コード例 #1
    def update_baselines(self, method):
        Handle the baselines popup menu
        from ProcessingAlgorithms.SignalExtraction.baselines import baselines_by_squash
        blines = []
        self.baselines = []  # remove any existing baselines
        if method == "Squash":
            peaks, sigs, heights = baselines_by_squash(self.spectrogram)

            # for n in range(len(heights)):
            # if heights[n] > 0.1:
            # blines.append(peaks[n])

        # Now show the baselines in blines or remove any
        # if blines is empty

        if not blines:
            for b in self.baselines:
            self.baselines = []  # remove them
            edges = (self.spectrogram.intensity.min(),
            for v in blines:
                bline = self.axSpectrum.plot([edges[0], edges[1]], [v, v],
                self.baselines.append(dict(v=v, line=bline))
コード例 #2
def saveBaselineIntensityImages(files,
                                saveLoc: str = None,
                                imageExt: str = "png"):
    Save a image file of the baseline as a function of time to the folder specified by saveLoc.
    if saveLoc == None:
        saveLoc = r"../baselineIntensityMaps"

    for i in tqdm.trange(len(files)):
        filename = f"../dig/{files[i]}"
        MySpect = Spectrogram(filename)
        peaks, _, heights = baselines_by_squash(MySpect)

            np.array(MySpect.time) * 1e6,
        plt.xlabel("Time ($\mu$s)")
        plt.ylabel("Intensity (db)")
        path = os.path.join(
            files[i].replace(".dig", "") + f"_baselineIntensity.{imageExt}")
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(path)[0]):


        # Reset the state for the next data file.
        del MySpect
コード例 #3
 def mask_baselines(self):
     peaks, _, _ = baselines_by_squash(self.spectrogram)
     minimum = np.min(self.spectrogram.intensity)
     for peak in peaks:
         velo_index = self.spectrogram._velocity_to_index(peak)
         velo_index = velo_index - 20
         for i in range(velo_index, velo_index + 40, 1):
             self.matrixToMatch[i][:] = minimum
コード例 #4
 def estimateStartTime(self):
     Compute an approximate value for the jump off time based upon the change in
     the baseline intensity.
     from ProcessingAlgorithms.SignalExtraction.baselines import baselines_by_squash
     from ProcessingAlgorithms.SignalExtraction.baselineTracking import baselineTracking
     peaks, _, _ = baselines_by_squash(self)
     self.estimatedStartTime_ = baselineTracking(
         self, peaks[0], 0.024761904761904763)
コード例 #5
    def analyze_noise(self, **kwargs):
        Analyze the noise by performing a double-exponential fit.
        Possible kwargs:

            v_min (baseline)
            v_max (5000)
            t_min (0)
            t_max (probe destruction)
            n_bins (100)

            DoubleExponential fit object, which includes
            fields beta, lam1, lam2, amp, mean, stdev, chisq, and
        from ProcessingAlgorithms.Fitting.fit import DoubleExponential, Exponential
        from ProcessingAlgorithms.SignalExtraction.baselines import baselines_by_squash

        v_min = kwargs.get('v_min')
        if not v_min:
            peaks, _, hts = baselines_by_squash(self)
            v_min = peaks[0]

        v_max = kwargs.get('v_max', 5000)
        t_min = kwargs.get('t_min', self.t_start)
        t_max = kwargs.get('t_max', self.vertical_spike())
        if not t_max:
            t_max = self.t_end
        n_bins = kwargs.get('n_bins', 100)

        # extract the region and convert to power
        my_slice = self.power(self.slice((t_min, t_max), (v_min, v_max))[2])
        # set the cutoff for the maximum intensity we consider by
        # looking in histogram_levels
        cutoff = self.power(self.histogram_levels['ones'][1])

        # construct the bins
        bins = np.linspace(0, cutoff, n_bins)
        histo, edges = np.histogram(my_slice, bins=bins, density=False)
        dub = DoubleExponential(edges[2:-1], histo[2:])
        if dub.error:
            dub = Exponential(edges[2:-1], histo[2:])
        dub.v_min = v_min
        dub.v_max = v_max
        dub.t_min = t_min
        dub.t_max = t_max
        dub.n_bins = n_bins
        return dub
コード例 #6
def runAgainstTestSet(testSetFilename,
                      errorPower: int = 1):

    data = pd.read_excel(testSetFilename)

    # Ignore the samples that we do not have the full data for.
    data = data.dropna()
    data.reset_index()  # Reset so that it can be easily indexed.

