tslcs[0]))
    yxs = N.zeros((2, ) + tuple(nsplit), N.float32)

    quality = N.zeros((4, ) + nsplit, N.float32)

    cs = N.zeros_like(arr)

    variance = (arr.var() + ref.var()) / 2.

    agrid = arr.copy()
    bgrid = ref.copy()

    ame = agrid.max() / 2.
    bme = bgrid.max() / 2.

    for y, yslc in enumerate(tslcs):
        agrid[(yslc[0][0].start - 1):(yslc[0][0].start + 1), :] = ame
        bgrid[(yslc[0][0].start - 1):(yslc[0][0].start + 1), :] = bme
    agrid[(yslc[0][0].stop - 1):(yslc[0][0].stop + 1), :] = ame
    bgrid[(yslc[0][0].stop - 1):(yslc[0][0].stop + 1), :] = bme

    for x, slc in enumerate(yslc):
        agrid[:, (slc[1].start - 1):(slc[1].start + 1)] = ame
        bgrid[:, (slc[1].start - 1):(slc[1].start + 1)] = bme
    agrid[:, (slc[1].stop - 1):(slc[1].stop + 1)] = ame
    bgrid[:, (slc[1].stop - 1):(slc[1].stop + 1)] = bme

    for y, ay in enumerate(arrs):
        for x, a in enumerate(ay):
            b = refs[y][x]
            slc = tslcs[y][x]

            s, v, yx, c = xcorr.Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=phaseContrast, ret=2)
            yxs[:, y, x] = yx
            cs[slc] = c
            quality[0, y, x] = (
                (N.var(a[2:-2, 2:-2]) + N.var(b[2:-2, 2:-2])) / 2.) / variance
            pea = alignfuncs.calcPearson(a, b)
            quality[1, y, x] = pea
            #cme = c[:c.shape[0]//4].mean()
            csd = c[:c.shape[0] // 4].std()
            quality[2, y, x] = c.max() - csd  #me
            quality[3, y, x] = N.mean(s)  #.mean()#c.max() - csd

    agrid = normalize(agrid) * 0.3
    bgrid = normalize(bgrid) * 0.3
    #cs = normalize(cs)

    cme = cs.max() / 2.
    for y, yslc in enumerate(tslcs):
        cs[(yslc[0][0].start - 1):(yslc[0][0].start + 1), :] = cme
        if centerDot:
            cs[(yslc[0][0].start - 1 +
                npxls[0] // 2):(yslc[0][0].start + 1 +
                                npxls[0] // 2), ::10] = cme
    cs[(yslc[0][0].stop - 1):(yslc[0][0].stop + 1), :] = cme

    for x, slc in enumerate(yslc):
        cs[:, (slc[1].start - 1):(slc[1].start + 1)] = cme
        if centerDot:
            cs[::10, (slc[1].start - 1 + npxls[1] // 2):(slc[1].start + 1 +
                                                         npxls[1] // 2)] = cme
    cs[:, (slc[1].stop - 1):(slc[1].stop + 1)] = cme

    v = N.where(quality[0] > 0.1, 1, 0)
    q = N.where(quality[2] > 0.065, 1, 0)
    yxq = yxs * v * q
    return yxs, N.array((agrid, bgrid, cs)), quality, N.abs(yxq)