コード例 #1
    def getConfigProxies(self, prefs, ids=[]):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching configurations")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getDeviceConfigs', ids)
        return d
コード例 #2
    def getConfigProxies(self, prefs, ids=[]):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching configurations")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getDeviceConfigs', ids)
        return d
コード例 #3
    def getThresholds(self, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching collector thresholds")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getCollectorThresholds')
        return d
コード例 #4
    def getThresholds(self, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching collector thresholds")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getCollectorThresholds')
        return d
コード例 #5
    def getPropertyItems(self, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        # Load any configuration properties for this daemon
        log.debug("Fetching daemon configuration properties")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getConfigProperties')
        d.addCallback(lambda result: dict(result))
        return d
コード例 #6
    def getPropertyItems(self, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        # Load any configuration properties for this daemon
        log.debug("Fetching daemon configuration properties")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getConfigProperties')
        d.addCallback(lambda result: dict(result))
        return d
コード例 #7
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: bbc/zenoss-prodbin
    def getConfigNames(self, result, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching device names")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getDeviceNames', options=prefs.options.__dict__)
        def printNames (names):
            log.debug("workerid %s Fetched Names %s %s", prefs.options.workerid, len(names), names)  
            return names
        return d
コード例 #8
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
    def getConfigNames(self, result, prefs):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        self._collector = zope.component.queryUtility(ICollector)
        serviceProxy = self._collector.getRemoteConfigServiceProxy()

        log.debug("Fetching device names")
        d = serviceProxy.callRemote('getDeviceNames',

        def printNames(names):
            log.debug("workerid %s Fetched Names %s %s",
                      prefs.options.workerid, len(names), names)
            return names

        return d
コード例 #9
ファイル: daemon.py プロジェクト: ssbunyk/zenoss-prodbin
    def __init__(self, preferences, taskSplitter, 
        Constructs a new instance of the CollectorDaemon framework. Normally
        only a singleton instance of a CollectorDaemon should exist within a
        process, but this is not enforced.
        @param preferences: the collector configuration
        @type preferences: ICollectorPreferences
        @param taskSplitter: the task splitter to use for this collector
        @type taskSplitter: ITaskSplitter
        @param initializationCallback: a callable that will be executed after
                                       connection to the hub but before
                                       retrieving configuration information
        @type initializationCallback: any callable
        @param stoppingCallback: a callable that will be executed first during
                                 the stopping process. Exceptions will be
                                 logged but otherwise ignored.
        @type stoppingCallback: any callable
        # create the configuration first, so we have the collector name
        # available before activating the rest of the Daemon class hierarchy.
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(preferences):
            raise TypeError("configuration must provide ICollectorPreferences")
            self._prefs = ObservableProxy(preferences)
            self._prefs.attachAttributeObserver('configCycleInterval', self._rescheduleConfig)

        if not ITaskSplitter.providedBy(taskSplitter):
            raise TypeError("taskSplitter must provide ITaskSplitter")
            self._taskSplitter = taskSplitter
        if not IConfigurationListener.providedBy(configurationListener):
            raise TypeError(
                    "configurationListener must provide IConfigurationListener")
        self._configListener = ConfigListenerNotifier()
        self._initializationCallback = initializationCallback
        self._stoppingCallback = stoppingCallback

        # register the various interfaces we provide the rest of the system so
        # that collector implementors can easily retrieve a reference back here
        # if needed
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, ICollector)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IEventService)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IDataService)

        # setup daemon statistics
        self._statService = StatisticsService()
        self._statService.addStatistic("devices", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("dataPoints", "DERIVE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("runningTasks", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("taskCount", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("queuedTasks", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("missedRuns", "GAUGE")
        zope.component.provideUtility(self._statService, IStatisticsService)

        # register the collector's own preferences object so it may be easily
        # retrieved by factories, tasks, etc.

        super(CollectorDaemon, self).__init__(name=self.preferences.collectorName)

        self._deviceGuids = {}
        self._devices = set()
        self._unresponsiveDevices = set()
        self._rrd = None
        self._metric_writer = None
        self._derivative_tracker = None
        self.reconfigureTimeout = None

        # keep track of pending tasks if we're doing a single run, and not a
        # continuous cycle
        if not self.options.cycle:
            self._completedTasks = 0
            self._pendingTasks = []

        frameworkFactory = zope.component.queryUtility(IFrameworkFactory, self._frameworkFactoryName)
        self._configProxy = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationProxy()
        self._scheduler = frameworkFactory.getScheduler()
        self._scheduler.maxTasks = self.options.maxTasks
        self._ConfigurationLoaderTask = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationLoaderTask()

