def getIpAddresses(self, uid, start=0, params=None, limit=50, sort='ipAddressAsInt', page=None, dir='ASC'): """ Given a subnet, get a list of IP addresses and their relations. @type uid: string @param uid: Unique identifier of a subnet @type start: integer @param start: Offset to return the results from; used in pagination @type params: string @param params: Not used @type limit: integer @param limit: Number of items to return; used in pagination @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results; defaults to 'name' @type order: string @param order: Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' @rtype: DirectResponse """ if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) instances = self.api.getIpAddresses(uid=uid, start=start, params=params, limit=limit, sort=sort, dir=dir) keys = ['name', 'netmask', 'pingstatus', 'snmpstatus', 'uid', 'device', 'interface', 'macAddress', 'interfaceDescription', 'manageDevice'] data = Zuul.marshal(instances.results, keys) return DirectResponse.succeed(data=data,, hash=instances.hash_)
def getInstances(self, uid, start=0, params=None, limit=50, sort='name', page=None, dir='ASC'): """ Get a list of instances for a service UID. @type uid: string @param uid: Service UID to get instances of @type start: integer @param start: (optional) Offset to return the results from; used in pagination (default: 0) @type params: dictionary @param params: (optional) Key-value pair of filters for this search. @type limit: integer @param limit: (optional) Number of items to return; used in pagination (default: 50) @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results (default: 'name') @type dir: string @param dir: (optional) Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' (default: 'ASC') @rtype: DirectResponse @return: B{Properties}: - data: ([dictionary]) List of objects representing service instances - totalCount: (integer) Total number of instances """ if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) instances = self.api.getInstances(uid, start=start, params=params, limit=limit, sort=sort, dir=dir) keys = ['description', 'device', 'locking', 'monitored', 'name', 'pingStatus', 'uid'] data = Zuul.marshal(instances, keys) return DirectResponse.succeed(data=data,
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) command = self.context.getUserCommands(asDict=True).get(data['command'], None) if command: for uid in data['uids']: target = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(uid) self.execute(command, target)
def addClass(self, contextUid, id, posQuery=None): """ Add a new service class. @type contextUid: string @param contextUid: Unique ID of the service ogranizer to add new class to @type id: string @param id: ID of the new service @type posQuery: dictionary @param posQuery: Object defining a query where the returned position will lie @rtype: DirectResponse @return: B{Properties}: - newIndex: (integer) Index of the newly added class in the query defined by posQuery """ newUid = self.api.addClass(contextUid, id) if isinstance(posQuery.get('params'), basestring): posQuery['params'] = unjson(posQuery['params']) result = self.api.getList(**posQuery) for count, serviceInfo in enumerate(result['serviceInfos']): if serviceInfo.uid == newUid: newIndex = count break else: raise Exception('The new service was added, but the system was ' 'unable to add it to the list.') audit('UI.Service.Add', contextUid + '/' + id) return DirectResponse(newIndex=newIndex)
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) uids = data['uids'] facade = getFacade('device', self.context) for deviceOrganizer in imap(facade._getObject, uids): deviceOrganizer.runDeviceMonitor(REQUEST=self.request, write=self.write)
def getIpAddresses(self, uid, start=0, params=None, limit=50, sort='ipAddressAsInt', page=None, dir='ASC'): """ Given a subnet, get a list of IP addresses and their relations. @type uid: string @param uid: Unique identifier of a subnet @type start: integer @param start: Offset to return the results from; used in pagination @type params: string @param params: Not used @type limit: integer @param limit: Number of items to return; used in pagination @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results; defaults to 'name' @type order: string @param order: Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' @rtype: DirectResponse """ if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) instances = self.api.getIpAddresses(uid=uid, start=start, params=params, limit=limit, sort=sort, dir=dir) keys = ['name', 'netmask', 'pingstatus', 'snmpstatus', 'uid', 'device', 'interface', 'macAddress', 'interfaceDescription'] data = Zuul.marshal(instances.results, keys) return DirectResponse.succeed(data=data,, hash=instances.hash_)