    files = data["Filename"].to_list()

    bestGuessTimes = (data[data.columns[1]] * 1e6).to_list()
    # This will be the same times for the probe destruction dataset. It is generally ignored currently.
    bestGuessVels = data[data.columns[-1]].to_list()

    d = {"Filename": files}

    d["ProbeDestructionEstimateTime"] = np.zeros(len(files))
    d["Error Versus Label"] = np.zeros(len(files))

    for i in tqdm.trange(len(files)):
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.join("..", "dig"), f"{files[i]}")
        MySpect = Spectrogram(filename, overlap=0)
        peaks, _, heights = baselines_by_squash(MySpect, min_percent=0.75)
        timeEstimate = baselineTracking(MySpect, peaks[0], guessAtOptimalThres,
        d["ProbeDestructionEstimateTime"][i] = timeEstimate
        d["Error Versus Label"][i] = np.power(bestGuessTimes[i] - timeEstimate,

    errors = d["Error Versus Label"]

    print(f"The statistics for the test set specified by {testSetFilename}\n")
        f"Avg: {np.mean(errors)} Std: {np.std(errors)} Median: {np.median(errors)} Max: {np.max(errors)} Min: {np.min(errors)}"

    return d
コード例 #7
def runExperiment(trainingFilePath,
                  thresholds: list,
                  skipUntilTimes: list = [],
                  cmap: str = DEFMAP,
                  errorPower: int = 1):

    data = pd.read_excel(trainingFilePath)

    # Ignore the samples that we do not have the full data for.
    data = data.dropna()
    data.reset_index()  # Reset so that it can be easily indexed.

    files = data["Filename"].to_list()
    bestGuessTimes = (data[data.columns[1]] * 1e6).to_list()
    # This will be the same times for the probe destruction dataset. It is generally ignored currently.
    bestGuessVels = data[data.columns[-1]].to_list()

    d = {"Filename": files}

    if skipUntilTimes == []:
        skipUntilTimes = [12e-6]

    cmapAttempt = cmap
    if cmapAttempt in COLORMAPS.keys():
        cmapAttempt = COLORMAPS[cmapAttempt]

    for i in range(len(thresholds)):
        d[f"threshold {thresholds[i]}"] = np.zeros(
            (len(skipUntilTimes), len(files)))
        d[f"threshold {thresholds[i]} error"] = np.zeros(
            (len(skipUntilTimes), len(files)))

    print("Running the experiment")

    for i in tqdm.trange(len(files)):
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.join("..", "dig"), f"{files[i]}")
        MySpect = Spectrogram(filename, overlap=0)
        peaks, _, heights = baselines_by_squash(MySpect, min_percent=0.75)
        baselineInd = MySpect._velocity_to_index(peaks[0])
        intensity = MySpect.intensity[baselineInd]

        for skipTimeInd in range(len(skipUntilTimes)):
            skipXInds = MySpect._time_to_index(skipUntilTimes[skipTimeInd])

            outputTimeInds = np.array(baselineExperiment(
                intensity, thresholds, skipXInds),

            for thresInd, thres in enumerate(thresholds):
                timeEstimate = MySpect.time[outputTimeInds[thresInd]] * 1e6

                d[f"threshold {thres}"][skipTimeInd][i] = timeEstimate
                d[f"threshold {thres} error"][skipTimeInd][
                    i] = bestGuessTimes[i] - timeEstimate

        del MySpect

    # Compute summary statistics
    summaryStatistics = np.zeros((len(thresholds), len(skipUntilTimes), 5))
    stats = ["Avg", "Std", "Median", "Max", "Min"]

    print(f"Computing the summary statistics: [{stats}]")

    for i in tqdm.trange(len(thresholds)):
        for j in range(len(skipUntilTimes)):
            q = np.power(d[f"threshold {thresholds[i]} error"][j], errorPower)
            summaryStatistics[i][j][0] = np.mean(q)
            summaryStatistics[i][j][1] = np.std(q)
            summaryStatistics[i][j][2] = np.median(q)
            summaryStatistics[i][j][3] = np.max(q)
            summaryStatistics[i][j][4] = np.min(q)

    for i in tqdm.trange(len(stats)):
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.gca()

        pcm = ax.pcolormesh(np.array(skipUntilTimes) * 1e6,
                            summaryStatistics[:, :, i],
        plt.title(f"{stats[i]} Error over the Files Tested")
        plt.xlabel("Time that you skip at the beginning ($\mu$s)")
        plt.gcf().colorbar(pcm, ax=ax)

        plt.show()  # Need this for Macs.

    summaryFolder = r"../JumpOffTimeEstimates"
    if not os.path.exists(summaryFolder):

    for i in range(len(thresholds)):
        q = pd.DataFrame(summaryStatistics[i])
        internal_a = str(thresholds[i]).replace(".", "_")
        saveSummaryFilename = f"summaryThresh{internal_a}.csv"
        q.to_csv(os.path.join(summaryFolder, saveSummaryFilename))

    return summaryStatistics, d