        # OLD - set the initialServices attribute so that the PBDaemon class
        # will load all of the remote services we need.
        self.initialServices = PBDaemon.initialServices +\

        # trap SIGUSR2 so that we can display detailed statistics
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self._signalHandler)

        # let the configuration do any additional startup it might need
        self.addedPostStartupTasks = False
コード例 #10
ファイル: daemon.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
    def __init__(self,
        Constructs a new instance of the CollectorDaemon framework. Normally
        only a singleton instance of a CollectorDaemon should exist within a
        process, but this is not enforced.

        @param preferences: the collector configuration
        @type preferences: ICollectorPreferences
        @param taskSplitter: the task splitter to use for this collector
        @type taskSplitter: ITaskSplitter
        @param initializationCallback: a callable that will be executed after
                                       connection to the hub but before
                                       retrieving configuration information
        @type initializationCallback: any callable
        @param stoppingCallback: a callable that will be executed first during
                                 the stopping process. Exceptions will be
                                 logged but otherwise ignored.
        @type stoppingCallback: any callable
        # create the configuration first, so we have the collector name
        # available before activating the rest of the Daemon class hierarchy.
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(preferences):
            raise TypeError("configuration must provide ICollectorPreferences")
            self._prefs = ObservableProxy(preferences)

        if not ITaskSplitter.providedBy(taskSplitter):
            raise TypeError("taskSplitter must provide ITaskSplitter")
            self._taskSplitter = taskSplitter

        if not IConfigurationListener.providedBy(configurationListener):
            raise TypeError(
                "configurationListener must provide IConfigurationListener")
        self._configListener = ConfigListenerNotifier()
        self._initializationCallback = initializationCallback
        self._stoppingCallback = stoppingCallback

        # register the various interfaces we provide the rest of the system so
        # that collector implementors can easily retrieve a reference back here
        # if needed
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, ICollector)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IEventService)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IDataService)

        # register the collector's own preferences object so it may be easily
        # retrieved by factories, tasks, etc.
        zope.component.provideUtility(self.preferences, ICollectorPreferences,

        self._statService = StatisticsService()
        zope.component.provideUtility(self._statService, IStatisticsService)

        if self.options.cycle:
            # setup daemon statistics (deprecated names)
            self._statService.addStatistic("devices", "GAUGE")
            self._statService.addStatistic("dataPoints", "DERIVE")
            self._statService.addStatistic("runningTasks", "GAUGE")
            self._statService.addStatistic("taskCount", "GAUGE")
            self._statService.addStatistic("queuedTasks", "GAUGE")
            self._statService.addStatistic("missedRuns", "GAUGE")

            # namespace these a bit so they can be used in ZP monitoring.
            # prefer these stat names and metrology in future refs
            self._dataPointsMetric = Metrology.meter(
            daemon = self

            class DeviceGauge(Gauge):
                def value(self):
                    return len(daemon._devices)

            Metrology.gauge('collectordaemon.devices', DeviceGauge())

            # Scheduler statistics
            class RunningTasks(Gauge):
                def value(self):
                    return daemon._scheduler._executor.running

            Metrology.gauge('collectordaemon.runningTasks', RunningTasks())

            class TaskCount(Gauge):
                def value(self):
                    return daemon._scheduler.taskCount

            Metrology.gauge('collectordaemon.taskCount', TaskCount())

            class QueuedTasks(Gauge):
                def value(self):
                    return daemon._scheduler._executor.queued

            Metrology.gauge('collectordaemon.queuedTasks', QueuedTasks())

            class MissedRuns(Gauge):
                def value(self):
                    return daemon._scheduler.missedRuns

            Metrology.gauge('collectordaemon.missedRuns', MissedRuns())

        self._deviceGuids = {}
        self._devices = set()
        self._unresponsiveDevices = set()
        self._rrd = None
        self._metric_writer = None
        self._derivative_tracker = None
        self.reconfigureTimeout = None

        # keep track of pending tasks if we're doing a single run, and not a
        # continuous cycle
        if not self.options.cycle:
            self._completedTasks = 0
            self._pendingTasks = []

        frameworkFactory = zope.component.queryUtility(
            IFrameworkFactory, self._frameworkFactoryName)
        self._configProxy = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationProxy()
        self._scheduler = frameworkFactory.getScheduler()
        self._scheduler.maxTasks = self.options.maxTasks
        self._ConfigurationLoaderTask = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationLoaderTask(