def stream(self): daemons = [ d["name"] for d in self.context.dmd.About.getZenossDaemonStates() if d["msg"] == "Up" and d["name"] not in DEFAULT_MASTER_DAEMONS ] if "zeneventserver" in daemons: daemons.remove("zeneventserver") if "zenrrdcached" not in daemons: daemons.append("zenrrdcached") if os.path.exists(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): for line in fileinput.input(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): line = line.strip() if line in daemons: daemons.remove(line) df = open("%s/daemons.txt" % zpDir, "w") df.write("%s\n" % "\n".join(daemons)) df.close() data = unjson(self.request.get("data")) ids = data["uids"] if not ids: self.write("No Remote Collectors were selected") command = data["command"] if command == "add": new_id = ids[0] self.context.manage_addMonitor(new_id, submon="Performance") # self.context.Performance[new_id].renderurl = 'http://%s:8090/%s'%( # socket.getfqdn(), new_id) self.context.Performance[new_id].renderurl = "http://%s:8091" % new_id transaction.commit() for id in ids: self.write("%s Remote Collector %s" % (command.capitalize(), id)) self.write("Stopping zenoss daemons") executeStreamCommand('ssh %s "zenoss stop"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ("update", "remove"): self.write("Revert Remote Collector configuration") executeStreamCommand( "ssh %s %s localhost localhost" % (id, updConfZenBin), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT ) self.write("Remove ZenPacks files from Remote Collector") executeStreamCommand("ssh %s rm -fr %s" % (id, zpDir), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ("add", "update"): self.write("Copy ZenPacks files to Remote Collector") executeStreamCommand( 'find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C %s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"' % (zpDir, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT, ) self.write("Update Remote Collector configuration") executeStreamCommand( "ssh %s %s %s %s" % (id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT ) self.write("Starting zenoss daemons") executeStreamCommand('ssh %s "zenoss start"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command == "remove": self.context.manage_removeMonitor(ids=ids, submon="Performance") transaction.commit() self.write("All Tasks Finished") os.unlink("%s/daemons.txt" % zpDir)
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) uids = data['uids'] facade = getFacade('device', self.context) for device in imap(facade._getObject, uids): device.collectDevice(REQUEST=self.request, write=self.write, debug=True)
def query(self, limit=None, start=None, sort=None, dir=None, params=None, page=None, history=False, uid=None, criteria=()): """ Retrieve a list of services based on a set of parameters. @type limit: integer @param limit: (optional) Number of items to return; used in pagination (default: None) @type start: integer @param start: (optional) Offset to return the results from; used in pagination (default: None) @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results (default: None) @type dir: string @param dir: (optional) Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' (default: None) @type params: dictionary @param params: (optional) Key-value pair of filters for this search. @type history: boolean @param history: not used @type uid: string @param uid: Service class UID to query @type criteria: list @param criteria: not used @rtype: DirectResponse @return: B{Properties}: - services: ([dictionary]) List of objects representing services - totalCount: (integer) Total number of services - hash: (string) Hashcheck of the current services state - disabled: (boolean) True if current user cannot manage services """ if uid is None: uid = "/".join(self.context.getPhysicalPath()) if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) services = self.api.getList(limit, start, sort, dir, params, uid, criteria) disabled = not Zuul.checkPermission('Manage DMD') data = Zuul.marshal(services['serviceInfos'], keys=('name', 'description', 'count', 'uid', 'port')) return DirectResponse(services=data, totalCount=services['total'], hash=services['hash'], disabled=disabled)
def query(self, limit=None, start=None, sort=None, dir=None, params=None, page=None, history=False, uid=None, criteria=()): """ Retrieve a list of processes based on a set of parameters. @type limit: integer @param limit: (optional) Number of items to return; used in pagination (default: None) @type start: integer @param start: (optional) Offset to return the results from; used in pagination (default: None) @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results (default: None) @type dir: string @param dir: (optional) Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' (default: None) @type params: dictionary @param params: (optional) Key-value pair of filters for this search. @type history: boolean @param history: not used @type uid: string @param uid: Service class UID to query @type criteria: list @param criteria: not used @rtype: DirectResponse @return: B{Properties}: - processes: ([dictionary]) List of objects representing processes - totalCount: (integer) Total number of processes - hash: (string) Hashcheck of the current processes state - disabled: (boolean) True if current user cannot manage processes """ facade = self._getFacade() if uid is None: uid = self.context if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) processes = facade.getList(limit, start, sort, dir, params, uid, criteria) disabled = not Zuul.checkPermission('Manage DMD') data = Zuul.marshal(processes) return DirectResponse(processes=data,, hash=processes.hash_, disabled=disabled)
def stream(self): daemons=[d['name'] for d in self.context.dmd.About.getZenossDaemonStates() \ if d['msg'] == 'Up' and d['name'] not in DEFAULT_MASTER_DAEMONS] if 'zeneventserver' in daemons: daemons.remove('zeneventserver') if 'zenrrdcached' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrrdcached') if 'zenrender' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrender') if os.path.exists(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): for line in fileinput.input(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): line = line.strip() if line in daemons: daemons.remove(line) df = open('%s/daemons.txt'%zpDir, 'w') df.write('%s\n'%'\n'.join(daemons)) df.close() data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) ids = data['uids'] if not ids: self.write('No Remote Collectors were selected') command = data['command'] if command == 'add': new_id = ids[0] self.context.manage_addMonitor(new_id, submon='Performance') # self.context.Performance[new_id].renderurl = 'http://%s:8090/%s'%( # socket.getfqdn(), new_id) self.context.Performance[new_id].renderurl='http://%s:8091' % new_id transaction.commit() for id in ids: self.write('%s Remote Collector %s'%(command.capitalize(), id)) self.write('Stopping zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s "zenoss stop"'%id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('update', 'remove'): self.write('Revert Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s localhost localhost'%(id, updConfZenBin), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Remove ZenPacks files from Remote Collector') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s rm -fr %s'%(id, zpDir), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('add', 'update'): self.write('Copy ZenPacks files to Remote Collector') executeStreamCommand('find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C %s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"'%( zpDir, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Update Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s %s %s'%(id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Starting zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s "zenoss start"'%id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command == 'remove': self.context.manage_removeMonitor(ids=ids, submon='Performance') transaction.commit() self.write('All Tasks Finished') os.unlink('%s/daemons.txt'%zpDir)
def stream(self): self.write('Starting to retrieve logs...\n') facade = getFacade('auditlogs', self.context) data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) deviceUids = data['uids'] for deviceUid in deviceUids: output = facade.getLogs(deviceUid) for line in output: self.write(str(line)) self.write('\nFinished.')
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) args = data['args'] includeEvents = args[0] includeMysqlLogin = args[1] timeoutString = args[2] try: timeout = int(timeoutString) except ValueError: timeout = 120 self.context.zport.dmd.manage_createBackup(includeEvents, includeMysqlLogin, timeout, self.request, self.write)
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) command = self.context.getUserCommands(asDict=True).get( data['command'], None) if command: for uid in data['uids']: target = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(uid) if permissionsForContext(target)[ZEN_RUN_COMMANDS.lower()]: self.execute(command, target) else: self.write( '==== No permissions to run command %s for %s, skipping ====' .format(command, target))
def stream(self): # Setup a logging file logfile = open('/opt/zenoss/log/rancid_example_logging.log', 'a') logfile.write('Start logging') # data is a list that will contain 2 elemets: # the url argument and the uid #self.write('TEST parameter = %s\n' % (self.request.arguments())) data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) self.write('data stream = %s\n' % (data)) #data = "" logfile.write(' data is %s \n' % (data)) try: args = data['args'] logfile.write('Argument is %s \n' % (args)) arg3 = args except: logfile.write(' No args \n') arg3 = '' try: uids = data['uids'] logfile.write('uids is %s \n' % (uids)) arg4 = uids except: logfile.write('No uids \n') arg4 = '' libexec = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libexec') arg1 = "Hello" arg2 = "World" # Put the script in the libexec directory of the ZenPack myPredefinedCmd1 = [ #libexec + '/mywrapper_script1', #"ls -a" #arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 "find", "/tmp" ] logfile.write(' myPredefinedCmd1 is %s ' % (myPredefinedCmd1)) self.write('Preparing my command...') result = executeCommand(myPredefinedCmd1, None, write=self.write) #logfile.write(result) #self.write(result) self.write('End of command...') logfile.close() return result
def stream(self): try: request = self.request data = unjson(request.form['data']) for key in data: request[key] = data[key] self.write("Preparing Command...") request['renderTemplate'] = False results = self.context.testDataSourceAgainstDevice( data.get('testDevice'), request, self.write, self.reportError) return results except Exception: self.write('Exception while performing command: <br />') self.write('<pre>%s</pre>' % (traceback.format_exc()))
def __call__(self): body = self.request.form['body'] state = unjson(body) params = state['params'] type = state['type'] archive = state.get('isHistory', False) # Send the events to the appropriate formatting method filter_params = state['params']['params'] del state['params']['params'] params.update(filter_params) getattr(self, type)(self.request.response, archive, **params) # aborting the long running export transaction so it is not retried import transaction transaction.abort()