        # OLD - set the initialServices attribute so that the PBDaemon class
        # will load all of the remote services we need.
        self.initialServices = PBDaemon.initialServices +\

        # trap SIGUSR2 so that we can display detailed statistics
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self._signalHandler)

        # let the configuration do any additional startup it might need
        self.addedPostStartupTasks = False

        # Variables used by enterprise collector in resmgr
        # flag that indicates we have finished loading the configs for the first time after a restart
        self.firstConfigLoadDone = False
        # flag that indicates the daemon has received the encryption key from zenhub
        self.encryptionKeyInitialized = False
        # flag that indicates the daemon is loading the cached configs
        self.loadingCachedConfigs = False
コード例 #11
    def updateConfigProxy(self, prefs, config):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        # not implemented in the basic ConfigurationProxy
        return defer.succeed(None)
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self,
        Constructs a new instance of the CollectorDaemon framework. Normally
        only a singleton instance of a CollectorDaemon should exist within a
        process, but this is not enforced.
        @param preferences: the collector configuration
        @type preferences: ICollectorPreferences
        @param taskSplitter: the task splitter to use for this collector
        @type taskSplitter: ITaskSplitter
        @param initializationCallback: a callable that will be executed after
                                       connection to the hub but before
                                       retrieving configuration information
        @type initializationCallback: any callable
        @param stoppingCallback: a callable that will be executed first during
                                 the stopping process. Exceptions will be
                                 logged but otherwise ignored.
        @type stoppingCallback: any callable
        # create the configuration first, so we have the collector name
        # available before activating the rest of the Daemon class hierarchy.
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(preferences):
            raise TypeError("configuration must provide ICollectorPreferences")
            self._prefs = ObservableProxy(preferences)

        if not ITaskSplitter.providedBy(taskSplitter):
            raise TypeError("taskSplitter must provide ITaskSplitter")
            self._taskSplitter = taskSplitter

        if not IConfigurationListener.providedBy(configurationListener):
            raise TypeError(
                "configurationListener must provide IConfigurationListener")
        self._configListener = ConfigListenerNotifier()
        self._initializationCallback = initializationCallback
        self._stoppingCallback = stoppingCallback

        # register the various interfaces we provide the rest of the system so
        # that collector implementors can easily retrieve a reference back here
        # if needed
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, ICollector)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IEventService)
        zope.component.provideUtility(self, IDataService)

        # setup daemon statistics
        self._statService = StatisticsService()
        self._statService.addStatistic("devices", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("cyclePoints", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("dataPoints", "DERIVE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("runningTasks", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("queuedTasks", "GAUGE")
        self._statService.addStatistic("missedRuns", "GAUGE")
        zope.component.provideUtility(self._statService, IStatisticsService)

        # register the collector's own preferences object so it may be easily
        # retrieved by factories, tasks, etc.
        zope.component.provideUtility(self.preferences, ICollectorPreferences,


        self._deviceGuids = {}
        self._devices = set()
        self._thresholds = Thresholds()
        self._unresponsiveDevices = set()
        self._rrd = None
        self.reconfigureTimeout = None

        # keep track of pending tasks if we're doing a single run, and not a
        # continuous cycle
        if not self.options.cycle:
            self._completedTasks = 0
            self._pendingTasks = []

        frameworkFactory = zope.component.queryUtility(
            IFrameworkFactory, self._frameworkFactoryName)
        self._configProxy = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationProxy()
        self._scheduler = frameworkFactory.getScheduler()
        self._scheduler.maxTasks = self.options.maxTasks
        self._ConfigurationLoaderTask = frameworkFactory.getConfigurationLoaderTask(

        # OLD - set the initialServices attribute so that the PBDaemon class
        # will load all of the remote services we need.
        self.initialServices = PBDaemon.initialServices +\

        # trap SIGUSR2 so that we can display detailed statistics
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, self._signalHandler)

        # let the configuration do any additional startup it might need
        self.addedPostStartupTasks = False
コード例 #13
    def updateConfigProxy(self, prefs, config):
        if not ICollectorPreferences.providedBy(prefs):
            raise TypeError("config must provide ICollectorPreferences")

        # not implemented in the basic ConfigurationProxy
        return defer.succeed(None)