def query(self, limit=None, start=None, sort=None, dir=None, params=None, page=None, history=False, uid=None, criteria=()): """ Retrieve a list of services based on a set of parameters. @type limit: integer @param limit: (optional) Number of items to return; used in pagination (default: None) @type start: integer @param start: (optional) Offset to return the results from; used in pagination (default: None) @type sort: string @param sort: (optional) Key on which to sort the return results (default: None) @type dir: string @param dir: (optional) Sort order; can be either 'ASC' or 'DESC' (default: None) @type params: dictionary @param params: (optional) Key-value pair of filters for this search. @type history: boolean @param history: not used @type uid: string @param uid: Service class UID to query @type criteria: list @param criteria: not used @rtype: DirectResponse @return: B{Properties}: - services: ([dictionary]) List of objects representing services - totalCount: (integer) Total number of services - hash: (string) Hashcheck of the current services state - disabled: (boolean) True if current user cannot manage services """ if uid is None: uid = "/".join(self.context.getPhysicalPath()) if isinstance(params, basestring): params = unjson(params) services = self.api.getList(limit, start, sort, dir, params, uid, criteria) disabled = not Zuul.checkPermission('Manage DMD') data = Zuul.marshal(services['serviceInfos'], keys=('name','description', 'count', 'uid','port')) return DirectResponse(services=data, totalCount=services['total'], hash=services['hash'], disabled=disabled)
def _filterData(self, params, data): """ @param params: params passed to the caller and used here for filtering @param data: data to be filtered and returned """ # filter if params: if isinstance(params, basestring): filters = unjson(params) else: filters = params def hasFilter(row, key, value): if row.get(key) is not None: return value.lower() in str(row.get(key)).lower() for key, value in filters.iteritems(): # assume AND for sorting data = [row for row in data if hasFilter(row, key, value)] return data
def stream(self): # Setup a logging file lf = os.path.join(os.environ['ZENHOME'], 'log/example_logging.log') logfile = open(lf, 'a') logfile.write('Start logging') # data is a list that will contain 2 elements: # the url argument and the uid data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) logfile.write(' data is \n' % (data)) try: args = data['args'] logfile.write('Argument is %s \n' % (args)) arg3 = args except: logfile.write(' No args \n') arg3 = '' try: uids = data['uids'] logfile.write('uids is %s \n' % (uids)) arg4 = uids except: logfile.write('No uids \n') arg4 = '' libexec = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libexec') arg1 = "Hello" arg2 = "World" # Find the script in the libexec directory of the ZenPack myPredefinedCmd1 = [ libexec + '/mywrapper_script1', arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ] logfile.write(' myPredefinedCmd1 is %s ' % (myPredefinedCmd1)) self.write('Preparing my command...') result = executeCommand(myPredefinedCmd1, None, write=self.write) self.write('End of command...') logfile.close() return result
def stream(self): """ Called by the parent class, this method asks the datasource to test itself. """ try: request = self.request data = unjson(request.form['data']) # datasource expect the request object, so set the attributes # from the request (so the user can test without saving the datasource) for key in data: request[key] = data[key] self.write("Preparing Command...") request['renderTemplate'] = False results = self.context.testDataSourceAgainstDevice( data.get('testDevice'), request, self.write, self.reportError) return results except Exception: self.write('Exception while performing command: <br />') self.write('<pre>%s</pre>' % (traceback.format_exc()))
def stream(self): # Setup a logging file logfile = open('/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/log/example_logging.log', 'a') logfile.write('Start logging') data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) logfile.write(' data is \n' % (data)) try: args = data['args'] logfile.write('Argument is %s \n' % (args)) arg3 = args except: logfile.write(' No args \n') arg3 = '' try: uids = data['uids'] logfile.write('uids is %s \n' % (uids)) arg4 = uids except: logfile.write('No uids \n') arg4 = '' # facade = getFacade('device', self.context) # organizer = facade._getObject(uids[0]) # logfile.write(' organizer is %s ' % (organizer)) libexec = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libexec') arg1 = "Hello" arg2 = "World" # Put the script in the libexec directory of the ZenPack myPredefinedCmd1 = [ libexec + '/mywrapper_script1', arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ] logfile.write(' myPredefinedCmd1 is %s ' % (myPredefinedCmd1)) self.write('Preparing my command...') result = executeCommand(myPredefinedCmd1, None, write=self.write) self.write('End of command...') logfile.close() return result
def __call__(self, body): # Decode the request data try: body = unjson(body) except Exception: raise DirectException("Request body is not unjson()-able: %s" % body) self._body = body if isinstance(body, list): directRequests = body elif isinstance(body, dict): directRequests = [body] else: raise DirectException("Body is not a supported type: %s" % body) directResponses = [] for directRequest in directRequests: directResponses.append(self._processDirectRequest(directRequest)) if len(directResponses) == 1: directResponses = directResponses[0] return directResponses
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Inner portion of the decorator @param *args: arguments @type *args: possible list @param **kwargs: keyword arguments @type **kwargs: possible list @return: decorator function return @rtype: function """ if self.request.REQUEST_METHOD=='POST': content = extractPostContent(self.request) try: args += (unjson(content),) except ValueError: kwargs.update(self.request.form) else: kwargs.update(self.request.form) # Get rid of useless Zope thing that appears when no querystring if kwargs.has_key('-C'): del kwargs['-C'] # Get rid of kw used to prevent browser caching if kwargs.has_key('_dc'): del kwargs['_dc'] return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self): body = unjson(self.request.form['body']) type = body.get('type') getattr(self, type)(self.request.response, self._query(body), body['fields'])
def stream(self): daemons=[d['name'] for d in self.context.dmd.About.getZenossDaemonStates() \ if d['msg'] == 'Up' and d['name'] not in DEFAULT_MASTER_DAEMONS] if 'zenrrdcached' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrrdcached') if 'zenrender' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrender') if os.path.exists(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): for line in fileinput.input(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): line = line.strip() if line in daemons: daemons.remove(line) df = open('%s/daemons.txt'%zpDir, 'w') df.write('%s\n'%'\n'.join(daemons)) df.close() data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) ids = data['uids'] if not ids: self.write('No Remote Collectors were selected') command = data['command'] if command == 'add': new_id = ids[0] self.context.manage_addMonitor(new_id, submon='Performance') self.context.Performance[new_id].renderurl='http://%s:8091' % new_id transaction.commit() for id in ids: self.write('%s Remote Collector %s' % (command.capitalize(), id)) if command in ('update', 'remove'): self.write('Stopping zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand('ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss stop"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('add'): self.write('Copy Zenoss files to Remote Collector') self.write('....zenoss user') executeStreamCommand('rsync --rsh=ssh --recursive --times --owner --group --perms --links /home/zenoss/.bash* root@%s:%s' % ( id, '/home/zenoss'), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....zenoss directory') executeStreamCommand('rsync --rsh=ssh --recursive --times --owner --group --perms --links --exclude=perf --exclude=backups --exclude=log --exclude=deps --exclude=lost+found --exclude=var %s root@%s:%s' % ( zenDir, id, '/opt'), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) executeStreamCommand('ssh -C root@%s "mkdir /opt/zenoss/var; mkdir /opt/zenoss/perf; mkdir /opt/zenoss/log;"' % ( id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....init script') executeStreamCommand('find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C root@%s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"' % ( zenScript, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) executeStreamCommand('ssh -C root@%s "/sbin/chkconfig --add zenoss --level 345"' % ( id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....zenoss sockets') executeStreamCommand('ssh -C root@%s "chmod +s /opt/zenoss/bin/zensocket /opt/zenoss/bin/pyraw /opt/zenoss/bin/nmap; chown zenoss:zenoss /opt/zenoss/var /opt/zenoss/perf /opt/zenoss/log -Rf"' % ( id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Update Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s %s %s' % (id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Starting zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand('ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss start"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('update'): self.write('Revert Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s localhost localhost' % (id, updConfZenBin), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Remove ZenPacks files from Remote Collector') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s rm -fr %s' % (id, zpDir), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) ##TODO: Don't assume the stuff is already there self.write('Copy Zenoss files to Remote Collector') self.write('....just zenpacks') executeStreamCommand('find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C %s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"' % ( zpDir, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Update Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s %s %s'%(id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Starting zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand('ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss start"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command == 'remove': self.write('Notice: This does not delete Zenoss from the remote machine!') self.write('Disable Zenoss startup') executeStreamCommand('ssh -C root@%s "/sbin/chkconfig zenoss off"' % ( id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.context.manage_removeMonitor(ids=ids, submon='Performance') transaction.commit() self.write('All Tasks Finished') os.unlink('%s/daemons.txt' % zpDir)
def stream(self): daemons=[d['name'] for d in self.context.dmd.About.getZenossDaemonStates() \ if d['msg'] == 'Up' and d['name'] not in DEFAULT_MASTER_DAEMONS] if 'zenrrdcached' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrrdcached') if 'zenrender' not in daemons: daemons.append('zenrender') if os.path.exists(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): for line in fileinput.input(MASTER_DAEMON_LIST_FILE): line = line.strip() if line in daemons: daemons.remove(line) df = open('%s/daemons.txt' % zpDir, 'w') df.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(daemons)) df.close() data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) ids = data['uids'] if not ids: self.write('No Remote Collectors were selected') command = data['command'] if command == 'add': new_id = ids[0] self.context.manage_addMonitor(new_id, submon='Performance') self.context.Performance[ new_id].renderurl = 'http://%s:8091' % new_id transaction.commit() for id in ids: self.write('%s Remote Collector %s' % (command.capitalize(), id)) if command in ('update', 'remove'): self.write('Stopping zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand( 'ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss stop"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('add'): self.write('Copy Zenoss files to Remote Collector') self.write('....zenoss user') executeStreamCommand( 'rsync --rsh=ssh --recursive --times --owner --group --perms --links /home/zenoss/.bash* root@%s:%s' % (id, '/home/zenoss'), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....zenoss directory') executeStreamCommand( 'rsync --rsh=ssh --recursive --times --owner --group --perms --links --exclude=perf --exclude=backups --exclude=log --exclude=deps --exclude=lost+found --exclude=var %s root@%s:%s' % (zenDir, id, '/opt'), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) executeStreamCommand( 'ssh -C root@%s "mkdir /opt/zenoss/var; mkdir /opt/zenoss/perf; mkdir /opt/zenoss/log;"' % (id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....init script') executeStreamCommand( 'find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C root@%s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"' % (zenScript, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) executeStreamCommand( 'ssh -C root@%s "/sbin/chkconfig --add zenoss --level 345"' % (id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('....zenoss sockets') executeStreamCommand( 'ssh -C root@%s "chmod +s /opt/zenoss/bin/zensocket /opt/zenoss/bin/pyraw /opt/zenoss/bin/nmap; chown zenoss:zenoss /opt/zenoss/var /opt/zenoss/perf /opt/zenoss/log -Rf"' % (id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Update Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s %s %s' % (id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Starting zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand( 'ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss start"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command in ('update'): self.write('Revert Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s localhost localhost' % (id, updConfZenBin), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Remove ZenPacks files from Remote Collector') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s rm -fr %s' % (id, zpDir), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) ##TODO: Don't assume the stuff is already there self.write('Copy Zenoss files to Remote Collector') self.write('....just zenpacks') executeStreamCommand( 'find %s -print | cpio -oc | ssh -C %s "cd / && cpio -ic 2>/dev/null"' % (zpDir, id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Update Remote Collector configuration') executeStreamCommand('ssh %s %s %s %s' % (id, updConfBin, socket.getfqdn(), id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.write('Starting zenoss daemons') executeStreamCommand( 'ssh root@%s "/sbin/service zenoss start"' % id, self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) if command == 'remove': self.write( 'Notice: This does not delete Zenoss from the remote machine!') self.write('Disable Zenoss startup') executeStreamCommand( 'ssh -C root@%s "/sbin/chkconfig zenoss off"' % (id), self.write, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT) self.context.manage_removeMonitor(ids=ids, submon='Performance') transaction.commit() self.write('All Tasks Finished') os.unlink('%s/daemons.txt' % zpDir)
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) uids = data['uids'] facade = getFacade('device', self.context) for device in imap(facade._getObject, uids): device.runDeviceMonitor(REQUEST=self.request, write=self.write, debug=True)
def stream(self): data = unjson(self.request.get('data')) uids = data['uids'] facade = getFacade('device', self.context) for device in imap(facade._getObject, uids): device.collectDevice(REQUEST=self.request, write=self.write)